Singer Sailor Merchant Mage – Litrpg Progression – from the very beginning

Chapter 38: A hostage to fortune

“It requires a great deal of boldness and a great deal of caution to make a great fortune and when you have it, it requires ten times as much skill to keep it.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

That afternoon as I sat eating a delectable selection of fruit from around the Compass Kingdoms, fruit I had never been able to eat before, I listened to the conversation flowing above, around, and concerning me. What I found out was that the Compass Continent was the name of the main continent in this world. That it was divided into 8 major kingdoms named after the 8 compass points with a few more minor kingdoms scattered among them. I still missed nuances to their conversation and there were random words I would try and clarify later if I could remember them.

Still, as far as I could tell, we apparently lived on the island furthest west of the known world, further west was death either by sea monster or the edge of the world. No one knew, as no one had yet to return or see anything more than sea, sky, and monsters until they were forced to return either by lack of provisions or simply getting lost. Our island was still technically in the Ponente Kingdom but at the westernmost edge and had only relatively recently been settled. Furthermore, it was significantly far enough away that no noble house had desired to claim or own them when the initial settlers had set out. Named the Wester Isles, there were three of them; Wester Ponente where we lived, Wester Levante the island to the east, and Little Wester an even smaller isle than ours to our south.

My grandpa’s grandfather who was now long dead and all the original settlers had been promised lives without taxation to entice them to move all the way out here, as long as they made yearly deposits to buy land from the Royal Family of Ponente, currently the Prince of Ponente. This had been enough to encourage a large enough group of people to make the journey and live in stark and spartan conditions for most of their lives, gradually building something better which was the medieval town we now lived in. Somehow my great, great, grandpa had taken control of the purchasing of land in return for freedom from taxation, that or the amount of land that he had been buying was sufficient for all the settlers to be left unbothered and had been slowly collecting the titles to the land ever since. It might have meant that historically our family had seemed poorer than the rest. But as the land owned was increased and tamed the profit from the growing estate had gradually become significant. So the plan of grandpa’s to create a Nobel house was nothing new, it was not the work of a single lifetime but several.

Each of the family since grandpa’s father had been bought or been given a parcel of land which was then held by the head of the family with the aim of raising the family into the nobility. It appeared that even my mother had been gifted with the wealth to buy a plot as part of her dowry on her entry into the family and had purchased a lovely section of timberland on the farside of the lake. It also turned out that technically my Grandfather was squatting on Ash Island and I was now legally according to Compass Kingdom law his landlord. That being said possession is nine-tenths of the law. At this distance from the mainland and moreover as a baby I had no hope of ever evicting my maternal grandfather or charging him rent for the place where he had built his home.

Spreading out the purchases between the family meant that all my uncles, aunts, and cousins had been bought their first ten levels worth of experience by the family and for the family. A strong start for all of them, allowing them to excel when the system unlocked for them. They were allowed to allocate their stats when they turned 10 after 160 months but had been encouraged to focus on a broad range of professions required to build and improve the town and its holdings. It was no mistake that my uncles were all working in different fields. This meant that the head of the family, Grandpa Smit, was not exceedingly high leveled from the continuing land purchases but whatever level he was you had to consider the fact that the higher the level the less impact the land acquisition would have had anyway. It also meant that when it was my turn to unlock my system I would probably be pressured into choosing stats that would support the advancement of the family in some way or other.

My one land purchase would be enough to get you nearly all the way to Level 10 so worth 10 levels to his grandchildren. But after level 10 they would only be worth half, quarter, eighth, or each consecutive level. Still worth a lot towards your progress but worth so much more to your children and your children’s children. A relatively risk-free advancement in a world that seemed to reward destruction so much more when compared to creation.

My Grandpa and Mercurio set out to attempt to fulfill the hidden requirements for unlocking a hidden stat when I bought the title of nobility. They felt it was worth the gamble as they knew I already had the title of property, experience. Little did they know I also had the magic stat unlocked as well, although perhaps Grandpa had already guessed but simply not mentioned it in front of the visitor to the island. I was surprised that they had not asked for my Stats or Levels but I was not going to offer up what had not yet been asked for.

The false status seemed less relevant by the day with no one looking. But what today had made clear was that we were truly at the back end of beyond, balanced on the very edge of the map. We might live on the border of the map which literally read ‘here be sea monsters’ but it was clear that there were no human titans among us. The question was who knew what nobles with hidden stats might be able to achieve back on the mainland. Keeping myself hidden meant keeping myself safe. However here was my own grandpa pushing me forward to gain a noble title and possibly a hidden stat. Even though it was just the three of us in the room, this felt like the exact opposite of keeping me hidden and keeping me safe.

Grandfather might be a complete tyrant in terms of Aleera’s training and mine as I tagged along with her, or rather physically carried by her. I mean it certainly was not pleasant for either of us. Still, although I sat here with a full stomach, filled with delicious fruits from around the world, I felt my tummy tense at the speed of the decisions being made for me that might ultimately be more dangerous for my future than the terrible training I had received so far.

Having prepared as much as they could in terms of items, people and clothing, their conversation circled back to repeating previous points. Attempting to convince themselves that this was a gamble worth making.

“Membership into the nobility is generally granted by a monarch or official of the said monarch. Bearing this paper from his seneschal I am acting in his stead as an official. Whether he ascends into the nobility is not in question but whether we can add the rumored Charisma stat to his build, is ultimately up to who he is.” Mercurio motioned at me, who was now dressed up in far finer clothing than I had ever seen before, the two of them searching through chests of fine clothes had found an outrageously fine outfit only a few sizes too large and stuffed me into it. Clothing was far more expensive in this world where it was all made by hand rather than by machine and my new clothes for the day were robes of a deep purple with mother of pearl buttons and bindings. I stood imperiously in my finery enjoying my new fortune despite my misgivings, pretending for a moment longer I was a prince or a baron. Something that would soon become legally true.

“That is a strong purple.” Grandpa blinked more offended at the choice of colour than the quality of the robe. “Don’t you have anything better?”

“This is more than just purple! This pigment is practically impossible to acquire as the secret to its production is not publicly known. Although it is rumoured to be expensive and complex to make. Caracol Purple dyed fabric is only available from a select noble house and they use its cost to maintain their wealth, position, and power. The dye is greatly prized as it does not easily fade but becomes brighter and lighter with time. A garment such as this one is a symbol of wealth, status, and power. I have this one solely because it would only fit a child. I could never afford a full adult sized robe of the material.” Mercurio explained.

“Yes, well he has his title of the property, his fancy clothing, does he really need to become the sole beneficiary of my family's property and I, his steward?” Grandpa’s enthusiasm for the plan had waned as the cost and complications of Mercurio’s ideas increased.

“I believe to achieve the activation of the hidden stat Charisma, Kai must have a sufficient acquisition of power, wealth, military prowess, or royal favour to enable him as a commoner to access it. Now military prowess is impossible for Kai to achieve before his 5th birthday but sufficient wealth and the royal favour of supporting the prince in buying his title of nobility might be enough especially when the Prince is in substantial need of more easily accessible finances. Then again it might not. Most nobles' wealth is derived from their estates, your family has collected a wide range of fields, pasture, orchards, timberland, hunting grounds, streams, and fishing rights even if they are not all currently being used. By making Kai the owner of all of this on paper at least he will hopefully have sufficient power, wealth, and royal favour to activate the stat.”

“If I didn’t know you better.” Grandpa loomed to press his point. “I would assume you planned on making off with my grandson and the culmination of my family's legacy. You know that won’t work don’t you.” He threatened.

“No that would never work." raising his hands to placate my Grandpa. "Your deeds are registered with the Prince’s office and even if they were to accept my claim to them through your grandson the timing would be inherently suspicious. Furthermore, the law would be unenforceable from the mainland especially at this distance. You have nothing to fear from me. I am simply attempting to facilitate a favourable relationship with yourself and my future lord.” Mercurio appeased.

“Then the two slaves? Are they really required?” Pointing at the two boys who had joined us kneeling in the corner of the room. “Slavery is outlawed on the Wester Isles. A few too many of our forefathers, were a little too close to becoming ones, when they came to settle these islands, that the idea of it is abhorrent, to most of those living here.”

“As Kai’s guardian and legal representative of his house you represent one member of his household. As his personal merchant, I will represent another. Two slaves are a cheap price to pay if they double the number of his household hopefully improving the chances of Kai unlocking the stat. Further, they are unable to explain to any the details of our trade.” Gesturing to the two of them once more.

Eye’s flaring and shocked he replied, “That’s barbaric! And precisely the reason why the people here are so against slavery.” Looking appalled at the two boys kneeling with their heads bowed.

“No, no, no. You think too little of me, they don’t have their tongues cut out. They are from the Kingdom of Libeccio and have never learned Bussola.” Calmed Mercurio. “I had high hopes for them as cabin boys but they have yet to gain their sea legs and without them, I would have had to sell them on anyway at the next port of call, after the Wester Isles, that would take them.”

“What am I going to do with them?” asked Granpda Smit. “I can’t bring slaves onto Wester Ponente or into town.”

“Call them servants then. I have trained them a little over the voyage but as I said they are not spectacular, or worthy to be an old blood noble's servants. Part of why I am happy to part with them and they will do adequately well enough for Kai.” He continued to poorly sell his wares.

“Names?” I asked as I interjected myself into the conversation. Toddling over to the two boys I offered them some of the fruit I had been eating then asked again, “Names?”

“Sinis.” said one.

“Des.” said the other.

They looked as if they were brought up in the middle east in my old world. Dark black hair, dark tanned skin, and dark brown eyes looked me in the eye as standing I was eye level with them. Grandpa and Mercurio looked down at us. I wasn’t sure about the idea of owning anybody but much like most of the decisions being made in my life.

It wasn’t mine to make.

Still, I could make the consequences as soft as possible and good first impressions were always important. "Like the fruit? Like some more?” I asked as I offered them my last pieces of fruit. Understanding the language or not it was clear what I was offering and they gladly accepted and the last pieces of fruit quickly disappeared.

Turning I pointed at the bowl on the table then pointed at myself. The boys looked towards Mercurio watching him nod once more at me before they followed my commands and gave me the fruit bowl. We sat down in a triangle after I had gestured for them to do so and I shared out the fruit between us collecting the different pips they all had in a pocket on my fancy new purple robe.

“There you go! Servants for Kai. Simple enough that even a baby can tell them what to do.” Mercurio pointed out.

“Fine, fine.” Conceded Grandpa. “But what his mother is going to say I do not know. Is that everything? Do you believe it will be enough to make it work?” he asked.

“I believe so and no better time to strike than when the deal is real. Kai come here.” Mercurio gestured to the tabletop again.

Thinking for a moment I gestured to Sinis and Des to lift me up and place me on the table. It took only a moment and I was soon standing on the table flanked by the two new members of my household. I wouldn’t call them slaves even in my head but I would worry about what I would call them later.

Mercurio filled out the title of nobility before placing it on the table in front of me.

“735 deepwater pearls.” He asked.

“1.” I answered.

“No Kai," smiled Mecurio. "No haggling this time round. Your Grandpa has already agreed the price.” Keen to get his pound of flesh. “735 deepwater pearls. [Accept price]” he finished his price with a skill.

Shocked I found myself answering “735 deep water pearls.”

[Bound by word]” he quickly added before I had even processed the fact that he had used the first skill on me I found myself handing over the satchel of pearls which he began to count out into the lock box he had placed the previous land deed and pearls in. How did that work? Was it system enforced? Were there checks and balances to the skill or could he have convinced me to say anything and pay anything. I had felt a compulsion to repeat his price back to him and a compulsion to hand over the satchel. But could I have fought it? Maybe? But it had been unexpected and surprising. I had no idea that the system was capable of altering another in such a way. Changing reality I had seen with the magic I could control. Controlling others, or compelling others was a scary introduction into a whole other area of system skills I had never even considered.

“Were the skills really necessary? We had already agreed a price.” Grandpa grumpily asked as he watched me hand over the rest of his fortune to buy my nobility. A purchase he had probably hoped to make for himself. The practice now a habit of bringing his children and grandchildren here to make them probably the only reason he was accepting sacrificing his advancement for a child he hoped would gain more from it. Besides he would still control the finances and direction of the family as a steward now instead of the patriach. Nothing was different except on paper.

“Better he practice against the skills now with a friend than he faces the skills later alone against an enemy.” Argued Mercurio, as he counted out the final pearls before he pushed over the piece of paper that named me Kai, Baron of Wester Isle.

Ding! Congratulations on unlocking Charisma.
This will aid you in leading humans and negotiating with other races.

Level: 11 Name: Kai
Experience: 217,250/ 409,600
Age: 14 months, 0 weeks, 2 days, 12 hours
Health: 1140/1140 Stamina: 546/546 Mana: 1140/1140 Psi: 1160/1160

Trait: Long Lived, Fast Learner, Super Senses, Source of Mana,

Vitality: 114
Endurance: 25
Strength: 25
Dexterity: 29
Senses: 117
Mind: 116
Clarity: 49
Magic: 116
Charisma: 7

Free Points: 30


Tier 1: Time sense (LV 26) Listening (LV 26) Meditation (LV 35) Swimming (LV 27)
Humming (Lv 22) Sneak (Lv 22) Whistling (Lv 22) Singing (Lv 22) Drumming (Lv 22)
Running (Lv 17) Acting (19) English (Lv 15) Spanish (Lv 15) Japanese (Lv 15),
German (Lv 10) French (Lv 7) Dodge (Lv 11) Breath Control (Lv 7) Sight (Lv 15)
Scent (Lv 15) Detect (Lv 15) Taste (Lv 15) Bussola (Lv 7) Draw (Lv 4) Climb (Lv 7) Calligraphy (Lv 5) Mathematics (Lv 5) Decoding (Lv 6) Lie (Lv 5) Knife Skills (Lv 5) Trading (Lv 5)

Tier 2: Sense Mana (LV 35) Eavesdrop (LV 25) Memorisation (LV 22) Composition (Lv 22)
Recall (Lv22) Pain tolerance (Lv 13) Piano (Lv 20) Violin (Lv 20), Trombone (Lv 20),
Saxophone (Lv 20) Linguistics (Lv 16) Translation (Lv 16) Stealth (Lv 11) Quick reflexes (Lv 11) Haggling (Lv 1)

Tier 3: Echolocation (LV 25) Expel Mana (Lv 31) Absorb Mana (Lv 31)
Mana Manipulation (Lv 15) Ignite (Lv 15) Freeze (Lv 10) Boil (Lv 11) Bargain (Lv 5)

Tier 4: Mana Drain (Lv 20) Parallel Processing (Lv 15)

Tier 5: Mind fortress (Lv 17)

Skill experience: 2500
Origin experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
Crafting experience: 0
Trading experience: 200,000

Buying a barony would appear to be twice as important as buying an island despite the island being the estate of the barony to start off with and the title of nobility just a piece of paper. Trading had jumped up as well as Bargain. Clearly, the system felt I was getting a good deal even if I had been unable to haggle over it. This single day and my Grandpa’s resources had earned me more experience than every other day combined including those I had spent awake in the womb!

I had even unlocked Charisma as an attribute I could one day add to.

Charisma: 7 Lucky me.

Even this world . . .

must think . . .

babies . . .

were . . .



. . . 


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