Slave Comapny

Slave Company Chapter 30 The Half-Orc And The Female Knight

The round of negotiation between Hilton and Avian lasted for 30 minutes, but to Hilton it felt like 30 hours as he ended up sweating buckets and feeling like he was about cry each time they exchanged words.

Hilton quickly came to the understand that Avian was truly a skilled and ruthless businessman, even though he suffered a lot, his respect for Avian elevated a couple levels as they negotiated.

Cornelia who was spectating saw for the first time how a person could be robbed in broad daylight with words alone, she was so amazed that she thought that rather than being a [Thief] like her she would likely get more money if she learned how to scam like Avian.

To give perspective, magic user slaves in general were sold for 30 small gold pieces at the minimum which was Hiltons original offer, but by the end of it, Hilton could only bow down in front of Avian as he put up so many arguments and points that Hilton had to yield down to 8 small gold pieces’ plus a high level [Slave Mark] which was free all of which barely broke even for Hiltons investment’s which was the medicine and food he spent on the girl, he couldn’t refuse either as Hilton didn’t know if anyone would even buy this girl in the first place even if he did bring her to a bigger town or city, getting rid of her when he had the chance was a wise move for him, even if he felt like he was robbed.


The rabbit girl’s cage was opened as soon as the deal was concluding, calling up two of his men Hilton told Avian that they would quickly prepare her and make the [Slave Mark] before giving her to Avian and him paying them the money.

This wasn’t actually how Hilton usually did his business as he would ask for money first, but by looking at Avian and having experienced his godlike negotiation technique he sure that he had enough money to afford it which is why he didn’t bother.

After this ordeal, Hilton even asked Avian if he wanted to join their company and become a co-owner as he truly respected Avian’s skill, but as expected Avian declined as that would interfere with his own goals which Hilton fully expected as he merely tried to see if he could succeed.

As the rabbit girl was being taken away somewhere Avian looked at her as she seemingly seemed to look back at him, Avian didn’t know but for some reason he felt her being aware of him somehow, it puzzled him, but he brushed that off as Hilton suddenly came close and whispered.

-I forgot to mention, but that girl is still a virgin so if you want we can…

-Can we see the next slaves? I would like to finish this quickly.

Seeing Avian change the subject decisively, Hilton backed off as he understood that Avian wasn’t into those things and acted as if it never happened while leading the way to the next slaves.

Avian too pretended like he didn’t hear anything and followed while Cornelia who heard a tid-bits looked a bit tired as the darkness in this place started to make her feel numb, she again affirmed that the world was truly a dark and depraved place, she told herself to not fall into it and work hard less she would become like that rabbit girl.

Going deeper Hilton lead them to other slaves that met Avian’s criteria, Avian would usually look at them ask a few questions before going to the next, Hilton expected this and continued to show Avian his wares with pleasure before they finally hit their first spot that made Avian really consider as looked down at the slave.

-This is a female half-orc, she is 23 years old and comes from Rock Fall a place to the south of here from a tribe of orcs, she was expelled from her tribe not because of her half-human heritage, but because she seemed to have eaten the animal the tribe worshiped as their god, the fact that she wasn’t outright killed was a miracle, but when she was expelled some adventurers caught her and sold her to me as a slave which in itself is also a miracle since she is still unranked with her blessing meaning she hadn’t done much to improve her blessing for the past 23 years for some reason likely to do with her tribe who seemed to be keep her inside the tribe until she ate their god, she is very strong as she has the [Barbarian] blessing while she can also take a lot of damage even without armor, I would say she is docile in a certain sense, but the thing is she is not very bright and she is also very…

Before Hilton could finish, the half-orc women that was watching the two suddenly spoke.

-Are you me new master?

Her voice was clear, but rough, looking at her body and face, Avian couldn’t help but be a bit surprised as this half-orc woman was actually pretty beautiful, both in body and face, she had ample breasts, long legs and thick thighs with a big bottom while her hair was long and lush with her facial features giving a seductive feeling to it, her hourglass figure closely reminded Avian of Tanner’s this towns Governors secretary Shalila who had the same Amazonian figure, if it wasn’t for her dark green skin, yellow eyes and small tusks growing out of her mouth, Avian would have never guessed she was half-orc.

Avian had already seen pictures of orcs from this world both male and female, and they looked nothing like this half-orc women, even half-orcs looked more orcish then her as she resembled her human half more than her orc half.

-Depends if you are useful to me.

-Then…if me becomes useful will you give Ogra lots of food?

Avian furrowed his brows a little bit not replying as he looked at Hilton for an answer as he quickly replied.

-You see, this woman actually eats a lot, because of her our food costs are already through the roof even when we feed her the cheapest and most abundant food we can get, we try to feed her less like the other slaves, but when she starts starving for even a little bit she starts to causing extreme temper tantrums, sometimes even breaking her cage which is why we put her in a monster cage instead of an ordinary slave cage, as you may have noticed, she is actually very good looking, at the beginning she was actually very popular as a slave and somewhat of a star in the auction, people bought her in a heartbeat because of her unique human like beauty, but later…those who bought her quickly returned her, now you see our company doesn’t accept returns for obvious reasons so most of the time no one returns the slaves they bought, but this woman is special, the first customer who bought her immediately brought her to a hotel to do “you know what” with her, but as they were about to engage in it she had the audacity to bite off the customers important body part which prompted the customer to try to kill her but failing as she resisted the pain of the [Slave Mark] with her [Rage] ability, the guards were alerted and successfully captured her as they found her eating a horse inside a stable raw, they were originally going to kill her, but ended up capturing her by luring her with food, they eventually tracked her origins back to our company and the local lord demanded that we take her back and pay for all damages she caused, we had no other choice but to comply and since then no one dared to buy her anymore as word got around and no one wanted to risk it and end up like the first unfortunate lad who became, ahem, became emasculated.

-But you are recommending her to me? Can the [Slave Mark] even contain her?

-Do not worry! The [Slave Mark] that was originally used on her was a low-level one since then we have used a high-level [Slave Mark] on her to keep her in check, unfortunately this caused this woman to be only contained through the [Slave Mark] by being knocked unconscious from it as she always uses her [Rage] ability whenever she gets hungry where the trouble usually starts, pain seems not to do much to her if it isn’t inflicted at extreme amounts, but even after she was contained, the deed was already done as he reputation as a slave was already ruined.

-I see.

Avian replied, the half-orc woman called Ogra still wanting to hear if he would give her food if she became useful while speaking in a somewhat broken version of this worlds language, Avian inspected this dumb half-orc woman and briefly considered before speaking.

-I am planning on making an adventurer’s…no a hunting party, we are going to go out and kill monsters, you understand right? Okay, so let’s make it like this, if you follow all my orders and do what I tell you to without question, I will let you eat 1/10 of all the monsters we kill, every day without question, but it is only valid if you listen to my words, do you understand?

Avian asked, the half-orc women momentarily getting a sparkle in her yellow eyes as she nodded enthusiastically while hopping in her small cage.

-Yes! Me do what you say and get lots of food!

-Good, so how much is she? And does the [Slave Mark] come for free if she already has one?

-Ahh…3.5 small gold pieces…and yes…since she resists the lower level ones that is for free.

Hilton answered, slightly impressed as he never saw anyone do something like this, in fact Hilton never believed Avian would buy her as she was a dangerous individual that could resist the [Slave Mark] to some extent, it felt like today he was getting rid of a whole lot of troublesome trash on his backyard, he should have felt happy really, but he actually felt differently, a bit conflicted really which was a type of emotion he couldn’t really put into words.

Cornelia who was watching nearby, didn’t know what to say, she had been for the past few minutes giving her own recommendations for which slave to buy, but Avian had given her the deaf ear as she didn’t even consider her advice, and now that he had bought this dumb somewhat beautiful half-orc woman who only seemed to like food, Cornelia seriously considered whether or not Avian was really buying sex-slaves to create a harem for himself, from an outsiders perspective this really looked like it, but Avian thought differently.

-(Violence doesn’t work on idiots, but you don’t need violence to control idiots, in fact it is easier to control simple minded people like her since they only want one thing, in time it won’t be much different from training a dog giving her treats whenever she learned how to do a trick, I was lucky I encountered her here)

And with that thought they continued while Ogra was being prepared to be bought.

So far Avian had really just spend 11.5 small gold pieces which was much less gold since he didn’t need to pay for both of the high level [Slave Marks], Avian never expected to get such a bargain deal in a slave market like this and was looking forward to buying the next 2 slaves as he inspected each one to see if they were good enough.

Unfortunately, the next search didn’t go so well, Avian simply couldn’t find another vanguard to his liking, he already had the damage dealing one so this time he wanted someone who could tank.

Hilton felt nervous about his customers demanding requirements, he was about to show Avian the last product he had that met his requirements, but honestly he didn’t want to shoe her to him as she actually a lot of equally troublesome problems like the last 2, but for some reason as he was getting closer to showing her to him, he started to feel that maybe he was going to sell her too considering how the flow was going.

The prospect of this made Hilton feel excited as quickly showed Avian the last slave he had.

-This is the last, one I don’t know if you will like her, but compared to the last 2 she isn’t someone special, a human really, but believe me when I say she meets all your requirements!

And with that a woman with red long hair tied in a tail was revealed sitting inside a cage in a dignified and prideful manner keeping her back straight.

Her eyes were closed while her hands and feet were crossed as if she was meditating, there was a certain intimidating aura she exuded that made people nervous around her as if she was a sharp sword ready to be drawn, but kept in a sheath.

She was beautiful as well and just as well built as Ogra even though she was a human, likely because she had gone through harsh training instead of relying on her innate talents, her breasts and legs were especially enticing coupled with his bottom which looked soft to the touch and skin clear of all dirt, in fact she was the cleanest slave he had seen yet which indicated this woman took great care of herself.

A glint momentarily appeared within Avian’s eyes as he looked at this stern but beautiful women who sort of reminded him of a female knight with her sharp facial features, and his thoughts weren’t completely wrong either as Hilton started to explain the details of this women.

-This is a female human, she is 27 years old and comes from Haven which is a city in another human kingdom south of here which is called Theoram, humans there are slightly bigger and stronger compared to the humans here as they live in a very cold place that requires big bodies to stay warm as no season other than winter occurs in their land, she used to be a vassal knight under a certain noble, actually her blessing is the blessing of the [Knight] making her somewhat special as it is a variant of the fighter’s blessing with much history behind it, but this is where the problem begins…you see she was a knight under a certain noble in the Theoram kingdom, this very noble caused a coup to dethrone the Queen of that kingdom to become Queen herself, but she was quickly defeated which caused this knight to…

As Hilton continued to explain, the woman who seemed to be peacefully meditating without giving anyone here any mind whatsoever suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were equally a burning red just like her hair, they were piercing too as she directly looked at Hilton with a hard and angry look on her face as if she wanted to rip him apart before shouting.


Her outburst surprised everyone present as Hilton and Cornelia took a step back in fright from her voice alone.

Only Avian didn’t flinch as he directly stared at the face of this women, she was still unranked after all just like him, her voice was loud and intimidating, but it had no real power, to Avian her shouts sounded like the whining’s of a loser, a defeated dog.

The female knight noticed Avian’s unflinching spirit and looked at him finally acknowledging another person, in her mind she thought of Avian as nothing more than a disgusting wrench who wanted her body and nothing more, even if he was more courageous and hardy then most people she was never going to acknowledge someone like that if she was ever bought.

Avian saw the rebelliousness in her eyes and normally Avian would have without a doubt skipped within a heartbeat since he disliked people like her the most who clung to their ideals and couldn’t see reality for what it was just like those heroes his past classmates and teachers, but this time it was different, he was not on earth but a different world with magic and blessings.

The rules of these things changed the nature of everything as they pointed a straight line towards a goal everyone, Avian could use this, he saw where they are headed and combining it with other information controlling them to do what he wanted was not difficult at all.

-For how long has she been here?

-Eh…ah…2 years I think? She is in fact one of the senior slaves in our company who have yet to be sold, after the coup and loss of the noble she was under who promptly executed, this woman was implicated and then deported into this country to be sold as a slave, you see because of her identity or rather blessing of a [Knight] it is extremely difficult for people who have a good reputation to buy her without hurting their own reputation, the reason being the extensive history of knights who had always been good and lawful throughout this world, knights had always helped the weak and beaten evil at every turn following their chivalrous code as that is what their blessing entails, which is why making a [Knight] that represents goodness into a slave was always seen as something only an evil person would do, making all people who had a so called “Good” public reputation never willing to buy her which ranged from merchants and nobles alike, those who had a bad reputations also never bought her because a knights code of chivalry didn’t align with evil individuals as she refused to commit to them even if it meant death or humiliation, finally being at my wits end I tried to turn this women into a prostitute because of her beauty, but this too immediately failed as every time a man tried to call for her they would immediately change their mind when the woman stared at them making them leave and generally make business worse for a brothel who always promptly kick her out so that the customers wouldn’t flee. The only thing that could change her mind was if she finally chose a [Master] for herself, the thing is she never chose a [Master] in her entire life forcing her to stay unranked even though she is already 27 years’ old turning her like this where nobody good enough wants to buy her and nobody bad enough can use her keeping her stuck here and collecting dust, it is honestly a shame as she is such a splendid product!

-I see

Avian replied, again looking back at the woman or female knight as he pondered, the woman herself went back into meditating as this was a practice for both [Knights] and [Wizards] in restoring and increasing their mana pool, [Knights] weren’t magic users though, they instead had something similar to it that used their mana but in a limited way.

In fact, she didn’t even have access to those abilities as she still hadn’t chosen a [Master] making her unranked to this day, at unranked she should have only 3 abilities those being [Meditate], [Charge Strike]. and [Oath Of Fealty].

[Meditate] was already explained while [Charge Strike] was similar to the [Heavy Strike] of the [Warrior], but different the way that the [Knight] needed to wait a few seconds to charge the blade with mana before unleashing it.

[Oath Of Fealty] was the sole ability that kept the [Knight] from ranking up.

A [Knight] required to use this ability if they wanted to grow, what it did was basically swear loyalty to a person they deemed worthy by become their knight forever protecting them with their life, they also gain immense bonuses to their attributes if they fight near their master.

In the history of this world many powerful rulers such as kings and emperors came to their position through having extremely loyal and powerful subordinates.

The [Knight] is one of those subordinates making people believe that if one wanted to become a king, they had to have a [Knight] under them to at the bare minimum be deemed worthy of it.

This caused many ignorant nobles in this world to look for [Knights] make them swear fealty to them, but unfortunately even when they found those [Knights] none of them ever succeeded as a [Knight] needs to decide themselves if the person they would serve was worthy through inner moral code which was the code of chivalry.

Avian had read many books depicting and describing those [Knights] both in story and the actual blessing, from Avian’s own understand he knew that the reason those kings and emperors gained knights was not because they were worthy from the beginning but because the [Knights] deemed them worthy through their actions once they accomplished something great letting Avian know that to become a king [Knights] were absolutely never necessary.

Not that Avian ever wanted to become king, what he really wanted was to get a capable subordinate and seeing this opportunity in front of him, Avian decided he would try get it with all he had.

-Knight, what is your name?


She didn’t reply, still meditating as if she could hear Avian, Avian stared at her, but she didn’t move an inch, not being discouraged, he simply smiled before continuing.

-You won’t speak, Fine I will call you Knight then, so Knight you spent 2 whole years inside this cage doing absolutely nothing, can you tell me what have you accomplished in these 2 years.


She was still silent, but there was an obvious change of expression as she quietly shook with some unknown emotion, Avian acted like he didn’t notice and continued.

-2 years is a long time even if it seems short, you sat here accomplishing absolutely nothing, with the lady you respected so much probably dead and rotting somewhere.


She said, quietly this time and with much difficult refusing to open her eyes while her voice shook with hardened emotion, but Avian didn’t stop as he continued.

-Why should I shut up? Isn’t what I am saying true? Your lady is dead, she failed in her task and for that she died, you on other hand still live only here because your lady involved you into her mess in the first place.


The female knight shouted, finally opening her eyes as she stared directly into Avian’s cold brown eyes as if wanting to kill him, she probably would have if she had a weapon or was out of the cage, but she didn’t and wasn’t.

Avian crouched near the catch didn’t react to his shouting as he merely gazed at her like looking at a corpse.

-She may not have or she may have, who is to say the truth of the matter, in any case it doesn’t change that you still live and rot here all by yourself for some reason, let me ask you, why did you never make this noble into your master? Don’t you think that if she became your master you could have been strong enough to defend her and not ended up here to listen to me? What kind of knight are you? Even though you speak so defensively and righteously for the lady that seemed to have been important to you, you never seemed to even intend to defending her until your last breath, isn’t it your fault she…


Suddenly the cage the woman sat in rattled as a metal bar suddenly bent out of shape, behind it was a fist which didn’t go unscathed as it bled from the force it had to endure by hitting that sturdy metal bar.

Hilton and Cornelia instantly took 2 more steps back as they shivered from what they had just seen, Hilton was about to even call for his men, but Avian stopped him as he raised his hand at him.

He looked back at her, she was pissed, her eyes and face were so red from anger and rage that she may even start fuming steam out of her head any second now, but still Avian wasn’t fazed as he really didn’t have a reason considering their respective situations.

-If you don’t shut up…I will get out of here…and break your neck you filthy cur.

Everyone word she said, every action she took from her smallest twitch unnerved both Hilton and Cornelia as they had never met someone so full of raw and powerful rage, they wanted Avian to finally do what she said and stop, but Avian didn’t stop he had just begun.

Avian smiled, the smile irritated the female knight to now end she wanted to punch his stupid face so she could erase that stupid smile of his, but she couldn’t her earlier attempt at breaking the cage wasn’t for show or threat, she actually tried to break the cage with her strength, but failed, she quickly understood that the cage was too sturdy, even with her strength she couldn’t break it making her feel even more anger as she still had the [Slave Mark] on her that could activate even if she was able to break out.

Truly, Avian was right, nothing changed and nothing had been accomplished for what reason did she stay here all this time doing nothing?

Obviously she grieved at first for her lady’s death, but then she started to train and build her body for preparation.

What kind of preparation?

She didn’t know, she didn’t think that far ahead yet, the female knight knew she wasn’t very smart, but even she understood that at that point was only running away.

But she wouldn’t admit it, not to this man, not when he disgraced her lady, but his next words suddenly shocked her as she couldn’t help but halt her rage when she heard them…

-Make me into your master, if you do I won’t take vengeance for your lady, but I will recover anyone she held dear and protect them as well, I won’t know when I can do so, but I promise I will.




The female knight silent, while other two looked shocked jumping on their feet not believe what they just heard Avian say.

There was a limit to shamelessness or deceit, even those two behind Avian knew that.

The female knight at this point would normally start shouting profanities or laugh at such lie, but as she was looking into Avian’s eyes as he said that, the female couldn’t do any of those things as she for some reason felt Avian’s promise to be true.

In the past 2 years, many people had come to her, from wealthy merchants, nobles and people of influence, they all promised her great wealth and things anyone would desire, someone even promised to god that they would take vengeance for her lady, all this for the condition that the female knight make them their master, but the female knight declined each time at every offer, she saw through all lies and desired no wealth or property, she knew that the only thing these people wanted from her was a convenient and strong pawn, this man in front of her, Avian wasn’t different.

No, he was different, even though he wanted her as a pawn, he didn’t lie, his eyes were pure, even though they were shrouded in darkness deep down they held unbreakable principles.

Just like that of a knight!

-My lady’s daughter…will you save her?

The female knight asked, all her anger dissolving as she looked at Avian with focus and testing glare.

The other two, were even more surprised when they heard what the female knight replied, they couldn’t understand what was going on anymore, were they in some kind of dream?!

Avian pondered again, recalling Gustave and Marco, before replying as he gave an honest answer.

-Yes, when I get strong enough I will go and save her, but you have to do your part as well, if I make this promise I want you to follow every order I make, I don’t want your loyalty, I just want your obedience, become my pawn and for that I will make your wish come true.

The female knight momentarily felt weak as she looked down, logically she shouldn’t accept a deal like this that was no different from being a slave, but the truth she felt that came for the first time within these 2 years made the female knight weak, she simply no other way, it was the fault of those liars, charlatans and selfish people that brought her here to him.

The female knight once again asked.

-Do you promise?

-I promise.

-Then you shall be my master.

The female knight knelt on the ground, ceremoniously raising her hands in a cup while keeping her down, she put her hands through the metal bars as she stretched them out to Avian.

Avian had read about the procedures for the [Oath Of Fealty] so he knew exactly what this was and what to do, normally this is where the master usually gives the [Knight] a sword to represent their master and accept them as their knight, there was also more to this then a symbolic meaning as the item given actually had great importance for the blessing of the [Knight], but Avian had no such thing as he didn’t prepare for something like this, instead he gave the female knight the one thing he thought represented himself the most with how he lived his life.

Meanwhile Hilton and Cornelia who were watching by the side couldn’t help but imagine that this is what it looked like when a mortal made a deal with the devil, they also knew procedures of the [Oath Of Fealty] since it was spoke of so much in stories and word of mouth, they couldn’t wait to see what Avian was going to give her, but their eyes instantly widened when they saw the shiny yellow object inside Avian’s hand that was then given to the Female Knight.

-Hah!? You are giving her that!?

-As a person I am ecstatic! As a Merchant I can’t be even more proud right now!

The two quipped while Avian and the female knight didn’t even give them a glance, the female knight felt the object in her hands and felt a bit confused as she looked at it to see what it was.

The female knight, her entire life had never once felt greed towards worldly objects, she was a pure knight who believed in the code of chivalry and followed it religiously.

But the moment she looked at the golden coin in her hand, she couldn’t help but think how beautiful it was, for the first time she started to understand why people chased after wealth and obsessed over money, it too had its own beauty, greed was a sin, but a person without greed was not a person at all, like how every being strives to get better and stronger.

Was that also not a form of greed?

With the answer of that question a brilliant light suddenly enveloped the golden coin within the female knight’s hand.

Avian was momentarily wide eyed as he didn’t expect this, he knew something like this would happen, but he still didn’t exactly expect it to be so flashy and sudden while the other two merely watched in awe as the golden coin started to fly from the female knight’s cupped hands before floating in the air exuding bright golden lights.

Soon after the golden coin started to transform, expanding and increasing in volume somehow when it shouldn’t have been possible for how little it was.

Finally, the blob of gold started to take shape, dividing in two before one turning into a lustrous shield while the other turning into a sword.

With the transformation finally done, Avian felt a strange connection towards him and the female knight as if there was an invisible thread connecting them.

The female knight felt it too and the moment she did she held the two items, sword and shield as they floated down, before taking a big slash around her, slashing the cage into 2 before standing up and approaching Avian and kneeling down again.

-From today on, I, Gabriella Amarith, will be your knight and promise to forever protect you and serve you.

-And I Lu..arghh!…Do I really have to use my real name…fine…

Avian muttered, having just experienced an instant shock to his body when he tried to use his fake name, the two behind him were a bit disturbed when they heard Avian’s pained scream and wondered what happened, but again Avian gave them no mind as he realized his mistake from the connection he had with Gabriella and knelt down to her level or rather bellow level to whisper her his real name so the other two wouldn’t find out.

Gabriella didn’t understand what Avian was doing, so she was surprised when he suddenly came down at an equal level, Avian too didn’t bother explaining which caused Gabriella to misunderstand as she started to think.

-(So master wants to make the oath on an equal level…I see even if he is full of darkness he possess honor and respect like no other, as his knight I have to be prepared to face my masters enemies, even if they are good and just, no one shall disrespect my masters honor, that is my oath!)

She thought, and in turn mysteriously her shield and sword responded with her silent oath as they started to get significantly darker in color from their original shining gold becoming a dark gold giving off an eerie vibe.

Unfortunately, nobody noticed as they were focused on Avian and Gabriella then the weapons themselves, Avian too whispered making his own oath or promise.

-And I Avian Monel, will be your master and promise I will one day try to save this knight’s lady’s daughter once I am strong enough.

With the oaths exchanged, the connection between Avian and Gabriella become that much deeper as they could feel each other’s presence without even needing to look at one another.

It was a mysterious feeling, but neither of them disliked it, Gabriella especially felt like she was extremely close to her master, which made her feel very happy as if she was never alone.

Avian stood up together with Gabriella who was now his knight and loyal servant, her turned to the stunned and amazed Hilton before asking.

-So how much is she again?

Hilton almost fainted, but he could only smile wryly as he realized he couldn’t win against this young man.


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