Skyrim: Nord Wisdom

Chapter 4 Meeting Isran

***I don't own Elder Scrolls series.***

Hi so this is Guywithsense and i am trying my hand at writing a fanfiction, as it will be a good practice for my original. Hope you enjoy it and constructive criticism is encouraged.

"Speech", 'thought'MENU

"So durak, What's that you're shooting with?" Dustin initiated the conversation 'it's good to build a repo with one he will be working with.' as they walked towards the now visible fort built from grey-black colored bricks, outpost like tower visible, "Never seen a crossbow before, eh? Not surprised. Kind of a Dawnguard specialty. Nothing better for putting down vampires. Here, take this one and give it a try. You'll want to know how to use it if you really plan to join the Dawnguard."

Saying that in his deep voice he held his crossbow towards me."Really? Sweet ! Thanks durak you are a great guy." Holding on to cross bow, that was about 3kg I give it an aim towards a tree and shoot the already loaded bolt

*Skint* it pierces the air and lodge itself into the tree that was beside what I was aiming for.

"Uhh", "Hahaha, don't worry it takes practise to be good at it, you will get the hang of it.", 'this guy, really is great man, first let me accompany him, then gave 'me', who he doesn't even know his crossbow, I really will repay this favor.' having a determined expression and looking at Durak with such intensity in his eyes though he didn't realise it.

"..." Durak turned and started walking a bit faster, "hey wait up man, so why did you join the dawnguard ?" Dustin also moved behind him and asked to cool the air, to which the orc stopped and looked behind, with something akin to deep sense of loss, and anger on his face, eyes? that made me give a pause and remember something.

"ah", hearing my voice he schooled his expression to cool and said "I lost two wives to vampires. I will avenge them, It is good to know that I will not have to do it alone, I'm glad this Dawnguard exists.".

Moving towards our destination, there was a lull in the conversation,'man that took a turn for the extreame, guy had two wives and both dead, don't know if I praise or console him' he knew he had to change his mindset a bit cause these sort of incidents weren't uncommon in skyrim, though he did feel a necessity to get stronger, not just to survive but have two wives too, nodding as he had a rough next step ready.

They reached the scout tower by then and below it durak put down the firewood in the pile gathered near some human looking wooden constructs, holding sword and shield, and with a bucket as head, that he can only assume is used for training and target practice.

"So, durak what's next?" Dustin asked the orc "Well, you made it till here. Good. Isran's in the fort. He'll get you sorted out. Follow me" Putting down the firewood from his invetory, durak led the way towards the fort's door.

A man stood there, a tall man nord by his looks or could be breton though, with red hair comed neatly to right, and a light scuffle of beard that gave him an aesthetic look in the same light armor as durak's, that I now recognise as the dawnguard armor set. 'That really is a cool looking armor, I want it' with this desire he walked beside durak till they were in front of the man. 

"Halt! State your Purpose, Oh durak! already back from scouting."  the man addressed us and immediately recognized durak, "Yeah, and look I found some firewood and a new recruit.", to which I stepped forward and extended my hand "Well met friend, my name is Dustin."

He looked at me for a moment and relaxed then shook my hand "My name's Celann, I'll tell you, the only thing more surprising than hearing from Isran after all these years was hearing that he wanted my help. I immediately realized things must be pretty bad. Looks like I was right." Celann introduced himself and remarked, "You mean the vampire menace, I have heard about it but never encountered it myself." Dustin replied as they released hands and took a step back.

"Then you are fortunate, have you encountered one without preparation, you could be on the way to become his or her thrall. Well go on inside isran should be in the hall." He said and stepped aside as to gesture that he could move inside, Durak looked at me "Then will be seeing you, Dustin. I will be by the training yard if you need me and Good luck." saying that he turned and left.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the gate of the fort, that now that I was up close realised it's massive size.'Now my first step towards getting strong will start.' thinking till here he pushed the door open and walked inside, the interior is what he expected it would be like as he had been here in the game but still real life and that is different.

Fort Dawnguard has the appearance of a large castle with several towers. The masonry work inside the fort is not only very precise but the stone surfaces have the appearance of a slight shine to them. The tall arched hallways are supported by huge, decorative rectangular pillars. The inside of the fort itself has an arched theme to it, from the ceiling to the blind arches on the walls. 

I could see the main lobby and a tall man standing there, The main lobby is a large circular area littered with barrels and crates. Eight banners adorn the walls displaying the symbol of the Dawnguard. The floor consists of weathered cobblestone and decorative slabs that line the edges of two curved iron grates.

Straight ahead is a hallway that leads to all the major ground floor rooms in the fort. When standing in the middle of the circle facing away from the main entrance, the second floor is to the right, the small balcony is another right. The large balcony is to the left, and left again.

This all was observed by dustin with just one look, say what you will about him, he had sitautional awareness.

"Hmm, and who might you be?" a deep and gruf voice interupted his musings, he looked towards the man, noting his features as tall, broad chested, from redguard race, bald with a great beard all decked in the dawnguard set with a warhammer on his back, dustin looked at the man in awe of the raw chadness the man was radiating, he realise this must be 'Isran', standing keeping his back straight in front of him dustin answered

"My name is Dustin, I heard about dawnguard looking for members and thought to join." he managed to keep tiny bit nervousness he was feeling from leaking in his voice.

"Dustin, I can see that you have an axe by your side, do you have any experience with it.", "Oh this, this is my Pa's axe, I did use it to fend off wolves."now dustin knew he could lie but he didn't really have any experience with the axe and he was a firm believer, that before learning anything you should allow yourself to be a beginner,'cryptic i know but deal with it'.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAH MY PA'S AXE HE SAYS HAHHAA","hah...haha...hahahha" seeing a man of such strict visage laugh with such amusement, brought dustin to laugh with him, both from the sight and his new situation as if to release the tension he was feeling all day, getting transmigrated, having a game like system, performing spells using magika, meeting an orc and battling native monsters, it's been a long day for him indeed.

And he wanted to laugh, whenever the opportunity presented from now on it was his silent vow to self.

'No matter the world or the situation I won't go down crying, for sure.'

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