Simplify practice from devouring

Chapter 16 Correct force, easy to complete

Chapter 16 Correct force, easy to complete

Originally, for a newcomer who has just become an official warrior, the initial capital of 100 million is more than enough to buy equipment, but Ye Bufan can't.

Ye Bufan's strength grows very fast, and he will never stay at the warrior level for too long, so the equipment he bought is relatively high-end.

Like the A6 model blood shadow sword and the 6 series of flying knives, they are enough for Ye Bufan to kill high-level beast generals.

"Ahem, although I shouldn't ask, I still want to ask, why did you buy so many blood shadow swords?" Wu Tong asked with a puzzled expression.

"It's not that I can't understand buying so many blood shadow swords, but why buy so many flying knives?"

"The flying knife is used as a hidden weapon for self-defense." Ye Bufan said nonsense in a serious manner.

"Hehe..." Wu Tong curled his lips, even if he wanted to defend himself, would he need so many throwing knives?

But Wu Tong didn't expose it, anyway, he didn't believe Ye Bufan's nonsense at all.

"By the way, my previous blood shadow sword is broken, do you have any extra swords in the martial arts hall, please lend me one first." Ye Bufan smiled.

"No problem." Wu Tong said casually.


In the martial arts training hall on the second floor of Ye Bufan's house.



Ye Bufan swung his bow left and right and swung his saber at will.

[One Lightning Saber comprehension +1! 】

[One Lightning Saber comprehension +1! 】


It seems that Ye Bufan is messing around, but the real situation is that Ye Bufan is really messing around, at least the real Nine Layers Thunder Saber practice method is completely different.

But in this situation of wielding the knife wantonly, Ye Bufan's understanding of the Nine Layers Thunder Saber is constantly increasing.

"Since swinging a knife casually can increase proficiency, it seems that I can also concentrate on practicing the basic 32 moves!" Ye Bufan smiled.

The previous Ye Bufan was able to use three things at once. When he practiced the basic 32 forms of mind power, it is not too easy to allocate part of his energy to swing the knife wantonly.

This way of practice made Ye Bufan have to sigh again - the system is awesome!
a week later.

The equipment bought by Ye Bufan had already been in Ye Bufan's hands, and he also transferred the money to Wu Tong.

Martial Arts Hall.

Ye Bufan held two sabers in his hand, and swung a saber with his right hand at will.

But at the moment Ye Bufan swung out, he didn't use his full strength almost like a conditioned reflex, but only used 7% of his strength.

However, after the waist and crotch part of the body's power center released this strength, there was still room for strength, so that the second 7% strength burst out again in an instant!
Two successive waves of force passed into the arm, and the blood shadow sword turned into a cold light across the sky in an instant.

14% of the power exploded, and the first stage of "Nine Layers of Thunder Saber" was completed!
"Just practiced the Nine Layer Thunder Saber by wielding the two knives recklessly. If Thor knew about it, he would probably faint in the toilet." Ye Bufan laughed dumbfounded.

"In addition, I was a little worried before that the wrong way of exerting force of the Nine Layers Thunder Saber would affect my next practice."

"But it wasn't until I actually completed a heavy Thunder Saber that I realized that the system's simplified method of exerting force has no flaws at all."

"Exerting force can not only act on the hands and legs, but also synchronize defense and so on."

"I feel that when I cultivate the correct way of exerting force, my 'rough skin and thick flesh' is no less than that of a monster of the same level."

Speaking of which, Ye Bufan raised the A2-type Blood Shadow Saber, and directly slashed his left arm with the back of the knife, and at the same time did not use the power of the Nine Layers Thunder Saber.

But when the back of the knife was about to hit Ye Bufan, two dark forces erupted from Ye Bufan's body.

Under the action of two dark forces, Ye Bufan actually burst open the back of the A2 model Blood Shadow Saber against his skin.

After a little perception of the toughness of his own skin, Ye Bufan tried it again with the blade.

A2 type blood shadow sword, generally able to cut medium beast level monsters.

But under the attack of the blade of the A2 blood shadow war knife, there was only a bloodstain on Ye Bufan's skin, and there was no bleeding from the cut wound.

"With the correct method of exerting force, I became safer when fighting monsters." Ye Bufan smiled.

Of course, the simplified Nine Layers Thunder Saber is not only the explosive and defensive sword skills, but also body skills, and the most important channeling technique 'Nine Layers Chaotic Source'.

Only by relying on Daoyin technique can one have a strong physique faster, after all, physical fitness is fundamental!

Why is it possible to increase the amount of genetic energy absorbed by practicing Daoyin?

In fact, no matter how hard ordinary people practice, they practice until they are too tired to move.

This is also because too much lactic acid is produced in the muscles, which is the overall fatigue of the muscles!

And many cells in the body don't even participate in sports.

But the power of Thunder God's "Nine Layers of Thunder Saber" is actually multiple dark forces in an instant.

This method of exerting force is actually a deep-level exertion of body cells, and almost all body cells participate in it.

It seems that the more people exercise, the more they eat.

And the energy consumption of the body cells is large, and the 'food intake' will naturally increase greatly. In the case of the nine-layer thunder knife combined with the channeling technique, more genetic energy can be eaten!
After Ye Bufan practiced the Ninefold Thunder Saber, he was tired and took a break, and began to try to practice the Daoyin technique "Ninefold Chaotic Source".

Ye Bufan's body, which was originally exhausted due to cultivation, felt a little soft like soaking in a hot spring.


Ye Bufan practiced briefly, and instantly felt that every cell in his body was starving repeatedly.

The genetic energy that had just been absorbed was swallowed by the cells frantically, and the speed of cultivation at each moment was much higher than before.

However, after a period of time, every cell in the body finally tends to be saturated, as if eating enough to hold on, the cells can no longer eat the genetic energy.

In the end, the genetic energy absorbed by Ye Bufan this time was almost double that of when he did not practice Daoyin!
The previous Ye Bufan improved his punching strength by about 1000 kg a month.

Then just with the blessing of the Nine Layer Thunder Saber and the first layer of the Nine Layer Chaotic Source, Ye Bufan can increase his punching strength by 2000 kg in a month.

"The original book says that the deeper the cultivation of "Nine Layers of Thunder Saber", the more genetic energy it absorbs. I didn't expect it to be so much!" Ye Bufan couldn't help being surprised.

"I've only reached the first stage of cultivation, and the rate of improvement in absorbing the original energy of genes is so much."

"When I reach the ninth level, how fast will it be?"

"As I said before, becoming the God of War in one or two years is definitely not a problem."

"Moreover, not only is the ability to cultivate the genes faster, but the power of the sword technique has also increased astonishingly."

The nine-layer thunder sword is divided into nine layers.

In the first level, you can add an extra dark energy, that is, exert 1.4 times the strength!
The second layer can add two layers of dark energy, which can exert 2.1 times the strength!
The third layer can add three layers of dark energy, which can exert 2.8 times the strength!

The ninth layer can add nine layers of dark energy, which can exert 7 times the strength!
The first three weights that Ye Bufan bought alone can make him break out with 2.8 times the basic strength!
If his practice is perfect, he can barely compete with a middle-level fighter with a 7-fold burst!
The excited Ye Bufan couldn't wait to read the follow-up manual of the Nine-Layer Thunder Saber after he had completed the first-layer Thunder Saber.

(End of this chapter)

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