Slave Comapny

Slave Company Chapter 3 The Day Draws Near

A year passed since his classmates and past teachers decided to become heroes and save this world, Avian could only halfheartedly play along as he couldn’t exactly say that he wasn’t going to become a hero in front of everyone without looking suspicious and garnering the attention of the king who may do something drastic if he realized that Avian wasn’t affected by the transportation circle like the rest.

In the end Avian had no other choice but to stay in a passive position, that is not to say he couldn’t act or anything but rather Avian quickly understood that he needed to bide his time and look for an opportunity if he wanted to get out.

So began the official training to turn everyone into heroes, having come to this point Avian’s first order of business was to get as much information as he possibly could to better his chances, and what better way to get information then the place that was holding him captive?

Being situated in the capital of the Redria kingdom, the kings castle had all the necessary facilities It could possibly have to train children into exceptional heroes, be it training grounds to equipment and exceptional staff nothing was spared, for one year they were all going to be trained there before being send to the Royal Academy where all the noble children and truly exceptional commoners gathered to study and improve their skills.

To Avian this all felt like the progression of some bad novel, but he sucked it up and simply went along with everyone while keeping an amicable relationship with the group using his social skill.

Avian honestly didn’t want to waste his time doing that and rather preferred to be a loner and concentrate on gathering information, but in the end Avian also recognized that he needed some allies if he ever got into a sticky situation, it helped that the group he was currently in was easy to befriend because of how their personalities had changed, their righteousness had truly turned into that of a hero, Avian thought it was both a blessing for him while it was a curse to them as he found it very easy to deceive them especially since they were so young and not yet experienced.

Having started training Avian and his group quickly settled into a new routine as they experienced new things every day.

New characters and people appeared as they continued their days training and studying, Avian had even heard about a conflict between one of his classmates and a high ranking noble son which ended up into a formal duel, the noble boy in question was also a very powerful swordsman while his classmate had just begun training in the sword, but somehow he still ended up winning after only training for one week, there was also a girl in his group who found a secret passage in the castle and found the inheritance of a sage which she was able to acquire after passing the test giving her immense powers, and those weren’t the only events either, many more things happened to each person in his group, from sudden adventures to discovering secrets, their lives had suddenly turned into that of a fantasy protagonist.

Except for one person, which was Avian.

All the while his group was experiencing one thing after another powering up, Avian hadn’t once left the same place ever since they started training in the castle.

This place being the Royal Library, located inside the Royal Castle, Avian found all the necessary information that he could possibly want right inside where he lived, ever since he discovered the Royal Library he kept going into the library to understand the world he had gotten himself into.

Out of all the people in his group, Avian was the only one who had learned how to speak and write the native language of this world within 1 month, this rate of learning surprised Avian and not only him as everyone else was also just as surprised of his capabilities.

But learning a language within 1 month was just that, compared to inheriting a Sage’s power and learning how to swing a sword within a single week and defeating a son of a noble, who trained to be a swordsman since he was a toddler, Avian’s accomplishments quickly got drowned in the better accomplishments of others.

Eventually everyone forgot about Avian, the king who started to expect a lot from Avian had his attention instantly caught by someone else, it honestly made Avian feel glad as he disliked the attention, but it also made him feel very curious as he couldn’t understand why those beneficial encounters were happening to his classmates and past teachers and not him.

From the outside, to Avian it looked like some kind of invisible hand was helping them succeed or leading them somewhere good, it was incredibly creepy to Avian, even though he somehow learned a completely foreign language within a single month Avian didn’t once think that it was because of some cosmic being helping him out, he instead noticed that his body and learning capabilities had gotten much stronger just like everyone else’s as soon as they came here, but compared to everyone else it wasn’t that strong seeing that one of his classmates learned how to swing a sword expertly within a single week while he needed a month to learn a language, this being what quickly made Avian clued into that it was likely that just like how his mind wasn’t affected by the transportation circle, he also didn’t get the same benefits as everyone who was affected.

This was a bit regrettable, but knowing the other side of this blessing, Avian much rather preferred his current state as he continued to steadily study up and get as much as he could out of the Royal Library, Avian also started to make certain plans as the year passed in preparation of a certain event.

This event being the blessing ceremony.

In this world, once a person turned 15 years of age they would all be immediately send to a local church to be blessed by god which was done by a priest.

This blessing was the core of how this world functioned.

Every person in this world had a blessing ranging from [Farmer] to [Warrior] and much more, this blessing basically determined their role in society and what they were good at, [Farmer]’s farmed while [Warrior]’s fought.

There was no way of changing the role one was blessed with, but it also didn’t mean you couldn’t do something different from the role you were given, instead they would never be as good as the person who had the role that specialized in it.

People with the [Farmer] blessing for example would never fight as well as people with the [Warrior] blessing while vice a versa [Warrior]’s would never farm as well as [Farmer]’s.

There even were some skills and abilities that were specific for the blessing which no other blessing could do no matter what, magic for example could only be done by people who had the [Wizard] blessing or something similar.

The way a [Priest] determined what kind of blessing a person had was through using an orb called the Divine Orb, the ceremony was very simple, a person just had to place their hand on the orb once they turned 15 and silently pray in their heart before the orb started to shine and revealed their blessing for everyone to see.

Avian also read that a person could check their own blessing by praying to see their own information, this function was vaguely similar to that of a game.

Furthermore, in this world it was also somewhat possible to predict what kind of blessing someone was going to have before they underwent the ceremony, his classmate who learned how to swing a sword within a single week was further tested and it was later found out that he could learn how to wield more than just a sword as he quickly got good at wielding a spear, a hammer, a bow and many more other weapons.

On other hand his handling with defensive tools like shields and armor wasn’t as great as his affinity with weapons.

Through this the staff was quickly able to determine that it was likely that his classmate’s blessing was either going to be [Weapon Master], [Battle Master] or some variant of a [Fighter] blessing.

Either way it was quickly discovered that he was destined to have a high class combat blessing immediately turning him into a highly valued asset while the girl who inherited the Sage’s inheritance was also without doubt going to become a [Sage] as only sages could inherit this inheritance turning her into a top class magic user as sages were able to use all magic types.

And they weren’t the only ones either, everyone else also showed signs of having some extremely high class blessings, only Avian showed none of that other than his exceptional learning speed which was actually not as good as some of the others.

Avian too recognized this, and suspected the reason, because of this Avian quickly started to prepare for what was going to happen once the ceremony would occur, it was very likely that he would be exposed once the ceremony revealed his blessing, for this Avian needed countermeasures, but with how little time he had and how weak he was Avian knew his chances weren’t great either way.

And then the day of the blessing ceremony came, everyone was finally called in to be blessed and by none other than the pope himself.


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