slam dunk coach legend

Chapter 5 Gu Zelong 2

PS: This chapter is about the description of coach Anzai and Ryuji Tanizawa. Readers who are familiar with the original plot can skip this chapter, and it will not affect the following reading.


"Mr. Anxi, thank you very much this time." Kudo thanked Coach Anxi.

"It's nothing, Kudo. If you encounter any problems in coaching in the future, you can ask me. If I can solve it, I will definitely help you." Anxi replied with a smile.

"I'm sorry to bother you again after that." Kudo thanked Coach Anxi with a bow.

"It's okay, I will come here often in the future, Kudo."

"Then goodbye, Teacher Anxi."

"Goodbye, Kudo."


Leaving Coach Anzai's house.Kudo walks on the way to the station, thinking about the conversation he had with Coach Anzai today: "It's clear that Sensei Anzai left the basketball team for more than just physical reasons. Something must have happened to him. I remember it being mentioned in the manga Something, but I forgot... What the hell is it?"

"Kudou!" Just then someone called Kudo's name from behind.

Kudo looked back, and it turned out that it was Mrs. Anxi driving a car towards him.

"It's Master, what can you do?" Kudo asked.

"I'll take you to the station, Kudo." Mrs. Anzai said to Kudo.

"Then I will trouble you." After saying that, Kudo got into the car and sat in the passenger seat.

"Kudou, do you know that a member of the basketball team went to the United States?" Mrs. Anzai asked.

Kudo replied: "I'm not very clear about this, it should not be our previous years."

"Yes, that happened about five years ago." Mrs. Anxi organized her words and continued, "He is called Ryuji Guzawa, he is two meters tall, and has amazing athletic ability. He is a freshman with a bright future. "

"Oh, I just remembered what you said. It seems that when I was a freshman, someone sent a videotape to the team. It included a live basketball game. In this game, a Japanese People, it seems to be Tanizawa-senior. The seniors of the team praised him at that time." Kudo seemed to understand something, but it seemed that something was missing.

"Yes, he is Gu Ze." Mrs. Anxi continued, "Kudou, you should know Mr. Anxi's nickname."

"It's a white-haired devil. It seems to be famous for Mrs. Anzai's strict training. But it is because of Mr. Anzai's training that I have the current strength. Now that I think about it, it is really thanks to Mrs. Anzai." Kudo said in front of Mrs. Anzai Compliments to Coach Anxi. (╮(╯▽╰)╭, I really don’t know what Anxi’s training has to do with you, don’t you think you’re too hypocritical?)

"That's right, Gu Ze is a basketball player with great potential. Anxi praised him to me at the time, and he said that he could train Gu Ze to become the number one in Japan."

"Is Japan number one?" Kudo muttered to himself.

"You should also be aware of Anxi's character. The more you have high expectations for someone, the stricter you are for them. So Mr. Anxi gave Gu Ze a strict basic training..."

"Then why did Gu Ze go to America?"

"It may be that Gu Ze thinks that Anxi's basic training is too strict, or Gu Ze thinks that the team's style limits his development. He wants to play more freely..." Mrs. Anxi said, "Soon After that, Gu Ze went to study abroad in the basketball kingdom of the United States without saying a word."

"And then you know, about a year later, Gu Ze sent a video to your team. But Anxi thinks that Gu Ze's performance in it has not improved compared to a year ago. Although Gu Ze is tall He is more than two meters tall and has great athletic ability, but they are all in Japan. And he went to the United States, where players who are taller and faster than him are not uncommon. What's more, he relied too much on his body in high school and ignored Without basic training, but he still doesn’t pay attention to basic training in college, his strength will not improve at all, even if he goes to the United States.”

"This is normal. For a basketball player who only has talent without hard training, it is impossible to achieve high results. That Gu Ze is not worthy of Mr. Anxi's expectations." Kudo commented on Gu Ze with a look of contempt.

"Yes, that's the reason. Anxi tried every means to inquire about Gu Ze's news, but there has been no news..." Mrs. Anxi stopped here.

"Master, what about after that? It's over," Kudo asked.

"After that... it's this summer." Mrs. Anxi said, "During this summer vacation, Anxi found out about Gu Ze in a newspaper."

"How is Gu Ze doing now?" Kudo asked curiously.

"Gu Ze is dead!!"

"What?! Gu Ze is dead?!"

"That's right! The news of Gu Ze's death was published in the newspaper: Ryuji Gu Ze, a Japanese national who studied in the United States, died in a fight in the United States. After learning the news, Mr. Anxi went to Gu Ze's cemetery to visit Gu Ze, and there he met Gu Ze Ze’s mother.” Mrs. Anxi continued after recalling the scene at that time, “Gu Ze’s mother gave Anxi a letter that Gu Ze wrote to Teacher Anxi four years ago.”

"The letter to Teacher Anxi four years ago? Could it be that the letter hasn't been sent?" Kudo wondered.

"That's right, it was indeed not sent to Teacher Anxi. This letter was found by Gu Ze's mother when she was sorting out Gu Ze's relics." Mrs. Anxi said after thinking about the contents of the letter, "The letter mainly wrote Gu Ze Ze regretted his immaturity before and his dissatisfaction in the United States, but he was embarrassed to return to Japan and thought that it was not good for him not to make a name. Seeing Mr. Anzai, he wanted to rely on himself and continue to work hard until he could play basketball well. It looks like..." Mrs. Anxi fell silent after she finished speaking.

"It turns out that Mr. Anxi has changed so much because of this reason." Kudo murmured.

"Not only that." Mrs. Anxi replied, "You also know that Mr. Anxi is getting old, and now he has some problems with his heart. He can't stand any stimulation now. And what happened to Gu Ze hit him hard It's really big, Mr. Anxi thinks it's because of his strictness that he overpowered Gu Ze."

"That's why Mr. Anxi couldn't bear the heavy workload now, so he left the team. Kudo, I hope you don't blame him for this." Mrs. Anxi looked at Kudo.

"No, how is it possible. This is not Mr. Anxi's problem at all, how could I blame the teacher." Kudo replied hastily.

"What is Anxi-sensei doing now? Is it just staying at home to recuperate?" Seeing that the atmosphere was a little heavy, Kudo hurriedly changed the subject.

"He, he is now invited by Xiangbei High School as the basketball coach, and he still can't let go of basketball!" Mrs. Anxi sighed.

"Is Mr. Anxi's body right now?" Kudo asked doubtfully.

"No, he doesn't go to the basketball team very often now, he just gives pointers to the players occasionally. After all, Xiangbei High School is county-owned, so he doesn't care much about the team's results." Mrs. Anxi explained.

"I see." Kudo suddenly realized. (PS: Private high schools in Japan pay more attention to the results of their school’s athletic events, because they use this as a business card to recruit students. Private schools in Japan charge more expensive fees. County schools like Xiangbei are part of Japan’s 12-year compulsory education. This kind of performance does not charge much, and there is no requirement for students, just look at Sakuragi's family background and grades in the original book.)


"We've arrived at the station."

"I'm really bothering you this time." Kudo thanked, "I'm going to the station right now, take care."

"Then goodbye, Kudo." Mrs. Anxi waved.

"Goodbye, teacher's wife." Kudo responded, and walked into the station after saying that.

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