Slave Comapny

Slave Company Chapter 10 On The Way

-A life amber huh…she isn’t the [Sage] for nothing after all, could she have predicted this? How frightening her potential is. Luckily I wasn’t planning on killing the boy, as they say our intention creates our reality, it’s good that we can cleanly wrap this up without any more problems…the boy Avian, he didn’t have any issue with any of this right?

King Charles Von Redria asked, his follower the representative who was on his knee nodded his head as he spoke.

-No for the most part he didn’t have a problem after I thoroughly spoke to him, he is a “hero” after all how could he deny something that went against his “nature”, but my king I still worry about leaving the boy unsupervised, maybe we leave some people to tail and watch him, he is still a hero after all and while the information he has can’t hurt us if it lands with the grasp of other people I still think we should.


The king spoke gravely, and with one word the room momentarily seemed as if it was swaying, the representative felt the power in the kings voice as he knew all too well how strong he was, the king after all was the result of hundreds of powerfully blessed rulers copulating with equally powerful blessed individuals and while no one knew what the kings blessing was as it was a deeply guarded secret all knew of its power which is why no one would dare go against the king not only because of his influence but also because of his strength.

The room took a few seconds to calm down as the candle lights flickered and then returned back to normal, the king looked for only a single second before returning back to his usual dignified and gentle expression.

For a moment the representative couldn’t help but feel he just saw the real face of the one he called king, but he erased that thought as he listened to his king speak.

-There is no reason for us to send anyone for the boy, regardless of what happens the boy will no longer be connected to us, let this be a lesson to you Peter Eisenberg, if you want to have a long and stable rule you have to learn how to let go decisively, between the trust of a [Sage] and a hero with a [Monster Tamer] blessing which is more valuable?

Peter considered, before speaking without a doubt.

-The trust of the [Sage].

The king nodded sagely, before turning around as he faced his work desk leaving Peter his representative to kneel and saying.

-Upon sun rise make sure the boy Avian is fully prepared and has been given all the things needed to survive, scrounging on his equipment and funds is not necessary, make sure he is satisfied and takes the first carriage out of the capital as soon as he leaves, he will not be our problem anymore once he does, am I clear Duke Eisenberg?

-Yes, my king.

-Great, you may leave.

And with that Peter stood up and left the kings quarters under the watchful eyes of his protectors who made his skin crawl as he left.

The king’s orders would be executed perfectly, there was no “ifs” and “when’s”.

Peter knew that.

A new day arrived or rather the last day.

As soon as the sun rose Avian was already prepared for his departure having gathered his meager belongings which merely consisted of change of clothes, daily necessities and writing utensils he fit everything he owned neatly into a leather backpack.

All of these items were Avian’s personal belongings he bought himself, within these 2 years he didn’t just stay in the library and study up, but also done some business on the side through the use of Gustave which was mainly just introducing different ways of cooking and unique recipes, being a Royal chef Gustave had quite the connections when it came to the food industry, doing this Avian was able to make a bit of pocket change and save some personal funds just in case, it was only unfortunate that he couldn’t make this his main business as he knew he would be leaving someday.

Anything that was given to him by the king’s men was left behind, they likely wouldn’t care if he took some of their things, but Avian still decided to leave them since he didn’t want anything connecting him to the royal castle no matter how small.

-Alright time to go…

And with that having prepared everything Avian went out into the corridor and closed the door behind him making this the last time he would see the room he spent 2 years in, and honestly he didn’t miss it as he was used to moving around even back in his old world.

On the other hand, Avian was careful to not make too much sound as he left, since the young heroes all lived in separate wings divided by gender, they all lived very close by with their rooms right next to each other, but seeing that it was still very early in the morning and not nearly time for everyone to get up, Avian wasn’t too worried about encountering anyone and strode along as he made his way to the place he and the representative Peter had decided on which was near the castle gate.

-Good morning.

-Yes, good morning.

Arriving at the spot, Avian saw Peter with another person standing behind him waiting for him near the castle gate, Avian only gave the unknown person behind Peter a glance before returning his eyes back to Peter who looked very formal.

Avian mimicked the formal air as he faced Peter, until the very end he would act just to make sure everything went smoothly, for not even a second Avian had kept his guard down as today would be the day everything would be decided.

Looking over Avian, the representative looked a bit surprised as he didn’t expect for Avian to be so thoroughly prepared, but nevertheless he didn’t think too much of it before speaking.

-I assume you have everything you need, but as we have spoken previously, this will be our kings farewell gift to you.

Peter said, revealing a small copper ring to Avian that looked more than a bit shabby with nothing special to it, Avian was unsure of what the ring was, but accepted it regardless without showing his thoughts before Peter finally explained what the ring was.

-This is a space ring, it is a low-level space ring enchanted with space magic that allows it store items, at the moment it can only hold a cubic meter of 10 inside it, but compared to a space bag which can hold more but only reduces the weight of the item, a space ring can hold anything regardless of its weight as long as it fits inside the ring, currently there are 10 small gold pieces, 10 small silver pieces and 100 big copper pieces inside the ring which are yours…

Peter explained, making Avian for the first time really astonished by the item he was being gifted as he didn’t think he would be given something like a space ring as a farewell gift or rather when he was being kicked out.

Avian at most expected them to give him a small pouch with coins and then leave him on his merry way, but the king seemed to be more generous then he seemed.

Avian thought, as he started toying with the space ring listening to Peter as he explained how it worked and how to use it.

Peter also cautioned Avian about revealing the existence of this space ring to anyone for his safety, while the space ring was a low level magic item, it was still a magic item and a space-attribute item at that which were one of the rarest magic items around, they were rarely ever sold and would most of the time need the person to have some amount of connections to be able to get one of these.

Avian naturally knew all of that without being told, having done his research Avian knew basic common sense and much more regarding this world, but he still pretended to listen as Peter continued to blabber on telling Avian how his sacrifice would help the heroes in the future.

He also told Avian that in the future within 5 or so years if the demon threat had lessened he could return and when they found a way to return them back to their world the king would wait for him, seeing as they had his life amber they would know whether or not he was alive to let them wait, making it seem like Avian would always have a chance to return and that he shouldn’t worry but focus on the path ahead.

Obviously Avian wasn’t planning on ever returning if he didn’t have to, he doubted they even possessed the method of returning them back to their world in the first place.

Avian decided that he himself would try to find a way to get back home, but even he doubted he would able to find a way which is why he already felt this goal to be impossible.

At the end, Peter finally introduced the stranger who was standing behind him this entire time, his name was Gregory and from his steel like face that betrayed no emotion it was clear that he wasn’t an office type of guy coupled with his muscles and the scar that ran across his face he was quite intimidating to boot.

Gregory was here to escort Avian to the carriage that would lead him out of the city, he was here to make sure nothing wrong would happen and protect Avian until he got onto the carriage, basically a nice way of saying he would watch Avian until he actually left the city and if he didn’t he would force Avian out no matter what.

-I see.

Avian merely nodded at him, no longer paying him any attention at this point, it was only then that the expressionless Gregory suddenly narrowed his eyes at Avian, Avian saw some clear despise in his eyes making him believe that this man must know the reason for his exile.

Nevertheless, Avian didn’t care, Gregory was merely one of the first people that he would meet who would hold such gaze, Avian already knew that the path he walked on wouldn’t be easy, but nothing was ever easy for him, he made it big in his previous world and he would make big here as well, this was the confidence of a big businessman like him, the confidence in his own strength.

-If this is all, I wish you good luck on your journey’s head young hero, may the goddess light upon you.

-May goddess light upon you as well.

Avian said, giving his final farewells, but just as he was about to leave with the gruff Gregory he could hear someone shout behind him.

-Hey! Kid wait up!

Unexpectedly another buff guy suddenly came out from the castle, wearing a white chefs garb and sporting a long moustache with a bald head, Avian knew exactly who he was from his voice as he turned around not expecting to see him.

Peter too was surprised by this sudden intrusion he was about to ask what this was about, but thinking about it some more he decided to stay out of this as he simply observed blocking Gregory who was about intervene.

-Gustave…why are you here?

Avian asked coming closer to Gustave as he took a couple of steps away from Peter to make it harder for them to hear what they were saying, Gustave didn’t know none of that and simply glanced at Peter familiar with the king’s followers before looking back down at Avian who was genuinely curious as to why this guy came out and how he knew that they would be here.

-Eh, well I remembered what you said yesterday and saw you walk off when I was preparing to make food in the morning, I didn’t know you literally meant what you said, honestly I should be scolding you right now to leave me in the dark like this, but I know that nothing I say would get through to you and honestly even I don’t understand what is going on, but while I thought about the fact that you were leaving I decided I wanted to give you this.

Gustave said, looking a bit awkward and embarrassed not fitting with real life image at all as it sort of looked creepy and gross, but Avian ignored that and simply watched as Gustave pulled out a book that was covered in cloth, taking away the cloth it revealed the book which wasn’t anything out of the ordinary and looked like a boorish book with a blank cover, the only notable thing about it was that the cover was a dark red and looked aged, Avian immediately opened the book to see its contents, but to his surprise as he skipped through the book he realized that it was also completely blank making it essential an empty book.

Avian was no thoroughly confused, expecting Gustave to have an answer he looked at him who smiled awkwardly before speaking.

-This book is something I inherited from my grandfather, you see I actually come from a noble family out in the sticks, while we were a backwater family, my family was known for having some exceptional magic users, unfortunately that line ended with me as all my related family died in a monster tide that swallowed our entire territory turning it into a forbidden area, I had no talent in magic either since I am a chef, but this is basically the only thing I inherited from my grandfather before I was sendoff to be evacuated from the monster tide while my family tried to buy time for everyone else, my grandfather told me it was important to our family, but I never was able to figure out what it was and due time I forgot about this book until I met you, seeing you reading in that library day in and day out reminded me about my grandfather and since you helped me more than I could imagine for the past 2 years with your unique dishes and recipes, I decided that this is likely more useful to you then it is to me, of course this isn’t nearly as good of a reward for all your help. But the thing we talked about earlier, I still want to show you that tavern and let you taste that awesome pork dish, so next time we meet how about I invite you there?

Gustave said, making Avian momentarily dumbfounded as he tried to digest everything he just heard, honestly he didn’t know how to react, but for some reason he felt warm inside seeing Gustave, but while he felt warm he immediately reined his emotions before looking back at Gustave and saying.

-Yes, I would like that, if we meet again let me eat that pork dish.

-That’s a promise kid haha!

And with that Avian made his goodbyes with only people he should done his goodbyes from the beginning, he stored the book into his ring before turning around and telling Peter he was ready to go.

Peter simply nodded giving Gustave a look before turning to Gregory and telling him what to do.

Soon Avian and Gregory went on their way to the nearest coachman service.

As they walked Avian looked back one last time watching as Gustave waved him goodbye, Avian smiled at that before looking back forward.

Avian really felt hungry for some pork at that moment.

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