Skeleton Girl: Dungeon Takeover

05: Enemy of an enemy of an enemy

For those wishing to see the event of Abigail facing off against Suka ... it's here. At the end, of course, where all proper cliffhangers hang out!

PoV: Abigail.

Tazha seems fine for now, opening up to tell me some things I need to know; this time with me not eagerly focused upon orb repairs, I listen. Well, partly listen, partly browse a help screen for some of these options I can see but not activate yet. I find it funny the 'help system' has no such lock like I would create; but it works to let me know what's what.

But her tale is still centered on this 'Lightwater Kingdom' ... the regional bully maybe. The place which called her and her friends into being, within this world. Certainly something bold for summoning 'heroes' who betrayed them. I bet since Tazha and her team had went on the run, the kingdom, and maybe others, also have changed their protocols around summoning, and training of the summoned ones-

"So with their intent fully set on 'ruling the world' ― through peaceful means if possible, or even via conflict when needed ― the Lightwater Kingdom is set in their ways. They fully mean to be the 'True Heirs of Ather', and this is no lie. They don't think they're arrogant ― they think they are being honest to ... some ancient intention by their ancestors. They even wrap it all up into some 'spiritual mandate' or even near future plans for a 'holy inquisition'. But see, this world ... before the contagion of the last century and some decades ... was only at a pivotal point between Bronze or Iron ages, if you remember Earth history for comparison. Even I at this late point struggle to remember ... because I have too many things I'd rather forget too."

"-not sure if I remember either. But those two named ages sound vaguely familiar. I mean, what kid is going to remember ancient Earth history when away from it, like we are?"

"Yeah that's true; we're all boiling in a different kettle of soup now. But, anyway. On one of the first few days of being summoned here, in one of the dressed up functions, an inference was made by one noble about a querulous neighbor kingdom and their listing of allies and enemies being different to Lightwater's similar listing. So one of our group ... a girl who ... soon after this, died ... jokingly said something about the saying ― 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', if you remember the saying. The nobles in the room seemed to nod as if already knowing this bit of trivia; so we assume similar to Earth's ways of thinking."

"Yes, it does ring a bell. It ties in here to how I feel too."

"A slight few of these nobles also had a blank look, same as I imagine you might have, if you had, you know, a face. And then my brother, who was there too but ... well let's say he was otherwise distracted ... he went on and added to an offhand joking sense. He appended another bit of it to be, 'the enemy of my enemy of my enemy is a whatever', without saying what that is to the pivotal point of view. I didn't really think about it then because the king had already stormed off ... for something my brother was doing ... and I suppose the nobles didn't think of it either; or maybe they did ― but as we saw right away, they had reason to hold back for explaining their goals all along. For the moment, it got a few random laughs. Later though, one of the nobles invited us out for a private lunch to discuss the reference more ... and that's where the joke turned into some more grand tactical potential."

"... how so? What, the noble was trying to play armchair politics ― such as maneuvering logistical advantages behind the king's back or something, to play at the long odds?"

"-w, well ... this might be close to the truth ... as I've only ever known those nobles to take anything as an offense against themselves, and play games with their supposed opponents. If I understand and remember it correctly ― Lightwater Kingdom is the tenth largest nation by territory controlled in this world; but fifth largest in amount of land actually managed. How do they know this fact? Despite the crazy magics and combat skills, a scrying magic exists as part of it; one land can scope out their competitors to some degree. But also, all kingdoms maintain a slight amount of political parlay and diplomacy to other kingdoms; enough to hear all sorts of things over lands even further away from them. They figure it's better to just tell your enemies what you're doing, and what your neighbors are doing, since they most likely can already scry for your troop movements and stuff-"

"-you serious? They really do all this? Then how can governments ever have secrets?"

"-yeah ... deadly serious ― although it only works after a large cost is paid, and sometimes even malfunctions, with repercussions. It's rumored the current king's chief mage tried once to scry to the nearest enemy nation but instead opened a view to his king's daughter Princess Castra's chamber, while she was intimate with her slave. The king went on a pissed off tirade; he seemed to do this a lot, but it's still within the range of misfire of magics from this world. Either that, or the king's mage just wanted to reveal some errant daughter's behavior, and through faking a misfire it succeeded. There's also some subtle factors of the aforementioned allies and enemies lists to correlations between neighboring kingdoms ... all of which the nobles of this kingdom have their eyes set upon. Plus, each kingdom has become adept at various forms of espionage toward their neighboring kingdoms; but soon your enemies know all about you anyway ― this sort of thing."

I am silent for the moment, during this mind-blowing revelatory instance, considering any possible parallel to here. I'd had thoughts of what might come next, once I do get free of this dungeon ― and roam free out into the world at large. But if this scrying magic could in any fashion detect one lone skeleton roaming free upon the surface of the world ― then for certain, I am not likely to live long, if I cannot change out of being a skeleton girl. I have much to learn on this, and I'll listen even more attentively, as if Tazha here is my 'teacher'.

I won't say I'm the greatest student, either on Earth or Ather, in studying for what comes next; but for now, I'm forming some small hypotheses. It's not pretty as a thought pattern; but I am now far more than slightly assured it's a necessary step, to face all the realistic possibilities. Even possibilities of my demise at someone else's hands..

"So ... you are saying, Tazha ... for me to be thinking about allies and enemies of both Suka and Zaya and how they interact. I know neither of those, or more than suspect who's who ― plus ... I have access to none of them, even to ask for some of those answers. Well, maybe one person, who isn't necessarily reliable, within the dungeon-"

Tazha is clearly stumped by this passing reference; I haven't said much to infer a tie to Tallin the love slave of the dungeon mistress; but maybe ... hmm, wouldn't it be weird to have Tazha and Tallin finally meet, and get along just fine? Aah dream on, Abigail-

"I know ... it's just a thought," Tazha responds to my inference without pressing me for details. "I don't imagine you should want to act without some preparation anyway. And if your choosing to be admin or not of this safe zone is dependent on knowing this, then ... I can only wish you luck. Er no, in this world most people say 'good hunting' instead, since 'luck' is considered far too random a force to rely on it, even in a quest for knowledge and answers."

I nod, the only reaction I can give in acceptance of this well wishing.

"What about you, Tazha? What are you going to do, too? Or, I still would like to know about the others-"

"-I have ... some things to do, outside. Slutty Kida ... having taken a half orc female form ... she gave birth to lots of young ... even as quarter orc they still contain a trace of her almost heroic capabilities. I well tell the rest of the entourage still outside, our team went further in but I was injured but I have to heal more. If any take it upon themselves to enter, let the skeletons defeat them. Anyway Abigail it shouldn't take too long ― a couple hours at the most. The others ... if you should meet them ... kill them. No hesitation. As they would kill you and then kill me for my betrayal, once they go outside. Or if not kill, at least as much damage as possible, I'll pray you can do for me."

"You said ... one of them is your brother? Him, too-"

"-kill them. All of them," she repeats in a hiss, holding her steady, fearful gaze upon my bony emotionless silent face. Then she turns, picks up her daggers, and swept outside, this time intent on reaching the exit.

We may have only spoke for several minutes on either end of a five hour span of time now; but already ... I miss her being here, to talk to me.

I could only wonder if her exit is the proper thing to do, now. I also could only hope she made it outside ... whether or not she would have to go on a killing spree. She shouldn't have to fight the other skeletons, so much as just avoid them on her way through. Whatever she had to do outside ― whoever of her party or whatever traveling group had gone with them ― she probably wanted to sever all ties with them now, if I could guess. Did this extend to killing all who may have been traveling alongside her? ... yes ... she asked me, for help. Help in damaging or even eliminating those of her former teammates who she felt no longer were ... worthy. The thought gave me a shiver; but I also know, it would work out for 'us' of the dungeon minions, and also for 'me' alone, for now. And for her, supposedly.

I do not like this thought of doing her dirty work ― ending her party members who might give context for what she said ― in her behalf, after she left. But in point of fact to remind myself ― not so long ago but mere hours from this past in fact, I'd just thought very much the same thing. When the whole many hour fight started, I felt a desire to end them. To end them all, if I could. Yet ... I feel a new bond to Tazha? Am I so easy to find all as a companion?

... one odd aspect now, since the first second Tazha steps out to the other room ― I have not felt some 'command' or 'imperative' to go fight. I felt ... nothing. Which means, what- Oh of course, I wonder too what would be happening in Suka's mind or even in Tallin's; for not seeing me. They might have done in the rest of Tazha's former team, or even now they still might be fighting them off, for all I know. But for now I'm not there and not a part of the fight; so ... screw it, I'm staying here, and thinking through things.

Part of this willingness to kill the others was pressure from the dungeon, part from Lance my sergeant unit boss, and part from ... honestly just being creeped out by a bandit leader willing to rape and kill on a whim, but not to feel the slightest bit of remorse. It's also probably why I switched to wanting to help Tazha once she tried to escape ― she had a required remorse ― and now I get it. Dellan is her brother; but though they are of different races now ― by this point, Tazha is to the realization they can no longer be related, most important, by way of thinking. I can pretty much guess it was something a long time coming, but one hard break the worried fox girl has long thought through to some end.

Speaking of thoughts and things, I still need answers on some subjects, now. Not the least of which, my role in the safe room-


No response; even after waiting a whole minute. Or does he just not hear me in here? No clue; let's try this by me going out into the other room then ... storing the backpack and objects of course on the way through. Tazha has made it across and outside there already-

Out in the other room ― I again whisper the name, wondering if my call would draw ire or newfound respect, or just ... curiosity at the new voice.

"Tallin ... hey."

The rabbit boy appeared, upon command, er ... request. I believe, he's monitoring this room, somehow. Even if Suka is not watching, he wants to be aware of what goes on here.

"Oh hey I hear you; that's new, a voice. I-"

He stared hard.

"What the fuck-"

I'm stumped, not certain even what he means by this; and his vulgar slip also let me know he's stumped too, at ... something. Something he sees within me, or in my status, or tied to me in some other way?

I can't be bothered with his suspicions; I barge straight on into the question of my mind. "Tallin. Who is Zaya-"

"Shh!" he says, clamping a hand over my 'mouth' (voice box). "Not here."

"... in ... there?" I pointed to the safe room.

Tallin's eyes bugged out; but his breathy reply is a near hiss. "Y, y, you can go in there?"

"Yes. Can't you? It's a safe room-"

Again he clamped a hand over my voice, to hush the words he seems not to want said here. But still he nods, and follows ― he has no trouble passing within the doors now.

Once inside, he sees the complete layout, the sights and smells, and wrinkles his nose. "Gah, this reeks. It should not be like this-"

"-this was filled with rats, before ... the rats which I unfortunately let out into this main room here, and the skeletons out there had to fight and kill for so long. Sorry if your sense of smell is particularly sensitive, in this case. I can do nothing about it ... yet."

"... aah I wondered about that; never before has a horde of rats been released within a dungeon room. But, safe room? Truly? I saw a room like this ... once ... a long time ago ― but things happened-"

"Yes. The dungeon out there is marked as belonging to Suka; yet this one room is marked as part of Zaya's Dungeon. The difference being, whoever Zaya is or was ― in relation to Suka."

The bunny boy is so cute when he blushes ― he's not only hiding some fact, he's trying to hide the fact he's hiding some fact. Cute; but in interest of time and effort, I'll have to break him ... only a little bit. I'll have to swap between good cop and bad cop routine, perhaps. Another thing I wonder what it is and why I know it.

"Tallin I no longer have time or patience for playing your games. In what's going to happen here, I seriously need to know the truth. Hey, I'm not judging you, or your past actions; I'm just needing the straight honest truth."

He chuckles, but it's one of nervousness, and to build up some courage to answer me. Is either the question or the answer so hard to say?

"There's um, part of my past I ... I don't want to tell, and then do have to, if you need to understand me, or the situation. But it's ... hard to tell."

"As I said ... Tallin ... I am not planning on judging you. It's a weird situation we're in; so I feel we should cooperate, still. Even if you did something wrong ― by the ethics of this place, or Earth's ― I will still make up my mind by rational choice, and even be lenient because knowing is more valuable to me, right now. Just ... tell me ... without dramatics. Please."

"That's just it, I-" he falters. "-I broke, broke something which should not have broke. I tried to fix it too but I cannot just yet. About a century and a quarter ago, maybe more; time does get away from one, once one is being screwed to the last bit of their life. And the whole world has been paying for my mistake, all this time-"

"-it's the plague, right?"


Tallin gaped and started acting antsy. Ooh boy; he might be reacting true to his current race type, if I'm guessing right. Am I supposed to wind him down then, before he can go back to Suka?

"Whoa, nothing so overly impressive; it's a logical guess ― what I heard from one of the adventurers who just passed through here. More than a century ago, the whole world paying for it-"

Tallin could finally relax; though his general stance seems ... agitated. It might not take too much now to push him over the top ― a serious concern, now. Does he have power over me as a dungeon minion, or not?


"... yeah okay, I guess I should have picked better wording, so you couldn't have guessed. But still. You ... you don't hate me?"

"Hmm? Why do you feel like not telling me more of what's going on in the world? Let's be reasonable for a moment. Am I likely to die from this disease ― specifically, being a skeleton within this or any other dungeon? And will I be carrying a disease in me, in my bones, or on my possessions?"

"... no. At least ― not in your bones ― not sure about any held items. Maybe a four percent chance if you had a certain weakness a few randomly spawned skeletons get; but you ― no. I sense you're okay, and safe from this option. One or two out there ... might get it, though. But you can't catch it from them or pass it onto them."

"Well then ... am I going to experience other things ― go 'crazy', or have any other deleterious effects of this world?"

"Hah, no. Not likely. Just the opposite, you might be better off even than I, in this sense. Though I did see you obstruct the other skeletons just to 'help' the one attacker. Even Mistress Suka saw, but said nothing. Why. And what did you say to her, we didn't hear-"

"Why I helped her ... possibly ... the Earth connection. Her group was summoned, you know."

Tallin held back from saying more. He knew, then, what I did ― the bandits on the run in this world had been these former summoned ones, gone rogue, and now ended up ... here. But then I press onward in my thought of an overarching issue.

"I'm not sure that's the whole reason. Me. You. The bandit intruders who formerly arrived as summoned heroes. I am wondering, how often I would meet with others who also come from 'The Blue Planet'."

Tallin shrugged. "... I don't really think it happens so often; maybe once every other decade, maybe just once each kingdom changes rulers or a new generation inherits. Maybe they have some summon limits-"

"-that's still quite a lot of opportunity, once you think about it. How many kingdoms or nations of the world are summoning?"

"I don't know any of that. It's beyond my reach of finding out."

"Well then, back to the main question. Who is ... Zaya."

"-my mother. And-" he froze for a second, then finally sighed to admit it. "And ... wife. Or lover, apparently."

I hold back on any immediate response. Echoes of an inverse of my own memories ring through my mind. If Tallin has more to say, he'll add to it ... in his own time.

"I'm not speaking on the relationship part, for reasons. But on any other aspects of it, Zaya had this really forward idea, in how she could challenge the kingdoms of the world. Maybe she thought her minions would share her goals, in how they were such grand goals she formed the perfect teams of minions ― already setup and waiting to utilize."

"The ambiguity in the dungeon, though?"

"Aah yes. Let's just say, in the beginning this was one dungeon, all managed by Zaya herself, with more or less segments of it managed by her children and floor bosses. Of which, both Suka and I are both ― her children, and thus her floor bosses ― too; but since the dungeon life is so void of action for us ― pretty much nothing, now ― I end up being at Suka's beck and call so much of the time."

"How did a split happen."

"That's ... a story within a story; it also goes back into personal emotions and feelings I ... just cannot tell, right now."

He is calmer, but more firm in his resolve not to tell. I will have no ability to open up this issue, if he won't talk this out.

"Instead, I must inform you of something too, and then ask your opinion how it could go ― either way." I waited for his acknowledgement, which came in the form of a gentle nod. "Presumably, I am yet considered a minion for Suka's Dungeon; yet I am not. But also this safe room, a zone marked 'safe' for adventurers to come within and rest and prepare for a journey deeper within the dungeon ― it is fully marked as Zaya's Dungeon property. I have managed to enter it and now have a system prompt to assign myself ― or assume maybe ― control of this safe room. I am truly tempted to accept ― but for an uncertainty of what will happen, regardless of my choice."

"So, in effect ... you're wondering maybe what kind of persons are either Suka or Zaya? Depending upon who you would choose to side with?"

"-interesting way of saying it ― as I don't think 'siding with' is the right way to think. But instead I mean to say, what are their key motivations? Their core intentions?"

"Mostly harmless, erring on the side of the saying, 'their reach exceeds their grasp'. They want more than they have; but in this sense they are simultaneously content with what they had or have too. It's a curious state of our lives. If you ask how Suka could treat this room ... or you, since the room itself is Zaya's ... well mostly just with a slight antagonism; but if you could handle it, you'd be fine. Suka is more bluster and shouting than anything else. She would want to know your motives, instead of telling you hers. Because from her perspective, you should still be her minion, in fact that's the only real thing she's said when I tried pointing you out again, in system logs."

"I will presuppose then, that her and my motives can coincide too, since I have no reason to be a threat to anyone except those who needlessly try to cause harm here. In the end, since I retain memories from Earth, I am still too independent to ever remain 'just a mindless minion' as the rest of those skeleton forms. You know the saying, 'you cannot put the genie back into the bottle'? Well ... this was and is me. Up until a few weeks ago I was a mindless skeleton like the rest of them. But, a change must have happened, and I somehow accessed past memories and motives, making me ... unique."

"... yeah. I know. I searched the dungeon records going back to the time your form was first seen in this dungeon, and ... I found some oddities. Can't say for sure, but I think-"

Tallin stopped suddenly, tight lipped, withholding further comment in this line of thinking.

"Go on."

"That's just it, Abigail. It's a Catch-22. I can tell you ― but it changes things for the future. You may have got a sense of how I have some personal agenda; and that's fine. I'd rather you not let anyone else ― such as Suka ― know. Right now my sister is-"


"-ah let's not go there. Right now Suka is busy with other thoughts. They're shallow thoughts; but Suka's not stupid, so at some point she'll come digging for the real truth. But she's not so keen on looking into what should be nagging her, right now ― but instead, endlessly distracts herself by pithy things. The question is, when she does come about looking for more details ... whether you can oblige her, or whether you will run and go do your own thing elsewhere-"

It seems like Tallin and I are softly dancing around one greater issue, in the verbal sense. Tallin has some serious secrets, things he does not want to reveal; maybe he doesn't think anyone would believe his incestuous familial relations ― or, maybe something even deeper is going on within his mind. While on the other hand, my thoughts are nothing deeper than needing to know why or how or when things change or stay the same. Some of these details are meant to be expressed thus not implied ― and my struggle with Tallin is because he just cannot or will not say some things.

Are we still ... 'friends' ― or not? Were we even 'friends' in the first place?

This goes back to what Tazha has said; the 'enemy of my enemy of my enemy' bit. I can apply this, at least four ways. For me, for Tallin, for Suka, for Zaya. And if I wanted to throw in a fifth one, it would be either Tazha or Sharla; either one would do.

For me? I don't know if I even have any enemy to start the logics, except for the random dungeon encounter; and those are so fleeting and voidable as to be laughable. Enemy of my enemy? Who would this be, someone who is opposed to adventurers and even the bandits entering? And to go one step further, who would be that enemy's enemy? Duh ... I don't know.

For Tallin? Too much to speculate; he isn't truly being honest (or at least, not open about his life). Assuming he is maybe the former dungeon mistress Zaya's son and husband, and now the current dungeon mistress is his ― something kind of domineering lover, and maybe literal sister if his slip of the tongue means something. Though if he's also from Earth then obviously he isn't as bothered by genetic bonds as he should be if he were from this world and this dungeon realm. This still isn't indicating exactly who is whose enemies, here. I'm not guessing yet.

For Suka and for Zaya? Well ... so there's family tensions. I'll just admit, I ... may have been the cause of some, in my past life ― 'no comment'. This doesn't mean I don't have the idea how maybe someone or something out there might actively have an agenda. Even Tazha said, this kingdom wants to be the 'True Heirs of Ather' and would do anything, use anything, to get their way ... someday. Possibly even dungeons and dungeon minions, if I guess right. Depends upon how well the world knows dungeons, anymore.

For Tazha? Eh ... enemies being, possibly, former or current traveling companions, a/k/a the bandits? Then, who's their enemies? Just about anyone in the world they wronged, if I'm being open. And, who's their enemies?

"Tallin ... you say Zaya has or had a goal, a plan, which did not get accomplished yet. At least maybe since the world and this dungeon seems to be the way they are-"

"-it goes back to that saying ― 'the enemy of-'"

I have to laugh for his lead-in, completely breaking through his intended discourse. "I was just trying to reach this same point with you too, Tallin, for asking this. Basically all I'd want to ask in this regard is either way, who I could look to for support ― whether my choice goes to side with one side or another. Assuming, Zaya is one side, Suka is another, and-"

"-the horny goddess too?"

He grinned, spearing me with a devious look. Clearly, he's getting subtle revenge, from something I'd admitted through earlier written commentary.

I made an arm motion to swipe at him jokingly, intentionally missing his shoulder; he flinched at first but relaxed and smiled further.

"Oh, stop, Tallin. Come on, give me some idea of who's on which base. Or even, how many bases in the world of Ather."

"About six where I can count for the local area, but that's not the point." He cleared his throat, then inhaled, and exhaled, in a particularly 'stalling' quality of activity. "I will do you this much of a favor and say, you will be better off if you do take up the management of this place; facing Suka might be a light concern as she was already on an antagonistic path with mother; but she should more or less let you be. Or rather, without management of this place, Suka can make things more difficult for you, and you would have less to do for recourse. You will then have to fight the dungeon, or destroy it, just to get free. As I said, Suka's not stupid; that's true and even if she does need something to do as you said before, she does have her own plan too ... just nothing as extensive or as polished as our mother does. Or did." He sighed at the conclusion, and added a mere mumble. "Probably why they fail though. Not the detail kind of person, is she."

"If I take an administration role then I am going on faith you are not leaving out any 'gotcha' clauses or side effects too. At least in what you can know or logically suspect. Just so you know; I'm just as worried as you would be in my place ― and I do not even know half what you do now."

"Oh relax, and do it, Ab-"

He jerked, amid sentence.

"Summoned!" he raced for the exit, and then vanished into the other room.

Which left ... me, staring at one fair sized crystal ball, here. This same menu screen, floating in space above the object.

So ... if I'm going to accept it ... now might be a good time ... with Suka and Tallin otherwise ... busy-


Oh this feels ... warming? I definitely feel tingly and secure now. As if in becoming a selected minion, not with Suka's dungeon portion, I also now am gifted Protection of some sort. So if I were inside Suka's dungeon control path ... I definitely am not, now. That's a faint worry; might I also get attacked by my former 'unit', out there, should I step outside this room? Well if I'm in, I'm going all in.

And so, one by one ― I also select and activate systems, here. The two 'variable mp' options at the top of the list, saved for last; I want to purchase all I can before using the possibly flexible expenditure and not have enough for another thing, but take time to recharge once more. Besides; I believe I can fill up the MP gauge even faster, now that I have accepted the role. Like, a minimum of twice as fast as before, which was already fast enough.

First up, I select the Summon System but do not go into its options. Later I'm sure I'll be summoning a few minions or "employees" of this safe zone, minimize costs or deficiencies while maximizing benefits; but for now I'm busy. I at least want to purchase this most costly thing right away, and go on down from there.

Second, I purchase the Hospital System. I could 'smile wryly' or something if I had lips; but an inward feeling in its behalf is enough to satisfy. Also, I spare a feeling of irony in how only seeming minutes before, I knew Tazha could have used this, instead of using up my potions. Eh whatever; with the other system yet to unlock, I could probably obtain many more potions anyway. It could use a couple minions, to assist adventurers in making any physiological repairs ... for a price.

Third, the Shopping System. Unlocked, and I peek ― yep, a list of items to restock the eastern section, its counters and shelves and such. I could use one, maybe two, clerical minions as the shop workers. I'll worry over this later.

Fourth, a Lodging System. Actually has a system to extract either physical coins or objects or even the adventurer's mana points, as a cost for staying and recuperating. Nice; and all it needed was two to four summoned ones ― maids or attendants ― to maintain it.

Fifth, an Inventory System. Which in a sense is redundant; if I got the system first from Sharla ― and now from former dungeon mistress Zaya's boon ― then ... well it overlaps but since a goddess version is higher tiered, the gift does nothing except to link the inventory system now to the safe zone's inventory and storage system space.

Sixth, installing a Custom Area did not give any real clue to what it did; selecting and purchasing it did not seem to do anything in the moment. But I felt as if I got a 'pending placement and customization' notification there ― cancel it, no cost spent yet-

Seventh, the odd option ― assigning a system to a space ― has its uses. For example. Now, since I have a hospital space and shopping space, I could give the hospital a lesser but more specific purposed mercantile system for purchasing of healing and purifying items and such. Instead of forcing a Hospital system employee to step away from a hurting patient and purchase something from the shopping space, he or she could do it while in front of the patient being treated. Also in a same sense, the Lodging system would probably need to obtain replacement bedding from time to time, as well as other domestic things; even the resting nooks could have a panel in each one for the inhabitant to store held items for safety, bonded to the palm print of the inhabitant. And so on, and so forth, et cetera-

And also, since the previous systems like Hospital, Shopping, and Lodging systems all had their needs of storage ... they all got linked back to ... me. The minions/employees of each system would manage their own inventory quota too, no overlap in this; but still I get full control if required.

Then ... what's left. I see taking the orb's full MP capacity of 65536 and subtracting the costs for those things aforementioned ― 16128 if the maths worked out ― still left more than three quarters of its full amount. In other words, I have less to be concerned about than before ... and now it's time to 'clean up' ... using the menu options.

Actually, each of the sleeping alcoves can 'cleanse' through attached magics for each subcompartment ― but nobody has been here in so long so duh it's been like this for some time. I see how there are differing sizes of each alcove; a lesser one of 2 meters tall by 2 meters wide by 3 meters deep and a single bed, and a larger one by one more meter in width but a double bed. Except all these filthy furnishings are currently stored in my inventory. Either way, the 'variable' cost is shown to me, as 1 MP per square meter of surface be cleaned, plus 1 MP per cubic meters of volume (assuming the 'air' needs cleansing, too).

At least, with all the furnishings extracted from each space, firing off the cleaning event in each alcove is rather straightforward. Smaller alcoves take 28 MP for surfaces and 12 MP for volume; larger alcoves take 36 MP for surfaces and 18 MP for volume. Or, 40 MP and 54 MP per cleanse, respectively. Decently small costs, per instance; but altogether still a hefty fee-

I count, twelve smaller and eight larger alcoves. To wit, the final cost of cleansing the bared alcoves can be computed in advance. It's 480 + 432 MP, or 912 MP total. And this is before dealing with the infested and worn out furnishings. Why clean them separately? I have a feeling, for that 'deep down clean' ... I want to deal with the raw spaces directly, sans furnishings. Leave nothing to be desired in surface cleaning. None of the sleeping alcoves had broken floors or walls or ceiling, nothing for the repair skill; but they were the dirtiest. Even, mold leaching into the stonework.

And then, just like that ... they were cleaned ... er, 'cleaning'. A subtle force seemed to pulse through each alcove in turn, as I pulsed the skill for those space; and it seemed like they would go on for an hour, through which time all things would be overlapped with the perpetuating cleansing magic.

... so ... this is gonna take a while ... I might as well return to the first room-

-where I step right into one mistress Suka, glaring straight to this doorway-

PoV: Tazha Ababa.

I have killed all but one of my former companions' remaining spawned members here. Which in this instant meant ... all of Kida's and Dellan's foul offspring, save the one eldest half-orc boy who ran off from here. I can chase him down, and do the same.

Actually slaughtering the first few was easy. I'd exited the dungeon, not even having to feign so much the troubles I had; I told the story so well the three oldest half orc bastard children were eager to enter and see for themselves. Then while they were gone, I dealt a swift blow to the three youngest. Bloody and cruel; but an absolute finality.

Two of the three who'd entered made it out, only five minutes after I'd finished wiping the blood of their kin from my daggers, but before I could deal with the evidence. Uh oh; I was in another fight ... but they were keyed up now. Long story short, I impaled Kidara through the boob and into the heart; fatality! But since Delkiran was wounded, he ran off, the only thing he knew left to do.

Ha; he can't get away, he's leaving a blood trail ... plus I can smell the creep.

Delkiran had a head start, running toward the forest edge from here, while I dealt with his sister. But I'm faster than he, swifter, surer on foot; less wounded and winded too, since I had dug more into camp healing potions. Dellan would never miss them-

Calling out ahead of me while I'm entering the forest edge is one challenge. "Come out, Del ... I'll make this painless as I did for your whore sister Kidara-"

"You bitch!" came a voice from the unseen target; though now I know the direction to look. "Why, Aunt- no you're not. You aren't my Aunt Tazha! But I loved you! We all did! So why?!?!"

"I'm cleaning up the mess the others made, for once. Sorry but if the others are dead inside the dungeon, I'd rather not have these ties to the past, or present. Time to wipe away the corrupt parts."

I hear a bitter sob; it almost affects me. Almost. "But ... I loved you-"

What is he saying. Is he ... does he have feelings.

"Ha. Love, that's rich. Did you speak up when either Dellan or Kida took part in raping and mutilating that poor girl? DID YOU?!"

"... but I ... well I wanted to leave from the group, and I thought you did too-"

"That's too little, too late. Well I may have shared a bond with you ... and Kidara ... and others ― but now it's over. I don't even want to be reminded of this time, or the others. I WANT MY YOUTH BACK!"

A silent impact, at my back, indicated-

"-g, goddess-"

"Tazha. This is too much, you have done what I wish you did not."

"Goddess Sharla ― why did you let it get this far? Why let my brother do so much, all these years! Why!"

Sharla held silent a moment, then gave the only answer she could, for the moment.

"... it would have been better to correct some things years ago, I suppose; but by the time I knew I should, I already felt too embarrassed. Anyway. Mortals have free will, right? I could no more take back what I'd given just then, than I could have given them something more. Be thankful I did not gift him any other things he prayed for, once in this world."

Sharla's line of sight vectored off, for a second; then I felt a stabbing pain, entering from my back-

-and slipped, falling to the ground. Somehow I'm landing facing my attacker.


He held a dripping wet blade of his own stiffly in hand, tears in eyes while I yet gasped for a breath, and he muttered in shock and numbness. "... free will ... it's done then."

The last I saw of him was his back as he raced away, even dropping the knife while he headed back for the encampment of his slain siblings.

But with the boy out of earshot, Sharla knelt by me, and spoke only to me. "Too much bloodshed; but you're right, it would be better if you still had your youth. You can become 'Tasha' once again, but only if you stop this rampage, and let this boy live. I will even revert your form to appear as you did that first day you showed up before me, along with your group. But ... should you ever again bring harm to a fellow sentient being in any sense other than self defense ... everything reverts again, to this moment. In short, if you fail to control your anger and harm  someone who is not bent on harming you, you will die. And if you have the chance to leave someone as not harmed, you must do this. This is the only chance, and you must agree before I save you from death here."

I can sense she's right, she's telling me the truth. My life is slowly slipping away ... even as quickly as it had while inside that second dungeon room, and then in the first one again ... dragging myself to uncertain doom. So if I will have any further chance of life ... it can only be as she said ― accept her conditions, and then forever abide by them.

"... I ... agree," came the bloody gasping words.

I could not say anything else; or I could, but I wanted to live.

"Good. Let's do this!"

Sharla was pumped up now, clapping hands together above me, and she reached down and touched me ― not so calmly as I'd hoped, but in my state of mortal agony could I complain? No. But I did feel the deific energy pressed into my body, the flow and flux of things shifting, reverting, time rewinding. I'm ... well I am back to what I once was, a human teenage female, the same in form as I was when only just role-playing with the guys.

But I still hurt-

"Yes, so you are definitely going to hurt for a few days yet. Best find somewhere to hunker down and recuperate for any amount of time. Oh, don't worry about your former friend Delkiran either, I have a plan for him; which means thus he's off limits for you fighting him. Hey you could even walk right up to him, maybe become his nubile girlfriend or- No? Not interested? Well that's okay then. But remember the deal. Oh well I will say, dungeon activities don't count; so long as who you are harming are only the dungeon minions. They have a spawn potential, a means of coming back ― or if they cannot they are already so insignificant to the overall combat strength of a dungeon itself as to be bypassed ― so it's good in my book. Though as you are, I don't think you are able to survive very far in a dungeon, as it is. Maybe only one or two floors into a dungeon is all you may attempt ... for now."

I find it easier to breath now, but still I don't quite have the energy to stand, to get up from here.

"Hey, Sharla. Why do so many people of this world think you don't care what goes on? Why do kingdoms like Lightwater have such selfish plans-"

"Eh I don't know either why they can't just love me. Can I help it if I'm more playful than serious?"

This goddess ... such a happy go lucky pose, right there. I can only whimsically smile, while formulating new thoughts.

"Anyway ... kingdoms burn themselves out before long, I sense it's already happening with Lightwater so no worry there. By the way, you met one of my newer projects in the dungeon, right?"

"-yeah Abigail. She's friendly, but more sad than anyone else I've known, so I think we'll get along too. Maybe even help each other in several ways, if we stick together. She tends to get absorbed in her thoughts maybe too much-"

"Just don't interfere in what she has planned. I see ... not the future, but ... I see the potential in the dungeon, and other dungeons she might one day visit. She has her own path within it ... or if it turns out a certain way, maybe she will have to conquer it, herself. To be honest I originally intended the dungeons of this world to be a boon; but now they are little more than a drain on resources, and playing petty mind games with each other. I won't allow that, for much longer."

I laid here, continuing to breathe this fresh air, to feel the way of the world around me, renewed ― and felt a small smile cross my lips now. "Sounds like you are the one with the plan, not Abigail."

"... well even if I do ... people have 'free will' and all ― but I believe Abigail is ... the ace in one of your decks of cards ... for what could happen."

"Hmm." I give only this much acknowledgement, then ― until looking inside to see my own revered status screen. "WHAT THE HELL!"


I groaned. In exchange for all the 'adventurer' skills I as Tazha had obtained, now all were replaced with just two skills ... and as looney as the attacks in this world were ... I'm gonna hate even performing them. In a dungeon or otherwise.

"Both of those ― too embarrassing! I can't say ... those words!"

"But you might have to, just to survive, girl-"

PoV: Abigail.

Suka stares me down, and I her, for a few breathless seconds. Neither of us says anything; but Tallin behind her is sweating, dripping in his fears of some repercussion. He also is silent, but only because he struggles to not say anything. Whatever had happened since his being 'called back' ... he either misspoke and revealed something of me, or she became determined to query him about me, finally. But at least ... this is the hard break from Suka's control, as I wanted all along.

At long last, Suka shrugs. "Yeah well whatever. Tell me ... skeleton. What happened in my dungeon? Why can't I access some parts of it? What have you done to it."

I would be grinning, partly, as this voice box crackles again with subtle chuckles. "Eh, you forget ― it's still Zaya's Dungeon. You don't have full control-"

Suka jumps, startled at my honest statement-


She makes to reach for me, but something of my new nature shocks her. She literally ends up zapped, and even steps back with new tears and a look of betrayal.

"That's not true! I own this whole dungeon! Y, you ... you know I do! Admit it!"

"... but do you, though?"

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