Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 48 – Settling In (Part 1)

My newest slave, Sherry, seems to be very smart, and quite inquisitive; while Roxanne is my source of general knowledge--Sherry can help me with the more complex aspects of this world.

“I’m sorry if I don’t know too much…my family used to hate it when I forgot things--I needed to be the best, the smartest--” Sherry spoke with a lowered head, her hair partly obscured her cute face.

“I understand how that is, I had a similar situation with my family…My older sister was the one who got more right than I did.” Without thinking, I reach out and stroke Sherry’s strangely fluffy and springy hair.

With a little twitch, Sherry looked up, tears gathered in the corner of her eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

“Anyways, do you have anything in your Item Box, Sherry?”

I decided to move the conversation along.

“No, master; nothing.”

After confirming it, I invited Sherry into the party and changed her Class to Villager - Lv3.

“Well, Level 3 Villager is a little low, we should probably get that higher,” I unintentionally muttered.

“What?” Sherry’s expression becomes curious, a slight suspicion in her large eyes.

I glance over at Roxanne, who just looks back with a small smile; she seems to just be leaving this to me.

“Oh, that’s right--sorry. Sherry, you will need to keep this a secret.” I ordered Sherry, the gem on her Slave Collar blinked, showing that the Order was official.

After confirming this, I told her about my origins; and about how I could see Class and Level information, as well as change them, both for myself and my party members. The explanation took quite a while, Roxanne made tea for the three of us and had to refill our cups at least twice.

Sherry looked like she was bursting with questions, but she sat and twitched a little, while listening the whole way through.

“Do you know anything about the Hero Class?” I ask Sherry, since Roxanne didn’t know much about it.

“Well, it’s a legendary Class. Apparently the First Emperor had it.” Sherry spoke hesitantly, “But others say that it doesn’t exist; though most Churches say that if the Gods allow it--they can give it to special people.”

Sherry paused, “So, the Royalty and a lot of most Nobility say it doesn’t exist, and the Churches say it does; it’s been a point of contention, and caused a few wars.”

“So, what would you think if you saw someone with that Class?”

“Well, I wouldn’t mind…and the Churches would be pleased. But, it is likely that the Nobility and Royalty would accuse the holder of that Class of rebellion--or kidnap them and use them as a figurehead and try to expand the Kingdom.”

“I see.”

Sherry smiled at my words, her expression confirmed that she had understood that I had the Class. Roxanne hadn’t figured it out when I asked, but she also seemed to be working it out.

“I see. Well, I’m going to go shopping. Oh, that reminds me, Sherry, can you cook?”

“Yes, master, I can cook a little.”

“Well, Roxanne, please teach her.”

“Yes, Master.” Roxanne smiled at my words, and looked over at Sherry with a smile.

I stand up and cast Warp on the wall, leaving through the darkness.



Arriving at the destination of my Warp, I stepped out of the wall in the Adventurer’s Guild; taking a quick look around, my first stop was the armour shop.

In the shop, I buy a leather breastplate, helmet, gauntlets, grieves, and boots for Sherry; all of them have at least one empty Skill Slot. Luckily, leather equipment is pretty cheap, especially when bought in a complete set.

After finishing this, I return to the house.

“Welcome back, Master.”

“Welcome back.”

The voices of Roxanne and Sherry greet me as soon as I emerged from the black wall.

I give the new leather armour to Sherry.

“Thank you, Master.”

Author’s Note:

Sherry is new to being a slave, and was raised differently from Roxanne, which is why she sometimes calls the MC Master, and sometimes forgets. (It’s part of her character and not a mistake).

When she put on the leather breastplate, Sherry looked down with a disappointed expression, “Well, my breasts are a bit small…”

I am unsure what to say to that, since it would probably seem odd if I were to speak up; but she is incorrect--they may be small compared to Roxanne, but they are well-proportioned when compared to her overall small size.

“They’re not that small.” I decided to say my thoughts.

Roxanne rolled her eyes and facepalmed, with a grin.

Sherry’s cheeks went bright red as her eyes swam, “T-Thank, you, master.”

Taking a few seconds to recover her composure, Sherry quickly put on, and laced up the thigh-high leather boots. After she finished putting on her armour, I take the two girls with me to the weapon shop.

Sherry quickly darted off, knowing where she was going, soon calling me over to a corner of the store. The hammers, maces, flails, clubs, and morning stars are kept here. There is a large variety of type and sizes.

“Which one do you want?” I asked Sherry.

“This cheap one will be fine.” She pointed a wooden club.

I find one with an empty Skill Slot and pass it to Sherry.

She looked at me with suspicion as she held the massive club in both small hands, “Master, can I ask why you chose this one?”

“It has an empty Skill Slot.”

“Oh, thank you master.” She looked closely at the club, turning it over and inspecting every milliliter of it as she tried to figure it out--she began mumbling quietly about something.

I need to buy one more item to trigger the discount, since with armour and weapons it requires two or more items to cause the Discount Skill…I have no idea why it works like that.

Maybe I should buy a spear?

It occurred to me that there is likely a Class that can be unlocked by defeating an enemy with a spear, maybe a Spearman, or Lancer.

Within a few seconds, I found a copper spear with an empty Skill Slot; they are much more common than I would have expected--which would explain why even when depending on luck, low-level Master Blacksmiths could enchant weapons sometimes and still make money out of it.

Well, I say copper spear, but it’s got a flexible wooden shaft with a copper spearhead, thin veins of copper run down the shaft as support; I would think that it would require Magic to make it like this.

I pass the Spear and Club to the Weapon Merchant, and the price is 8 silver and 4 copper, even with the discount. The Club was 2 silver--so the spear was quite expensive.

“Here you go.”

I pass the club to Sherry.

“Thank you,” She replies with sparkling eyes, “Thank you very much, master.”

“A slave is normally never allowed to carry around weapons, they only receive them on entering a dungeon.” Roxanne explains to me, “By allowing Sherry to carry a weapon, it’s usually a display of trust.”

After this, we buy some socks and underwear at the Clothing Store, as well as a rucksack, the fantasy version of toothbrushes, and more cheap soap made from animal fat and lye, from the General Store.

We returned to the house.

“Make dinner while I prepare the bath.” I instructed Roxanne and Sherry as I placed the new purchases on the table.

“Yes, master.” Roxanne nodded.

“Yes, master.” Sherry seemed to try and copy Roxanne’s tone of respect, but sounded a little awkward.

She looked like she wanted to ask something, but since I had given instructions, she just went to the kitchen and helped Roxanne--as the two girls left, I walked up to the bathroom.

“We can eat all of this?”

I had finished with the bath, and overheard Sherry and Roxanne talking.

“Yes, Sherry. You can eat as much as you need to.”

“But isn’t this his food?”

“We are making it for the three of us.”

“But the meat is high quality, and so is the bread. Don’t slaves usually get leftovers?”

Is that how it is in this world?

“Master is a kind man, he shares his meal with us.”

There is a deep affection in Roxanne’s tone as she said this, I feel warmth when I hear it.

Taking the chance, when there was a gap in the conversation, I called out, “Roxanne, we need to go to the Dungeon for me to recover Mana.”

“Yes, Master.” Roxanne quickly does something in the kitchen, extinguishing the flames in the stove, before coming out with a happy smile and wagging tail.

I take her armour from my Ring.

“Thank you, master--” Sherry talks quietly as she walks over, she looks at the food in the kitchen as she says this, she is obviously referring to her conversation with Roxanne.

“We are going to the Dungeon, do you want to come as well, Sherry?”

“Going to the Dungeon?” Sherry tilted her head in curiousity.

“Well, you don’t have to. If you want to stay and tend to the food, that’s alright as well.”

“I wish to come, please master.”

Hmm, I wonder if I can have her repeat those words some night as well.

Roxanne glances at me when I think that, her intuition is sharp; she grins, and rolls her eyes.

“Sure.” I take Sherry’s armour from my Ring and give it to her as well, “This piece of equipment has a spell similar to Item Box enchanted in it.”

I answer Sherry’s inquisitive glance.

“Ahh, a Spacial Ring?” She asks as she hurriedly puts on her leather armour, “I thought only the Royal Family had one as a legacy from the first Emperor, the High Elf Queen, the Dwarven King, and the Beastman Saintess--had one.”

Roxanne seemed to subconsciously twitch very slightly at the mention of the Beastman Saintess for some reason.

“So, Spacial Rings are around, just very rare?”

That would explain why it was considered Bonus Equipment--not one bought from the Bonus Point Store, but as a gift for coming here.

“Yes, master. You probably shouldn’t show it off around nobles, or scholars.” Sherry just finished putting on the last of her armour.

“I see. Thank you, Sherry.”

I gently pat her voluminous hair, running my fingers through the strangely thick and fluffy hair. Its thick, or should I say, dense.

“Dwarves have a lot of hair--sort of. The men have thick head and facial hair, and females have incredibly thick head hair that grows very quickly. But, Dwarves, male or female, don't have any other body hair. Like the Elves--we only have hair on our heads and faces.” Sherry spoke with a slight red tint on her cheeks.

“I see.”

“I have to cut it once every month, but it grows very quickly.” Sherry poked her helmet, which moved around; it was only being held on by a chin-strap, her hair would probably work as a shock-absorber if she was hit by a blunt weapon.

“Shall we go?” I take out Excalibur and Warp to the 5th floor of Vale’s Dungeon this time. I sometimes alternate between the Dungeons, but recently we had been rushing through floors of the Quratar Dungeon and almost forgot about Vale.

We went to the 5th floor because that’s as far as I had gotten before being distracted by Quratar.

“This way, master.” Roxanne takes a quick sniff before pointing down a seemingly empty room.

“I had heard that people from the Wolf Tribe can smell Demons. So, it’s true, Roxanne?” Sherry asked with a curious look.

“Yep.” Roxanne looks at Sherry with a proud expression, her tail wagging happily.

“That’s amazing.” Sherry is impressed.


After moving for a short time, we come across the Demon, which is actually Cheep Sheep.

When Roxanne isn’t around, I aimlessly and endlessly wander around the Dungeon, I don’t encounter Demons that quickly. I am really thankful for Roxanne.

“Thank you, Roxanne. Let’s go.”

“Yes, Master.”

Side by side, we walked forwards.

I quickly kill one of the Cheep Sheep with one swing, and step back to Roxanne can kill the other; I wouldn’t take both kills, since Roxanne came forwards with me, and one Demon was enough to restore my Mana.

She kills her target almost as quickly as I did, swinging her sword multiple times in the time it took me to swing once and step back. Both Demons collapse to the ground and explode in a puff of green smoke.

“How did you move like that?” Sherry asked Roxanne, looking intrigued.

It seems that Roxanne’s inhuman movements had impressed Sherry as much as they always impressed me.

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