Skeleton Girl: Dungeon Takeover

07: Onward, men, onward! … not all men?

It's one thing to realize the depths to which a world can be, was, is, and will remain so broken; it's another to keep this information not spoken so public. I both do want to tell all about the revelatory moment, and do not want to have the wrong type of person or dungeon minion to know my cogitating over this thought. Someone unrighteous could use this to their own advantage-

-a problem in this, I'm not exactly 'righteous', in any particular way. But having this revelatory thought, I can at least keep myself from being so selfish as I imagine others less honorable than me ... *cough* ... might be.

At the top end ― it seems to me, Sharla herself has some ... confusing aspects ... and I'm not talking about a 'futa' part. A goddess who's more 'sexual' than she should be; and yet I haven't seen evidence of her taking her job serious ― beyond what she gave me via a menu screen in purchase options. If other deities exist as 'lesser gods or goddesses', or demigods or demigoddesses, I also have no idea. So ... for now ... Sharla is the only one for this world remaining not on a course of self destruction-

Where a goddess leads, the people will follow. Or not, as the case may be ― of Sharla's lack of direction in the world. Or maybe for this world, she feels overworked for the amount of things needing to be done here. I get the bias of people needing to set their own goals for life and kingdoms settling on an idea of 'manifest destiny'. Through what both Tallin and Tasha told me too, about things outside ... it feels like this world would be better off with someone to set some rules for activity and then enforce them. Admittedly my thoughts may not be the full and true perspective; but a lot of things are left unsaid anyway. The objective being for someone to be a proper deity, to the peoples.

Yes, without direction: give kingdoms the ability to summon others (human or otherwise) to use (as heroes, slaves, whatever) in this self-assured 'manifest destiny' (encompassing 4X methodologies) ... the kingdoms will also fight. If as heroes, summoned ones seem to be no less damaged ― as seen of Tasha and her former teammates. Tasha was only one step less damaged than them, of course from their actions. If as slaves, whatever their failings were, it didn't matter as they then had no control: over themselves, over their fate (other than following orders), over the lives of others (unless ordered to harm, help, kill, or save someone).

And then the dungeon masters and mistresses, including the floor bosses and key minions of a dungeon, on down to the newly summoned and least experienced minions. At least the dungeon lords themselves are summoned and/or placed by Sharla herself; or so I will assume; nothing I have seen can contradict this thought. Which means, what ― Zaya for one, who was ousted by her own succubus daughter Suka, and also somehow Tallin her son also came from Earth-

So many of these entities are just ... broken. Like the world, I guess ― broken.

Then again ... do I need to include myself in this little introspective? Am I also so broken ... for being here at all, or by means of something that's in me from long ago? Hmm.

About this. I notice an unholy trend ... from things I experience, remember, or hear told. In this world, it feels like an overwhelming tendency toward ... incest. Relationships which include blood related family members; and by this ... yes I do have to include myself. Maybe I'm skewed to arriving here after all, due to my paternal lusts; but then again, maybe so were some of these other summons. Zaya with Tallin; even Suka with Tallin too, after her assumed 'conquest' of the dungeon. For the latter, is the reason merely mind games ... or, some deeper level of perversion on her part?

But then even to many mortal families in the world have this bent. Even if I discount the women and daughters the summoned heroes raped by force ... I get a feel of something odd by Dilbow and his grandchildren. Dilbow's grandchildren first inferred touchy feels with each other, and the girl with her lonely grandfather too. I don't know how far and wide or how permitted incest is in this world ... but somehow now I have the feeling, admitting to my own past sins might not be so ... 'Scarlet Letter' of me. Though of course I won't say it if I have no reason to say; because, who knows what such an admission would cause?

Tasha's one embarrassed admission back when she was Tazha, and in the safe room ... Ather doesn't have a word for incest; it's more like, 'take who you want as a mate whether related to you by blood so long as you or the other is not already in a relationship with someone else'.

... I mean, what-

Even if I take into account the old European medieval kingdoms dabbled in near incestuous relations ― even direct incest too ― it's not far to believe it would be even worse upon this world. For a world which was already skewed a certain direction (either because of Sharla or not) a template seems to be 'do as you will, we have no moral laws here'. It probably means the locals look at Earthers as ... 'you have strange thoughts' and 'why can I not screw my sister because she loves me'.

From Earth, to Ather. Such a difference and sameness in letters; and yet both same and different in nature. Go figure.

But. Including myself, here-

Not only am I now a skeleton, meaning I have no skin and flesh and organic organs, I have no family here, so ... in this sense I am safe, from committing any more incestuous pairings. Also even though I still have the mentally feminine way of thinking, I know clearly I have no gender like this ... other than what the 'bone structure' would suggest of me ... and my voice. Close enough to what I remember of my speaking in Earth; yet somehow oh so subtly different, in some undefined manner.

Back out into the hall. Backtracking a few steps, then taking another branch of the hall to a new path-

-and now I'm seeing this dungeon conquest could be tedious, if we have to follow every path, to find the unfounded.

I check Tasha's face; but this time she seems more ... in control of herself, at least for what I do see. She actually gives me a wry smile back, if I can believe it's genuine. It could be a ruse; but ... a ruse will not hold true for so very long; in fact a ruse is easily destroyed when faced with combat.

Enter the sixth room; it appears to be a barrack unit, though all furnishings are as of now broken from a long time past and crumbling. Whoever inhabited this room in the past ― either by Zaya's will before the takeover, or after it by Suka's attempts to copy her mother ― it's clear this one room may not have served its purpose in such a long time.

But. I also see ― twelve solid skeletal forms and I think they're not Zaya's but Suka's. At this point we number eight ― me, Brother, Tasha, two more skeletons, and three slimes. Not to forget Rokk, either. I'll start my spiel anyway-

"I am a representative of Dungeon Mistress Zaya-"

-but these skeletons start walking firmly this way, brandishing weapons or raising their arms. Oh they're on Suka's side, then. I won't even turn to my allies but give a call to action. Gee I wish I could tell at first sight how it's bound to go-

"Let's fight!"

And ... is this one ... Sarge? Er, 'Lance Corporal Lance', as I call him? It seems so; I feel like taking him on for some reason. Hmm; maybe either his room boss role or my safe room admin/ floor boss/ champion roles conflict; any of this might affect this will to fight. Well, then ― fight.


I got to give my guys credit; they are ― bone for bone, slime for slime ― just as eager to give and to get. I also see Tasha zip around, swiping with her simple dagger too. She's providing just the distraction to the enemies my forces do need. The end result of this sortie?

... it's good. I keep chipping away at Lance. Brother takes down two soldiers in the same time. My earth slime pops, while the water and wind slimes somehow double team one of the enemy's skeletons. Apparently the wind blown water sprayed upon a fire mage skeleton blocks its ability to light a fire. My apprentice mage skeleton cast a few low level sparks at the excess, holding them off from joining too soon into the fray-

-I think, we're maybe actually possibly gonna win? In this, Tasha is the wild card; she surprisingly takes down three, while the rest of us are keeping the enemies busy. Hmm maybe yes it will do her some good. If we can take on and 'soak up' some of the enemies' attention, then she's free to run around and sabotage the enemy as she pleases. I'd wondered if anything changed from the time of her being 'Tazha' first entering this dungeon; but as a nubile agile (human) Tasha ― she is taking more than a few chances to dish out her kill shots. Oho I just took out Lance, using the same trick of 'storing' his grabbed weapon, then stabbing him until he crumbles.

And each one Tasha can sabotage ― now counting five of them, to our three lost ― allows the rest of us to latch onto and sideline one of the remaining enemy skeletons. It ends almost as easy as it began.

The final tally in this deal: we wipe out all opponents while only losing an earth slime, wind slime, and apprentice mage skeleton. I guess Lance's side did retain one of their own mage skeletons, who when having a clear shot did fire off some attacks. I was sad to see my mage skeleton lost; but, that's life ... er, you know. Unlife, but at least all can return (I think). Plus I do collect some of their weapons: a lance, a sword, and a club.

The remaining water slime starts a cleanup after the battle ― consuming the resulting piles of skeleton dust, even its own former companion slime remains.

"... see ― I'm doing fine." Tasha tried to brag mildly, since she just 'proved' her point, surviving this attack. "I won't let them slow me down!"

"Okay but you're still my friend, Tasha, and I do have a concern for your safety."

"Well thanks; but ... I do want you to believe in me, as well. I'll be fine."

I know she's still worried, or maybe having occasional memories of the quarter orc boy; but ... I'll let it slide. Indeed she did, do a fine job. I offer a mere nod of the skull, and she's turning about to look for something else to do.

"So ... Abi ... we should be, maybe ... a third of the way done, right?"

"Yes, it seems so," I added, to keep a conversation going. "And with possibly one more room attached to Zaya and not Suka-"

I stopped. Ahead of us, from the door out to the next room, Tallin just entered-

-well now I'll see how Tallin and Tasha meeting will go.

He just stands there ... but then again, so do we. Also odd ― 'my' fellow skeletons do not attack-

"Are you for Zaya, then?" I dare to ask outright.

"... yes. But-"

"-I see, unfinished business with Suka, then-"

"-will you let me finish?!" Somehow he looks hurt at my leaping to this assumption, one in which he'd like to present 'his story' for our consideration.

"... go on."

He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, then for good measure strokes the furry patch under his chin, stroking it just right. I see his eyes dart to Tasha, then dart at me ― as if to ask, 'who is she and can she be trusted'.

Instead of a direct answer, I only nod mutely. I think, by the way I also hear her inhaled breath ― Tasha may feel surprise I'm not outright declaring who she is; but she won't and isn't speaking up about herself. Yet.

But Tallin is all ready to spear me verbally; he's working up a retort of his own, now.

"Geez Abigail, you really put me in a bind, here! Yeah I may not have told you all of what I had in mind, before ― but, who are you to go and ruin my plots and plans!"

I can let him vent for a moment; it should do him a fair amount of good. He's not even done with this simple start-

"Do you know how long I have been waiting, watching, searching for the right opportunity to-"

"Abi who is this whiny bunny."

"-whutt?" Tallin sputtered suddenly.

I had to laugh. I would have liked Tallin to continue, to get it out of his system; it would let me see what his issue is, but Tasha's interruption also serves as another opportunity. This time, yes I will take a more active lead in the conversation, and challenge him to a more direct and honest form of talk.

"Unfortunately he's the whiny bitch dungeon mistress Suka's lieutenant, or something like that," I spoke to Tasha, before turning back to Tallin. "Oh boy, do you have a few things wrong here!"

Tallin, taking a stance to lean back which says 'I am offended', turns himself away as if to retreat from here-

"-but wait, Tallin ― sorry if it did ruin your 'plans' ... but this new situation is new to me too. I could not have foreseen Suka would dare to challenge me; but understand I will never, ever, never back down. I won't permit a fraud like Suka to think any longer she is in command when I know she's not. You may have your plans too, but my means was and is more direct; I simplified this mess. The problem with relying only on your designed plans is ... you might never get to the perfect opportunity to spring a trap."

"So ... wait. Let me guess," Tasha interjected again, "somehow there's problems in the dungeon chain of command?"

"I resent that-!"

"Yes. In short ― yes problems in the dungeon administration; but no due to certain of Zuka's standing control schemes still running. And also there's more ... but in all honesty I did promise Tallin my secrecy on some of the other details. Though, if you think back on those things between you, and your brother ... you might understand ... what Suka does to him."

Glancing between a mortified Tallin and a suddenly understanding Tasha, I'm torn who will speak next. Hmm ... Tasha opens her mouth to acknowledge; but Tallin beats her to speech.

"-no fair!" Tallin posed with a shocked look, knowing without me even saying the nature of his personal problem was, to Tasha ― an 'uninvolved third party' in this ... affair.

"... oh ... um," Tasha for once was truthfully sorrowful, in behalf of Tallin. Even her own issues get pushed back, for this moment. "I am so, so, so sorry, if you are going through ― this. I've ... been through it too-"

Shocked take is again, a sudden shock to Tallin. But, after a ten second count, he recovers ― and even sullenly accepts, it's not so bad to let others know what he's faced. And then too, he looks at Tasha with a new interest.

"Hey. Didn't you ... you used to be a fox girl ... right?"

"Yep. Then died ... to someone outside. Then, saw Sharla too ― for the second time ― and she let me return to the me from Earth. I am me again ... or, almost."

"... it figures. You being from the summoned group of 'heroes' who came to invade ... or ... well, you know-"

"-yeah, I know. Was my brother Dellan's ― er, Tommy's ― idea. After seeing that girl running and telling such an odd story, about a dungeon-"

"-um, not to change topics so sudden," I inject, "but what of the other adventurer heroes? At least since Tasha here left her party-"

Tallin glances to Tasha, who only huffs and looks away; Shrugging, he turns back to me: "The final three ― those identified as Tazha and Leumas and Dellan ― broke apart. Leumas had lost an arm and waned to not survive much longer. Dellan persevered, gaining a second rusty blade, then entered the third room. He made it through, but somehow ... disappeared? Not sure where he is. But Suka is relieved; he was on a path for the core room."

Tasha peers cautiously with sheepish eyes. "Did ... um, did either one suffer much-"

"Leumas was beheaded from a swordsman behind him, and likely did not suffer ... much; Dellan took a fireball to the back, but also a water shot which instantly put out the fire. He however should still be suffering, if he's at all alive. Sorry."

"... oh no, it's nothing you need apologize for, Tallin; I'm just, you know, thankful, to hear this-"

I chuckle, to loosen the tension even further. "You two should just hug, and make up already. That's the three of us from Earth ― different but the same, somehow ― and I'd rather we all stick together a bit, if we can. Or ... you know."

I see a mute hope in Tallin's and Tasha's eyes, mutual hope which might be extinguished; Tallin opened his arms first, then Tasha, then even me ― and we all stepped closer together-

Group hug ― three of us. I feel through the mix of bodies, two different convulsions, as the sense of personal or emotional distance between two of them shortened. And with me, too. Cue the honest admissions, here.

"Suka ... did things ... to me-"

"-Dellan did too-"

"-and my daddy, with me-"

"-Suka's my sister-"

"-and Dellan's ... my brother-"

"-I felt so alone, on Earth, as daddy's girl-"

"-me, always stuck here, with Suka-"

"-my brother hits hard, when angry-"

"-and it took a while too but I finally got daddy to sleep with me, even got pregnant from it-"

"GEEZ ABIGAIL!" Tasha and Tallin broke away from the group grip, with Tasha being the one to shout this line. "You really did all that!?"

"... yeah. Well. Different worlds; yet somehow I sense this world is ... well, would it be wrong to observe a high propensity to incest relations in this world?"

Tallin's eyes glaze for a second, then he deadpans ― "In this world it's more, 'sleep with whoever, so long as they are not in a relationship' ... and fuck it if I had not been single, Suka could have never latched onto me. I ... I can't blame Tazha for her past ... as surely as she can't blame me or I can't blame you-"

"... it's Tasha now."

"Hello, Tasha. Nice to meet you," the bunny boy attempted a brief bow of his head.

"Hey. Wanna be my boyfriend, so the bitch Suka can't claim you?"

I'm whimsically amused, Tasha made this leap before I could suggest it. But-

"I would ... but ... the way the dungeon is, and Suka too ― and things going on ― oh crap! You did say, the girl was telling of this dungeon?!"

"... uh yeah ... why?"

"Crap! Oh crap, oh crap!"

"What, what's the matter?" I took a chance.

"D, don't you see Abi? Tasha? That means possibly more. More people, going to arrive! We're not prepared-"

"N, no, not really," Tasha replied. "Where we came across her might have been a day's journey on foot; but between there and here are no villages. Also, the one farmstead on the way from there to here ... my brother ... did some other things, like raping and killing the farmer's wife. Oh god I'm even disgusted with all of that!"

But I still see Tallin in a 'fight or flight' mode, leaning far more to the 'flight' aspect than not. Yet if he's here, with friends, he should be opening up a bit more.


He does an about-face, to see me directly. "What!"

"Let's go back a moment, to where you mentioned ... those plots, and plans. Let's get on the same page ― if we are friends now ― and do some serious discussion. But first-"

I reach out to touch the square plate controlling ownership of the room; no sense letting Suka know the things to be said beyond this. He stares in disbelief, until the realization of the what and why of my doing this sinks in.


"... so? It'll work out, I think. And she won't be hearing anything more from this room ... for now. So, if she can't just call you back to her side-"

"-oh but she can." I see a far past terrified look upon the bunny boy's face, now matching the questioning and then sliding to fearful looks displayed in Tasha. "As long as I'm here I'm not fighting you or your minions or them me, because I also have ties to Zaya ― Suka's and my mother. I think Suka had some counter plan to my own, if-"

"Who says Suka thinks so far ahead, though? I didn't get an impression she's-"

"I told you! Back in the safe room before ― I told you ― she's not stupid! Just, hasn't had much drive to change the way she is! But ... now! Guess what, she's been unleashed-"

"-you worry too much, Tallin. Yeah she might have some plan or not ... but remember from Earth the ancient line of 'no plan survives first contact with the enemy' ― well, it's that. Neither hers nor yours would survive first contact with each others' plans. The best you can do is arrange for the least damage to your own side-"

"Don't you think I fucking know that, you fucking skank skel-"

Tallin stopped.

"Whoa ― low blow, dude," Tasha whispers. "I thought we're trying to be friends here."

Tallin can only bear a 'deer in the headlight' look, having been caught in his own words. Will he recover from this misstep? I want him to recover, though not without some degree of sympathy for me, to counter his statement.

"S, sorry. Abigail, I ... I failed to remain sensitive to your existence; I-"

"-eh, why worry," I mumble through the speech box, starting to give some soothing for his penitent words. "I am what I am, now. Yes I'm a skeleton, but with retained memories, and a few extras now to boot. Just stop using that for an insult, and ... we're fine."

Tallin takes a few seconds more of a baleful look, then exhales in default of any further counterargument. "Yeah well ... I think I gotta explain something too. I know your predicament, Abigail; well no not know so intently as you do, but I do understand what I'm seeing. And, also ... I'm not sure I can truly be on 'your side' while you reclaim this dungeon ... and yet I want to be, if only to see Mother once again in charge. Plus as it is, neither can I refuse to be 'for Suka' ... she has this ... 'power' over me; even if I had plans to try and break away, she still has the hold. An iron grip to my balls. I'm not saying it's an absolute hold or I would have never been able to dream up those plots. But darn it Abigail if you didn't put a wrinkle in my boxers-"

I chuckled at all this, softly. He did not follow suit, nor did Tasha; what, I'm wrong to see a humor in this sentiment?

"Sorry. Um, so what's the plan, then."

"... basically ... I've been dumping excess minions outside the original dungeon entrance, expecting in some time they'd grow into a tribe. And then at some point they'd enter and provide enough of a distraction for me to ... betray Suka so she couldn't stop me from releasing Mother."

"Say ... they wouldn't have been primarily goblins, and stuff?" Tasha queried.

"Yeah with some wilderness training and animal handling as well. Why, do you know something of how they fare outside?"

"... uh ... thought so. See our team just wiped out a group before entering."


Geez, this guy is excitable; so jumpy, like a ... dare I think it-

"Well anyway," I soothed, "chances are if you had anything worth defying Suka, at the moment you execute your plans ― even with the goblins entering ― she'd still counter your defiance. So no, Tallin, your plan might not work anyway. Sorry, but ... right now, a head on assault would work best."

"... I guess so-"

"Only, since the dungeon reorganization, all known paths are reconfigured, even for you-"

"Yeah tell me about it, I got lost trying to get this far."

"How did you work that, being able to leave Suka and come this far?" Tasha asked. "I mean, I assume of what Abi told me of the status screen challenge, she'd be holed up in the dungeon core room, or throne room, or her personal bedroom maybe-"

"All one and the same," Tallin stated with an embarrassed look. "Yeah, I don't have a separate bedroom, but neither does Suka. She's not such a great dungeon architect either; it's all rather shabby, and I tire of cleaning up after her and my little sister Beta. Suka don't care to separate the core room from a throne room from her bedroom; it's all one and the same, and we all ... sleep in the same bed, essentially...."

Tallin drops his volume, to bluster a bit without his mumble being understood. If any of this were heard, would it be humorous, or just embarrassing for him?

"But!" he said, picking up after a few seconds of this. "Then after this ... dungeon shifted places, I have told Suka nee-chan I would try to find the path to the outside, or at least map out the rooms somehow in my traveling. I think Goddess Sharla somehow confused Suka's awareness of how the rooms are connected now, too; so my attempt to go and make a map serves two purposes, to make a map and to try seeing outside if possible. Secretly, I had hoped to meet you again, Abigail, though under different circumstances."

"I have one question, Tallin," I ask outright. "Can you still go toward the outside without reclaiming for Suka what we took in this path?"

"... hmm maybe; this is the first room I see which is not connected to Suka's controls. I hadn't been in a room yet tied to Mother, and this is only the fifth room I went through."

"This is our sixth, so we're both near our respective destinations. Want to share map details?"

"... I guess-"

A solid five minutes more, and we all knew the general layout to the other's point of origin. I saw how the four rooms Tallin had passed into and through were arranged; and he saw our past path ― including Mistress Zaya's private residence. I believe from his tightly held breath while I calmly told of this fact, he wants to stop in there, if he can. Oh, I do hope he can, and will.

How well does Tallin know Ruffetta? Or, how does he feel toward her being his mother's friend and confidante, in relation to himself being his mother's ... other lover? Hmm ... I can imagine, they might have 'issues'; but in this moment I'm sure they need each other in helping return things to how they were before. If, if only they can be ... amicable.

With this done and Tallin departing, I venture my best swashbuckling stance, looking like a skeletal pirate if ever such a thing exists, and call out, "Alright! Onward, men, onward! Er ... not all men? Well. Forward, anyway!"

... well it feels good to say it.

Room seven in our long path, and fourth in Tallin's order of searching, is ... the former 'first room' where I formerly was respawning and positioned. Gee, this brings back memories. Except, no Sarge ... er Lance-

But also, oddly, since it's been an hour since the two slimes and one skeletal mage vanished, one by one they regenerate ... where we were, when entering this room. Hmm? Somehow their respawn point is moving along with us, or is it me? Some effect from Sharla to me? Cool! I'll take it. This will simplify matters, as we move forward-

But also, I see fresh splotches of exploded slimes, as well as fresh piles of bone dust ... some of them mixing together. I will guesstimate some 'battle' took place here. Not sure which piles were which; but by the number of slime splats, I can guess a fair number of the slimes are those randomly generated from Zaya's pool of twenty five of them. If I count remains, about fifteen slimes and maybe seven skeletons were in here ― and they all could not have met their mutual defeat except in the last ten minutes or so.

I note this out loud to my companions, and ask for their opinions.

Tasha is the first to respond. "I imagine this means Tallin passed through here while they were fighting? Or, was it while they were defeated but not respawned before this time?"

"Aaarrrrcheerrrrrr, boooow," moaned Brother.

I look to see a weak bow with a couple arrows in a quiver remaining; these I will store ― so when a next regeneration takes place, the system will have to compute their resources from some other way ― straight from Suka's limited supply of dungeon points. As well as a dropped dagger too; was that from ... Corporal Fart or Blue? I forget; and it's already been less than a day-

"But then, choices. Stay and wait for these to regen and pick up allies, or skip on through and press onto the core?"

I leave it unsaid by agreement; until I press on the metal plate and take charge, Suka might still overhear what is said.

"If it weren't so short a time since their mutual ends, or were a short few minutes until they resurrect or respawn, I would say ... wait. But-" Tasha inhaled and exhaled, perhaps thinking of a brief test kiss between herself and Tallin, mere moments earlier; then she went on with a casual thinking. "-unless you believe we really need more minions in this group and cannot just blow Suka away as she is now, then ... I myself would rather press on to the end."

"I'm inclined to agree, Tasha," I add with a nod. "Though I am still considering taking our time. Let Suka sweat her demise. We have more than enough with us to take her on; or maybe more appropriately, she will never see her end coming. I would think the best thing she could do is, submit. But. I gave her this chance before, and she did not take it. I am not going to offer another chance; but if she submits into my custody before I arrive, I can grant her a promise of 'no harm' in exchange for her submission. But one way or another ― I promise, her control of any part of the dungeon is over once we pass through it. So, if it's not a problem for anyone, I will hold us to wait, and gather a few more supporting minions. Maybe even double back first, before going ahead."

"Issss goooood. Liiiiike."

I give Brother a silent 'thumbs up' for a vote of confidence; somehow he copied this move. I'm thinking maybe he's capable of being more than he has been? Well. If I'm still primarily the administrator or guardian of the first floor safe zone, but somehow now upgraded to be Zaya's chief minion on the prowl and capable of dungeon reclamation ― then after this situation is resolved, I believe I have to return to said safe zone. Unless, in some way Zaya herself permits me more liberties throughout her dungeon. And then, maybe Brother could be the next dungeon champion ... if I train him-

"... well then not onward-"

"-and not all men!" inserts Tasha, with a new humor.

We wait. A good span of time, what I think may have been three quarters of an hour or more later, and the first slimes begin regenerating, spawning again in place. I rapid fire tell them, the same spiel as before. One by one as they spawn in, I'm gaining such a big group now-

The problem is, now it's skewed heavily toward slimes. And at each turn of skeletons being spawned in ― heavier hitters than slimes, in some sense ― we tense, cautious to the outcome. Out of the seven skeletal dust piles reforming as skeletons, only two were for Zaya. I say an unerring goodbye to Corporals Fart and Blue in this room, touch the metal control plate, and gather our resources to move along.

With these four slimes already with me plus the fourteen new ones, I now have eighteen of the total number of slimes, and only am missing seven more. And with the three skeletons from before, adding in two skeletons here became five of them; elsewhere in the dungeon we have yet to meet ten remaining skeletons. This one archer I gave the 'repaired' bow back from my collection, in exchange for the 'broken' bow it spawned in its hand. Slight upgrades all around to the rest of the minions in my 'troop'. And I continue with repairing the broken bow-

Eighteen slimes and five skeletons out of these generated for or from Zaya; hmm, that's already twenty three minions. Plus me, plus Brother, plus Tasha ― wasn't in military parlance a platoon around thirty or so individuals? So I'm not so sure it works the same here; but I'll aim for an even thirty of us, before going in on defeating Suka. Fifty is better but I don't think we can reach that far. Is it possible? Even Tallin can only guess the possibility-

From the numbers of those to 'find', again, are seven slimes and ten skeletons. three rooms left including the dungeon core room and Suka's hideout for now; this means we're ... wait no. This is still only the 'first floor' for this space. Tallin did say, when we talked with him, how the dungeon core room is now in the second floor; but right after he exited the core room after its being moved, he came across the stairs up to this first floor, where followed through to meet us. Plus ahead of here is a branch in the tunnel he did not take, so ... more rooms might exist on this floor too?

I will presume, if I can, Sharla might even have increased the total number of rooms, just to mix things up and not tell us. Certainly while I was there, she did 'throw into the mix' some ... extra options. I doubt that's the last time she'd try to influence the way mortals go through things (even if I did see through the options, and call her on them). Here in Zaya's/Suka's failure dungeon, all bets are off, anyway; Sharla is likely to watch our progress even as I think it through, now.

I touch the control plate, and then we all do as we have done. I return the Repairman's Belt onto my hip, and go around repairing what is damaged. Except for the slimes which need some other 'organic' fix ... thus they get a scavenger role when coming across evidence of defeated opponents ... what they ingest, they use to buff themselves. And when they buff themselves they die less ... or so goes a logic. I can let them do this as they please; but I also somehow think by them consuming the remains, the minion which would respawn would intentionally be far less than they were as a minion.

... say Tallin was right; say some outsiders were to suddenly learn of the existence of a nearby dungeon. Would they want to flock here, and enter, and maybe farm it? Eh ... yeah! But. I and my 'team' ... we're slowly stripping it of its defenses ... even those set here or managed by Suka. Suddenly, I don't feel so good about things being left like this.

I'm not sure I should explain this to the rest of them; right now it won't do any of us any good, to worry about a possibility or technicality which might not occur. What we can keep doing is ... get this dungeon takeover set on the right path.

Alright! We're all in order, even Tasha is raring to go (strangely) ... and ... hmm why do I have the feeling something is missing?

... it's a trap!

... ugh. Closer to fifty skeletons, in this next room alone!

"Run! Back to the previous room!" I order, urging the team to the previous door.

But not before seeing Tasha take an arrow to her side ― that's gotta hurt ― and feeling even myself disintegrate from an unwanted fireball to the face-

-not the kind of facial I'd want-

"Sharla send me back!"

"... hmm? Not sure I can-"

"Please! Every precious second counts!"

"No, I mean ... I truly don't know ... how."


Sharla only looked quizzically, then yawned softly. "Hah, well while we're here ... wanna do that with me? I'm bored."

"F*&^ you!"

"You will? Okay."


"... but then what you should do, is ... prepare for when you do return to the world."

"... guh-"

She does have a point; so much so ― I stop here. Not even minding Rokk nestled inside my womb again; it's strangely comforting for now. I'd been so intent on returning to the scene of my 'death' without preparation, that I would rue the arrival and realization of having missed expending my 'points' accrued.

"... menu me."

"... that's a good girl, Abigail," Sharla soothed. "Here you go-"

First, in one half of my view space, my personal status screen, just to show me ... 'me'-

Name: Abigail (Abi)
Titles: Zaya's First Floor Safe Room Attendant
Age: 112 y 333 d 18 h
Sex: <sexless>
Level: 4 (49/80 xp)
Stats: <hidden, intellect too low>
Skills: <hidden, intellect too low>
- Repairman Belt
- Rokk
Other: <hidden, intellect too low>

... um ... the title, though ... that last word, not so ... great?

Next, to the other half of my viewing area, is the list of things, the purchasable options, for personal advancement.

<Abigail> Purchase Options: Stats and Traits and Things.
An initial number of character points equal to your life XP is given automatically.
Calculating ... done; granting a total of 594 character points (555 + 28 + 11).
Personal experience points can also be 'cashed in' to extend the character points.
- 0 character points
- 169 experience points convertible 1:11 to character points (result: 1859 CP)
Purchase Options:
- (975 CP) "Topical Librarian": A library limited to 1 topic picked first; buy limit x4.
- (750 CP) "Common Garb": A fairly common set of clothes which can fit the buyer.
- (325 CP) "Regained Body": A skeleton body converts to another undead race body.
- (100 CP) "Stat Up Any": Permanently increase 1 statistic by 1 point; buy limit 7x.
- (10 CP) "Skill Purchase": Buy or upgrade 1 skill; limit to race/class compatibility.
- (varies) "Time to Go": Leave here; room=1 CP, floor=8 CP, dungeon=648 CP, continent=41472 CP, world=5184000 CP.
- Stat increment benefits purchased here but not used will become usable coupons.
- Stat increments obey the statistical maximums, cannot carry over to other stats.

Notably, if I were to convert all XP to CP, I would then have enough to buy the seven remaining 'Stat Up Any' and also one 'Topical Librarian', and still have a remainder of 174 CP. Which means if I wanted to soak up even more of the CP, I could also purchase some skills, for the first time. For this ... I would presume a secondary purchase screen or system would open up to me; it's only logical.

... I probably should ... purchase at least two skills ... and leave only 174 CP, or little more than 15 XP unconverted-

-but an overwhelming problem in dying and respawn is ... a worry for on down the road. I turn to Sharla-

"I must ask a tactical question."

Sharla's gentle smile sunk.

"... about?"

"Nothing breaking world secrets ... I think. Only in how and where I or those with me will and do respawn after the set hour to the mortal realm. Anything more, or approaching 'world secrets' ... I will leave up to your grace and caritas."

"Oh." I saw her stewing inside, as she thought and thought, to give me an answer. "... well ... so it's like this. Yeah before this time, you did have a subtle attachment to where you were. But since taking on this role of being a safe room administrator ― great job, you know ― you suddenly broke away from being Suka's minion, to being Zaya's minion, as you have observed. What you said to your team is factual, and true ... with one exception. In the way you are also attached to Zaya now, you are also attached to me ... and I hold dominion over the whole world. Thus the reason for that last variable cost entry ― you could in time go anywhere and do anything; so until I am sure you won't wreck my world-"

"I won't. It's just as much my home now, if you believe me. I don't wish to destroy where I also may rest my head."

"-nice to know. Then! I will take this one out-" with a poof, it vanishes, "-leaving what's left of this screen. When you go outside the dungeon, with or without minions, you won't feel as strong a pull as before. Also I did just put in another few things obfuscated by that one item. Enjoy!"

<Abigail> Purchase Options: Stats and Traits and Things.
An initial number of character points equal to your XP is given automatically.
Calculating ... done; granting a total of 594 character points (555 + 28 + 11).
Personal experience points can also be 'cashed in' to extend the character points.
- 0 character points
- 169 experience points convertible 1:11 to character points (result: 1859 CP)
Purchase Options:
- (2000 CP) "Skeletal Staff": A bone staff, acts as a functional dungeon node outside.
- (975 CP) "Topical Librarian": A library limited to 1 topic picked first; buy limit x4.
- (900 CP) "Profession Kit": A skill/trait kit keyed to a lone profession; buy limit 1x.
- (800 CP) "Superior Body": A skeleton body changes back into their 'original' form.
- (750 CP) "Common Garb": A fairly common set of clothes which can fit the buyer.
- (400 CP) "The Gift Slave": A slave which upgrades the same as you; buy limit x8.
- (325 CP) "Regained Body": A skeleton body converts to another undead race body.
- (100 CP) "Stat Up Any": Permanently increase 1 statistic by 1 point; buy limit 7x.
- (10 CP) "Skill Purchase": Buy or upgrade 1 skill; limit to race/class compatibility.
- Stat increment benefits purchased here but not used will become usable coupons.
- Stat increments obey the statistical maximums, cannot carry over to other stats.

New things? Profession Kit, Skeleton Staff, Superior Body, and ... The Gift Slave?

Profession Kit feels like it's a more 'complete' training package which some adventurers should love to get. I will like to adventure, at some point too; which means I will need to have some known skills ... and let's just hope they aren't like the rest in this world. But it's a one-shot, which also means ... I get no 'do over'.

Skeletal Staff also sounds like something of a boon for me, if and when I go adventuring in the world. It has a pocket dungeon? Hm, what does this mean- No, I would find out soon enough. Apparently, it's a second way to come into and go from this dungeon with ease, a link to here. Aah, it's another way Sharla wants to keep me bound here ... somewhat.

Superior body, I'll assume is also a one-shot; if a being like me can return to human form, then ... I won't need to form change to any other. Not if the state of human I have in mind is what I think myself to still be ... inside.

The Gift Slave ... a dungeon minion can summon a slave? What is a slave to a dungeon minion but a slave to a slave? How should I feel about this-

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