Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 46 – Intelligent Conversation

Once we were outside the Slave Trader’s shop, I invited Sherry to our party.

Explorer Lv10, Villager Lv3, Herbalist Lv1

When I used the Set Party-Member Class Skill, I couldn’t see Master Blacksmith on Sherry’s Class list, either because it was locked or because she hadn’t unlocked it.

Maybe she doesn’t have many Classes because Villager is only Lv3; I didn’t unlock most of mine until I got level 5 in Villager. Perhaps it’s like that for everyone.

Sherry doesn’t have any belongings except for the tunic and leggings that she is currently wearing.

“Well, I’ll stop by the Explorer’s Guild on our way back.”

“Yes, master.” Roxanne answered my mumbling normally.

“Y-Yes, master.” Sherry sounded nervous.

When we arrived at the Vale’s Explorer’s Guild, I bought an Empty Magic Crystal for Sherry.

“Well, now we will go to the Adventurer’s Guild, and then return home.” I spoke to the two girls.

Roxanne gave a polite confirmation.

But Sherry seemed hesitant as she walked up right next to me.

“Is there something wrong?”

“Umm, is there also an Adventurer in this party?” Sherry looked up at me, curiousity written in her large black eyes.

“Oh yeah. I’ll explain it later.” I smiled at her.

She tilted her head in confusion, before shrugging and slowing her walking speed, chatting to Roxanne. I have no idea what they spoke about, but Sherry was blushing, glancing at me occasionally and at Roxanne.

Of course, Sherry saw my Intelligence Card and knew that I was a Wizard, so she obviously considered it strange that we could return home after visiting the Adventurer’s Guild; she seems to have considered that we could use the Guild, but I said after.

At least, that’s what it seemed like to me.

“What? …” Sherry asked with a puzzled look when I used Warp to enter our home.

“Well, let’s sit at the table. Sherry, I will explain some things to you.”

I sat down on a chair at the dining table, Roxanne sat on the chair next me, leaning over and resting her head on my shoulder. I smiled down at her and played with her fluffy ears.

“U-Umm, master, is it possible that you have multiple Classes?” Sherry sat across from us, she placed her hands on the table and leaned in; her large eyes glued to mine.

“How did you know about multiple Classes?”

“Well, there have been legends and myths about beings who somehow have Multiple Classes. Apparently, if they are to be believed, people who unlock their Second-Stage Classes get the ability to have a second Class, and same with the Third-Stage.” Sherry spoke in an interested tone.

Interesting. Even Roxanne was looking at Sherry, it seems that even she didn’t know about this.

“Well, the way I got it is very different, but yes I do have multiple classes. The Spell I used is one called ‘Warp’.”

It seems like Sherry is very intelligent--she will probably be a good addition to the team. While, I wouldn’t call Roxanne unintelligent, she is just above average.

With that rather rude thought, I felt slightly guilty and gave an extra thorough scratching to the base of Roxanne’s fluffy ears, causing her to lean against me with flushed cheeks and a large smile.

“Master, I’ll use the water jugs to fill the bath; can we have a bath, Sherry needs to interact with us more.” Roxanne spoke with a soft laugh, apparently, she had spoken to Sherry about it on the way back.

“Alright, I will heat it up later.” I stroked Roxanne’s ears a few more times before she got up.

“Is that some kind of Space/Time Magic?” Sherry looks intrigued.

“Space/Time Magic?”

This world has that as well?

Well, I knew that it had spacial Magic, just take a look at Field Walk and Dungeon Gate.

“Well, not many people know it, but when Field Walk is used--it doesn’t just effect your location but time as well; so it’s actually Time as well as Space Magic.” Sherry spoke enthusiastically.

“Oh, you’re talking about time differences.”

“Yeah, sometime when you move to a location where it is night, but your point of origin it was daytime. If I leave early in the morning, it will sometimes be night where I end up. Field Walk is a Magic that effects time.”

“Ahh, I see how you could think that it’s changing time. But it’s more to do with the location of the sun. As you would know, the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. So, for example you are in one of the most Eastern locations, and the sun is rising--and you Field Walk to a city hundreds of kilometers to the West, the sun wouldn’t have risen yet.”

Sherry’s eyes narrowed at my words, she muttered quietly to herself for a few moments as she seemed to be trying to figure it out.

“Oh…” Sherry looked impressed, “Master, if this is true, it could change quite a few things. Is it possible that Time Magic Doesn’t exist?”

“Well, you could say that Space is Time, both perceived and objective. Why else would someone say that they are fifteen minutes out--instead of a certain distance out. Distance is a measurement of time, and time is a measurement of how long it takes to go a certain distance. Of course, this may not be applicable to Magic, because folded Space, such as Item Boxes seem to interfere Temporally--in the way that time doesn’t seem to pass inside them.”

Alright, I may have gone off on a tangent, and used knowledge from Earth where there isn’t Magic.

Sherry looked at me, her dark eyes widened and swimming, she began muttering.

“Anyway, this planet. I am not sure if it is completely applicable, but the world I came from was a sphere. From what I can tell with time differences based on eastern or western locations, this world should be similar.”

“Well, I have heard the story of a great scholar who insisted that it was like this--but everyone considered him a useless fool.” Sherry answered, then she twitched with widened eyes, “You said ‘the world I came from’…”

“Ahh yeah, that’s one thing I will explain later. But you are very perceptive. Well done.” Complimenting Sherry, I moved without thinking and placed my hand on her strangely thick hair. It felt thick, but incredibly soft; I felt as though I could lose my fingers in it.

“M-Master?” Sherry blushed.

“I felt like it.”

I didn’t stop running my fingers through her hair, it felt like the fluffiest puppy’s fur.

After a few seconds, I stopped, “What was their basis for saying that it was a silly theory?”

“If the world was round, people on the other side would just fall off, right?”

Well, that was one of the complaints when the Earth was discovered to be round--another was something religious, and sticking to some verses in the Christian bible, which speaks about it being a flat world, a circle, covered by a dome and supported on pillars.

I guess that they didn’t know about gravity--maybe the was Gravitational Magic.

“Well, it would be a little too difficult to explain centrifugal force, gravity, and other such things. Just know that what you consider Time Magic seems to be related to distance. So it’s only Space Magic.”

Sherry nodded at my words.

“Anyway, I have some Skills and Magic that I will need you to keep secret.”

“I will.” Sherry nodded, I could see interest in her eyes.

It was then that I began explaining to her about about how I came from another world, and while my world didn’t have Magic but had a fairly advanced knowledge of Science--then I had to explain what Science was and apparently it was a more advanced version of the Dwarven Engineering.

“I…see.” Sherry looked fascinated, “Master, can I ask questions if ideas occur to me?”

“Feel free, I don’t mind talking about subjects like that, and in return can you explain Magic and other subjects about this world?”

“As m-master wishes.” Sherry nodded happily.

Roxanne returned, she said that she had filled the jars, and the tub; so we could have a bath tonight. But before that, we needed to do some shopping.

“I think we need to buy a rucksack, a wooden bucket, and some equipment” I turned to Roxanne.

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