Single Man Guarding a Lonely City, Invincible in the World

Chapter 20 It's Hard to Live


In the imperial study, the blue gauze on the window lattice swayed in the wind.

The female emperor in a phoenix dress that drags the floor stands in front of the window, her beautiful face is perplexed.

She had never seen the man in the portrait, and the civil and military officials in the Golden Palace were also at a loss.

"Your Majesty, maybe the screencaster made a mistake." Pei Jingshu glanced at the portrait on the imperial case.

"Will she?" The Empress looked sideways.

Pei Jingshu immediately rejected the idea of ​​doubt.

Since the recovery of spiritual energy, Li Ping is the most talented astrologer in Shenzhou, and his ancestor is Li Chunfeng, who was regarded as the national teacher by Taizong.

"Who are you? Where are you? What have you done?" After three questions in a row, the empress moved her red lips slightly, her eyes dazed.

Pei Jingshu remained silent.

The moment she received the news, for the first time, she saw His Majesty's long-lost smile, as if the rays of light had dispelled the haze that had lasted for many years.

The Anshi Rebellion has been going on for decades, and the National Fortune of the Tang Dynasty has only plummeted, and this is the only time it has risen.

"Pass the decree, search within the territory, and go to every village." The queen's voice was clear and clear.

She was silent for a moment, her eyes firm:

"If it is a hermit, I would like to follow Liu Bei's example to visit the cottage and invite him with sincerity."

"If you don't want to be loyal to Li Tang, I can draw up an edict and send him to a stage where he is willing to show his talent."

"Your Majesty..." Pei Jingshu frowned.

The empress' delicate jade cheeks had no mood swings, and said softly:

"The civilization of the Central Plains has suffered catastrophe, how can I only care about the private affairs of the portal?"

Pei Jingshu hesitated, and finally said respectfully:

"As ordered."

"Shu'er, I really want to know what he did to wake up the stagnant national fortune."

The Empress seemed to be talking to herself, and then she turned her head and stared at the portrait in a trance.

Pei Jingshu didn't answer, it's hard to say whether this man exists or not, but he did bring a little hope to the gloomy Sheji of the Tang Dynasty, and also brought a little spiritual comfort to the tired and numb His Majesty.


In a teahouse in Chang'an, the storyteller woke up and patted the table.

"It is said that Xue Rengui, the god of war, was standing under the banner of Jing in white clothes, holding a halberd gun and shouting for the death squad to attack, and the brave soldiers of the Tang Dynasty fought for their lives, killing the Koryo army to tremble."

"Our descendants of Yan and Huang have never been short of those who sacrificed their lives. It is these unfortunate people who stand in the front and never retreat."

The whole room was silent.

The Ranger slapped the table and interrupted impatiently:

"Back and forth are stories from hundreds of years ago, I'm tired of hearing them!"

The tea guests nodded one after another, and did not intend to reward the storyteller.

What's the use of indulging in past glories? It wasn't because he was oppressed by alien barbarians, and Xishu lost 30% of its territory!

The common people are in troubled times, how unfortunate they are, what they want to hear are the great heroes of the contemporary age, those bloody feats of not succumbing to desperation!

Storytellers look embarrassed, and it is difficult to beg for food.

The Ranger muttered:

"When will a hero come out, let's talk about it for three days and three nights. With your clever mouth, you are guaranteed to earn a two-bedroom concubine!"

During the conversation, the hoofs of the street rumbled, and portraits drifted into the shops on the street.

The crowd gathered around to watch the fun.

"Oh, I heard that he helped boost the fortunes of the Tang Dynasty, but the court has rummaged through the whole territory of the three states, but there is no such person."

"The thief is deceiving, let's be happy."

"The storyteller, if there is such a person, you are afraid that you will be too excited to close your mouth."

The tea guests chatted with each other, and although there were occasional jokes, their expressions could not hide their disappointment.


In the far western regions, the official residence of the sanctioner.

Yue Jiuling leaned on crutches, her rough palms were covered with blood vessels like earthworms, and her face was wrinkled more like ugly tree bark.

In just a few months, she was so old that she had half her foot in the coffin.

The soul has long since died in that lonely city,

Died on top of the stack of 10,000 corpses.

"Yue Sanction, has it been decided yet?" Huyanjing, who was full of wind and dust, looked serious.

"The inspector will come, and the deity will kill him halfway." Yue Jiuling was expressionless.

"Kill the imperial envoy?" Huyanjing's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said sharply:

"Dare to touch a single hair of the imperial envoy, Yuezhi is a treason!"

"Your father is afraid?" Yue Jiuling sneered, her face shrugged like a ferocious devil.

The old witch is completely crazy... Huyanjing stared at her and said solemnly:

"Three great masters, 12,000 warriors, one of the most powerful weapons in the empire, it's shameful and ridiculous for you to lose Yue Sanction."

Poke the sore spot, Yue Jiuling's old face twisted, and the palm of her crutches trembled violently.

"Make a decision." Huyanjing reminded again with a stern expression:

"Death to protect the Yuezhi temporarily, my father asked the wizard, massacre of the people of the empire for no reason, will cause evil, and evil can best explain the turmoil in the abyss."

Yue Jiuling trembled and roared:

"The massacre, in the words of the Han slaves in the East, the old man's sins are endless, and the waves of the East China Sea are inexhaustible!"

Huyanjing sighed inwardly, what is the so-called old witch who is afraid of the empire, compared to what her father did?

He forcibly controlled his emotions and said unhurriedly:

"In front of interests, it doesn't matter whether you are cold-blooded or not, it is not an option at all."

"First, the evil spirit caused by the massacre is the reason for the changes in the seven thousand li territory."

"Second, take the opportunity to eradicate the insiders. You Yuezhi really can't bear to send the thousand cavalry who escaped the battlefield to the Zhelansu territory in Mobei."

"Third, the corpses are stacked on the way to the lonely city. The inspector must be taboo against evil spirits and prevent him from investigating."

The atmosphere was as rigid as iron.

Yue Jiuling lowered her heavy eyelids. She agreed with Huyan's old man's trick to cover her head, and she didn't care about the lives of innocent civilians.

But she doesn't want to die! !

Once the massacre of civilians is carried out, her head must be sacrificed.

The empire will definitely be able to devour the Central Plains of China, achieve the supreme kingdom of God, and rule the entire world!

As an ancient feat, she actually fell off a cliff halfway up the mountain and fell to pieces?

No matter how stupid Huyan Jing was, he could see through the old witch's fear of death.

He couldn't hold back his anger any longer, and scolded face to face:

"Since ancient times, the generals who defeated the army should punish themselves and apologize. You have ten thousand troops to deal with one person, and you still have the face to live?"

"It's also for your own good if you don't uncover the cover. Once the lonely city is exposed, your grave will be exhumed and your body will be dumped after you die, and the Yue family will be nailed to the humiliation pillar of the empire!"

Yue Jiuling's expression was sluggish, she suddenly dropped her crutches, and fell silent.

Hahahaha, how ridiculous.

She would die in front of the two old dogs, Zhelan and Huyan.

It would have been great if he hadn't received the commission. If he didn't drink the fatal blow of the Great Grandmaster on the battlefield, he should be drinking Gu Hannu's head now.

"Take care of the Yue family." Her face was ashen.

Huyanjing let out a long sigh of relief and said decisively:

"Please don't worry about the monthly sanctions!"

The chain of interests is tied up and has to be taken care of.

"The old man wants the Han slave to smash the corpse into ten thousand pieces, and the old man wants the Han slave to go to eighteen layers of hell!"

Yue Jiuling was almost pleading, her voice was filled with unspeakable resentment.

All the sins should not be borne by her, it is the slaughter devil, the Central Plains lunatic! !

Huyanshou was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice:

"You go first, my father will definitely let Hannu vent his anger to you in the underworld."

Only after passing the test of the inspector will my father arrange a thunderous method to kill Hannu. It is definitely not to send the sanctioners to get deeper and deeper, but to use a more cruel way!

"Lao Shen arranged the funeral." Yue Jiuling stood up with difficulty and staggered away.



In Qiuci City, nine more tombstones were added to the tomb forest.

The old, disabled, women and children all looked sad. They were used to seeing too many deaths, but this time it was so painful to send away nine terminally ill relatives.

Infected with plague.

If there were no Buddhist shrines in Chang'an to wash away the plague, all the isolated cities except Chang'an would be dead now.

Seven frail old women and two children under ten years old still did not survive this disaster, and they were exhausted in the torture.

"We tried our best to burn the corpses, but after burning more than 10,000 barbarian dog corpses for three days and three nights, there was still a plague."


"Didn't we win? Brother Chang'an obviously won."

A child was crying, squatting in the graveyard and wailing.

"Don't cry." Qin carpenter put his arm around the doll, and tears rolled down the corners of his eyes.

More than 10,000 savage dogs attacked the city, and he did not collapse, but now he can't hold it anymore.

How desperate.

Obviously won! !

Chang'an won an unprecedented victory. He created a miracle of war in Shenzhou. He killed more than ten thousand barbarians by himself.

But why do it.

It has been very hard to burn the corpse of the barbarian dog, why should there be a plague.

Why can't the heaven bless you!

If we won't be able to make us happy after winning the battle, must there be endless darkness?

Qin carpenter was in tears.

If there was no Chang'an, he would not be able to hold it any longer, and the burden of this city would have long been dead.

But they can't die, all their relatives are dead, how lonely and sad Chang'an should be.

Chang'an defended the city behind their backs, carried the territory of the Central Plains, and carried the spiritual beliefs of Chinese civilization.

But who will save him?


The lonely city is dead silent.

The scorching sun, the sky is blood red, and there is a foul and decadent smell everywhere, like an apocalypse.

The man in red robe with disheveled hair walked sluggishly, the world was so quiet that he could hear his own footsteps.

He is like a clean zombie.

Not dead, not human.

Gu Changan fell into the abyss with one foot empty, the lush and bright peach tree was gone, only half a finger-sized branch remained, no matter how you raised it, it couldn't grow petals.

"Why do beautiful things leave me."

Gu Changan's eyes were empty. He wanted to see the blossoming peach petals. He hoped that he could enjoy the bright colors all day long when he was withered, but he didn't.

He was finally exhausted.

Probably God's will is like this, just like that fight, so what if you do your best?

He couldn't even save the lives of his relatives, and he couldn't fight the darkness alone.

"How come it's me, I also want to live like a person."

Gu Changan tore his hair with all his might, shouting hysterically, the pain of his soul was far more terrifying than the thousand scars on his body.

The city imprisoned him, and he tried to escape countless times, but every time he walked out of the city gate, he returned to the watchtower numbly, repeating the same inspection for ten years.

"It's really tiring to live..." Gu Changan laughed wildly.


When the caravan reached the border of 7,000 miles, all of them were naked and unkempt, and almost half of them died on the way because of tongue wound infection.

Liu Shang, who was so thin that his cheeks were sunken, quietly stared at the towering city wall. He was still alive.

With his extraordinary willpower, he walked out of the 7000-mile journey of life and death.

At this moment, people outside the city are full of people, all the businessmen are queuing up, and without exception, everyone is dumb.


A loud shout.

At the top of the city stood a burly military general. He looked around at the miserable ants and said with a smile:

"Your Highness Sanction has decided to hold a dust-cleaning banquet for you all."

The city was dead silent, the mute couldn't speak, but he didn't even wave his arms in response.

No one can be greeted with a warm face when their tongue is cut off.

"There is another compensation fee, please don't resent the sanctions."

There was another voice from the city.

Immediately, countless guys showed flattering smiles, as if their resentment had vanished, and they applauded.

The city gate was wide open and the crowd was crowded. Liu Shang was wrapped in it, and his heart fell to the bottom of the valley.

He didn't believe that the old witch would be so generous, but here is the border of 7,000 miles, and the old witch would never dare to kill people wantonly.

Along the way, he fought against the monstrous darkness with his physical body. Liu Shangyuan was more cautious than ordinary people, and he would also use the greatest malice to speculate about the barbarian dog.

After half an hour, nearly 10,000 businessmen walked to the square in the city. There was indeed a continuous banquet, and the fragrance wafted for miles.

The crowd was like a hungry ghost, but Liu Shang was in the most hidden corner of the square, hiding in the corner with a cat on his waist. After observing the surrounding terrain, he ran all the way into the row of toilets.

The stench of the cramped toilet, Liu Shang curled up in the corner and stayed like this.

For a few hours, his body was almost paralyzed and stiff, and he vaguely heard the sound of his boots stepping on the sand and stone, and gradually approached.

He looked at the two pedals, and although he was probably overthinking it, he couldn't afford to gamble!

With his thin body, he squeezed himself into the middle of the wooden board, and the whole person and his head sank into the cesspool without any hesitation.

The toilet door was kicked open, the visitor glanced at it, and then continued to kick down a toilet.

Liu Shang was almost suffocated, dirty things covered his body, he didn't dare to squirm at all, and when he was close to drowning, he grabbed the wooden board and climbed up.

Spitting out the stinky things in his mouth, Liu Shang held the toilet door firmly, accepting the judgment of fate in fear.

For an hour and a half, the stench and hunger made him try to open the toilet door and look out. It was raining heavily in the sky and blood was flowing on the ground.

Walking towards the square step by step, the sight is all scarlet, with tens of thousands of corpses lying on tables and chairs.

There was no one in the city except for Liu Shang's staggering footsteps, like wandering alone in hell.

He won the bet.

I won! !

The pouring rain was raging all over the sky. Gucheng had never seen such a pleasant rain curtain. Liu Shang waved his arms and knelt on the ground to roar.

I fucking won! !

Chang'an, I'm about to travel 7,000 miles away. I'm not a coward in a lonely city.

Please be sure to live.




ps: It’s another 4k words worth two chapters, please continue reading, and ask for a monthly pass!

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