
Chapter 1591 - Self-recommended

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Early morning, projection meeting.

A ray of sunlight was thrown into the side hall. Outside, the leaves were swaying, and the rain dew in the morning mist fell into the grass, and further away, a team of guards walked in the fog, and there were solemn footsteps. sound.


In the conference hall, the figures of the main players of the league were projected in. Tang Yun, Su Xiran, Bianju, and Shanyou Fusu were also pulled in by me. After all, they are eligible to participate in this meeting.

Under the fall of white light, Dong Xiaoyu has arrived, with her assistant Xiao Bai beside her. In addition, the last person named Liu Ji also appeared, and two other middle-aged men with thinning hair also appeared. They are all level 1 players, and they should be just a job number, there is no interest in leveling at all.

“There are new faces again …” Yan Guangqiu smiled slightly.

“Yes, let me introduce.”

Dong Xiaoyu stood up and said: “Liu Ji, Mr. Liu already know each other. These two are members of the Virtual Department and came to watch our important meeting.”


One of the middle-aged men stood up, with a kind smile on his face, and said, “This time we are just watching. You do n’t need to bother us. The virtual department will not interfere with the player’s decision in the game. Rest assured. After the Gou Xiaoning incident, The virtual department has fully delegated the authority to the Tianxing branch, letting everyone let go of the fight. After all, in the national warfare, the virtual department is just a layman, and our only requirement for you is to win! “

“Hahaha ~~~”

Everyone laughed, this middle-aged man seemed quite pleasing to the eye.

“Go straight to the topic!”

Dong Xiaoyu glanced at the document he was carrying and said: “Not long ago, the main force of the British service arrived directly at Shanhaiguan and made a gesture of Tongguan. This is not a good sign. In addition, according to our information, The battle of Star City is nearing its end, and the strength of the US service has been completely emptied. At present, Star City is in the hands of India and Russia, and Tianhai City is in the hands of Europe. Disabled. “

“Meifu is so vulnerable …” Shen Qiubai said with emotion.

I glanced at him and said, “The United States has obeyed the war for 12 days, and it’s a bit overwhelming to describe it with a blow.”

“There is another news.”

Dong Xiaoyu frowned: “The main force of the US service that originally attacked the German service Tieyun City has been repelled by the German service and the French service. Now the US service has lost all the main cities, but the German service, the legal service, the Italian server, the Netherlands Servers, Spanish servers, Greek servers, etc., the main force of more than ten European server has entered the keel channel five hours ago, their intention is very clear, that is our Shanhaiguan. “


Li Chengfeng said calmly: “After finishing the US service, it’s our turn to clean up.”

“Now, our national clothing is really an internal and external problem!” Kan Yingran said with emotion: “The two major servers in Japan and South Korea with red leaves in the mainland step by step counterattack the city we have occupied, and there are European customs clearance and Indian clothing. The counterattack may be that soon, even the Russian service will join our battlefield in Middle-earth. “


Dong Xiaoyu nodded and said, “Today, we have three main forces to deal with. One is from the European service in the distance, the other is from the Japanese and Korean servers in the Hongye mainland, and the last is the revenge from the Westbound Indian clothing. The battle must be handled properly, otherwise the consequences will be unthinkable. In this situation, everyone has suggestions and can speak freely. “

“Out of customs, let’s talk about the wings of the wind.”

Yanguang afterglow frowned: “This woman jumped up and down, I didn’t want to destroy her one day.”

Aside, the Fire Rat laughed: “What form do you want to use to destroy her?”

Yan Guangqiu’s old face blushed: “It depends on her will.”

“Ahem …”

Xiaobai coughed and motioned to the two big brothers to stop the next chat.

Feiyue pursed her red lips and said, “Shanhaiguan is full of dense forests in front of it. If you want to attack the city, you will probably be ambushed by them. In addition, our real opponents in the east should not be British service, but from Japan and South Korea. Servers. “


Tang Yun nodded: “I learned on the forum that the main force of the two servers in Japan and South Korea started to mobilize to the hurricane fortress in the north this morning. Their intention is obvious. They want to win the hurricane fortress and hit the road. In the northern passage, by then they will almost be able to meet with the European Service. The next step is likely to be the attack on Shanhaiguan. “

“The city of Hongye Mainland is being beaten back by them a little bit. Soon, the two servers in Japan and South Korea will become a climate.” Lin Tu frowned. “The conventional forces of these two servers are sufficient. There are 20 to 30 million, and after a period of truce and rest and recuperation, the level and equipment are not weaker than us. Today, the two wolf cubs have become real hungry wolves, and we need to beware. “


Candle Shadow nodded and said: “The eastern theater should now be the most difficult one, and the reinforcements of the remaining theater brothers are needed.”

“Xi head, why haven’t you kept talking?” Dong Xiaoyu looked at me.

I thought about it and said, “The two theaters, East and West, are the hardest now. The eastern theater is about to face the onslaught of European service, Japan and South Korea, and the western theater is facing a full-service attack from India. Perhaps Indonesia and Yuefu are involved. At that time, the pressure on the Western Front may be greater than that in the Eastern Theater. At present, we are in a dilemma. “

“There must be a choice.”

Lin Yang sneered and said, “In the beginning, Ding Muzhen went on his own expedition to Indian clothing. Of course, he also laid down the idol city, the green city, and the golden bird city. Long, I feel that the Western Front must be withdrawn, abandoned three cities, still stationed in the Western Regions Dufu House, transferred the ancient sword, heroes hall, Tangmen and other guilds back to the eastern theater, playing the real main battlefield! “

Among them, a middle-aged person in the virtual department nodded and agreed, but did not speak.

I didn’t speak either. Although everyone in the conference hall spoke freely, it was not really completely free. Everyone had to watch and watch. The small conference hall was just like an undercurrent.

“Xi head, what do you think?” Dong Xiaoyu asked my opinion again.

“The West Front cannot be withdrawn.”

I said indifferently: “It seems that the three main cities have dispersed many of our main forces, but Lin Yang, have you thought about it? How many Indian print cities can attract the attention of these three cities? If you give up the three cities and stick to the Jiuquan Pass, then What should we do if we serve the army? You have to know that the regular number of Indians is 60 million. If they attack with all their strength, they will settle the Jiuquan Pass like elephants crushing the dunes, and they do n’t even need to leave from Jiuquan Pass. Directly from the purgatory battlefield in the northern region, you can directly enter the territory of Julu City. I mean, the three cities must not be abandoned. “


Dong Xiaoyu insisted: “How much resources did the three main cities bring to the national service? Maybe you do n’t know, then I tell you, after Qingguang City was included in the national service territory, our national service resources are more than 12 days ago. , A full increase of 78.2%, almost equal to more than doubled, and these three cities are exchanged by sweat for thousands of players in the national service, how can you say put it?


Lin Yangxuan, after a few seconds, said: “Eastern theaters need someone who can actually command a virtual war. Otherwise, the several battle areas will not cooperate with each other, and I am afraid that they will be breached soon. . “


Shen Qiu nodded whitely: “I agree.”

“If anyone wants to be the commander of this eastern theater, come up with a plan first.” Dong Xiaoyu said indifferently.

Candle Shadow was silent and did not speak.

Zhan Tian wanted to get up, but was caught by October rain.

It seems that several major allies have fears and are afraid of failure. In fact, the eastern theater is indeed not optimistic. The number of European servers, Japan and South Korea, and the three servers combined exceeds 50 million. Once they hit the Shanhaiguan Customs I ’m afraid it ’s extremely difficult to counteract that. The people in the Virtual Ministry have already spoken out. The only requirement is to “win.” That is, once they fail, they will take part of the responsibility. This is not a major alliance leader. Willing to bear.

Just then, one person stood up slowly, it was Lin Tu.

“Let me do it.”

His voice was calm, and his eyes were filled with indifference, saying: “My personal view, Shanhaiguan and Hurricane Fortress, these two fortresses are very important, one is the oriental portal that guards the national service, and the other is the mainland that guards Hongye and Wanli Fenglin. The important channel, as long as the two city barriers are kept dead, the Japanese and South Korean server people can only stay obediently in the Hongye continent, and can also let the British service and their allies meet. They can only attack the Shanhaiguan alone, but only by the British service. They can’t get down to Shanhaiguan. “

Then he paused and continued: “The Maple Forest is too long. It will take more than 72 hours to walk. This should not be the European service channel. They can only come from the southern keel channel. Therefore, guard the Hurricane Fortress. We can hold their main forces, we can’t be deceived by the wings of the wind, hurricane fortress is where we should stay. “

“It seems that you already have a strategy for Lin Tu?” Dong Xiaoyu asked with a smile.

“Yes, President Dong.”

Lin Tushen chanted: “I think it should change constantly. The ratio of the number of hurricane fortresses to Shanhaiguan’s garrison should be maintained at about 7: 3. Then we sent our elite fleet to guard the Hongye mainland home port and cut off their The sea channel, no matter how many people come, we can keep them out of customs. “

“Lin Tu said …”

Zhan Tian said indifferently: “It’s clear that indeed, hurricane stronghold is the real top priority.”

“That being the case, let Lin Tu be the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Theater!” Dong Xiaoyu said, “If you have any requirements, please mention them now.”

“Requires multiple main guilds.”

Lin Tushen chanted: “The location of the Western Theater, the Hall of Heroes, Knights of the Moon, Ancient Sword, Tangmen, and Fish Goose. I call for these powerful main guilds. The hurricane fortress is bound to be a tough battle and needs them. the power of.”

Suddenly, He Yi, Tang Song, Yu Shu, Yan Guang residual photo, Feiyue, etc. were speechless for a while, but in the end there was no way but to be transferred away. In this way, it seemed that only Beichen was left on the west front, and there was no contention Wu Huayue thought of several guilds of Ba League.

The future battle will be more difficult than we imagine!

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