
Chapter 1604 - Wind Wing Fire Attack

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After a night of fighting, Jiuquan had already become like a purgatory on earth. There were gunfire and gunpowder everywhere. The player’s body was layered layer by layer, and the blood on the ground had not refreshed the opponent’s men and women. Repeatedly so that the soldiers and horses of the Beichen Guild did not rest almost all night, and on this night, several Indian costumes such as the Unicorn Temple, Godavari, Austin, War Spirit, and Moon Wing War Temple ranked among the top. The guild bombed in turns, and it didn’t stop for one minute. This battle was fought at 7 am the next morning. Finally, the people who printed it couldn’t hold it. Jiuquan Pass was like an indestructible **** iron inlaid in it. On the map of the two servers ZONE, under the watchful eye of Beichen, he remained motionless, and he didn’t move even if he let the wind and rain blow.

In the early morning, the fog was shrouded in the bare jungle outside the city, and the Indians disappeared like a tide. In a short time, it was impossible for them to attack again. At least, the main guilds had no energy to attack the Jiuquan Pass.

“Should take a break.”

Lin Che rubbed his eyes and said, “It’s been a night without sleep, brother, arrange shifts, let Ba League and the other guilds go up to the top ten hours, and then it will take up so many of us in Beichen. To be exhausted. “

“Got it.”

I turned to the Fire Rat not far away and said, “Brother, you change your defense next time. You come to defend, we all have a rest, be careful!”

“Got it!”

The Fire Rat smiled happily: “Rest assured, I take the lead to guarantee that the events of the Bingxue League will never happen!”

“That’s good!”

So, one by one, Beichen was ordered to go offline, but just before I was going offline, a message from “Drop” came from Dong Xiaoyu: “Ding Muzhen, most of the main forces in the eastern theater have killed a blood path back to Fangshan Customs. Let me tell you, this is the defense plan. “

She sent a few screenshots of the game, all of which were deployed by Shanhaiguan.

I glanced at it and laughed, “Why are there so many people on the mountain, afraid that they might touch it from the mountain?”


She smiled slightly: “Most of the main forces of the national service are stationed in the mountains. On the one hand, they can prevent the opposite person from attacking from the mountains. On the other hand, they can also level the ground. They can help the Shanhaiguan at any time. You see, that’s all right. “

“Oh, there is basically no problem with the deployment at Shanhaiguan, the main deployment location …”

I laughed and said, “I think it’s better to change places and retreat back. It’s best not to deploy so many main forces in that dense jungle. Putting in a few small and medium guilds is enough to resist the sporadic people from the other side. . “

“Oh, why?” She stunned.

“It’s very simple …” I looked at the topographic map and said, “Have you heard that Liu Bei has been burned by fire? Although the setting of the jungle arson in the game is not very clear to me, if the opposite person really touched it, the If the scale arson in that jungle, the wind blows out, it may reproduce the tragic fire, but it was not Liu Bei that was burned, but replaced by our national clothes. “

She gave a smirk: “It seems … there is a bit of truth, but so far, there have been no successful cases of fire attacks since the launch of” Skywalk “, and the conditions of the fire are also very harsh. Are you sure there will be fire?

“Not sure, just mention it.”

I smiled: “In short, if you talk to Lin Tu, they do n’t have to say that I said it. If it is my proposal, the group of Lin Tu and Lin Yang will definitely be in opposition. Let me say your suggestion. Come on, don’t let everyone stay in the jungle too deep, be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years! “

“I know, I will.”

“Well, we have been fighting with Yinfu all night, and I went to sleep.”

“Go, go, it’s hard ~~~”

Take off the line, take a shower, and when you come downstairs, the breakfast at the base has already begun. The chefs work early in the morning and steamed a small basket of steamed buns, including meat buns and vegetable buns, as well as soy milk and rice porridge. Anything, with the side dishes made by Xuecai, it ’s absolutely terrible. My appetite has been enough to hold back recently, but I still ate nearly two cages of buns, drank enough, and felt a sense of accomplishment when I touched my stomach. .

Everyone goes back to their room. The sleep time I give you is 9 hours. I can sleep from 8 o’clock in the morning to 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

When I returned to the room, my head was drowsy, and when I closed my eyes, there was a billowing black smoke of Jiuquan Pass. This national battle hit the whole person. The fact is that although we Beichen occupied the battle in Jiuquan Pass Absolute advantage, but after all, it is the attacked side, and it has been battled by the opponent ’s wheels, so even if the war loss ratio is absolute advantage, it still plays very depressingly. There is no way we can only do this, otherwise the entire western battlefield may be afraid. It’s going to change.

This sleep was very solid. When I woke up, I looked at my mobile phone, it was exactly 17:00, and even the alarm clock was saved.

“Beep …”

At this time, the cell phone ringer rang, and the number was critical.

“What’s wrong, critical, why should you call when you can send a message?” I laughed.

“Rely on ~~~”

She was speechless for a while: “If it’s not a big deal, can I call you? I can’t help it. Come online now, something big has happened in the game!”

“Ah? What’s the big deal?”

“At more than three o’clock in the afternoon, Windwing took a group of European clothing leather players to climb through the rock wall on the side of Shanhaiguan and came to the national clothing territory to set fire to the jungle. The southwest wind directly sent the sea of ​​fire to Jiuquan Pass. A large number of players stationed in the jungle in the pass were directly burned and hung. The defensive strength of the national service was severely reduced, and the black smoke generated by the combustion shrouded the Shanhaiguan customs. People in the city could not open it at all. Open your eyes and you ca n’t aim at the opponent ’s heavy artillery. After Jiuquanguan was subjected to the opponent ’s continuous shelling for more than an hour, the city gate was breached. Now, the European service, Japanese and Korean servers have been driving straight into the hinterland of the national service! ”


I sat up awkwardly and couldn’t believe it.

“In short, you go online.” She smiled helplessly, “I and Xi just came home from work and immediately go home, I think the national service online definitely needs your presence.”

“Got it.”

I took a deep breath, and quickly walked out of the door, loudly: “It’s all getting up, something happened in the eastern theater, we are about to go online, let the kitchen start cooking, and eat fast!”

As a result, a group of people in the base quickly woke up, washed up and went downstairs for dinner. Immediately after eating, I entered the combat position, and I also put on a game helmet and entered the game.


The characters appeared in the Jiuquan Pass. In the distance, a bombardment rang out outside the pass. The battle of Indian clothing against Jiuquan Pass was still ongoing, and the emergence of countless siege ladders and building cars was another wave. Extremely strong offense, it seems that the east and west sides of the national service are already unstable.


A message from Dong Xiaoyu: “No way, hold a projection meeting.”

“Got it.”

The unexpected thing, the next second, I triggered the start of the projection conference. Immediately, my body was also transferred into the conference hall with confirmation. Around the body, more and more players entered the projection conference. After taking Guiguzi and Beimingxue into the conference hall, there are faint marks and defects on their armors. Obviously, they have just fought in the flame zone, and the smoke, aftermath, battle days, forest roads, etc. It’s also a dust, and even a spiritualist like Feiyue has been damaged, and the skirt of the spiritual robe has been burned to pieces, quite wobbly.

Dong Xiaoyu glanced at me and immediately sent me a message: “The defeat in the eastern theater has nothing to do with you. I already told Lin Tu what you said in the morning, but they didn’t adopt it.”

I nodded and replied, “Actually, I didn’t expect that Windwing really dare to play this way. I used black smoke from jungle fires to break through Shanhaiguan. This is something I didn’t think of. If I replaced it, I might fail. … “

“In short, this failure has nothing to do with you, don’t say a word, burn yourself up.”

“Got it.”

Everyone took their seats, and I chatted with Tang Yun and Lin Che beside me, and ignored the meeting.

Dong Xiaoyu stood up, and the big screen behind him showed a scene of the Shanhaiguan being breached. The broken gates, rolling smoke, and enemies driving in. Every scene made people feel heavy. Then, Dong Xiaoyu stretched out his hand. The picture turned into a national service map, and there was a march line on it, and even the forces there were marked.

“Everyone sees it.”

She pursed her lips and said, “The European, Japanese, and Hanbok forces are divided into more than ten routes. Some go west and some go south. They are launching an offensive against the national service. So, in our On the map, Yuyang City, Beiyuan City, Yunzhong City, and even White Deer City have been completely exposed to the attack range of the other side. They are moving fast and we are running out of time. “

Candle Shadow chaoticly said: “A fire attack has let us damage so many troops. Many people are now crowded into the resurrection point. There is no way to stop them.”

The Yanguang afterglow looked cold, and the front of the speech pointed directly at Lin Tu, saying: “Before the war, President Dong also said, be careful to attack with fire, but Lin Tu’s stubborn behavior has buried us at a mountain customs house, but also buried us in the east of Linhaixi The defense line on the side is now okay. All the other people have come in. What should we do now? “

Lin Tu’s face was extremely embarrassed. Wei Wei stood up and said, “The fall of Shanhaiguan, I bear all the responsibilities, and I am willing to accept any punishment, but this may not be the time for accountability. I think it is more important now. Time is running out to block the offensive of Japan, South Korea, and Europe. “

“Yes, our strength is not much lower than the other side, there is hope!” Zhan Tian shook his fist and said, “Don’t give up, okay?”

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