Slayin’ With a Strap

Glock Block

Dale was scratching his chin while he looked upon a group of adventurers, they had surrounded him in the dungeon. Not entirely sure if this is just a random occurrence or an aimed attack against him in specific.

''Give us all your cores and we might spare your life!'

Ah, random attack it is then.

''Are you stupid? Look at him, he doesn't even have a weapon! Let alone anything to hold cores!"

Holy shit, there's a smart one.

''But, since he hasn't got anything, let's just tie him up and sell him on the market? He's good-looking and has a strong body.''

"Indeed I do, you should see the size of my cock, though you could ask your Mother about it as well, she was able to take me down to the balls."

"WHY YOU LI-'' There was a cough then a thud as Dale proceeded to punch the guy in the throat then kick his legs out from beneath him and drop him along with a fancy round object.

Standing up Dale walked calmly away before he turned around. ''You dumbasses, don't you know about magic? One of my favorite spells."

Dale pointed to the round object. ''Oh shit, that's a ger-.'' The explosion cut him off as it eviscerated the three adventures who were stupid enough to look.

Chuckling while he gathered what loot they dropped automatically he continued his stroll back up from the lower 12, as he finally came up he went straight to the guild, only to be directly led into a side room made for large purchases.

There he proceeded to dumb an entire army's worth of materials off, with a small pile of Golden Eggs as well.

''You know, you keep selling them, it will lower the prices of them, you know that right?"

''Then I will suddenly stop selling them, use the gold to make fancy things such as furniture and clothing, make the Loki family look incredibly more wealthy than they are already do. Then when all the nobles start seeing us 'Adventures' with a nicer house, they'll start foaming at the mouth, gold will be bought quickly, which will aggressively raise its price again, then I will flood the market with eggs again.''

The guild receptionist looked at him, staring at him blankly before he sighed. ''You're one hell of a scary guy Dale, it's as hard to deal with you as it is to deal with Loki and Riveria.''

Dale chuckled with a node. ''Loki may look cute and short, but she's got the devil's tongue, and luck for a good deal, a least for her.''

The man groaned as Dale's money would be kept in the guild so Dale didn't need to carry it around, not as if Dale wasn't already carrying a few million inside his storage just in case.

Leaving the guild he stopped by a few street vendors to get something to eat while he walked, heading towards the Loki Family mansion.

Once he got there he got a few greetings from everyone out and about that he passed, the sounds of an active fire range off in the distance as more got taught how to use the firearms.

He made his way through the mansion until he got into the study, not bothering to knock he entered straight in.

The only person inside was Riveria who was sitting at a side desk, leaning over paperwork, looking up to see Dale she smiled as she stood. ''Welcome back Dale, did you get what you were after?"

Dale walked up to the front of her desk, she walked around it to stand in front of him.

''I did, I've got enough materials to begin working on the next level of firearms.''

Riveria shook her head. ''It's a wonder, we only have flint firearms now, but you're already many generations ahead yourself.''

''By the time our family learns how to use matchlock? I'll most likely already be using magazine-fed weapons.''

''Magazine fed?" Riveria raised a brow.

''Compacting the reload down even faster, putting shells into a case to make it easier for transportation and ease of reloading. If all goes to plan? I'll have the ability to fire 200 rounds before I would need to reload some weapons.''

Her eyes widened at the thought of that, even just the matchlock weapons were a wonder, his revolvers and rifle blew her out of the water. Now he was aiming for two hundred rounds?

"Where do you come up with all these ideas Dale?''

''With age comes wisdom, and a lot of time to think about things, it's just now I started to implement them properly.''

Riveria blushed as she was reminded of his age. ''It's weird, usually, I'm the oldest only second to Loki herself, but she acts like a child so it's not really true, but you... You're older than both of us, and you act with maturity and demeanor befitting such an age.''

Dale grinned as he stepped forward, he set each of his hands onto the desk as he shifted only a bit to lower his height down to look at her.

''I am pretty old, aren't I? Good thing you can teach old dogs new tricks hm? I could even teach you a few.''

Riveria's cheeks were red, despite how she acted and held herself she was a hopeless romantic with no experience with it, only knowing what she knew from novels she read all the time.

''O-o-oh? What kind of t-tricks?"

Dale made sure he leaned forward slowly, if she wanted out it wouldn't be hard for her to get out of his reach, but the way she looked so hopeful, eyes shut tight but her lips already twitching to pucker up.

He whispered just against her lips. ''Relax River.''

Her cheeks darkened at the simple nickname as her lips met his own.

It was awkward at first, simply because Riveria wasn't responding right but soon she began to melt into the feeling, putting more into the kiss.

Dale held the kiss for at least a minute before he pulled back, the good thing about being a supernatural adventurer who was many times stronger than a human even before leveling up? They could hold their breath many times longer as well.

Riveria looked up to him, the red having spread down her neck and to her chest, as she was absolutely thrilled but still embarrassed, that had been her first kiss.

Soon she was leaning up again, wanting more. Dale grabbed her waist, lifting her onto the desk to sit her on it as he leaned down. Pressing his lips once more to hers as he continued the kiss.

Deepening it slowly over time, Riveria's arms wrapped hard around Dale's broad shoulders as she pulled herself closer to his body while he held her waist. This continued for however long until the door was heard opening. Riveria suddenly pushed at him, with enough strength to actually make him step back a few feet, her blush even worse now she tried to fix her clothing that didn't get that messed up, to begin with.

Soon Loki, and Ais both walked in, Loki holding the arm of the straight-faced girl, seeming to skip as she held what looked to be a take-out dinner with her.

''We brought you a funnel cake Rive-'' Loki stopped when she noticed Dale, bubbling with excitement suddenly before she dropped the food onto the table and launched herself at him like a bullet. Rubbing her cheek aggressively against his chest.

''Dale!~ My second favorite chi-... sniff.''

Loki began to sniff at him like a hound, climbing up his body as she sniffed up to his neck then at his face, only pulling back to look at Riveria, then at him, then back and forth for a bit.

Soon she turned towards Dale with the biggest, shit-eating grin he's ever seen her muster, the trickster God out in the full show. ''So... When's the childbearing start?"

There was a snicker from Ais, all heads snapping to the youngest in the room, Riveria shouting out. ''AIS! HAVE YOU BEEN READING THOSE BOOKS LOKI LEAVES AROUND?!''

Ais looked up, confidence in every movement as she suddenly pulled out a book from between her armor plates. Dale had to catch himself from laughing as he noticed the title.

The Daring Knight, and beautiful secretary.

At the sight of it, Riveria stopped mid-rant as it seemed gears started to misfire.

Ais then said in all her glory. ''Actually, I read the book you left on your desk, but who can blame you? Dale's definitely a beautiful secretary.''

Damnit, the kid got him as he burst into uproarious laughter, the mental image of him in a hot secretary look and Riveria in full plate armor was far funnier than it had any right to be.

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