Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 50 – S*x Maniac

Men are animals, animals with a massive sexual appetite.

Roxanne has a bit of a glint in her eyes, though she is keeping a straight face, her tail is wagging a little.

Well, I do have two slaves, both of which are technically ‘sex slaves’ -- though I originally bought them as companions to help me fight and to survive. Though this does allow me to have sex when I want it, and Roxanne seems to have quite the libido as well.

The meal was a little quiet after this conversation, both girls would keep glancing between their food and me--I felt a little awkward.

Since there’s no helping it, I was the first to finish eating, so I was going to enter the bath.

“When you are finished eating, take off your clothes and join me in the bath.” I speak with a smile as I get up, though my wording is a little forceful.

Entering the bathroom, I quickly undressed and stepped into the bath. I would have liked to watch the girls undressing, but I also had to make sure that the temperature was alright.

I can hear the girls talking outside the door.

“May I enter the bath?” Sherry asks in a slightly nervous tone, “Baths are usually only things that Nobles or Royals use.”

“Of course you can, Master asked you to join us.” Roxanne sounds like an older sister, comforting and reassuring.

Good, Sherry will also join us.

I have set the lantern up, and checked the temperature--all I had to do was add a little heated water.

Suddenly, I get distracted when I hear two people chatting in the nearby room.

“Wow, Roxanne…you are lucky--so well-developed for your age.”

I could hear envy, and curiousity in Sherry’s voice, she seemed intrigued; since she was almost 2 years older, but seemed like the little sister.

“Ahh--Umm, thanks?” Roxanne’s voice was a little awkward, “Size isn’t all that’s important.”

I had always wondered if girls ever spoke like that in real life, and it turns out that sometimes they do.

“Master, we’re coming in.” Roxanne says, waiting a few seconds before opening the door and entering the room alongside the nervous Sherry.


After the girls were soaped up, we entered the bath together.

They each sat at my side, and I wrapped my arms around them--they leaned into me. Roxanne snuggling against me, and Sherry seeming to copy the younger--more experienced--girl.

“Ahh. Umm…I’m sorry I’m so small.” Sherry suddenly speaks, she looks at me with dampened up-turned eyes.

Damn, that cuteness is unfair.

“You aren’t that small.” I reassure her, stroking her hair.

Roxanne seems to be watching the conversation with interest.

“When I was in the village…I thought the same. But--everywhere I looked in the slave trader’s shop…there were girls with huge chests, and they were much more popular.” Sherry looked down again, grabbing her breasts, a depressed expression on her face.

“It’s alright, there’s no problem. Chests of all sizes are good. I don’t purchase girls based on their chest size, but on their potential. In both of you, I see great potential.” I speak reassuringly to Sherry, and stroke both girls’ heads.

“But, Roxanne is…” Sherry looks a little bit happier, but she still seems worried.

“I will make sure to enjoy your smaller breasts until you believe me.” I spoke with a deliberately perverted smile.

Roxanne giggled and Sherry seemed to finally cheer up--though her face was so red I thought that her face would catch fire, and she quickly buried her head in my chest.

Because of the water, Sherry’s purple hair has flattened and stuck to her; it reminds me of a doll--seriously adorable.

After the bath, the two of them help me dry my body--then we go to the bedroom.

Honestly, I did consider doing the both of them in the bathroom, but decided against it; I needed to get Sherry more comfortable before moving on, I didn’t want her to hate me because I took it too quickly. It seems that both Roxanne and my encouragement helped her.

“Come on, you two.”

“Yes, Master.” Roxanne spoke with a happy smile and wagging tail--she was anticipating what was going to happen next.

“Y-Yes Master.” Sherry still seemed a little nervous.

“Hehehe, it will be fine--better than fine…Master will make you feel really, really good,” Roxanne said as she hugged Sherry from behind, and I lead them to the bedroom.

Laying on the bed, I pulled the two girls into my embrace; Sherry feels so petite and small, like she might break.

I can’t hold out any longer--my endurance is at its limits.


Sex Maniac - Lv1

Effects: Intelligence +1, MP + 5%, Sexual Stamina +15%, Pleasure Given +5% per Partner.

Skills: Charm


Effect: 1.5% Chance to Charm Target per Intelligence x MP spent. Charmed Target will consider the caster to be an ally (If target is non-humanoid or same-gender as caster)--otherwise target will get attracted to the caster (15% chance to apply Strong Aphrodisiac Debuff)

Well there is was, the new, Species-specific Class. I had expected to learn it, since it seems that I cannot learn Classes or some Skills without knowing of them.

I wonder what the condition of acquiring the Class was?

Could it have been to have a lot of sex?

To have sex with two or more of the opposite (or same) sex?

Or to have sex with two or more at the same time?

When I think about the intense events earlier, it’s possible that Intensity and Endurance also factor in--I might have gotten a little too into it.

I was careful not to put too much strain on Sherry since it was her first time; but Roxanne happily received the extra, she didn’t complain--and the look of euphoria on her face seemed to imply that she enjoyed herself.

“Master, she seems to be resting.”

While I was quietly thinking, I heard Roxanne speak from where she was laying next to me.

She’s not asleep.

Roxanne reached out, gently smoothing my sweaty hair.

“That was intense. It was incredible.” She purred, licking my cheek.

“Things are fine?” I asked her, “You don’t mind having another girl here?”

“Yes, Master is a good Master and didn’t overdo it with either Sherry or I” Roxanne smiled, “Of course I don’t mind. Master should get as many girls as he wants.”

I smiled at her, leaning forwards and kissed her deeply, sucking her plumps with enthusiasm.

“Thank you.” I pressed my forehead against hers.

“Thank you, Master, for everything.” Roxanne smiled.

I felt my consciousness slip away, I was falling asleep again.

Author’s note:

I apologize for skipping the sex scene.

But, I have good news--I am working on a very difficult project in my spare time. The very first Asian book I read was Night Ranger, and it was also the book that taught me that the ends of those books usually suck (Though, A Monster Who Levels up has the worst of all--I haven’t found a worse ending than that book.)

Anyway, I am doing a remake of it (A complete overhaul). I will be occasionally posting chapters--this won’t slow down the posting of chapters of Slave Harem…it may speed them up if I get irritated with the Night Ranger chapters and need something (a little silly) to release instead lol.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.