Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 55 – Merchant Guild

As usual, I woke up before the sun rose; a small patch of black sky barely visible through the window. Ever since I came to this world, I had slept early, and woken early--though after buying Roxanne, and now Sherry, I fell asleep quite a lot later.


I felt like I had just had a strange dream, but I couldn’t remember most of it. There was a science-fiction world, and lots of destruction…it felt much too real to be a normal dream--but my instincts were telling me that it wasn’t very important.


I was tired.


Sherry had been so excited, when she learned that she had finally unlocked Master Blacksmith, she had been much more enthusiastic last night; Roxanne seemed happy as well, she had joined in, and we had tried some new things.


It was a very good night.


After we finished, and when the girls could speak coherently again, Sherry had suggested that we visit the Merchant Guild. She said that it would be the best place to sell the five swords that we had found in Pan’s Boss Room; and she also needed blacksmithing supplies to experiment with.




As usual, we went to the Dungeon to kill time before the sun rose and the Merchant Guild opened its doors.


The Adventurer’s Guild was busy, so we didn’t stay long; the Demons hadn’t dropped any good loot, so there was nothing to sell.


Along the way to the Merchant’s Guild, Roxanne explained that the Guild functioned more like an auction than a shop. I was interested when I heard this, because on Earth, auctions, as the main source of trade, had long been overtaken by more reliable sources like shops--and the internet--which really drew home the point that I was in a world far behind the one which I originated from.


She then explained that most people used Brokers for their trade deals, because unless there was something very special on auction, they didn’t want to constantly stick around and watch every change; though some people enjoyed it, they were usually quickly hired by the Merchant Guild.


The Brokers would usually have multiple customers, and would keep an eye on all of the trades and auctions that were run quite often, and between multiple cities; their customers would supply the Broken with a payment in advance, and a maximum limit to how much the Broker could bid.


It was a very strange method for purchasing items, but without the internet, it was unlikely that there was any better way to find some of the rarer items and Equipment.


However, the Merchant Guild would send out alerts to their customers if there is anything special being exhibited.


Brokers also sold items, using special communication methods to share lists of items between each other--and placed them at the auctions. However, the Broker would also take a 5% cover charge; and the Merchant Guild would take 10%…so visiting the auctions and directly selling the items would net a better income; but was much more difficult to pull off.


Not long after Roxanne finished her explanation, we arrived at the Guild Building, and enter the massive wooden doors--the distance between locations is rather convenient, as though designed to allow a guide to explain the basics of their location, and arrive at that instant.


There are several people already in the lobby, as well as workers who seem to be using Inspection-type Skills to look at various random pieces of Equipment.


As soon as we stopped, a man approached us.

“Hello, sir; I haven’t seen your face before,” His eyes lost focus for a few seconds as he checked his memory, “Is this your first time at our establishment?”


His tone was polite.


“Yes, and please call me Alex.” I replied in kind--my wording may have been strange--but I never liked being called ‘sir’, I was still young…


Of course I wouldn’t do something stupid like lying and saying that I had been here; not only was there no reason to do this…it would be incredibly stupid--it would be incredibly obvious that I had never been here before.


“I work here as a Broker, and my name is Laurel.”


After shaking my hand, he continued, “Let’s go to the other room.”


“Please wait a moment,” I say, turning to Roxanne and Sherry.


“Roxanne, please go to the clothes shop and get some new clothing for Sherry. If you wish, you can also get a new outfit.”


“Yes, Master.” Roxanne nodded to me, before turning and leaving the Merchant’s Guild.


I decided to take Sherry with me, only she knew what materials a Master Blacksmith needed to use; and she would be able to tell me if this Broker was trying to rip me off.


Sherry and I follow Laurel.


We are lead into a side room which has a simple table, with four chairs, which feels like a combination between dining room, and meeting room; it gives off a very strange feeling.


“These rooms are specially designed for private meetings and trade. The Merchant Guild spares no expense in their creation--even hiring Wizards to lay down protective and isolation Wards.” Laurel speaks with a tone of pride, obviously pleased with his employers.


Sherry and I sit at one side of the table, Laurel watches us from his seat at the other side.


“So, Mr. Alex, did you came here to buy, sell, or browse the items on auction?”


“I would like to buy, and sell.”


“What would you like to buy?” Laurel asked.


“Kobold Demon Cards.” These were important for Enchanting Equipment, and allowing Sherry to practice.


“Hmm, Kobold Demon Cards? Please wait a moment.” Laurel took a notebook out of the brown leather pouch which was tied to his belt, “Yesterday, they began appearing in the auction for 5 gold each. It seems that some large party of Adventurers gathered quite a few--there are around 150 remaining at that price; normally the Kobold Card sells for between 8-10 gold.”


I glance at Sherry, who nods. It seems that Laurel doesn’t seem to be trying to scam me.


“This price also includes Broker and Merchant Guild tax.” Laurel looks at me with a grin.


“This time, the Kobold Cards have a buy-it-now price because of the large influx. Normally, they have a base price of 6 gold, before the bidding starts; 8-10 gold is the normal maximum price…though it can increase dramatically if there is a person or organization that urgently needs to buy, greatly increasing the price.”


“I see.” I didn’t expect him to be this forthcoming with information, but this was probably general knowledge.


I gave him a leather pouch with gold in it, “I wish to buy a single Kobold Card.”


After accepting the pouch, and quickly counting the coins, Laurel walks to a door set in the opposite wall. When he opens it, he quickly speaks to someone waiting outside, passing over the pouch and giving them instructions.


“What would you like to sell, Mr Alex.” Laurel quickly asked, as soon as he sat back down.


“I have 5 swords with Incantation Delay.”


Laurel had a pleased look, “I see. 5 Swords of Obstruction, a complete set--I can give you a flat buying price of 5 gold, 4 gold and 75 copper; but, if you choose auction them, you might be able to get double that. ”


It seems that my +10% to selling items cancels out the 10% tax from the Merchant Guild, I only have to pay the 5% Broker’s Tax.


“I will put them on the auction.” I take the 5 swords out of my Inventory as I answer Laurel. I am not short on Gold, so I can wait the several days that it is likely to take for the swords to sell when using the Merchant Guild’s auction.


“Will that be all, Mr. Alex?” Laurel asks, after using a Skill to verify the authenticity of the 5 swords resting on the table in front of him.


I quickly look over at Sherry, “Do you need anything?”


She cutely tilts her head as she considers the question, “No, Master; I only need simple forging equipment, and ore; both of which can be bought at a Blacksmith.”


“Well, it seems that will be all,” I stand up, thanking Laurel.


By the time Sherry and I finish purchasing items at the blacksmith, we make our way to the clothing shop--Roxanne should be finished buying two pairs of clothing.


Last time, she took almost two hours to buy a single half a day should be enough.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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