Silence the Hunger

Chapter 45

“We did it!” Felecia wiped the sweat from her forehead as her lips broke into a smile.

Markus’ eyes gradually lost their golden grandeur as he picked up his shield. “Seems like powering Alphonse was the right call.”

“Can you even eat them?” Tariq pointed at the petrified gargoyles.

“Not sure. I’ll give it a shot.” Alphonse stood over the gargoyle and activated his [ Swallowing Bite ] skill. His teeth crunched into the hard rock but there was no message. It was as if he bit into something that no longer existed. “No luck.” Alphonse shook his head.

“Shit, it’s time to enter the mouth of the demon then, isn’t it?” Tariq craned his neck as his eyes peered up at the castle gates.

“Alphonse, in front with Markus,” Lucus said. “We’ll enter the castle grounds.”

Gabriel sent Alphonse a nod as they walked forward.

The castle gate opened up into a spacious area. Grey bushes lined the walls as the budding violet flowers created a stark contrast. Black thorns poked out of the bush as they craved for blood. Two ponds lay on either side of the courtyard but, instead of clear blue water it was filled with a sickly, scarlet liquid.

In the middle of the large courtyard stood a tall man–his shoulders drooped forward–making it hard to see his face. He had his back facing the group, but the clothes he was wearing made it easy to identify who he was.

“Holy fuck… Don’t tell me that’s an officer?” Tariq shivered as his eyes lay on the golden pauldrons that lay on top of the navy uniform.

Gabriel’s knowing eyes looked at Alphonse with a slight smile. It seems we are getting closer to the truth. Gabriel thought, his hands clasped around the sturdy wood of his staff. His mind was ready to cast a spell.

Alphonse saw Lucus was rooted to the spot. No commands were coming forth.

“Lucus, do we attack?” Alphonse said. His hands were on his cleaver, ready to attack.

“I-I don’t know. We’ll approach carefully for now.” Lucus said.

“Fuck that. Oi!” Markus placed his hands together in front of his mouth as his loud voice boomed across the castle grounds, creating an echo that repeated his words.

The man in the golden pauldrons rocked from side-to-side as his body lethargically turned. He held loosely a head to his side, the dead cold eyes were pointed directly at the young group. The head’s mouth twitched. They heard creaking noises.

“Pillagers… from another world,” A voice somehow projected forwards from the loose head within the man’s hands. “I… gather you appear before me today to finish what you couldn't before?” The monotonous voice droned forwards. It sounded like a person who hadn’t had a drink for decades, a voice that was… dead. “This body has long dried up,” It’s voice turned somewhat disappointed as those dead eyes moved around their bodies. “Today will be a celebration of your arrival, won't it Alphonse?”

The officer’s body creaked and then snap. White bones protruded from the damaged uniform as the limbs snapped in all directions. The head fell to the floor as the dull sound of bone hitting hard rock sounded out.

Alphonse watched as small spikes emerged from the under-side of the head. They grew longer as they felt around the floor.

Alphonse woke up from his reverie as his hands slapped down onto Gabriel.

“Attack!” Alphonse’s urgent words shocked them into action. Their skills rocketed forwards. Gabriel finally could release an attack he had been longing for. He was desperate to show the others his worth, his might.

Alphonse felt the air almost being sucked away from his lungs, the air tousled and screamed in protest as it congregated around Gabriel's staff.

A smile adorned Gabriel's face, his previously well combed hair danced crazily within the storm. Then everything settled. The previous attack of wind stopped and an eerie silence took its place. Alphonse felt like he was standing within the eye of the storm as he watched Gabriel raise his staff. His arms were trembling, as if the staff had the weight of the world placed upon it.

Blood leaked and escaped from each opening on his face. The light of Felecia’s staff began flashing.

Ah, it feels like my insides are being ground to dust. I’ll show them… my power. Gabriel thought as a deranged sense of pride took over his body. He couldn’t control it. The voice inside his head forced him. You don’t have to say anything. This is my kill. Gabriel said to the voice inside his mind.

“Gabriel, I-I can’t hold on much longer!” Felecia struggled to stay on her feet. Her energy was evaporating as soon as it entered Gabriel’s body, as if he was a sieve. The energy went through his body and into his staff.

The head of the officer’s body crawled up the body and planted itself back between the shoulders. It grabbed hold of a vial of green liquid as its mouth snapped open. The vile green substance fell down its throat as the officer’s veins shone a nasty green light. Green eyes loomed towards Alphonse. They held disdain and disappointment.

“Alphonse…” The voice wasn’t transmitted into his head–but it sounded out–towards the young group. “You are not worthy… You hold on to your shackles, the memories that suppress you. Watching you is pathetic. You are not worthy of being muttered under the title of Gluttony.” As the words finished, Alphonse felt the world beneath him rumble as his breath disappeared.

“Seeing you in that uniform makes me want to erase your fucking existence.” Gabriel’s strained voice crept forwards as a gigantic ball of molten rock appeared above them. The sheer heat of the spell created heat blisters on everyone’s face and arms as it threatened to burn them to a crisp. Felecia sat exhausted on the floor, her healing spells relentlessly flowed forwards.

I need to keep everyone alive. Isn’t that right, big brother? A small, tired smile crawled onto her face.

The meteor-like spell crashed down towards the monster, the last image before the spell hit Alphonse had of the officer. Was a creepy smile.

“Markus!” Alphonse quickly placed his body over Felecia, his eyes shut as he braced for impact as hot magma rock shrapnel blasted towards them.

Markus was quick to react as his hulking shield slammed into the ground, the shield grew outwards as the sound of rock hitting metal scratched at their eardrums.

Once the sounds had stopped, Alphonse got up onto his feet as his eyes tried to peer through the smoke and dust. He resisted the urge to cough as the thick layer of dust drafted towards them.

Alphonse saw something shift through the dust cloud as his body instinctively moved to the side, but it was too late. The feeling of hot liquid spilling on him was the only thing he felt. It had happened too quickly. Blood pumped around his body, but it only made the bleeding worse.

White dead eyes greeted him. A sharp bone fragment protruded from the officer’s arm as it wedged itself into Alphonse’s abdomen. “See, so weak.” The cold, taunting voice entered his ears. Alphonse felt his limbs turn weak as they threatened to send him tumbling to the floor.

My attack… did nothing. Gabriel sat defeated on the floor as he looked at the charred officer in front of him.

“Alphonse!” Felecia clawed herself up from the ground, tears crystalised at the side of her eyes. The back of Alphonse and her big brother blended with each other as she looked forward.

Lucus witnessed the scene as his hands trembled. His sword flashed forwards, but it only left a mark on its rock hard skin. His head turned, looking at the rest of his team as his eyes turned cold. Memories of his family flashed through his mind. His twin sisters, a loving father and a caring mother. Energy coursed into his fresh legs as he propelled himself forwards, after images were left behind as he disappeared within the castle walls.

“Lucus, you piece of fucking shit!” Tariq spat forwards as his eyes turned bloodshot. He nocked an arrow as it bore through the air and accurately hit the monster’s head. The arrow snapped and scrap pieces of wood splintered into the air. A little mark was left from the sharp arrow head.

“Little bugs, what’s the point in struggling? You are far weaker than the last lot.” The officer mocked the youngsters as their attacks were useless.


“Mother?” Alphonse stumbled forwards, his hand reached towards her gentle smile.

“Alphonse, it’s time you put these memories behind you.”

“But, what about Tehya?” Alphonse felt like he had a stone lodged in his throat.

“She’s been through enough Alphonse… Let her live her life.” His mother gently caressed his face. “Focus on yourself from now on. Forget everything, start over. I love you, Alphonse. I-I wish I could say that name forever. You’ve grown so much.” Her tears fell as the warmth of the salty liquid brushed the back of his hand.


“I love you too, mum.”

Alphonse’s eyes turned bloodshot. He could feel the blood surge within him as something primal took control of his body. Memories of the past vanished from within his mind. He didn’t know why he was crying tears of blood as his body launched forwards.

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