Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 12: The Sided Coin (Kilo)

{Previously on Silver Coin: After Silver escaped her potential demise with the assassins. Russ, (aka Jeopardy) was still getting sucked by Kilo, his new wife}

Kilo saw that her Ladies did what she wanted. Silver was safe, the magic coin was not in the hand of another Guardian. Everything went nicely. Now, if she can find out how all of this happened. She got up from her sucking then made Blitz (her sister) take over on pleasing her man. She planned to get into Russ’s good graces. The best way to do that was to be the kind of woman he likes, and not be a nuisance.

The problem was he wanted to bed women. Kilo had a problem with sacrificing girls for his needs, but she'll think of something. She needs to keep him so busy he won't get in the way of her plans. Kilo has many ideas, she just likes to do things in steps.

“Husband, are you happy?” She asked.

“Kekeke, I will be! Your sister is not very good at sucking, but she’ll do for now!” Jeopardy smiled.

Kilo knew that Silver and Russ's Guardian was very powerful. She doesn't know who or what it is, but she must do things to not anger it. Although this would infuriate her siblings instead, this was a burden she must take on her own. Kilo will stop any evil that may come. If this Guardian was as such.

Jeopardy was staring at Blitz’s terrible deepthroating, she was having trouble getting it to the base. He placed her head to the ground and started going wild on her face. As a Guardian, she doesn't need to breathe or has a gag reflex. She was a perfect fit for him. A hot girl with no gag, perfect! To be honest, he had a crush on her, and now his dick was pounding her throat.

Onslaught, Blitz’s brother stood there in shock. He was unable to stop what was happening to his sister. The deal that happened with the flag was preventing Blitz and Onslaught from going against Kilo's orders. All Onslaught could do was just watch…

"Hey, big guy! I really don't need you here. I'm not into men. Although, maybe Silver would like your help. Go do whatever she asks you to do, okay?" Jeopardy said. He looked down, saw Blitz, and thought about it some more, and then looked at him again. "Although, she likes women too... Maybe, I should just turn you into a woman for her."

First, Kilo and Onslaught looked confused, and then Onslaught started shifting into a sexy short-haired blonde. She had big lips, huge tits, and a juicy ass.

"What in the blue galaxies?!" A high-pitch Onslaught exclaimed.

"Fuck, um, hun! Can you get me more women now?!" Jeopardy asks while looking at Kilo. "You are good at sucking, but I need more mouths to feed my dick too! I have a lot of loving to give. You are good at that, right? Getting more girls?"

Jeopardy then looked back at Onslaught and continued. "Off you go, big girl."

Onslaught obeyed. Kilo didn't want to get more women for this kind of man. That was one thing she won't do... She then thought of her brother- who was her new sister, then came up with a new plan to keep her stupid husband busy. Get losers who are men then turn them into girls! Her foolish husband would never know. Brilliant, she thought! She would even make them act like women. Her husband was so stupid; this could work.

With the way the system was, It is against the rules, but as this dummy's wife, maybe she can do it too. She doesn't think it's a skill that he uses with the class he had. As his wife, she can share things with her husband. Whatever that's may be part of the marriage system. So she can see his stats, class, skills, and money. Whatever the partner allows, but she doesn't think Russ has ever gotten married. Typically couples change things immediately. Not younger couples, though. However, younger couples did, later on, find showing each other everything was not a good idea. She changed her settings the second she has gotten married, but this dumb guy has everything open to her. She can use his followers, skills, and items that are not tied to a class. For example, the Summoner class can summon followers, and other classes have items for them. She can't use stuff like that, It breaks the rules.

Jeopardy has an item called 'Red Dice' she can use. She was unsure of what that was, so she took it out. It looks like the dice he used in the battle. Does this mean she can use it too? Maybe this was how she could get the coin! She put it away for now because if her dummy finds out, he will ruin her plans…

She then started to look for more things she can use from him, but she couldn't find anything he has to change someone's gender. Without breaking the rules. She thought maybe it's only spoken words you need, like how he did it.

"Hun? Where're the new girls?" Jeopardy said while looking around.

She jumped a little. This was bad! Her plans are already falling apart. He was going to find out about her plans! All the men she has ever been with have hated the way she plans! They tell her to leave the thinking for real men while they fight their Wars. They told her she should teach her girls how to cook and not think. In Kilo's mind, she was a war Guardian too! She doesn't have muscles like Onslaught or explosions like Blitz or even knows how to fight with a sword, but with her mind, she also can win battles. No man gets her... Only her girls do. She teaches them to think outside the box to win their battles with critical thinking.

Not many of her brothers and sisters do this, but Kilo likes to visit different universes from time to time. She usually goes to this planet called Earth in this one universe. She has a follower there. She lets Kilo look at this item called television. Kilo watches crime shows and drama series. When Kilo makes plans with her girls, she plays records of cheap and corny spy music in the room when they make plans. Her girl seems to like it. They bob their heads and tap their feet to the music when she makes plans. When she wants them to do something, she shows them visions of them doing it. Kilo called this skill, 'Plan Montage.' She told her fellow Guardians they could win Wars by looking at these humans, but they called her stupid and ignored her. Kilo was not stupid- they are!!!

"Wife! Girls! Now!" Jeopardy shouted.

She glared at him. She needs him to like her so she can get that coin. That, or maybe find out how this Red Dice works. So Kilo will play along with this buffoon, but she needs to find out how to even change some idiots that are men to girls, and be an open hole for his dick. To get him out of the way and move forward with her plans.

"Lady Kilo would never sacrifice any women for you!" A Kilo follower said. "The only way she'd get you 'girls' is to change men to a girl to suit your needs. You only want a hole, right? Do you even care who they were? They can still be your pussy hole!"

Kilo looked at the speaker, and she saw a woman- none other than Lady Annabella, she was Russ's mother, and a Lady of Grace.

"W-What the hell are you doing here, woman?!" Jeopardy shouted.

Kilo's new husband seemed really shocked. Kilo couldn't tell, he had a mask on. It didn't stop him from facefucking Blitz, though. He is used to her coming into his room unannounced while he is having sex.

"Lady Kilo is my guardian if you did not know." Lady Annabella said. "She asked about how to deal with you. I got too worried, so I came to help her with you."

Annabella then pointed at Blitz and continued. "How dare you do that to Lady Blitz! Did I really raise you this way?"

"She is my servant now, and I will do whatever I want with my servants," Jeopardy said. " I thought you were done with me, let me be, woman!"

"Your servant?" Lady Annabella asked, confused. She then looked at Kilo. "How did this happen?"

"I'll have to tell you about it later, Annabee," Kilo said.

Russ snickered. "Annabee? She's a bee to me too, so that works."

"As you wish, Lady Kilo." Lady Annabella said.

Lady Annabella ignored her stupid son's comment; she always does.

"But your mother is right, Russ. I will not sacrifice any woman for you. If you can give me something to change a man to your needs, then I will find a way to do that instead." Kilo explains. "How did you do it?"

"You two think I'm stupid, do you?" Russ asks. "You two plan to use me for Silver, do you? Get me a lot of fake girls and keep me busy, huh? And you think I didn't feel you looking at my power over the dice?

Kilo was shocked. Oh no, she thought, all of her plans are going down the drain. Her show's bad guys didn't find out this quickly on what the police were doing! She would lose her chance to get close to him and maybe get the coin! Kilo hates losing.

"I am the Dice!" Russ said. Kilo looked at him in confusion. "Silver may not know this, but us dealers are the thing we are dealing with, Silver is the Silver Coin. So when you took out the dice, you were touching my power. Silver would not be happy to be used, you know."

Russ stopped facefucking Blitz, and then continued with his dick still out. "I just talked to my guardian, and she gave me the ability to give classes to anyone. You can have the ability to turn guys into girls and tame them for Silver. I'd like to have some real women. Thank you very much. So I'll get them myself. Now, I'll be giving you a [Class]. This [Class] doesn't have to be for you to use. You can find a person that can tame girls for Silver. I think that'll make her happy with you. I suggest you give it to a girl that is close to Silver. I call the class the [Harem Trainer] class. Now, if you two will excuse me, I am taking my little cock slave somewhere. I'll get my own women to suit my dick. I'll keep myself busy, so don't get in my way, and I'll leave you two to your scheming."

And just like that, he was gone with Blitz. Kilo was shocked. He knew her plans and gave her the means to fulfill them, and all she had to do was ask?! What kind of man was he? All the men Kilo had been with, shut her plans down, but he was okay with it?

"And that is how you deal with him." Lady Annabella said as a fact. "Me and him only bump heads because I don't let him do anything he wants, but if you want him to help you and fall inline. He will if you let him go wild on girls."

"Thank you so much, Annabee!" Kilo yelled.

Then she hugged her little Annabee. Kilo knew the Yule family for a long time. Margolin and Annabee are some of the best girls she knows, and she's able to rely on them. The Ladies of Grace stick together.

"I guess I'll be going now." Lady Annabella said. Kilo nodded, then Lady Annabella took her leave.

With that, Kilo still has to keep an eye on Russ. She now has a way to make Silver happy and moves forward with her plans. She will win this guardian game, control this Silver Coin, and maybe stop this unknown guardian (if it’s evil). No one will get in her way. She'll get what she wants, and win the Guardian War.


Later on, Kilo went to check on her girls.

All of Kilo's plans are falling into place. She saw that her girls worked their magic on Silver, Margolin was helping her calm down.

Kilo warped into an old warehouse in a town called Bourh. One of her lady's fathers owns this place.

"Welcome, your grace." A woman said to Kilo.

Kilo looked at the woman. She was a long wavy blonde.

"Hello, Madison. How are things here?" Kilo asked.

"Well, we are going to send in our next shipment of the care packages," Madison said.

Because Kilo was not an official War Guardian. [The Ladies Of Grace] are a group of women that teaches young girls to help them through their needs. They send medication, flowers, and supplies and alike to the war effort. Kilo hates that was all she can do, but she doesn't want to see her girls hurt. The ladies also help with info and things like that too.

"How are things with this Silver, my lady? Is it what you hoped for?" Madison asked.

"Well... that is unforeseen. I don't know much about this coin or what I put my girls into. If I feel this is a bad idea. I'll pull my girls out." Kilo said.

Kilo's girls at the moment. Are taking Silver to Ilin. Kilo was told Julia was with Silver's other group, and they still have their money. Kilo doesn't plan to get Silver and Russ upset with her. Sure, she could take Russ's money since they're under the same account. However, she feels as if you really want to get more out of life. It's best to play along. So, she'll tolerate Russ. And find ways to make money for herself. Without him not knowing what she decides to do with it. So she won't just take his money unless she needs to, and even then, She'll pay him back.

"Madison, for now, I'd like to use this place as an HQ. I'll sit in my special chair and wait for any news about the situation. Keep up the good work with the care packages. I know it's not much, but I feel what you are doing here is enough to help people in their times of need." Kilo said.

Madison shifted a bit. Men don't trust women to get any jobs done. Sure, there are women, adventurers, and soldiers, but they are not held in high regard. Even if some are leaders. The ladies of grace are more like a nuisance if anything to people. It just hurts that they can't do more. Madison's husband and sons had been called into war, and it only hurts that Madison can't do more, but this, what Madison and her daughters are doing. She hopes it is enough...

"Yes.. my lady... I'll get back to work then," Madison said. She slowly turned. She wanted to ask Kilo if she can go out and help with the coin or something more than what she is doing here, but as Kilo said, what she was doing here was good work too... So, Madison marches on. And leaves Her lady to her work.

Kilo went into a greenhouse near the warehouse. And sat on her rocking chair. And waited for any news on her girls. But because everyone is doing what they're supposed to do. She was not sure what to do, as for herself. So, she just thought to herself. Until she got a message. Margolin wanted to tell Kilo something, so she opened the call. And it showed an image of Margolin through the magic mirror.

Kilo: Margolin? What's the matter? Did something happen?

Margolin: Yes, Lady Kilo, but it is good news! You may say it is excellent news!

Margolin seems really excited. Kilo was not sure what could be this much of a big deal.

Margolin: My Honorable Sister Silver, has offered to add you to her banner!

Kilo's eyes widened, even without any iris. Her blue glow brightened. She was shocked. She never expected this ever to happen.

Kilo: Are you-... Are you sure? Margolin?

Margolin: Yes, she just wants you to work with her own Guardian and Fragment. And you'll be the third! Honorable Sister, looks like she is getting sleepy. So she'll need an answer soon. Knowing her, she may forget, or may not want this anymore.

Kilo: But what about all you ladies? Can the ladies of grace, join?

Margolin: Oh? I'll ask!

Kilo sits anxiously in her chair... She can't wait to see if she can use this, and get what she wants!

Margolin: She said YES! Knowing her, she just wants to fuck around. So all we need to do is get her things to make her happy, and maybe she won't get rid of us! I'll stick with her and help her as planned. I must take my leave now, my lady. I must send guild invites.

A Flag! Kilo was finally in a flag! Kilo didn't care that the leader was Russ. Before all of this mess with the coin. Kilo and Russ talked a little, only to say greetings, really. Kilo has been with the Yule's for a long time. So she did want Russ to be happy with her also. However, they just didn't connect all that well, but that doesn't mean she had a problem with him. If anything, him working with her should have been a thing a long time ago. He was like an unofficial member, same with Ala. Kilo and Ala get along very well. Ala was the one who said the Guardians should wait in the forest while she goes get Silver, or Silver would have run. So, in the end, Ala's plan worked. As for Russ, Kilo and some of her girls don't say this to anyone, but a lot of girls he had fun with ended up becoming a lady of grace. He knew what it took to get in. He used the knowledge to fuck the girls to get them in the guild. So in Kilo's mind, this was always meant to be. It was just that Kilo wished Russ was a girl so He can fully join them... ‘But wait a minute.. isn't he a girl now?’ She thought to herself. Kilo will definitely ask her when she can. That way, Kilo can keep a better eye on her without any problems, but Kilo doesn't think she'll join, if she does, Kilo believes she can get at least one of her girls to make Silver happy. Some did make Russ happy when he was a guy after all.

Kilo decided to look at the flag, and she saw that the flag had land, which was very big! Kilo wanted to buy a region, but as a Guardian, she couldn't just create the money or ask one of her girls to give it to her. For that was against the rules to interfere with human society. Also, the regions are very costly. Even with all of her guild's money combined. Kilo would need millions, which Kilo does not have. Where can she even get that much money? How did this Renee even get- then she remembered the coin. She has Russ's money... but wouldn't he get mad at her? She then looks to see how much he had.

"60 Million?!" Kilo exclaimed out loud. "How could this buffoon be so lucky?!"

Kilo then calmed herself down. She really wanted to use this money and claim land before anyone else takes all the suitable regions away. Kilo then thought to herself. She knows he wants to be a king and rule over women. Maybe she'll buy land for him and even a castle. So, Kilo then purchased a large area and things to make her man a kingdom. After that, she got herself a mountain. She felt so bad about taking his money, but she will repay him somehow. Maybe she can see what he needs to help him with whatever he needs now. Kilo then looked at his inventory; and saw lots of rocks... She wanted to ask why, but didn't want to interfere with whatever he needed with so many small stones... Then Kilo got a message from him. She saw his image through the magic mirror.

Fake Russ: Oh? Hi, hun~~!

Kilo: Umm... Evening husband...

Fake Russ: Do... Do you need anything? You're looking in my inventory! Thank you for buying a region for me, but you really shouldn't have!

Wishlist was trying her best to maintain her identity by pretending to be Russ. She was slightly angry that Kilo was taking money from her and not the actual guy, but she just simply smiled in the magic mirror.

'Was Russ always this cheerful?' Kilo thought to herself.

KIlo: I plan to pay you back for that, sorry…

Fake Russ: I’ll hold you to that…

They both stood awkwardly for a bit.

KIlo: Ummm…. may I ask why you have so many rocks?

Fake Russ: Oh? I was... using them rocks to level up my shop, so I can get more stuff! Don't worry about what you see here~~!

KIlo: If you need help. I'm willing to do what I can. Where did you even get this shop?

Fake Russ: Oh... Ummm, THE COIN! Yes! That is where I got it! The money, too, if you must know, and yes, I know you used the money for yourself... It was 'mine' and not hi- Nevermind about that! I will make you pay for that later!

Kilo had a look of shame on her face.

Kilo: I'll get you lots of rocks! Or whatever else you need!

Fake Russ: Hmm.. give me a sec- I need to do something.

Kilo fidgeted in her chair, not sure of what he may do to her. Kilo feels as if she is on trial, like one of those bad guys on her favorite TV shows, but she was willing to take any punishment he may give. Then she thought about what he said. Does he have a shop? She went to look at it. KIlo can't help herself; she was a nosey person. When she saw it, it was level 1 but suddenly leveled up to 2.

Fake Russ: Wife! There is a request option- I want you to get everything I ask you to get to make up for what you did. Because you use 'MY' money, you will get fucked and fucked hard, so be ready for that Kilo! We are going to make a room, and you'll have your girls to help us make this room, and you and I will make a baby! That was how I'll get paid!

Kilo: O...Okay, I'll do this for you, dear. Just don't take this out on my girls! Please!

Fake Russ: What? Of course not! This room can be used for them too. How the shop works, if you add things into it. I can reconstruct it back as a whole. The shop’s not free, though, nothing is. There is a convert option to add gold and get the currency you need. I'll show you what I mean when I get the time. We can put stuff in the shop, and make the shop bigger, and then we can buy back any items out at any time with 'MY' money! Just get me walls, floors, and doors, Oh My! We are going to also get furniture, like a bed, to make this room, hun. For now, get me lots of pillows and blankets~~!

Kilo was not sure what he was going on about, but all of this seems easy to do. Kilo got her girls to work on this. Kilo knew he and her couldn't have a baby, she was happy he asked for one.

'Maybe him wanting a baby, means he grew up, and wants to keep me.' She thought to herself.

Kilo: Um.. hun? What are these classes?

Fake Russ: Oh? That, some are for when I can put your girls to work. The shop will have more, but I need a talk with your girls soon. Don't worry- they are not my type, so I won't do anything to them if I can help it.

Wait! Russ has a type? Kilo thought Russ only cares if it's a girl's hole or not...

Fake Russ: Any-who, I'll be on my wa-

Fake Russ, froze while looking in the distance, for someone was making **A Wish.

Fake Russ: See ya hun~~! I'll talk with your girls in a bit.

The message ended. Leaving Kilo very confused. She decided to tell all of her girls about what happened. Warned them that Russ will talk to them. So, they can be careful.

A few hours later. Kilo felt something very powerful appeared in the galaxy. An All-Father has arrived... Kilo has a horrible feeling about this. She then tries to sense which All-Father was this. Not all are bad, just as long as it's not Big daddy... but she indeed sensed Big Daddy's power. He is the one she hates the most. He was the one who created Kilo. He made her into his blow Guardian. Kilo didn't think for herself back then, all she knew was to make him happy, and he never was. He just kept her down under him, to please his needs. Those are the things Kilo would like to forget. She tries to make sure any other girl doesn't go through that. Sadly, Kilo was not the only one. Big Daddy treats all his wives like they are nothing, for they were nothing to him, just lips and holes for his powers.

He made her do things she likes not to talk about, but if he is here... This can't be good. She also sensed Russ and Blitz near Big Daddy. She can see that there are a lot of male Guardians at Cherish's place of Union. She sees that Russ was now bonded to Blitz, through the system.

'But why didn't Russ tell me, that's what he was going to go do?' Kilo wondered in thought. 'Should I go? What if Big Daddy sees her?' Kilo was scared. But Russ and Blitz may be in trouble... Kilo told her girls that she'd be away for a bit. Then she warped to The Chapel Of Union.

Hello readers. For those who may not know, I hate tropes. So I make fun of them. Trope examples:

[OP MC] (Russ defeated 7 men in one attack. But he wasn't the one who did it. But People thought he was strong.) I had a laugh on this one.
[Girls fall for MC] (In this book there are lots of girls who love Russ. But I get bored when I see a book use girls like they are bingo books for each ch. There is always a new girl. I feel like that gets old very quickly. Not that I'm saying I hate books like that. Only it gets old... So I mix it up with some time with other things. Long wordy sex also gets old for me. But that is just me. I feel like I should say what happens and then move on. Or try to keep it long enough.)
[The Calling] (Yes, this story has this. But the MC is no hero. And would not be helping people just because they asked.)
[Lots of sex but no kids] (Some stories explain why this doesn't happen but not all. I feel like readers think this is a taboo thing in their books, that they read or write. I'm for one, is okay when I see that the MC has got a kid. I did think about adding one of the TLOG having Russ's child. But decided not to do that. Only to scare you readers into thinking I did add one. [Manifestation] can be used for many things it would seem. But there you all go. A way to create life, without making a baby. I think this is a funny lesson for silver to not just go around and fuck without protection. And maybe help her grow up, and grow as a character. Puns)

I know real-world things are taboo. Like broken people, babies, and even sometimes love. But I hope you all are still having a good time and enjoying the book. I know I am.

There is one trope I may add to laugh at, and that is a girl with big tits. And no I don't mean just big. I know some of you know what I'm talking about. LOL, I was going to make a guy who likes big-breasted girl GB to a big-titted woman. And she can use those balloons as a flotation device. Sorry. I know I can be silly. But this stuff is funny to me. I'll ask if you all are okay with this first. In a poll.

Now one more thing before the poll. I know some of you may not like the POV of other characters. But I love doing it this way. Like I said before I get bored staying on one thing. And I just don't see Silver doing any of this stuff. But as you can see. I try to put it all on one page. And not drag it. MC stuff will only have a full page. For me, I love to show the banner as a whole. Like Hanna or Russ POV. For the flag is the MC as a whole. Because they all will work together to move the story along. Even Kilo is an important character. I know some likes to keep things on only one person. But I love shows like The walking dead and Naruto. Not for the MC but for how other people can work together with the MC.

Poll time. For this poll I wanted you all to choose what is inside Silver. Like Succubus, But I can't find any good things to pick from. So I can just make a laid-back kind of a girl. I wanted her to be chill. So all and all. I'll just ask if you readers want that big-breasted GB, that can use them as weapons or that is too much.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif


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