
Chapter 1571 - Dead duck mouth hard

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“Set fire! Set fire!”

The paper plane stood on the city wall, full of dignity and anger, while waving his staff to cast, and drank, “Follow my mark and smash it with your strongest AOE skills, I can’t believe they can’t believe it!”

“Yes, lord!”

A group of Godavari Guild novices nodded.

In the next second, where we can’t see it, the paper plane seems to have started to mark, and then, a few seconds later, the overwhelming storm of gods, arrow blade storm, and frost dragon landed in the crowd of Beichen iron riders in front of us. At least more than 20 storms of the gods. This kind of fire-collecting effect is too scary. Instantly, a group of players in the Beichen Riding Warfare, including Xiao Nuan, brushed off the blood strips, and returned to zero in less than three seconds. It will not give us the opportunity to treat Yunyun Xianyi.

“Xiao Nuan hung up!”

Xiao Wei was anxious and said, “Their firepower is too fierce!”

“Keep moving forward!”

I swooped down from the air to assist in the attack, and drank lowly: “At this time, they can only hit hard. They cannot set fire to all of us. The area that was not set by the fire will advance immediately, approach the city gate, and the Knights Shield will cover. Swordsmen and rangers are trying their best to cut the door, and they must break the door as fast as possible, fast! “

“Yes, boss!”

A group of people rushed forward without hesitation.

On the city walls, paper planes are still marking the set fire, and it is not just him. At least a hundred command players are marking the set fire on the long inner wall. This is their strategy. The way to spike our front row, this kind of hit tactic is already common in various siege battles.

“Back row!”

In the crowd, Qing Yan held the war bow in his face, with anger on his face, and said, “Sister Qin Mo, come to be the captain and increase the range. We will shoot the long-distance department on their city to cover everyone!”


The beauty Qin Mo immediately took over the captain’s heavy duty, and immediately turned on the masters’ skills. Suddenly, Xiao Qiao’s image rose into the sky, and the team’s attack distance increased by 25%. At a time, the clear voice and others could be outside the range of the other party’s remote department. After attacking the opponent, he immediately fired together. Skills such as Arrow Blade Storm and Sun Moon Bow continued to greet the city wall, directly suppressing part of the opponent’s firepower.

I looked down, and couldn’t help but be filled with relief, sacrificed part of the attack power, and increased the range, and said clearly that he is a smart man who has grown into one of our long-distance souls in Beichen.

In the rear, MMs such as Tang Yun, Xu Jiacheng, Shuyue Mingzheng, Soul Ballad, and Questioning Heart rushed into the wall attack range with the Lingyu Shield and threw spells at the opponent’s city to suppress them. The firepower of this group of mages is extremely high, and the Lingyu Shield is not ordinary hard.

In general, Beichen ’s hard power is absolutely above Godavari. Even if the other party has the advantage of the wall, we can still break the city. After all, the solidity of the inner wall cannot be compared with the outer city, and it can even be It is said one day at a time.

A few minutes later, Critical, Blade of the Wind, Jianmo, Xiaowei, etc. became the first people to kill in front of the city gate. The Beichen knights on both sides covered it, and they stormed hard and waved the sharp sword “铿铿 铿” It ’s a classic siege mode, called “Cut the Gate”. As long as you break the durability of the gate, you can break into the city!

At a glance, the toughness of the inner city gate is 10E points, and it can be broken in less than ten minutes with the output of the critical, sword and other people’s attacks, not to mention Tang Yun, Xu Jiacheng, Shu Yueming, and others Point fire, so the moment we approach the gate, we can almost declare the gate fall.

“Not good, they cut the door!”

The paper plane looked down, his face complexion: “Can’t let them approach the city gate, hurry up, the reserve team in the city directly jumped the wall and rushed down, impacting their formation, immediately!”

“Yes, lord!”

Just after the order of the paper plane, the horseshoes and footsteps continuously heard on the stone steps behind the inner city wall. A few seconds later, a large wave of people suddenly appeared on the city wall. So I rushed down the city wall, wielded the sharp blade, and fell into the crowd of players in the national service, constantly attacking.

“They are beginning to rain.”

Su Xiran looked at the sky and said: “Mage, spread fire and rain on the ground, all covered, let them send points to enjoy!”


Not long after, the front of the city wall was filled with the fire and fire of the enemy and ours, and the battle between the two sides for the city became more heated, and it must be said that there were indeed a lot of Indians. The number of “airborne” was more than one after another It has caused a lot of impact on the players in the national uniforms under the city. Fortunately, the hard power of the Beichen Army is here, and we are holding the position so hard. We will kill as many people as the other person gets!

“The paper plane has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.”

Tang Yun, while condensing spells, looked up at the people on the city, smiling slightly, and said, “It’s a tactic to fight with us. Isn’t that equal to giving points? No matter how many people rush down, the final result is actually the same. of.”

“Hurry up and break the city!”

I swept across the gate of the gate with a volley, forcing the paper planes to retreat back and forth, and glanced at the situation where the door was cut, and I found that only 22% of the toughness left by the critical, sword, and wind blade focused fire attack. The gates attacked by Huangxi, Lancelot and others are a little more resilient, but it doesn’t matter. Sooner or later, they will be broken. There are more than ten gates in the inner city wall. The final result must be all of us.

“Treatment keep up!”

While hovering, watching the situation below, she did not forget to raise her hand to add a sacred resuscitation to the critical blood already. She cut the door and smiled slightly: “Comfortable, Beichen’s first milk ride is still okay ~~~ “

With a black line, I continued to circle the attack.

After a minute.


With a loud noise, the gates directly attacked by Critical, Jianmo, etc. crashed. Immediately there was a maping river in front of me. I raised my hand and cleared the field with Thor Thunder + Lightning Chain to clear the road ahead for Critical and others. In time, Beichen Iron Riding has so stupidly entered the inner city!

In this way, both walls have been broken, which also means that the last line of defense in the idol city is the wall of the palace. Unfortunately, the wall of the palace seemed to have been smashed by a giant elephant statue. There is no need for us to attack at all, and a clear path is there.

“Boom boom!”

At the inner city walls, the gates of the inner city collapsed and collapsed, and the broken city of the inner city has become a foregone conclusion. A large number of National Service Associations led by Beichen entered the city!

At the next moment, we encountered the strongest wave of Indian clothing resistance on the inner city square. The Indian Army led by Godavari Guild established at least ten lines of defense. Immediately after our people entered the city, we launched an attack. , As if to fight against us in a flat terrain!

At the same time, a ringing bell in the air passed from the other party’s system announcement air conversation—


System announcement (player paper plane shouts): Come on! In the idol city, there are 1500W Indian service garrison, and outside the city, there are 2000W Indian service garrison. I would like to see how many of you are. When we fight back, you really think that a small number of black people can lay the idol. city! Huh, can you eat? Be careful not to kill yourself! Come tonight, let’s see, let me see how good your world champion is, and it will not be possible to turn the clouds and rain in our idol city!

The shouting was very arrogant and fit the personality of a paper plane.

The next second, someone on our side also responded-


System announcement (player Tiramisu shouts): The inner city has been captured. What else is in the idol city? Do you also want to resist the edge of the Chinese theater with your group of national war points? Paper planes, I think you are dead duck with a hard mouth.


System announcement (player critical shout): We have already broken into the city. Do n’t run a paper plane for a while. I ’m sure of your points!


System announcement (player flame mouse shouting): Paper airplane, do you install NM? Is it useful for us to break two city walls with less than one-fifth of your troops and scare even the national policy? It’s not that we have been brought in by the shattered city like us, waste! I think you printed a bunch of waste! Except for the fact that your mouth is more powerful, you are useless!

It can be said that the dialogue between Tang Yun and Critical was still a little too civilized, and the shouting of the Fire Mouse seemed much more comfortable, simple and rude, and hit the subject.

In the distance, among the many skills, the paper plane was holding a staff, and the mana glory appeared, sneer: “Wait and see, the main force of the printed clothes outside the city has begun to fight back, I will look at your Pakistani clothes Will the allies be able to hold it? Well, a bunch of wastes think they can hold the thighs of the Chinese theater, wait and see! “

The next second, I received a message from Yizhou Hanzhou: “At the head of the evening, a large number of Indian costume players suddenly appeared outside the city, and they besieged against us. It should be that their resurrection point outside the city has begun. Centralized, the number ca n’t be counted for a while, anyway, it ’s scalp. If we do n’t have reinforcements, we may not be able to keep people outside the city. The Pakistani server has been killed more than half, I see The boy on the forest wind is crying. “

“Fuck, I see …”

Immediately I pulled the reins, soared into the sky with the Fire Dragon, and rushed up into the sky, and came to the sky over the city, overlooking the earth, and sure enough, just as Han Jian said, the people who resurrected on the outskirts began to gather, a large number Thousands of troops have surrounded our team outside the city with the dark clouds over the city.

Once our people outside the city are besieged, then the siege forces will face pinch attacks, and by then, it will be even more headache.

Fortunately, at this moment, a crowd of black people appeared on the horizon of the East, and the ocean of five-star red flags joined together. Our nearly 10 million reinforcements finally arrived, and it was just in time!

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