Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 34 – Killing Demons Can Be…Exciting

Roxanne darts forward, her upper body lowered and her shield forwards; she is moving quickly. When she gets into range, she ducks under the Needle Wood’s arm and slashes its exposed wooden chest.

With a ‘Thud’ her sword takes a fairly large chunk out of the Demon’s skin, green smoke jetting out, as well as causing it to recoil with its familiar grinding shriek.

The Needle Wood swung its other wooden arm, but Roxanne easily stepped around it; her well-aimed slash cutting the same place, widening the deep wound.

If my estimate was correct, in one more attack, the Demon should die.

With almost no effort, she gets the final attack and the Needle Wood disappears in a puff of green smoke.

She moves incredibly smoothly, almost like her body is made from silk, stepping around swings, or ducking under them; she dodged by paper-thin margin--

“Amazing, you avoided all of the attacks.” I said as I walked up to her.

“Thank you, master.” Roxanne looked at me, her tail wagging.

I reached over and stroked her head, playing with her ears.

“Ehehehe.” She actually let out a giggle as she pushed up against my hand--her cheeks were slightly flushed, “C-Can we keep going, Master?”

“Sure.” I couldn’t help but find her reaction cute.

Holding her shield up, Roxanne slowly moved forwards, sniffing at the entrances to corridors, before looking at me for permission--which I would give.

For some reason, her movements seem impossible for a normal person, they remind me of how I fight when using the Overwhelming Skill.

I think she had killed her fifth Needle Wood, when I suggested that we have a break.

We were currently inside a Safe Room--and when I sat down against the wall, Roxanne tilted her head for a few seconds, before walking over and sitting next to me, cuddling up against my side.

I slowly stroked her silky hair, and fluffy ears, “Your Skill, Beast Attack, what are its effects?”

“It’s a Skill that deals a large amount of damage to Demons, in a single hit.” She paused, looking down, “But, I can only use it one or two times with my Mana. So, please command me when to use it, Master.”

“I see, thanks for explaining.”

“Master.” Roxanne suddenly spoke, looking up at me. For some reason, she looked nervous.


Her voice had pulled my attention back, since I had been relaxing against the wall--while enjoying the fluffy feel of her hair and ears, as well as her nice scent…and soft body resting against me.

“C-Can I kiss you?”

The way she asked with upturned eyes, and flushed cheeks…again I was struck with the urge to push her down then and there--as well as guilt over the fact that when I looked at her, I was almost overcome by hormones.


Roxanne smiled, shifting her position and leaning in.


Roxanne and I lay on the cold stone ground--well not so cold, heated by our combined body-warmth; she was wrapped around me, her sweaty thighs encompassed my right leg, and her plump breasts pressed against my side.

She had her head laid on my chest, nuzzling me.

“Master.” Roxanne murmured.

Since she had come here, she felt slightly different; more confident--I had felt the heat in her gaze increasing ever since she started fighting.


“The Slave Trader told you about the ability I have, yes?” She looked at me with slightly narrowed eyes, and a contented expression on her face.

“He said that you can read what people are feeling.” I was curious as to why she was bringing it up.

“It’s sort of like that, I can read people’s intentions. Whether they mean well, or are bad people; as well as if they like or dislike something. It’s a skill that read peoples’ Souls.”

“That’s a pretty good skill.” I stroked her hair.

“It is, but…it doesn’t work on you, master; it feels like your soul is different than everyone else--” She looked down, “Sorry, master.”

“I wonder if it’s because I am not from this world.”

“It’s possible, master.” Roxanne nods.

She pauses for a second, before speaking again “It’s because this is apparently a skill that passes from mother to daughter--my mother also has this ability. She’s a High Priestess of Ierra, the Goddess of Darkness and Shadows.”

“Then how come your family is in debt, so much so that you had to become a slave?”

“I don’t know, exactly. All I know is that one of the Priests who worked with my mother convinced the Bishop of the Temple of Shadows that my mother owed him money…Well, that’s what she told me.” Roxanne rubbed her face on my chest as she spoke.

“I see.” I looked down at Roxanne, before releasing her with a feeling of reluctance, “Let’s continue moving through the Dungeon.”

Standing up, I helped her to her feet.

“Please, master--allow me.” Roxanne bowed, before picking up my clothing; she carefully put it on me. Stepping with a nod, she began to slowly dress herself--somehow making the act seem erotic…like a reverse strip-show.

“Master, I’m ready--can I hunt, please?” Her tail was wagging as she asked, her ears twitching.

“Alright.” I scratch the base of her ears a few times, before putting her helmet onto her head.


Roxanne takes the lead, she sniffs the entrance to each corridor, before deciding whether to entering.

It only takes a few moments to arrive at the first place with Demons.

“Your sense of smell is amazing, able to locate the Demons so quickly.” I say to Roxanne.

She had been waiting back by my side, ready to charge as soon as I gave the command, “Thank you, Master.” Her tail briefly swayed, before she focused on the Demon again.

Well, until now, I had been walking around randomly--the difference in efficiency is overwhelming.



With my command, she charges towards the Demon.

“Use Beast Attack.”

I wanted to see her move in action.

“Yes, master. Beast Attack!”

As soon as she finished the Incantation for her Skill, a glowing, ethereal Wolf head appeared behind her--quickly shooting forwards with jaws open wide.

When the Wolf Head reached it, the Needle Wood shrieked once, before it disappeared with a poof of green smoke.

Roxanne let out a sigh.

“That was incredible.” I walk over to her and gently pat her helmet--I forgot that she was wearing it; but she still seemed to enjoy it.

“Thank you, Master.” She smiled happily, her tail wagging.

“Here, use this sword to kill the next Demon. It is a special weapon that will help you regain your lost Mana.”

I pass her Excalibur.

“Yes, master.” She accepted the sword, and looked at it with glittering eyes, a string of drool coming from the corner of her mouth, “It’s so shiny, and powerful looking.”

“Yeah, it is.” I patted her head.

It only took us a few moments to find another Demon.

As soon as I gave her the signal; she darted forwards--and looked shocked when the Needle Wood died in a single hit.

“It’s a nice sword…a s-single blow.” Roxanne spoke in a tone of awe, handing the Excalibur back to me, though her fingers lingered on the handle--she seemed a little reluctant, “I take it that the sword is also a secret?”

“Yep.” I sheathed Excalibur.

“Ehehehe.” She giggled, her eyes beginning to show a familiar heat--it seems that fighting got her excited…in more ways than one.

I’m not sure why, but there was something strangely adorable about that.

“I will be killing the next one.” I smile at her, “Please, lead the way.”

“Yes, Master.” Roxanne nodded, and then lead me down a series of corridors.

There it was, another Needle Wood.

“Alright, I will attack it barehanded--fight by my side.” I order Roxanne as I run towards the Demon.

She attacks from the right, and I attack from the left--this was the first time I had used my Taekwondo since I came to this world. Luckily, I had trained with punching a wooden post, and I was wearing leather gloves here.

There is a cracking noise when I hit the wood, green smoke began drifting out.

Roxanne barely caused any damage, but she enthusiastically punched the Demon--managing to dodge every retaliatory attack,

After allowing her to have her fun, I punched the Demon twice more--in the same place; the chest cracked open and the Needle Wood collapsed to the ground in a puff of green smoke, and the clatter of a branch.

After it died, I cast Set Party-Member Class.

Name: Roxanne

Available Classes:--Beast Soldier - Lv11; Villager - Lv8; Farmer - Lv1; Warrior - Lv1; Swordsman - Lv1; Explorer - Lv1; Alchemist - Lv1; Monk - Lv1

Class: Beast Soldier - Lv11

I check my Class Setting Page.

Yep, I got Monk as well.

That was easier than expected--though, when and how did Roxanne unlock Alchemist?

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