Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 43 – Rare Ingredients

Weapon Merchant - Lv1

Effects: +2 Physical Strength, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom

Skills: Weapon Appraisal


Armour Merchant - Lv1

Effects: +2 Physical Strength, +2 Intelligence

Skills: Armour Appraisal


Cook - Lv1

Effects: +2 Agility, +2 Strength

Skills: Rare Ingredient Drop Rate +15% (Passive)


I got an increase in Classes--I have no idea how I got the two Merchant Classes, because I have been trading with Merchants ever since I came to this world.

However, their skills are worse than my general Appraisal Skill.

The increase of dropped rare ingredients should be useful, because it means that I can earn money.

I decide to do a trial run, with the Cook Class replacing Adventurer.

However, even though we beat all the Demons on the 6th floor--no rare ingredients drop.

But, I decided to push forward, because leveling the Cook Class up might improve the Drop Rate. Thanks to my enthusiastic exploration, we quickly cleared the 6th floor, even without using the map.

The boss was quite easy to beat, and we entered the 7th floor in only a few hours.

Escape Goat - Lv40

Escape Goat - Lv40

The most common Demons on the 7th floor seem to be the Escape Goats.

“I have heard that when it’s near dying, the Escape Goat runs away. Maybe it would be better if you used your spells Master.” Roxanne warned me.


With a scream, the goats catch fire. Much like the sheep, it seems that they have a Fire-Element weakness; this fire doesn’t instantly kill them, but it damages them over time--so even if they escape, it’s likely that they will die anyway.

However, the Escape Goats don’t try to escape, they charge Roxanne and I--Roxanne smiled as she stepped forwards and met the goats with a wide swing of Excalibur; she seemed to enjoy combat, and had been smiling a lot more recently…she has a really beautiful smile.

The Escape Goats almost look like normal goats, except their horns are long, and straight.

Roxanne successfully deflected the charging Escape Goats with Excalibur, before stepping back again--there was no Fire-Resistance on her armour, which is why I tried to avoid using Fire Elemental Magic when she was my vanguard.


The goats bleat in agony, and finally collapse.

It took a few more seconds before they burst into puffs of green smoke and died.

The next enemy that Roxanne located was a Cheep Sheep, which gets incapacitated by a single Fireball, dies to a second.

Killing the enemies on this level is pretty easy, so far. But mainly because I use my Magic--which is almost on par with the damage caused by Excalibur.

Which either means Excalibur is rather weak for something purchased with Bonus Points, or Magic is overpowered--or both, because it was the cheapest available bonus weapon named after a legendary sword from Earth.

The seventh floor was annoying, because the Escape Goats had to be targeted first, or they would run away. But, I did encounter a nostalgic Demon.

Horned Rabbit - Lv40

It was the same species as the very first Demon that I had encountered in this world; could it be that there was a Dungeon in that forest, and one of the Demons on the first floor is a Horned Rabbit?

Roxanne did tell me that usually Demons appeared near Dungeons, and the type of Demons are normally related to the Dungeon. If there is a Dungeon, there may not be an entrance yet--and no one knew about it; which also meant that when an entrance appeared, I could conquer it.

Just like the level 1 Horned Rabbit from the forest, its attacks are rather slow. But it doesn’t only use body slams and stabs, it also kicks--and generates a Magic Formation from its horn. I have no idea what the Magic Formation does, because Roxanne uses Excalibur to interrupt the Incantation.

I enjoyed the nostalgic feeling as I watched Roxanne easily decimate the Horned Rabbit.

Demons on the 7th floor required four hits with Excalibur, the durability of enemies should stay the same until the 10th floor--when the Second-Stage Demons start appearing.

Unfortunately, even with the Cook Class’s Skill.

Rabbit Fur

“Rabbit fur, I think that a few of the high-quality clothing shops in the Capital buy that, master.” Roxanne picks up the Rabbit’s Fur and hands it to me.

“Is that so? Good to know.” I patted Roxanne’s head as I received the fur from her hand, “Why would they buy the Rabbit Fur?”

The items that the Demons on the lower floors drop are fairly common, so a lot of people can get them without too many problems. It isn’t unusable or anything, but there is a lot of stock in the Guilds.

“It’s because coats made from Rabbit Fur are very warm and they are vital during the half-year of winter. It’s very popular among the commoners, because it’s cheap, master.”

“I see.”

“The noble women also like the look of Rabbit Fur coats, so they are in style at the moment. I hear that they can be a large source of income for the lower-leveled Explorers.” Roxanne paused, “Because I am a Beastkin, I am naturally strong against the cold, master.”

We hunted for a few more hours, before going back to the house for breakfast, after-which, Roxanne and I proceeded to the Imperial Capital; to a clothing shop.

After the numerous kills, Rabbit Meat did eventually drop--so we sold that to the butcher in Quratar. We killed around 40 Horned Rabbits in total, and ended up with 6 Rabbit Meat.

The Shop Assistant politely greeted us, and when I told him that I planned on selling Rabbit Fur, he lead us to the back of the shop and over to a cashier.

The cashier and assistant was successful, when she turned to me and asked me to place the fur on a tray. There were a total of 34 pieces of Rabbit Fur.

The female cashier inspects each piece, one by one and very carefully, before nodding once and then brings the tray into a back room; she soon returns with another tray that has 10 silver coins.

Roxanne walks forwards and counts the coins, before placing them into a small bag, and presented it to me.

Our business was very simple, and concluded in half an hour.

On the way out, I spot a certain line of clothes. They are rather sheer, with a glossy luster--they look like a camisole, made from satin. While not completely transparent, it’s thinner in…certain places.

“This is really popular among aristocratic women, it’s used as underwear or nightwear.” The male assistant explains to me with a knowing smile, and a quick glance at Roxanne, who is standing beside me.

Roxanne looked between us with a slightly confused look, though the camisole seemed to interest her.

“It would really suit you.”

She smiles at my words.

“So, how much is it?” I ask the Shop Assistant.

“3 Silver.”

“Alright.” I nod to the man, before directing a question to Roxanne, “Which one do you want?”

She looked through the three available styles, “I want this one, master.”

The one she selected was a soft, blue camisole; it was short enough that it would stop mid-thigh. The cloth was quite transparent.

Roxanne watched me as she chose--she knew which one that I wanted to see the most, “I like the colour of the first one.”

She points at one that is pink.

I offered to buy both of the pink and blue ones, the shop assistant said that he could get a pink version of the thin, satiny, one. So, we ended up buying two of the same kind.

5 silver, and 40 copper; fairly expensive, but it would definitely worth it to see Roxanne in that clothing.

Later, Roxanne wore the pink variation after the bath.

The clothing was very tight on her, accentuating her large breasts, shapely hips, and round butt. I can see her small nipples pushing against the sheer fabric--the shop assistant modified the camisole to enable Roxanne’s tail to poke out.

Her tail was swaying rapidly as she looked at my face.

“Wow, I love it! It really looks good on you.” I couldn’t help but say with enthusiasm--I also wanted to just push her down then and there.

“Thank you, master.” Roxanne speaks with a lowered head, her ears twitch and her tail speeds up.

Stepping forwards, I embrace her.

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