Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 54 – Royal Friction

We rapidly advance through the 9th Floor of the Dungeon.

Sherry is rapidly improving with using a single sword and shield; I let her use the Enchanted sword which she had found in the previous Boss room.

Roxanne was wielding a normal iron sword, though she had Excalibur attached to her belt.

Sherry had been worried when she got a new weapon and Roxanne stuck with her normal iron sword, but Roxanne reassured her with a smile--saying that her sword was the first thing I had bought for her.

They got along well, my worries about infighting because of insecurity or jealousy, which happened constantly on Earth, didn’t happen.

The first Demon that we encountered was one called a Collagen Coral. It was a level 27 Demon that looked like a normal Coral that could be found in any reef in the ocean.

I had specifically asked Roxanne to be careful with the sizes of groups that she found; while she could easily handle them--Sherry was still learning, still leveling-up.

All Sherry had to do was use her Shield-maiden Class Skill, Shield Bash, and then defend while Roxanne rapidly slaughtered the Demon.


Shield-maiden - Lv8.

Description: A shield maiden is a Dwarf who has chosen to protect her team, making use of her small size--but immense strength--to block incoming attacks. The Shield Maiden may not have many powerful attacks, but they are some of the sturdiest defense-type Classes.

Skills:  Hostility Generation (Passive), Shield Bash, Deflect (%based)

Special Effect: This Class grows alongside the wielder. Current Rank (1)

Apparently, Dwarves didn’t only specialize in crafting and forging--they had a Racial Class that specialized in defending their companions.

Sherry knew that the Class existed, but even she was shocked when she heard that the Class grew; she was incredibly pleased with her acquisition, explaining that she enjoyed defending Roxanne and I.

Of course, this didn’t mean that she had given up on her wish to become a Master Blacksmith--

When she charged into combat, there was a grin on her face and glint in her eyes.


During our traveling through the Dungeon, I didn’t have anything to do other than watch the two girls having fun; though, that was enjoyable in its own way.

I was still trying to figure out how to help Sherry unlock the Master Blacksmith Class, so I lent her a forging hammer that I had bought yesterday; keeping her Class as Shield Maiden.

Before now, she had used a club--though one that was classified as a hammer--I decided to have her try out a real hammer.

Roxanne quickly located a small group of Collagen Corals, there were three of them; this time I asked Sherry to fight them alone--I would step in if she was having trouble.

Blacksmiths often worked alone, and fought alone; so, solo killing a group of Demons, fighting for their lives without any interference...this may be the secret behind the Master Blacksmith. But, if this was so, how did young and low-leveled Dwarves gain it?

While most Master Smiths worked alone on their projects, they also trained disciples. It was likely that young Dwarves would have a powerful instructor watching over them as they fought.

Master Smiths also used hammers--they lived by the forge…and died by the forge. It was likely that while clubs belonged to the hammer subcategory, they were nothing like Battle Hammers, or even forging hammers; their usage was completely different.

I also knew that some Classes required the recipients to get the final hit on their opponents--such as Monk, and Swordsman.

Before asking Sherry to fight the small group of Demons alone, I explained my reasoning.

She seemed to agree with me, and quickly engaged the Collagen Corals as soon as I gave the order.


The fight was short and simple, Sherry had impressive defensive capabilities--though poor Roxanne looked bored as she leaned against me and watched; she wished to fight as well, her hands moving subconsciously.

As soon as the Demons disappeared in a puff of green smoke, Sherry quickly approached me; her expression was a mixture of inquisitive and hope.

Trying not to raise my expectations, I looked at her available Classes.

There it was--Sherry had obtained the Master Blacksmith Class.

The look of joy in her eyes warmed my heart--and seemed to do the same for Roxanne as well, she leaned against me and looked fondly at the smaller Dwarf girl.

Finally, Sherry’s lifelong dream of becoming a Master Blacksmith had been accomplished; though just acquiring the Class wasn’t the end…she had many, many years of training ahead of her if she were to become a great blacksmith.

“Alright, let’s finish our leveling here.” I smiled at the girls--though Roxanne was slightly disappointed because of missing the final fight.

“Yes, Master.” They spoke in unison.

We had been fighting since early in the morning, and according to Roxanne, lunch had passed quite a while ago. Roxanne could easily keep fighting, and Sherry was incredibly excited…but I had the feeling that something was strange--a mixture between a feeling of anticipation and impending doom.


After casting Warp, the three of use walked out of the wall of the main Adventurer’s Guild in Quratar.

I had originally planned to go straight home, but Roxanne brought up the plan to sell the Magic Crystals that were remaining after all of the people died to Pan; it would be a waste if we didn’t make use of the gift they left behind.

Sherry and I sat down at one of the free tables while Roxanne walked up the counter; she was the one who spoke to the receptionists and carried out our trades--I wasn’t good with people…and I trusted her to manage our income.

Looking around at all the people surrounding people who were sitting in groups and drinking some kind of strange crimson liquid out of cheap-looking wooden mugs, Sherry's eyes conveyed a feeling of desire--though she seemed uncertain as to whether she should ask me for some.

We had spoken about Dwarves and alcoholic beverages during one of our breaks, late at night, while both girls were recovering--Sherry had found it strange that even in another world, the Dwarven drinking habits were well-known.

She had explained that the most common cheap drinks, this world's beer, was nicknamed 'Dwarven Water'.

When I saw her expression, I decided to call over the water.

After watching the cute, and very pleased, Dwarf drinking her 'water' with a cute smile, for a little while--I went back to observing the room. This was the first time that I had been in the Adventurer's Guild lobby for quite a while; I usually just passed through, while Roxanne would carry out trades and talk to Receptionists.

Everyone seemed strangely excited, their voices forming a background noise that reminded me of walking through a fair back on Earth.


“Master, there is some excitement happening in the Royal Castle.” Roxanne had come back from the reception counter--anticipating my curiousity, she had obviously inquired about the atmosphere in the Guild, “The King is getting old and the Princes are beginning to compete for the right to the Throne.”

By the time Roxanne finished our business at the counter and returned, Sherry had finished her mug of disgusting smelling, obviously cheap alcohol. So, with nothing more to do, we left the Adventurer's Guild and made our way back home.

“However, adding to the chaos: the new Pope has begun saying that the rules of the Church indicate that a part of the territory should go to the Church, no matter who wins the throne. He cites that fact that the previous King is an ardent follower of the Goddess of Light--and that the Royal Family had shared the territory ever since they developed." Roxanne paused for a second, "The oldest Prince has always disliked the amount of influence that the Church already has, so he is vehemently against it."

“The city of Quratar belongs to the current land that is governed oldest Prince; so the population, and military, are a part of his power--and a part of the conflict with his brother.”

Roxanne saw the expression that instantly appeared on my face, which that I had quickly hidden--I hated politics like this.

"Don't worry, Master; ever since the Adventurer's Guild was formed--they rarely get involved in Royal conflicts...though they can be called on if the country goes to war with another. The founder, a Hero, seems to have demonstrated feelings like yours."

By the time Roxanne finished relaying the receptionist’s words--we had arrived at our house, just in time for dinner.

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