Slave Comapny

Slave Company Chapter 42 Emotional Confusion

Everyone ultimately filled their stomachs to the brim, at the end of the feast almost no food was left as everything was eaten cleanly off the dishes.

Ogra who had quite literally eaten half of the entire dining table fell asleep immediately when she eventually reached her limit, the other 3 drank and talked as they enjoyed the night, they followed Avian’s words and limited themselves to 2 glasses each.

What Avian didn’t take into account was the fact that some of their alcohol tolerance wasn’t exactly up to par even with 2 glasses, Deborah and Cornelia for example got drunk immediately after the first glass with their faces flushed while looking half dazed.

Gabriella who didn’t nearly exhibit any symptoms looked on with wryly smiles at her two companions who weren’t very capable drinkers, but lightweights, in the end the celebration was cut short as almost everyone was out of commission, Avian didn’t want to deal with this and ordered Gabriella to take everyone to their rooms to call it a day.

Dahlia who sat on Avian’s laps had also eaten herself into a stupor as he stomach noticeably bulged, she ate quite a lot, but at the same time Avian wasn’t sure the reason she ate so much was because he kept feeding her and she couldn’t refuse.

Either way it was about time to go to sleep, but Avian still wanted to take a bath, Dahlia too required a bath.

-Make sure these guys wake up tomorrow on time, I will be entrusting you with their combat training from now on.

-Ah! Yes, I won’t let you down master! Are you going to sleep?

-Yes, but not before taking a bath myself, Dahlia too hadn’t taken a bath yet.

With those words, a strange look momentarily came over Gabriella when she heard about the bath, she already was thinking something inside her head while her cheeks were dyed a slight red, but she found it difficult to say it, though she did as she stammered while suddenly getting up and asking.

-A..Are you perhaps going to go with Dahlia to bath together?!

-Huh? I was planning to, what’s the matter?

Avian asked, not sure why Gabriella was suddenly acting like this, it reminded him of when she asked his age earlier.

Gabriella in turn was flustered because her master a man was about to go bath with Dahlia a little girl or at least one that looked like a little girl.

The thought alone was enough to put a troubling thoughts into her mind and imagine all sorts of forbidden things, in her life as a noble knight, she had seen and heard about all sorts of things related to nobles, one which of was their deviant tastes such as copulating with under-age girls, Gabriella thought these things to be disgusting and was one of things she extremely disliked about the nobility as it seemed common amongst them.

Now her own master was going into the bath alongside the small rabbit girl Dahlia, Gabriella wasn’t sure if Avian had similar tastes and she also didn’t know what she would do if Avian indeed had those tastes, but ultimately she really couldn’t do anything since Dahlia was Avian’s slave which is why he could do anything to her as he wished.

Gabriella really didn’t want her master to be or become such person who preyed on little girls, but she simply didn’t know what to do, asking him would be easiest, but if she did ask, Gabriella knew that she could end up displeasing her master and make him upset, instead she quickly started to think about a different solution or rather excuse as she suddenly had an idea.

-Ah! Ehm…master, since it’s so late, I am sure you’re tired and want to have some time alone in the bath, how about you let me take care of Dahlia while you take your bath in the private?

Her suggestion momentarily sounded odd to Avian as he could tell that she was likely thinking about something stupid, in reality Avian had no such tastes that Gabriella was imagining, he didn’t even see Dahlia as a woman but as a child, like most regular adults looking at a nude child induced no sorts of feelings from an adult like Avian, but still Avian felt that Gabriella’s suggestion was reasonable, alone time in the bath did sound very relaxing to Avian as he could collect his thoughts more easily.

-That’s not a bad suggestion, alright, I leave her to you.

Not thinking much about it Avian agreed while Gabriella looked glad as she saw how her master didn’t seem to be that sort of person at all, in a sense Gabriella had been really worrying about nothing, stretching her arms out to receive Dahlia she expect her to come to him, but unexpectedly something else happened.


Dahlia shouted, for the first time raising her voice like this, other than when she was asleep having a nightmare, as she always had been quiet and subdued, it surprised both Avian and Gabriella as the shout really seemed to come out of nowhere, but seeing Dahlia suddenly hug Avian with all her might while shaking intensely as if she was about to get killed, both of them realized what was going on.

Avian crouched down to her level while Dahlia suddenly started to sob without tears crying.

-Master…please don’t leave me alone…Did I do something bad? I won’t do it again, I will be good, please don’t abandon me, I will do anything please master please…

She cried, hugging Avian tight as she repeatedly begged Avian not to leave her, Avian simply hugged her back while patting her head and back trying to calm her down as she seemed to have gone into a sudden nervous breakdown.

Avian thought she was fine earlier, but she clearly wasn’t, the moment they even talked about momentarily parting, Dahlia showed her current state, they clearly still needed time.

-Shhh…calm down…Dahlia, don’t cry, calm down, I won’t leave you, I promise I won’t right now so please don’t cry, everything is okay, I am still here, neither I nor you are going anywhere okay?

Dahlia still continued to cry, but calmed down slowly as she started to listen, Cornelia and Deborah who looked like they were about to fall asleep earlier, woke up the moment they heard Dahlia shouting, they looked at the little Dahlia not sure what was going on.

Gabriella kept quiet this whole time as well, she felt pity for this young girl who was reduced to this state, she wanted to help, but she didn’t know how exactly as she was never good with children like Avian who wasn’t exactly that good with them either.

But she still wanted to help, crouching down, Gabriella slowly approached Dahlia who hadn’t yet crying, she wanted to smile at Dahlia to show her that she meant no harm, but Dahlia was blind making such actions useless, instead she tried to talk as gently as she possibly could.

-Dahlia? It’s me Gabriella, I am sorry for suggesting to have you separate from our master, I didn’t take your emotions into account, it was selfish of me to do so when you clearly didn’t want to which is my fault as I am sorry, so please calm down.

Those sincere words seemed to reach Dahlia as she finally stopped sobbing, hugging Avian she slightly turned her head for a second as she looked at Gabriella who she couldn’t see but feel.

Dahlia didn’t really dislike Gabriella for her earlier words, she was simply scared and didn’t want to separate from Avian who was the only person she felt safe with, she herself knew that she was being somewhat unreasonable as well causing trouble, but she couldn’t help it as she was simply too scarred.

This woman called Gabriella too felt warm to Dahlia as she sensed a bit of security from her presence as well. Dahlia knew that she had to apologize since she caused trouble.


Dahlia returned back to her quiet and subdued self as she calmed down enough, things also returned back to normal, but Avian saw that he likely couldn’t part with Dahlia just yet erasing the plan of going to the bath by himself which he didn’t really mind.

Dahlia did mind though as she felt like she was causing all sorts of trouble being unreasonable, she didn’t want to cause trouble, but most importantly she didn’t want to get hated by Avian as she saw him as a pillar of light protecting her and caring for her, the amount of warmth and security he gave her made her feel too relied on him to let go at the moment.

Using every bit of her small brain power, Dahlia tried to think of a way to make it right and quickly enough she came up with an idea as she suddenly pulled Avian’s sleeve to pull his attention.

-Hmm? What is it?



The sudden request, was a whole lot outrageous then the volume of the voice implied, thinking about what she just said, both Avian and Gabriella thought about what she was thinking, Gabriella immediately turning red in the face as she tried to hide it with her hand while Avian staying cool without a change of expression as she pat Dahlia’s head.

-We can’t do that, Gabriella would dislike it if she went to the bath with me, furthermore she already took a bath so there is no point.

Hearing Avian say this, both Dahlia and Gabriella showed different reactions as Dahlia was disappointed about the idea she thought was good being denied and Gabriella shivering while looking like she wanted to explain raising her hands and shaking them while flushed red in the face.

-No, no, no! I don’t dislike going in the bath with master! In fact, I am all for going with master since that would mean I could protect him better, it’s just master likely wouldn’t be able to enjoy his bath as much if I too was present, who would want to look at a scarred and muscular woman like me! I believe master should be accompanied by far more beautiful women who have soft and gentle faces compared to a rough and sharp face like myself!

As she said that, it was then Avian’s turn to be a bit surprised as he didn’t think Gabriella would say something like this, he actually noticed her tone and realized that his [Knight] may or may not actually have a sort of complex about her looks, this also explained her alone issue with his age as she likely felt old as well when she realized Avian was so young.

Avian didn’t want his powerful [Knight] to lose confidence, it would affect her strength if she didn’t believe in herself more which is why he suddenly said.

-Is that what you think? I completely disagree with that; I actually think you are quite beautiful, the face you call rough and sharp to me looks more valiant and reliable which is the most beautiful to me, your size is also perfect with every womanly part sticking out where it is supposed to and being thin where it needs to, I wouldn’t feel at all uncomfortable if you come to the bath with me, being with a beautiful woman like you would actually make me feel even better.


The sudden compliments and sincere words frozen Gabriella on the spot as she didn’t know how to react.

Her already red face, only started to grow redder by the second as steam seemed to be right about ready to come out of her ears to the point ever her neck started to change into a red color.

What was the most striking though was her heart as it started to beat quite unnaturally skipping and pulsing stronger, Gabriella had never once felt like that before, her stomach also felt bloated while her mind couldn’t help but repeat the words Avian just said to her.


She couldn’t help but doubt, but she found her master’s words to be sincere and truthful, remembering back to her days as a knight, or even back she was just a little child, no boy or man had ever called her things like cute or beautiful, having always shouldered the burden of a knight with loads of expectations from her parents and grandparents who also were knights, only thing such as training and fighting were on her menu as she prepared having no time to be like any other noble lady, the men she usually trained with also never once complimented her looks but rather her skill, making her think that was the only attractive thing about her making her put even more effort into it.

Which is why Gabriella didn’t know what to think or say, when her master suddenly complimented her like this, she tried to guess his intentions and just like always she misunderstood as she started to think that maybe he wanted to go to the bath with her.

Imagining herself, naked together with her master sitting inside the hot tub, while he put a hand over her shoulder with a lecherous smile as she shyly tried to resist with no real strength.

Those images were simply too stimulating making her feel extremely hot, Gabriella even quickly shut her nose with her palm fearing all the blood in hear head would burst from her nose, she tried to make those thoughts go away, but she quickly found herself drowned by them as they seemed to multiply, in the back of her mind she couldn’t help but think she didn’t mind it at all and how charming Avian was and that maybe…

-Gabriella? Gabriella! What’s wrong? Why did you freeze?

Avian asked, quickly waking Gabriella awake as she returned back to reality from her delusions, looking at his face, which had suddenly become 10 times more charming and handsome, she couldn’t look him in the eyes as she suddenly started to feel very shy and embarrassed.

Avian found that odd, he wanted to ask what the problem was, but Gabriella jumped first as she looked at Avian quite embarrassed with her eyes shut.

-I…I…prepare for the bath! I will wait for you master!

And with that Gabriella sprinted out of the dining area as she ran up the stairs.

Avian blankly watched her go, his earlier thoughts of this women being incredibly strange only reinforcing as he didn’t know what she was planning.

Dahlia looked equally clueless, but she also felt happy as it seemed like her suggestion was a good idea after all.

Since they still needed to take a few things like soap and towels before going to the bath, Avian slowly went to his room together with Dahlia without saying anything.

All this while, both Cornelia and Deborah watched in half-amazement and drunken stupor as they weren’t sure what just happened.

-What did we just witness?


Meanwhile Ogra slept peacefully, dreaming about drumsticks, pork and beef all happily playing in a grassy field while she played with them eating them as they went.

It seemed as if the day was not completely over yet.


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