Skeleton Girl: Dungeon Takeover

03: Finally get f***ed up by something huge

After Tallin departs, I reorganize my thoughts ― or, from having unburdened myself so recently, from the absence of serious thought. Back to focus on the orb; and then ― what else?

I thought at first it should take just hours, but ― it's been days, now. A week, if Tallin says true, is a nine day period of time. And it might take yet half of another one. Was this orb truly so damaged, so in need of what I am doing here? Yes. Oh, I must admit ― it's not me who reverses these damages ... it's more likely the Repairman Belt which handles it all (through whatever works a so-called 'goddess' does). But already I will admit ― it looks better from this attention.

This glass orb is getting there, almost back to being usable again. In the last few days, I've fully repaired its spiderweb cracking, melded the glass shard which chipped off of it too ― and I am now repairing this one last major crack. As I'm so deep in thought while the repairs occur, I have a latent sense of the materials "coming together" in some odd way. Glass shards or cracks find their perfect fit, and even the impurities which existed before this might have vanished. Somehow I think I could use it like this; but also in this fact I think I would get only one use, instead of continued use of its one ability and two skills ― which I cannot yet see what they are. Or, for this matter, to judge yet whether it's better to exchange them for the Cultivation thing.

A problem in this, too, is how the status screen might be right. I might have ― or, my "stats" might be ― too low, for integral values. So maybe if I can increase statistics even more, then I could even 'repair' ... faster? More thoroughly, in shorter moments of time?

Deeper thoughts; I worry for Rokk. If he's my pet, not a minion ― he should not fight by my side while others come into this dungeon. Because it's as I told Tallin, but not only for this reasoning. From the point of view of a dungeon mistress, Rokk is not under her control, Rokk is under my control. And in a weird way too maybe the dungeon mistress does not control me either-

There, I say it ― or think it. I think, I'm in the dungeon, even tied into this one room for starters. Yet, also not tied to the dungeon mistress as her minion ― yet, also strangely might be. Can I sever any of these bonds to get out of here? Though for any of this idea to happen, I can only rely on my past gaming experience and novel reading ― or hazy memory of them ― to postulate some theory. Let's take it by the numbers then ― and come up with a plan to break free too.

Point 1 ― I am no longer human, I am now skeleton. Oh, even to say this though, I do remember just those few bits and pieces which popped up; it's not so thorough but at least it's better than not knowing who and what I was. It's keeping me thinking in clearly 'human' ways. But in this new state ― I am so thoroughly a standing walking mass of bones, I do not know ― aside from magic ― how this is possible. Hmm nah I don't so much miss the whole body, just the sex parts ... which would likely require most of the rest, to function. I want to bone something-

Point 2 ― disregard a skeleton aspect, this world is not Earth. It's a whole other world, like some fictionalized fantasy world. And yeah let's go ahead and even postulate it cannot be Earth because if it were ... at some point even this much, the existence of dungeons, would get revealed to the people. This setting is too serious an issue to keep bottled up!

Point 3 ― not just any skeleton in the world, but one inside of a dungeon. In some stories this may even be called a 'murder hole'. Yeah okay so I get it. As I had thought before, I am precisely the form of entity from a game which I might have been busy defeating if I were not me. And no I have not a shred of ability to leave the dungeon; not even leave a room. But I have examined this room already, enough to know for sure its basic operations. Maybe I am 'assigned' a position but for now it's a blessing for me to just walk wherever and whenever I want. The downside is ... having the unusually dulled vision, and the urge to attack when something enters here.

Point 4 ― I have my own common sense. I am beyond the typical 'slave skeleton' role. I realize things, I recall my past life ― er some of the more stranger parts ― enough to make me realize I'm real, separate from all of the dungeon stuff. Or, was. Or maybe if I try real hard, I could be free again some day? It's a thought; it can keep until I am ready to push back, push out. My point is, I sense how unique I am to this dungeon, maybe all dungeons if what Tallin says is true. I can fight the urge to fight, or I can play along and fight against an invader as I choose.

Point 5 ― I can die and regenerate like a common dungeon skeleton minion. But what Sharla showed me is I can upgrade myself. Dying as I should due to facing combat conditions is fine and all; returning by spawning again a safe one hour later is even more good, too. I am not stuck at the whims of this same dungeon mistress, who may or may not have her own management crisis now. Then again if my ability to ignore this dungeon's will does draw her wrath ... I am sure on the other side, she can make me die ― again, and again, and again. Dying and spawning again is only a serious problem if and when I do leave here. What, is my spawn point reset to wherever I am next?

Point 6 ― in some very near future, I will be beyond either the dungeon's or my needs for adventure, or capacity to hold me back. If I chose to go ― who's gonna stop me. Tallin? Nope. Suka? Nuh uh. A goddess, Sharla? Er nope ― not if I can help it. So, I do have questions too if Sharla even cares where I am; she summons me then more or less leaves me to be where I am, while she maybe played sexy time with another friendly body. With the fact of my self upgrade path, I do plan on going from here ― with or without Tallin ... who may or may not be a friend to the end.

Point 7 ― I realize far too little is known about the outside world, in this 'world' or 'dungeon'. Not only because I do not know, but also because the dungeon mistress and minions do not know. A total lack of knowledge all the way around the table. Nobody knows, and nobody knows what they don't know but should. And I don't know more, because of that small part of me which might be still attached to the dungeon. How to ask for world information ― call the equivalent of an "emergency help line" or "dungeon minion help system"?

... I could go on; but this is pretty much it. This is the state of me, as I believe it to be. Well ― so, a 'point eight' should be ... me speculating why I keep having these randomly timed, weird memories ― they just pop up, in no sense of timing-

From the look of this orb and the time it took to get this far, I'd say ... maybe a half to a whole week? Maybe by the time of Suka's next 'dote and gloat' I will have done it all, and this orb would finally be done and repaired. And maybe from it, I will have gained some more information about things around me?

... except the faint spider sense tingling, truly absurd ― I haven't yet seen the next big bad adventuring team, to walk in here-

Also in the past few hours, I realize I can multitask. I hold the glass orb in one hand and page through the scraps of paper with their scribbles on them. I'm sensing faintly the orb on a slow repair, and the pieces of paper who The scraps already got 'repaired' when I went through the pack before this, so none of the work is due them for now ― I can properly focus on these words written. Some pages seem to be combat recipes (yuck), some seem to be hints for gastronomic spell research (ugh), one is an enchantment to try later ― thankfully, not a weird one-

-and one torn page is part of a journal, of some young girl having left her home with a brother in tow, after their mother and father were murdered by a bandit group. Such a brave girl, to travel the world alone in search of a grandpa she did not know yet ... and oh dear this was the two siblings. The grandfather was the 'old man' I had killed already-

-oh great. Just, fucking great. Taking care of family is what the humans of this world were doing, what I would support them doing, too ― and I just ... triggered another memory. This one relates to ― my family?

... I recall the moment. In a room somewhere, a cheap motel ― inside a bathroom, the man I recall as my doting father, sits on a thing called a toilet, its lid closed but he uses it as a seat for now. I am there, too; it's my view of this point in time, but he looks at me with an expression which has me suddenly worried. He is worried, causing me to worry, so I look away. The strip of plastic I hold has some markings on it, which I am staring at more intently than at him, for the moment.

"... well ... is it ... one line, or two?" he finally asks.

I feel myself in the memory turning the plastic thing in hand toward him, facing its markings his direction, their brilliant lines not hard to read at all. A pit of acid is how I'd describe this sense in my stomach, some thing I've got to endure, until he decides how he wants to feel-

I then see his face slump into another view; whether it's relief or not, I am not sure. But daddy takes a second, then shakes it off, stands, walks to hold me, and says too, "Well. Family is important, and baby, right now you're my family. I love you ― whether that's true or not. Family is important, taking care of family is ... important."

"Y, you promise?" a shaking me hoped and asked. "-but ... Mommy is already pissed; and you said she has a gun-"

"Yes; I promise. She don't even know where we are, honey. I only ever told my brother where we're going ― I don't think she'll get to him. She can't shoot what she can't find, don't worry so much, it's alright. My Abigail-"

I feel the memory of the plastic thing falling from my hand, as our lips meet-

Oh ... fuck. Memories, at such a time. Let it fade, let this thought dissipate; I've got more to do than focus on remembering what some cheap plastic strip showed.

... at least, it finally gives me an answer for what name I'd had, in this last life ― Abigail.

Two days more, even having taken a midway break and walking around again to examine my fellow compatriots, I've seen how my orb here is now less than one percent as cracked as to begin with. Yet somehow I've also got better at this fixing. This means, maybe three and a half more days, until done? Sounds good; but then again ― my vision returning to muted colors now while standing still, indicates a new incoming danger, which will take my time-

Putting the orb back into the backpack just inside this former rat filled room, and closing its door, I tap Rokk slightly. I think it's a good pattern to alert the little thing of incoming danger too; so it's alert. It feels crazy for a rock pet thing to yawn, stretch, and even pull itself to attention ― cues only I pick up on, by the way, how it tilts or turns this way or that. Hey has Rokk grown just slightly fat? Hmm, Rokk is getting fat or lazy, sucking up all the dungeon mana ― or is the change from me-

-intruders, incoming! Stay alert!

A tall muscular human male wearing a red cape and brass helm and wide bladed sword races in, to hit all skeletons nearest him before they even notice. A catlike man the same height as the first one, but thinner, with a cool blue cape and pure white metal scepter leaps in, and casts a light orb to light up the room. The light races toward the room center then breaks to four separate lights which spread out. Oh, right; humans need ... light to see; I forgot, funny how easy it is now to 'get used to' being a skeleton. But, behind them are entering more-

-a stone golem. A huge creature ― this ain't a lie. It's a quarter again taller than the human or cat guy; it pounds both stony fists against the top and sides of this doorway, crumbling it so the entry is now larger. That's some hard hitting beast, right there. Actually breaks dungeon features to get in; and if there were a goddess *ahem* who actually cares to limit such OP features, then she might do something!

-or, if I had any bladder, I'd be peeing out all its liquids, right now, for the automatic fear response triggers. This stone thing looks like a wall of muscles ― but of stone ― though it needs no muscles to wreck me ― and not like I'd be thinking of letting him do, if we both had flesh-

-but, I have to do my duty, and fight this enemy ― even if I know we're outgunned ― to die for the sake of this dungeon ... right. Or, draw out a fight, wear them down long enough to turn the tide; their lives aren't infinite. Who knows, maybe sooner or later I can get off this dungeon merry-go-round.

And, behind a golem ― as if this wasn't enough ― are a whole three more adventurers with capes of varied colors and various weapons. A male elven archer with a green cape fluttering without wind and green dyed clothing reminds me of a forest pattern of foliage, a silver bow having seen better days. A female foxkin thief, her brown and tan cape matched to her fur tones, with silvery daggers held at the ready; but the wild look in her eyes is off-putting. A female half orc berserker, bearing mallet and targa, no cape.

This seems to be all of those who are coming for this journey. I'm forming an idea, I just don't have any way to perform. To upset the balance of power, I ― or someone on 'our side' ― will have to do one unexpected act ― make it so they think twice. Maybe if I ask Sharla-

"See; the little girl was right ― we found the fucking dungeon here, she was screaming about," the first man announces unnecessarily, as he flexes muscles and took out another of my comrades with a sword strike.

This line must mean they're saying this room is literally the first one in, from the outside. An even more chilling thought, at how easy anyone or anything can just ... walk inside. And yet more, a sudden thought on how from this entry of theirs, and practiced movements ― so far I see no hint of strangeness in their fresh attack patterns-

-hey! At last, someone like me who does not ... have ... uh, weird attacks. What-

"-didn't have to rape the poor girl, Dellan ― she was already running scared," the foxkin woman mutters with an accusing tone. "Or, to kill her at the end."

-wh, what. What girl you mean. Um ... that ... girl-

"Hey you know our rule ― we leave zero witnesses, Tazha. It's fine enough ― she told us where this place is and what happened here. Whiny bitch didn't even recall we killed her parents, she couldn't recognize us! Anyway. I wanna try adventuring again ... you know! A hero's life for me! I am tired of the thieving and pillaging life on the road-"

"-you forgot the raping, brother," fox girl growls.

"Yeah no, I want to do that whenever I have the chance, sister. Don't we all just want what we want?"

His 'sister' the fox girl does not seem to take this reply well; I wonder if she might 'accidentally' let him get hurt for it. Well; if it helps us eliminate people like him ... fine okay whatever yeah-

-but so far this guy is not saying anything even remotely 'heroic'. In fact, I get the strange chills, indicating this group may be a problem, here and now. I think ... yes, this might be that bandit group which has been troubling people in the area, who Tallin mentions. Unfortunate for this dungeon, or ― perhaps fortunate they found this place ... to leave everyone else alone-

-and only if this dungeon (meaning now I) can get rid of them, it might be doing the local region some good, beyond this dungeon.

... *sigh* it's like I'm on 'world cleanup duty' or something.

See I note one fact. If the tall brawny human male and the cute but morose fox lady are brother and sister ― this means either families in this world are more strange than this, or something new comes to mind. They are, or might be, also formerly from another world, like me. And through the genetic bond, at least two of them in the group are or were literal siblings; but does this blood bond bleed true through a world change? Or is it more for one or both of them to keep near each other ... through good and bad?

The way the team leader Dellan says her name though is unique ― Tazha, like saying Tasha, yet with a 'zh' sound instead of 'sh'. Also I get the feeling her opinions don't matter so much to the mostly male group; at least his opinion shows her as insignificant. Only, who does Tazha have for moral support, in this group? Would the half orc female help resist their mindset-

"Even Kida got some fucking finger and fist time on the girl, before Dellan gave her the final mercy," the elven male nods to the half orc, with a self satisfied grin.

Tazha could only huff, and turn to one side. Oh I see. So ― the fox girl feels outnumbered, then. Yet she probably cannot leave her group, nowhere else to go. And I also sense the intent was, five out of the six beings did this rape, of the one girl who was here before, but not Tazha. At least the girl is no longer suffering-

... oops.

My fault, or not? By this admission just now, it's 'Dellan' who gave 'the final mercy' which to my mind infers ... ending her. I'm not guilty for that, if I wasn't there to stop it or even know what happened. But ― if I had not killed her grandfather in battle here, he surely could have returned outside and then left with the girl to safety. I could have willingly let him defeat me and go on to deeper inside, or let him go, none the wiser. But even then I could not have appeared before Sharla and had the time of selecting what I had got. Except the next time I would have appeared before her, I would have had a different amount of points to spend, and might not have made the same choices.

In the hour before I spawned back into the dungeon, the girl must have entered, seen her grandpa laying dead ― and ran away. Why would she come back inside, if the screen said she wasn't a participant? Only if she heard a sound, like the fatal scream the old man let out, at the last moment ― well I guess this answers too, whether sound can pass outside from in here. Then when I did spawn back, I did not see her since, but also no body of the man. Assuming the dungeon consumes the deceased bodies for some sustenance is some factor which gives me shiver. I also did wonder where she went ― well I guess I know now. She ran away ― either ran for help, or just ran from shock ― and in so doing, ran into this bandit group, and their trouble.

Also ― because the man's corpse wasn't still in the room, when I reappeared ― it's the first sign of dungeons being 'hungry' for what they bring. The same thing happens to the rat carcasses which would otherwise litter this room and possibly even spread contagion or fatal disease. Aah this does bring up another thing I should be concerned happening ― either me (as bones) being susceptible to diseases, or me being a carrier of diseases ― thus, unwelcome anywhere I go. Are skeletons welcome in this world? For now I am alright here, as I feel no ill effects; can't even feel at all. Not sure I would have the same, once I start on a path outside the dungeon ... if, if only I can go outside.

Even so, I close distance on their group, trying to fit in more and attack as well; it's hiding in plain sight, a natural camouflage. If I die, then I assume I somehow gain entry back into the special place, where I can obtain more things out of the menu. And if any of those things could help combat these monsters, then I will gladly take them.

... I won't feel guilty about doing in any of these invaders, will I. Well, maybe a small bit for the one fox girl, who seems to not want any part of what her teammates have done too. They are the monsters ― not me. At least I am also thankful I do not have a stomach right now; or its contents should be released onto the floor-

-I feel properly sick at myself and my forced acts, anyway.

The sad thing about their combat is they're damn good ― like if I was back on Earth and this was a game I'd be controlling, I shouldn't be ashamed of their skills. Of their personal failings, sure; who will want to play with a character with such a cruel background story? Eh ... Tazha, for her painful remorse on what her teammates did ... maybe. But since they're here now ... this can end only one of two ways (again, like with the old man) ― it's locked to ... mortal combat. Can dungeons even do a passive noncombat encounter?

Either we kill them all ― or they end us and progress to a next room. Since their tale informs me the girl did not come 'running and screaming' out of here with her grandpa ― he didn't spawn again or resurrect or whatever else it might be to bring him back. Therefore they can't either ... I think. Might be able to get them on the way out too ― after they have hopefully worn out their welcome, stamina, and abilities. Am I crazy to yet wish they moved on to the next room? This dungeon eventually will have some point where they will turn around and head outside again?

If I can say I've watched enough game combat to know what's possible in the generic sense ― then this is the reality to me now, in how they are moving and fighting these skeletons. After they all moved in, this bandit group slows down, in their attack patterns. It seems more likely they are looking for a place to stay, and this dungeon seems to be suitable to them as their next home ― somehow the thought of Heroes taking over a dungeon may be a thing here? Anyway, for an entry room into the dungeon, we skeletons are rather simple for them to defeat; it will just repeat, until either the dungeon mistress is defeated, or they are dead.

I should be angry at their supposed combat superiority ― but I am not. Not even when the orc bitch backhands me with her shield, and my appearing again before the goddess, and this strange menu ― I'm not surprised it's so easy for them to break me. The same familiar crumbling bones effect does feel like too much of a visual effect for the humans to enjoy, though-

"Welcome back ... my skeleton girl lover."

Ugh; the nerve of some people ... deities ... well still people anyway, but whatever-

"... don't call me that. I do not choose you as a mate."

"Aw ― and here I thought we could make out forever or something. Like I said, a futa's gotta have her options."

I still don't know what this term 'futa' means ― but I'm pretty sure I don't want to be her sex toy either, if that's what she infers.

And then, if that's not weird enough ... even for having left Rokk outside of my skeleton body's pelvis, now since I am organic, Rokk is here, within-

'-I feel Rokk inside my abdomen ... no, this organ is my uterus, my womb! I can feel Rokk squirming around, trying to figure out what this place is. So ... is this what it feels like to have a lil babby inside or something- Ow! Hey ... stop ... kicking ... there-'

As long as Rokk doesn't try to 'bite' its way out ... I will be okay. It's strange for me too, not just it. Him, or it, for a pronoun. Whatever. Why do I want to have Rokk be a male? Hmm, maybe I just wanna have a man inside me again and oh I have a seriously dirty mind-

"Anyway. I remembered my name from my previous life was Abigail, but others called me Abi for short; can I set my name or identity here to either of those, or something like them?"

"Abigail ― such a pretty name. I like it. Well I can do this for you-" she waves a hand across a mystical keyboard, and then both my status screen refreshes and a new notification also appears at its side. "-if you could like me more, now. Because you seemed to like when we were kissing-"

"-eh ... we'll see."

As a nameless jobless unknown unloved being, you have a far way to go.
Seeing this screen means you got either a name, job, title, or a follower.
This notification will appear only once in the first of each of those types.
Being given or taking a name grants +1 points to all stats, +1 random stat.
Your name can change again, but you cannot receive more of this bonus.
Jobs are the 'careers' or positions of responsibilities and tasks to perform.
Many have minimal requirements to obtain, plus can be upgradable too.
Jobs also may have additional requirements or boons or boosts to obtain.
Titles can be added but never disappear, except by a deity's intervention.
No more title bonuses can occur, unless receiving titles which give them.
Separate titles may have unique boons or boosts so they are not unified.
Followers come too, once gaining either fame or notoriety through life.
Each follower will contain unique traits, which means no two are alike.
Plus they may have unique requirements in staying loyal or at your side.
But also, each follower may give you something intangible but valuable.
Ten key prizes exist, selected randomly on each time this screen is seen.
This screen is seen 4 times ― you obtain a name, job, title, or follower.
A random selection does not include previous selections; no duplicates.
A new selection will replace the randomly selected prize, for each time.
- 'Babytalk' boon: Each time hearing/saying love talk, birth a living doll.
- 'Devilish' boon: Each kill is granted one last strike; you get x2 rewards.
- 'Exchange' boon: Each time you die, lose all points but get foe's assets.
- 'Friendship' boon: Each time a being says your name, you receive 1 CP.
- 'Impotent' boon: Each time seeing sex resets a timer til you can do it.
- 'Lifeform' boon: First kill of each race adds its body as one to choose.
- 'Mortality' boon: Each foe you defeat from 'one hit kill' gives +100 CP.
- 'Ovulator' boon: If any being penetrates you, 'birth' their 'child/clone'.
- 'Quitting' boon: Each foe left alive still grants you 1/2 of their rewards.
- 'Speaking' boon: Each kill allows real speech, timed to formulaic rules.
- applying +1 point to each statistical score ... done.
- applying +1 point to a random stat (HLTH) ... done.
- applying 'Friendship' boon, timed 1 century ... done.

Name: Abigail (Abi)
Titles: <none>
Age: 112 y 333 d 18 h
Sex: <sexless>
Level: 3 (11/60 xp)
Stats: <hidden, intellect too low>
Skills: <hidden, intellect too low>
- Repairman Belt
- Rokk
Other: <hidden, intellect too low>

... I'll take a moment to see what this is all about-

First things first; at least now I'm a named person; I'm not some 'nameless entity' in a random dungeon. Also, it's a worrisome thought if someone inside the dungeon sees this detail. But for it, or for Sharla setting it up, like this ― any friendly forces should be able to identify me separately from the rest of the skeletons.

Second; I can see this same screen up to three more times ― minus a Friendship boon listed but with a new one each time something is assigned. How to make friends ... ?

Third; this little '+1 stat point' for all statistics is already helping me feel better. I started as a lowly skeleton, only one point each statistic. But through selecting things before, I got +1 for the Stat Increase before, +1 to all for the Stat Up Body and Stat Up Mind ― and can yet see a +1 to each statistic to purchase them individually. I believe I won't have anything to worry about now; all stat upgrades should get me to, and keep me at, the point of minimum requirements for seeing the status screens right. Yes but I can play it up for this looney goddess-

"Intellect still too low? What the hell. Also I'm female, so not sexless-"

"-but in this skeleton body, of you in the world, inside the dungeon ― you don't have a gender because no organs, so ... yeah that. Now if you wanted to play with me here and now-"

"-not saying no ― just, no for now." It always helps to leave a little wiggle room, when making critical choices in life; I'm certainly rethinking some things about my life, lately. But not taking the 'The Goddess' options in the point buy menu!

"Ah okay I gotcha girl, you're just a shy type."

N, no. No, I'm not. Not so shy I didn't know how to climb all over daddy all the time and drive him wild with forbidden passion. If this counts for anything opposite of acting shy. But, back to looking at the menu of options to choose.

"-can you please take out your 'The Goddess' options? I know what you're doing, and it's distracting to have undesired options cloud over the real ones. And please stop trying to press it; if and when I'm ready, I will say so."

"Aw ... what a buzz kill. Well whatever. As long as you are willing, at some point ― and for more than just ... kissing."

Abigail's Purchase Options: Stats and Traits and Things.
- 0 character points
- 71 experience points convertible 1:11 to character points
Purchase Options:
- (975 CP) "Topical Librarian": A library limited to 1 topic picked first; buy limit x4.
- (750 CP) "Common Garb": A fairly common set of clothes which can fit the buyer.
- (388 CP) "Stat Up Mind": Permanently increase 4 mind stats by 1 point each, once.
- (325 CP) "Regained Body": A skeleton body converts to another undead race form.
- (250 CP) "Inventory Space": An inventory space; store/extract items by a thought.
- (100 CP) "Stat Up Any": Permanently increase 1 statistic by 1 point; buy limit 8x.
- (10 CP) "Skill Purchase": Buy or upgrade 1 skill; limit to race/class compatibility.
- (varies) "Time to Go": Leave the place; room=1 CP, floor=8 CP, dungeon=648 CP.
- Objects purchased will grant the buyer their use for the specified periods of time.
- Stat increment benefits purchased here but not used will become usable coupons.
- Stat increments obey the statistical maximums, cannot carry over to other stats.
- Personal experience points can also be 'cashed in' to extend the character points.

"... that's better. Thank you, Sharla-"

"-aah my love-"


I note also the Repairman Belt is not listed; since I have it and since I'm not a skeleton ― it's resting around my waist. Slightly constricting and rough hardened leather chafing my waist; but I am fine in having it go with me, wherever. Neither is Stat Increment or Stat Up Body here; plus, now this Inventory system was added in, which I'd only written to Tallin once before. Which means ... Sharla was listening and watching then? What, am I so entertaining to her or something? Oh but it's fine, I can 'telegraph' my desired items and abilities by speaking to Tallin-

"Halving of experience points is after being here? Like, what I see of '71 XP' in that screen is ... not half of what I had in skeleton form?"

"Correct, Abigail; the moment you respawn in the world is when a halving of remaining XP occurs. If you convert all XP to CP none will be 'lost' in the return ― but also you will be level one again, at zero XP; extra CP does not disappear or half, by the way."

"... oh. Okay. Well give me a moment, let me do the logics now. If I convert them all, that's seven hundred eighty one CP, not enough for a Topical Librarian which I'll want later. Yeah, convert the points. For now I want the Inventory Space for certain," I pause to see the object disappear but feel the faint sense of a new 'thing' attach into me too. I also drop to 531 CP. "Then, Stat Up Mind, too." Another surge of energy into me, tells me I'm now slightly more 'intellectual' ... though how much is uncertain-

-eh let's just say, 'smart girl got smarter' and call it good.

This also reduces me to 143 CP in hand. Pretty much down to just a 'Stat Up Any' one time, and then 'Skill Purchase' ― though I think I should begin asking more about those stats which I cannot see yet.


She leans in, as if I'm offering to do something now. "Yes dear?"

No I am not rising to the occasion; her pouting look does nothing. "How much time I got yet, and about the stats I don't see yet-"

"-mou, Abigail. Try to read the mood." She smiles and continues. "Strictly speaking, time is not the same for here as there ― it's different perspectives. It's also why I want to fill some of the emptiness by using time with you to better effect. Well anyway. The eight stats are standardized ― four for physical statistics, four for mental statistics. The physical ones you may know are: Constitution, Dexterity, Health, and Strength. The four mental ones are Intelligence, Lore, Personality, and Willpower."

I gasp as Rokk just kicked again ― he is eager to find a way out of me ― causing me to lose the chance to ask again something more.

"In answer to your next questions, bare bones skeletons such as you are start at one point with all stats, with a skeleton who might be a room boss maybe having half of their stats just one point higher. Then too you did also purchase a Stat Increment, increasing all stats by one point, and both the body and mind Stat Ups, adding another one point there. Setting a name gave you one more point across all stats. This brings all of your stats up to four points; plus a fifth point in Health. Sorry but ... to see your status screen or other analysis screens properly, you should have both the Intelligence and Lore stats at least to five points. Even if one of the two is five points ― you'll have like a 'one in eight' chance for seeing status screens properly; otherwise it's hit or miss with four points-"

"-ow! Rokk-"

"I can remove your pet, if you wish-"

"-yes please!"

"Hold out your hand."

... my ... hand?

Rokk appears upon the palm of my hand ― still coated in the viscous menstrual fluid from inside my womb. I should be repulsed; but for the moment it reminds me I'm still human, and a biologically complete one for now. Swallowing back bile from an empty digestive system, and petting Rokk with the other hand, I continue anyway. Poor thing, scared of the dark-

"Then ... what about the vision aspect, the world around me being gray versus the muted color scheme. Or for that matter ― walking speed, mobility within the dungeon-"

"The former is still due to Intelligence, and to a lesser extent Health; increase these, and your perception also increases. Walking and mobility is Constitution and Dexterity. For reference, while the human stat minimums are technically three points, only one percent of one percent of all lifeforms are so low in even one statistic. Also, most humans for reference have five points or more across stat scores. Some are higher for mind stats, some are higher for body stats, depending on their experiences and life goals and interests."

"That's minimums, not maximums-"

"I've capped them at around sixteen or so, for most races, with some being even less across certain stats ― you would not want to encounter a slime creature with stats above six; and above eight for one would be near fatal. But for other monstrous races even, ones with stats of six are still manageable in combat. It varies."

Aah ― I see. It's a difference from the role-playing systems which allows statistical points to go into the dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of points. For this reason, most living beings would stay at or near their statistical baseline from the time they went through puberty, if I think of it this way. Most villagers or commoners in the world cannot be so vastly powerful ... like what I saw for the siblings and the old man. Probably another reason for their 'special' attacks being so ... off-

Of course too, then I wondered about the members of that bandit group. So vulgar and dirty and willing to do certain malicious things; and also, seemingly more professional at the combat. It's as if ... could they be, perhaps ... also of Earth?

"Say, um. About those ... bandits-"

"I, i, i, it's not my fault!" Sharla squeaked, as she shut her eyes and tried to reject the next words.

"... say what."

"It's ... though the nearest kingdom is still far enough away from here, it tried a few years back to group summon some students from another world, hoping them to be smart enough to help deflect the disease, or give other benefits. I intercepted this summoned group to talk with them, but I didn't do the deep check of their statuses; so ... they tricked me! When they got summoned, I of course allowed them to switch races to their preferences. Anyway I sent them on their way with some gifts. For a while it seemed to work but the tough boy turned mean and forced the others to go along with him too! You saw six of them in the dungeon ― but actually two girls were killed just before the team went on the run from the kingdom! So I did my part in assisting with the summons; but they went rogue and did a lot of bad things too!"

For a goddess, she sure seemed on the verge of tears, 'explaining' how it was not her fault, half in rant and half ... in embarrassment. Due to whatever reason, I open my arms ― still holding Rokk in one hand ― and met her in a hug ― a goddess cries no less than a human does, it seems. Or is this some shift in perspective, so she matches what I would expect of her if she were human? I don't know but this moment ... is needed.

"... I will be your friend, Sharla-" I feel her grasp tighten. "Well I do still want to be my own self, without being at your beck and call. But allow me this, and when you need a friend to talk to ― you know how you can reach me, right?"

"Mm hmm."

"Good; then cheer up ― it's not so bad yet so something cannot be done, right? It's probably gonna be harder on me and the dungeon itself ― dealing with those rogue adventurers ― than it will be for you directly. I'll take the brunt of it while I can; and when I can come back here ― we can talk more. For now, I think I need ... a Stat Up Any for the Intelligence stat. Now I can see ... the status screens. Anything you can add in there for a voice for me, when I'm in the dungeon? Hmm what's left in purchase options-"

Abigail's Purchase Options: Stats and Traits and Things.
- 50 character points
- 0 experience points convertible 1:11 to character points
Purchase Options:
- (975 CP) "Topical Librarian": A library limited to 1 topic picked first; buy limit x4.
- (750 CP) "Common Garb": A fairly common set of clothes which can fit the buyer.
- (325 CP) "Regained Body": A skeleton body converts to either vampire or zombie.
- (100 CP) "Stat Up Any": Permanently increase 1 statistic by 1 point; buy limit 7x.
- (50 CP) "Voiced Sound": Gives a speechless entity a medallion of communication.
- (10 CP) "Skill Purchase": Buy or upgrade 1 skill; limit to race/class compatibility.
- (varies) "Time to Go": Leave the place; room=1 CP, floor=8 CP, dungeon=648 CP.
- Objects purchased will grant the buyer their use for the specified periods of time.
- Stat increment benefits purchased here but not used will become usable coupons.
- Stat increments obey the statistical maximums, cannot carry over to other stats.
- Personal experience points can also be 'cashed in' to extend the character points.

"... hey I see what you did there. I should only have 43 points yet you just increased my CP to match the Voiced Sound cost. Well ... I'll take it. Thanks, Sharla."

A small necklace with a pendant which dangles on the breastbone now hangs around my neck. And ... that's all my points spent; so unless I'd have more to do or to ask ... I should be ready to return, into the dungeon.

Instead, something driving this motivation, I lean in again to Sharla, and kiss soft lips-

-I'm probably not gonna get a man this way, am I.

After four hours of us bones 'dying', spawning, and repeating ― these adventurers got their fill of this room, and advance to the next one. By the time I regenerate from this last hour, I don't see them in this room. A large bit of rock from the golem lays near one corner, near the door to the 'rat room'. I presume one of the skeletons actually got in a lucky hit, once or twice ― go Lance! or was it Blue, or Fart, or a combination of them?

The first time reappearing though (before engaging in combat again) I first store this necklace. No way do I want to lose it or let some thief just take it from me; also for this same thought, Repairman Belt goes into Inventory too. Probably for the best to hide what makes me different for now, when adventurers come. Also in the ensuing fight ― thinking new and interesting strategies ― I manage to store their gear! Four capes, two shields, and three weapons-1I changed the numbers here to be more 'correct'. Accidentally wrote before only one weapon taken when the following text already shows more than that; mea culpa.

The first time I did ― the siblings crossed in front of me, ignoring me but aiming for magic skeletons ― their capes billowed in my face. I was thinking 'get them out of here' and then they were ... gone. I sensed them inside my Inventory; yet neither Dellan nor Tazha nor the others seemed to notice. But when the catlike male tried weakly bashing me with his scepter; I didn't hesitate once my hand was upon it, holding it back from me ― and it disappeared. Sure as hell surprised the catman. To follow his yowl to his companions for help, the lead man Dellan tries hitting me with his wide bladed monstrous sword, while the half orc Kida who is bashing with a mallet in another direction, tries a backhand shield bash.

In mere seconds I again manage to store things ... though for it, I did 'die' again then. Three of them disarmed, in just fifteen seconds-

Every time I return from death, I feel like the invaders are targeting me ― specifically. I get nothing and nowhere more than this. It's probably for the best I store the voice box too. Plus I suppose they think their items I took go with me? So, they do; only, not attached to me in the sense of 'loot tables' or anything. The rock golem ― his team has him alone attacking me each time after this. Others assist ― but it's always the stone man to charge at me ― the big one, who broke the dungeon entrance.

Also, in those previous purchases such as Stat Increment, Stat Up Mind, and Stat Up Any (Intelligence) ― I do now feel slightly more aware of my surroundings. The muted colors were not so muted; the range of sight was at least a few centimeters further ― I know, not so great, but ― any bit counts?

Each return, I see Rokk still biting at an invaders' heels or trying to hop toward them. It actually feels funny for once. Rokk wasn't part of the dungeon, yet the other skeletons by now ignore it; anyway, the bandits avoiding Rokk sometimes sets them in reach of my 'unit'. Somehow it ends up ― we either defeated the bandits, or else they gave up and left?

Which brings me up to date. The time before last I thought the elven archer laid dead; but I was defeated too right then so I didn't see if he died or moved back. And now, to return like this ― no bodies like the other times, but the chunk of stone golem. Stone golem isn't wiped away? With no more combatants, I stride toward the golem chunks, and decide to store it. Rokk even now tries to bite on the golem's remains; but at a whimper from behind, and the return of vision to full combat mode ― I'm forced to turn-

-Tazha. The sister who names the others as raping the girl Dina. The female foxkin with dual fur tones of brown and tan, now stained in blood red, dragged herself, wounded ― she's alone.

Her eyes meet mine ― if I'd had any ― while I walk forward; I'm urged to by the dungeon system. It's a tense second, while other skeletons turn. I'm not closest to her ― I'm just the one looking straight at her, this second.

"... guess my luck can't change after all," the fox girl gasps in raw pain; followed by a wet cough, and spitting of blood. "Dammit Sharla! Why-"

... hoo boy-

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