
Chapter 1585 - Wait for your good news

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Skyline!


I was so pleased that Bailu Iron Rider not only surprised everyone, but even I was scared by the strength shown by Bailu Iron Rider. Now even if Bailu Iron Rider is right to the mid-to-upstream players, it can be regarded as ten. Just right, the attack of the White Deer Iron Rider allows us to quickly tear apart the opponent’s defense and send the national service mortar gun into the range of the established shelling position!

“Rush forward!”

The fire of light pointed forward, and I laughed and laughed: “The two wings rushed along with the White Deer Iron Rider to help the White Deer Iron Rider break the defense. All the long-distance departments in the back row kept up. Don’t be afraid of death. Shield, the mana potion stuns as soon as it arrives, don’t save, now is not the time for you to save medicine. “


In the back row, a large group of players from Beichen and Tangmen erupted into a roar of mountains and tsunami.

The next moment, not only melee players, but also spiritual wizards like Tang Yun leaped forward with a Lingyu shield, a pair of slender snow legs striding forward, looming in the opening of the spiritual robe The beauty is overwhelming. At the same time, the staff is raised, and a ray of flame storm hits the crowd.

A group of knights were burned directly, and a leader of the rank of vice-owner yelled back with a shield and yelled at some players who retreated together not far away: “The Chinese chick just now is so beautiful, you guys A few were afraid, turned around and killed her, conquered her with your strength, so beautiful, where can you go? Kill her! “

The couple were angry: “Pretty is pretty, but she is Tiramisu!”

As a result, a group of people fled.

Tiramisu, the chief spiritualist in the Chinese theater, has a long established reputation. Tang Yun is not only very popular in China, but also almost a household name in foreign gaming circles, but for Indian clothing For such a hostile server, in addition to having a peerless face, she is still a female devil. Wherever she goes, the flames are coming. Few people can stop it. When she arrived, she also had to retreat and not stand in the range.

As a result, with Tang Yun’s charge, Beichen ’s five magical gods also rushed out, and a magic swept the crowd. In cooperation with the melee players ’attack, it quickly broke the opponent ’s two lines of defense again and has pushed our position forward. It’s 2400 yards away from the city, but that’s not 100 yards away. We need to enter a distance of 2200-2300 yards to be sure that the range of our own mortar can reach the other side of the city wall.

“嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~”

At this moment, a blazing white flare bloomed behind him, and the mortar guns printed on the city finally began to bombard. This proves that our mortar guns have entered the range, visible to the naked eye, there are already two fires. The mortar cannon was overturned and melted by the opponent’s fire, but this loss was nothing at all, because this time we brought a total of 5,000 mortar cannons, plus the player’s, there were more than 6,000. Firepower is in an absolute advantage.

The front row players are desperately charging, especially the White Deer Iron Rider. One hundred thousand White Deer Iron Rider combs the players printed on the position like a white torrent, leaving behind a dead body and a crowd of escaping wolves. And the guilds such as Beichen and Tangmen also followed the momentum of Bailu Iron Riding to rush forward. The two parties worked together to achieve a significant effect. It took at least three hours to kill the city. The result was half an hour. In less than a short time, we have advanced to less than 300 yards away from the city!

Towering ladders, siege cars, thunder cars, etc. approach the city with the player’s attack, just like towering, lethal gallows, making the printed clothing on the city uneasy. !!

“Not great.”

On the city, India ’s third-ranked guild leader, Austin, overlooked the battlefield and frowned, saying, “China ’s White Deer Iron Rider is too powerful. Our shield ca n’t stop it at all. If this continues, their siege equipment will soon be close to the wall. I suggest that immediately turn the muzzle of the 50% mortar gun and directly kill those white deer iron riders! “


The paper plane stunned and said in a nearly roaring voice: “Are you crazy? We had n’t had enough artillery guns. How many of them? The Chinese brought us five or six thousand firearm guns to attack us. We are now taking the opportunity to aim at the shelling, which may be able to kill most of their mortar cannons, but if not, they will turn the east wall of Qingguang City into a fiery red honeycomb, you know? “

“Don’t I know?”

Auguste’s eyes were red: “But if you don’t, they can now put the ladder hooks on our walls, and now they can put the siege of the siege car on your face. Tonight and tonight, the borderline, the sword and the hermit, and the mountainous Fusuo people will rush to the city walls like hungry wolves, directly occupy our city, and **** our mortar cannons. Don’t say it’s a position at that time. You lose even the walls like honeycombs! “

The paper plane gritted its teeth: “What can we do then? In order to attack Star City, we evacuated all the elites and evacuated almost 70% of the mortar guns. What can we do now? Who can we blame?”

August closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said, “Tune 30% of the mortar guns and use the heavy artillery to bombard the white deer iron riders on the ground. They can no longer let them do whatever they want, otherwise … It may be our last main city of the first level, and Indian clothing may be destroyed for the second time. “

The paper plane clenched the staff, his face was full of anger, and he finally compromised: “Three achievements and 30%, go and order the gunners to attack!”

“it is good!”

After a minute, the muzzles of many mortar guns on the city wall were already lowered. Before long, a loud noise echoed above the ground, and a blossoming flame bloomed in the crowd of the white deer iron rider and the player. In particular, the front row of the White Deer Iron Riders was caught by a mortar fire, and the “buffy” bombardment continued. Many White Deer irons on the White Deer Horses “hummed” at the instant they contacted the Fire Plasma. Dissipated, and then turned into a white deer iron rider to maintain the charge attitude, turned into dust in the wind, and was directly evaporated by the mortar cannon!

This kind of power from nature is not something that the fetal body can resist. It is useless even if you practice Bailu Wujue. Elemental spar plus fire plasma gland, plus human inscriptions, three kinds of power The superposition of is not as simple as 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, but a geometric growth. Therefore, under the attack of the mortar gun, the offensive of the national service was momentarily restrained.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy sound of heavy artillery came, and a major part of the national service siege was covered by the attack!

“They are crazy, the fire is too fierce!”

The blade of the wind was attacked by a mortar gun and the aftermath shocked people to take a few steps back with their horses. The blood bar also fell a bit and his face was green: “The siege equipment in the front row can’t carry it!”

“It’s ok.”

I suddenly cut off a half-blood knight with a sword, and smashed the other knight forward. Shen said, “Brothers, don’t be afraid of the power of the mortar. They can siege 10% of the siege. The area is already in the sky, rush forward, continue to put pressure on them, and let them turn off the artillery and attack us!

“Yes, get time for our mortar!”

At this point, there was already a national service mortar gun in the distance behind us, and it was quickly erected, and then each gun fire fell on the wall and began to fire back at the enemy. As a result, our pressure was much less. .


Just then, a message came from Frozen far away: “Ding Muzhen, how is your situation there?”

I immediately took a screenshot to her, and captured the scene of the rising East Wall and the magnificent picture of melee and player scrambling behind me, saying: “Well, that’s it, we have started to attack Qingguang City, and it is The four walls were attacked together, depending on the situation, they could be won in about 12-24 hours. “

“Okay, good!” She nodded and smiled.

“How is it over there?” I asked.

“Star City is still in chaos,” she said with a helpless smile, and said, “Although the War Song of the Last Days has taken the King’s token of Star City to the keel passage, he left a dull, spiritual wind and other human-headed horns. The top ten gods of the Beast Temple will be stationed in the palace. There are still millions of Indian printing elites in Star City, and there are still nearly ten million Russian server players. They are still annihilating us. “

I glanced at her background, it was a jungle, I couldn’t help but said in surprise: “You … have you been killed out of Star City?”


She smiled helplessly: “The resurrection point of Starry Sky City has been firmly held by the blood of mortal people, Xueyuan, and others. I have been killed for the third time. If I bring people to kill again, there may not be much strength, so I can only People with beautiful clothes roamed outside, constantly trying to counterattack Star City, but at present it seems a bit difficult.

“What about Tianhai City?”

“Already captured by legal services.”

“What about Tieyun City in German clothes?”

“The Duke brought people back to defense. It is said that the remaining servers of the European service are also on the way to reinforcements. Our people may not be able to capture them. Even if they are captured, the king’s tokens do not know where to send them, and Star City is now occupied. . “

She pursed her red lips, and her eyes were full of despair: “Ding Muyi, my distant friend, this time, I might be killed in a full service, I never thought …”

“I didn’t expect it.”

I do n’t know how to comfort her, so I had to say, “Someone on our side has gone to the exit of the keel passage to intercept the war songs of the last days. If it works, we will help you stabilize the king ’s token.”


Her eyes lit up: “You … who do you send to intercept the war songs of the last days?”

“There are Fusu in the mountains, the **** of the north wind, and only two people.”

“So, if it’s the two of them …”

For a moment, her eyes filled with new hope, and she smiled, “Wait for the good news!”

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