Slave Comapny

Slave Company Chapter 38 Conflict

-Hic..look…hic… who we got here? Newbies I see hic…, I thought you all already left as soon as you could…hic…I see that there are still some fool hardy juniors left…so as a senior hic…let me give you some advice…trash like you don’t belong…

As he said that, the drunken adventurer slowly approached them with bottle hand, his eyes not looking kind at all for what he claimed while glaring at them, Avian could feel a headache about to form in his mind, but before he could even say anything, Gabriella acted first as she suddenly gave the drunken adventurer a vicious glare.

The effect of this glare was strange, but suffice enough the drunk adventurer immediately stopped in his drunken gait as he suddenly froze in shock whilst wide eyed, a strange threatening air was coming out of Gabriella assaulting the adventurer as he stumbled to the ground and shattered his bottle of liquor looking terrified.

The spot between his legs quickly started to stain, and it wasn’t because of the shattered liquor.

-Hahahah adventurer man peed himself!

Ogra immediately laughed as she pointed at the fallen and terrified adventurer who soiled his pants while holding her stomach.

Intense disgust came over Gabriella as she stopped her action, she didn’t even want to talk to this guy and looked over everyone else present with her burning red eyes seemingly challenging everyone present.

The adventurers present didn’t dare to look back at Gabriella other than a select few who were strong enough, but still decided to not involve themselves as they quickly understood that she wasn’t someone they wanted to make an enemy out of, no one knew what Gabriella just did to the drunken adventurer, a few of the more knowledgeable adventurers recognized that this ability was similar to the [Warrior] ability [Intimidating Shout], but at the same time not the same as it was more concentrated and far more potent.

Only Avian recognized this ability as he knew that this was likely one of the new abilities Gabriella unlocked upon reaching rank 1 [Knight].

Its name was [Threaten], what it did was put a powerful sense of fear into a single target the [Knight] designated making the target focus on the [Knight] as they turned into the highest threat to the target, this was similar to the [Warrior’s] [Taunt] ability and the [Fighter’s] [Provoke] which used anger to pull the attention of a being, but these abilities weren’t all powerful, they could be resisted through high mental attributes such as wisdom or charisma, people who were aware of them beforehand could also mentally prepare themselves for it to lessen the impact, making the ability only good in the heat of combat or targets like monsters that weren’t that smart to begin with.

Anyways, looking at the terrified drunken adventurer who didn’t seem to have any resistance towards Gabriella’s ability and Ogra laughing at him, Avian didn’t know if this was a good or bad thing to resolve the situation, from the beginning Avian wanted to avoid conflicted if he could, Gabriella’s actions had put an unknown factor into Avian’s plans furthermore he couldn’t imagine that this adventurer was alone without a…

-What the fuck are you bastards doing to our party member! You think we are easy to bully you shit heads!

Just as Avian thought, rough looking older man suddenly slammed his hand on the table and stood up together with 5 other individuals comprised of both males and females, they looked extremely pissed and started to approach in a threatening manner with their hands on their weapons.

The smell of a heated fight seemed to approach, Deborah and Cornelia immediately looked a bit pale as neither of them had much experience fighting for real, while Avian, Ogra and Gabriella looked on with placid looks.

-Looks like we can’t talk this out after all.

-From the very beginning there was no need to talk to these vulgar brigands.

-I prefer not making enemies for no reason, and I would like it if you kept that in mind.

Avian replied to Gabriella, originally still wanting to resolve this more peacefully, but seeing them already reaching for their weapons he started to think that maybe fighting was unavoidable here and that they should show a bit of their own strength.

Looking at the 6 individuals that were approaching them, Avian immediately identified them with his [Blood Sense], the only person who was of a particular threat looked to be their leader who was rank 1 while everyone else was unranked, Avian in his mind could easily imagine himself being able to taken on 2 of them while Ogra would likely be able to do the same if not more with her perverse strength, leaving the rank 1 to Gabriella.

As for Deborah and Cornelia, they had ranged weapons and could support them from the back, but Avian was more concerned about fighting inside the guild hall as he didn’t think they would go unpunished if they really threw down inside of here.

The other adventurers present though looked on with a bit of glee on their faces wanting to see the newbies being shown their place in the herd, it was truly unpleasant, but Avian realized he may have no other choice anymore as he pondered about what he should order as a fight was imminent.

Unexpectedly, the events were interrupted as the receptionist old man from earlier suddenly appeared in between the two parties out of nowhere.

Avian was the most surprised as he didn’t even notice him approach with his [Blood Sense], which made him only more cautious as the old man looked at the parties before speaking while facing the man who looked like the leader of the other party with a stern face.

-I walk away for one second, and this is what happens, how many times do I have to tell you Osborne that fights between adventurers is forbidden and something that can get you expelled, this isn’t your first offense either because of your actions many new promising adventurers decided to leave this town, something governor Tanner had been quite upset about.

-Don’t turn that to me shitty old man! It wasn’t us who started this, they messed with Billy here first! Even though he just wanted to give these newbies some advice that bitch did something strange to him and made him like this!

The man said, pointing at the drunken adventurer who looked quite mad after her calmed down as he viciously glared at Avian and his party members.

Avian and his party still refused to say anything in regards to that which the old man noted before looking at the drunk adventurer and replying.

-As far as I can see, he isn’t injured and neither does it look like anyone put their hands on anybody, I think he was just so drunk that he couldn’t hold his bladder when he stumbled to the ground, jeez even dogs know where they should and shouldn’t relief themselves, doesn’t that make it his fault for being less than a dog?

A chorus of laughter erupted as soon as the old man said so with a smirk on his face, the adventurer leader by the name of Osborne, immediately turned red in the face from both anger and humiliation as everyone started laughing at him and his party, they already tried not to laugh when the drunken adventurer collapsed and peed himself when Ogra pointed it out, but with the old man openly mocking him like this they couldn’t hold it anymore as the guild hall was full of laughter.

-Grrr! You shitty old man! I will remember this don’t think you will get away!

He said giving Gabriella a dirty look full of grudge before grabbing the drunken adventurer and started to take his party away, a stain was created as he dragged him creating only more laughter that forced the party to get away quicker as they left the guild hall.

The old man smirked as they left, telling Maribel that Osborne and his party weren’t allowed to use the guild hall until they cleaned the mess they created on the floor which only brought another round of laughter from everyone present.

-I am sorry to had to experience something like this, here in the frontier there are a lot of unpleasant people gathering for different reasons, because of this it’s not the most hospitable, but to be frank I honestly recommend you not staying here, you probably heard about the monster horde coming this way, even though this town had weathered a few monster hordes already we aren’t sure if we can handle this one this time even with the governor on our side, so please take these tags and leave for another town, I would not like to see new adventurers like you to perish in a place like this.

Saying this, the old man gave Gabriella 2 tags which were wooden in material and had their names engraved on it, Gabriella took the tags and gave Avian his, before looking back at the old.

-What is your name?

-Huh? Uhm my name is Heldvig, why do you ask?

-Heldvig I see, my name is Gabriella, I am leader of this party of 2, but the few who stand beside me are also my companions even if they aren’t in the party, we as a party decided to become adventurers here, because we want to help combat the approaching monster horde, and while I appreciate your warnings, we will not leave, but assist you.

-Are you sure?

Heldvig asked, quite surprised as he didn’t expect such an answered, Gabriella too sounded very sincere with her words as she gave off a trustworthy atmosphere from her knightly demeanor.

And just like Avian had told everyone before, they all nodded silently in affirmation, making the old not quite believe it, but looking thankful as he shook Gabriella’s hand.

-I…I see! Thank you very much, I know that you are a powerful warrior, we can really use someone like you, and your companions too are just as welcome!

And with that they officially became Alimdal’s newly registered adventurers.

A sudden round of free drinks was issued as the old man was incredibly happy, the other adventurers too joined in as they were delighted by the free drinks, also welcoming Avian’s party as not everyone was like Osborne.

Avian’s party drank a little bit and talked largely socializing, but not staying too long as they needed to go home already.

Preparations needed to be made as they didn’t have a lot of time left until the monster horde.

Avian, after much consideration decided to stay as he saw simply too many benefits in this town then negatives, but this didn’t mean he was going to abandon safety, just like Hilton he had a lot to lose if he made the wrong bet, most importantly was his own life.

Unbeknownst to Avian, the rabbit girl who he held onto the whole time lightly shook in her sleep as she held onto Avian with her small and scarred hands.

She continued to do so until they finally came back to the store.


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