Sleeping Princess

Ch.18 Moving Forwards (5/5)




"It was you who was looking at my butt the other day, right Nakagawa-san?"



My mind was blown by the question. A rage of confusion blasted about in my head. I'm sure all kinds of crazy neurons were scattering around trying to piece together her words.  I had no idea what she was talking about. And what she was saying was quite vulgar….Staring at her butt? When had I ever done something like that...Well, excluding what I was just thinking about a moment ago...

“Oh-Oh my gosh!”



Like a sledgehammer that hit me upside the head, I was suddenly reminded of my past sin. This woman right in front of me...out of all the people in Hiroshima Japan...Could it be that she was...There's no way it was her, right? Was she that woman from the train a few weeks ago that saw? 

“Don’t deny it, Nakagawa-san. You were crying that day on the train that day too. I remember it like it was yesterday."

The devil in a suit exclaimed as she fluttered her straight hair.

"You seemed a little out of it too because you just looked out of the window without moving much at all. I only remember it because I have an exceptionally good memory.”

The businesswoman giggled as she tapped her forehead with her slender fingers.

“You were staring pretty hard too after I left the train... I could feel your gaze stripping me down as I walked towards my next stop. I’m sure you had a good look at my butt that day. Don't tell me you don't remember?”



Like a hurricane, the memories of that businesswoman flooded back into my mind. Her shapely body as she swung her smaller hips about in the crowd of regulars on their way to work. She stuck out in the sands of people as a gem...but it wasn't just that...


That day...I was questioning my feelings and because so I groped her with my eyes.

I watched her model-like body wash along the sea of people as I...stared at her butt.

I looked at her butt...

Why would you look at her butt, Madoka?!


Suddenly, she stood up to my surprise. With a confident figure, the beauty gave me a twirl not once but twice. It threw me off to what she was doing. Still in shock over this sudden turn of events she put her arms around her back and leaned up closer to me. The heat of my face was like someone placed hot coal on my cheeks. Even my body began to warm up to the point that it felt like I was running a fearsome fever. Our chest nearly touched as I tasted the sweet scent of mint on her tongue as she spoke softly to me. Those beautiful gemlike eyes entranced me further now.



"Doesn't my butt look better up close to you, Nakagawa-san?"

She winked at me cutely… This made my heart twist maddingly. Was this a dream or was a stranger flirting with me? No, this is all my imagination, right? She must be angry at me for doing that to her and this is her way of exacting righteous judgment upon me!

“Ah, is the little chick shy? Loosen you up a little and admit it, Nakagawa-san. You were you staring at my butt right?”

She smiled a tad innocently. But her gaze was a fierce as a wolf, ready to tare into me if I said the wrong thing. So, instead of confessing to my wrongdoings, I opted for a more professional approach...

“Y-Your order ma’am?”

That was all I could muster. I went back to my lackluster day one training from Okabe-san. My mind was racing faster than I could even register by this point. But instead of sinking her teeth into me, she leaned back somewhat dejectedly and sat back in her seat. With a calming sigh, the businesswoman gave me a sharp giggle and turned back to me. 

“How about a massage after a long day of work? I really need one of those. Would you offer that for little ol' me, Nakagawa-san?"


I looked at the floorboards now. They stared back at me stubbornly. 

"Ah...we don't have massages on the menu..."

That's when she spat air from her thin lips. Holding her stomach she kicked her feet about for a moment. This was never-ending. My face must be as bright as a cherry right now. I…couldn’t control it any longer. With that, she put the menu up to her lips.

“Your so painfully innocent, aren’t you Nakagawa-san? If you were looking at my butt I’m not mad about it. So you don't need to hide it."

I couldn't even look at her now. I'm sure she figured that was the case so instead she continued...

"It’s actually quite the compliment that such a young attractive girl found my body..well you know, attractive too.”


I shielded my face in my hands as I tried my best to regain my composure. It's embarrassing hearing these words from a complete stranger. It's one thing coming from Hana-chan the other day. In the end, she's my stepsister, and saying praises like that are special but...more expected. To be outwardly praised about my looks by someone other than my family, or a friend close to me...It had its own kind of air to it that I could only describe as...electrifying.

But I couldn't get caught up in these strange emotions now. I had to defend my honor not only as a proper person but a mature, humble woman!

“I-I wasn’t looking at your butt that day!”

I stated clearly, concisely. Now I stood properly with my back straight. There's no way she'd see me as nothing less than an honest woman who wouldn't be caught doing something as vile as that!

"Is that so? Then what were you looking at, Nakagawa-san? You just admitted that you were looking at me, didn't you?"



Her expression brightened as she skillfully caught me in a trap. The brisk smell of temping amber came about my nose as she leaned in closer to me. It was certainly a mature perfume kind that easily reflected her essence. I was outclassed by her and she knew it by this point, didn't she? 

"Call me Risa, Nakakawa-san. I mean, if we're already on the level of groping each other with our tender eyes, what's family names by that point?"

Her hips curved in a way that reminded me of an hourglass. Her dark violet eyes stoned me like looking into the eyes of a medusa. I had to do my best to make sure I wasn't unconsciously dancing my eyes around her as I began losing this embarrassing battle between us.

“So…tell me, Nakagawa-san. Was my butt that tantalizing that you couldn’t look away?”

“Eh…for the last time...I wasn’t looking at your butt!”

How did I get into this situation? I scorned my past self, feeling up and down a stranger’s body and now it was karma all in the end.

“Nobody is here…just admit it...I won't drop it until you do...”

Her tone was slow and slightly seductive if I had to admit. My nerves were sparking like wildfire. Admitting defeat, I caved and confessed.

“…Okay…I admit it. I…was watching you that day…but it’s not like you think!”

I was still in denial...

“Hey, it’s okay to admit it. I mean, I already love your sapphire blue eyes. Oh, and you have quite the nice figure too. But I’m sure you have a boyfriend, don’t you Nakagawa-san?”


“I mean, your boyfriend must be the one who gave you just a beautiful necklace, right?"


I touched Mari-san’s gift now. How it made my heart swing thinking that someone assumed it was from a…lover of some kind.

“Oh…it’s from a...friend.”

A friend was all I could find the words for. It'll be strange saying my stepmother gave it to me...or something of the same variety.

“A friend? Does that mean that you’re single, Nakagawa-san?”

She beamed at me now. I was a bit taken aback by how open she was about flirting with me now.

“Ah…Ma’am are you going to order anything? I-I'm a little busy.”

Even though the establishment was clearly empty by this point, I tried to make an escape. The wolf giggled and whispered to the side.

“Scored today! I get such beauty as my waitress, don't I?”

Finally, she lifted the menu briefly before setting it to the side haphazardly. 

“I would like two cups and a pitcher of coffee, black.”

Even though my hands were shaking, I wrote the order down diligently.

“Would that be all, ma'am?”

“Then I would love if you pulled up a seat a crossed from me so we could chat, Nakagawa-san. A steaming hot coffee with my super hot waitress. <3”

My heart nearly escaped from my chest. My mind raced as I cried out the only words that would escape my mouth now...

“I-I'll have your order out in a moment!”

I turned around and began rushing towards the kitchen.


“Oh, Nakagawa-san! Something before you go!”

“Y-yes, ma’am?”

With a sly smile she teased.

Nice butt. <3”



She added with a wink.

“I-I will be back with your coffee, ma'am!”

“Okay, Risa will be here waiting for you~. Don't keep me too long, cutie!”

Once I made my way through the doors, my hand touched the wall as I released a sigh. My face was burning up by the sudden turn of the evening. wasn't as though I found her advances all that unappealing. No, she was super beautiful and her charm was off the charts. This one named Risa...was on a different level than I was. The maturity she has around her brought out her flirts all the more strongly. She didn't feel like a guy on a movie hitting on the run-in-the-mill waitress who would be sharply rejected. No, she felt more like royalty that was courting the commander...and in this case, that would be me. 

“How's it going ou there, Nakagawa-san?”

Okabe-san, now with a chef's coat on walked towards me. She looked out the back door windows that shined into the establishment. With a scowl, she stared at the burgundy-haired wolf from the safety of the employee-only door.

“Is she always that flirty, Okabe-san?”

“Hm? What the hell are you talking about, Nakagawa-san? She usually orders a coffee and just sits there alone all night. Sometimes until the restaurant closes. The reason why I hate waiting for her is that she doesn’t leave a big tip...sometimes she doesn't tip at all. To be honest...she's weird."


Our experiences seemed to be on completely different levels. Unless this was a different person than Okabe-san was aware of. She certainly didn't show the traits of someone who'd wait around all night alone. No, she reminded me of a person who shined in the nightlife. Someone who could easily attract all the attention to herself with that charm-like personality she has.

With a spew of hot air from her lips, Okabe-san turned back to me.

“Well, what did she order?”

“Oh…two cups and a pitcher of coffee.”

“Nothing new there...You can get that yourself, can’t you?”

My coworker tilted her head to the side.

“Or did you forget where the coffee machine was, Nakagawa-san?”

“O-Oh…no, I can get it, Okabe-san.”

“Well after you do that, go take your break. You’re nearly 3 hours into your shift and you can’t go without one. It’s illegal.”

With that Okabe-san made her way back into the kitchen. She spoke like a true senpai if I had to admit. And to be honest…I didn’t have the courage to go back out there just yet. As I peeked out the small window from the back, I could see that Risa woman humming to herself while writing on that notepad of hers. As if feeling my gaze, she then looked up and around. That's when we caught eyes with one another. Her eyes lowered as she lipped sweet words to me...

"I'm waiting for you~"

She waved at me with her pinky. It made my stomach warm up slightly as I leaned away from the window. 

“I have to get her that coffee and soon…”

I had to come to terms with one thing...She was an attractive woman that would easily turn the heads of any guy that graced her in passing. But here she was, shooting romantic lines like something out of a romance novel to a girl as average like me. I contemplated all of her words as I brewed the black coffee now. Once it was finished, I cooled my mind as I stepped out of the back with the pitcher in hand. There she sat, humming and writing in that notebook of hers again as if nothing happened between us.

“Oh, you’re back. Couldn’t stay away from me too long, huh Nakagawa-san?”


I warily laughed. She was aggressive and I wasn’t ready or even knew how to approach this kind of person. So instead, I shyly set her drink down and poured her first cup.

“What time did you start, Nakagawa-san?”

“Oh…around 2, almost 3 hours ago.”

“It’s your break time, isn’t it? How about you take that extra cup of coffee right there and we chat a little?”

Now the reason for the extra cup was apparent. But even if I wanted to sit down with her and have a nice cup of it too, I was working at the moment and It would be wrong me to do something like that while on the clock.

“I can’t do that...Miss Risa-san. It’s too unprofessional…”

With a shrug, she probably came to the same conclusion as she nodded with acceptance.

“Yeah…I guess it could get you in trouble. I wouldn't want to do something like that to you, Nakagawa-san."

She sipped on the coffee, causing her seemingly soft lips to turn pinkish from the heat.

“Sorry if I came off as a bit aggressive there…Nakagawa-san. I...didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable if that's what happened.”

“ not at all?”

She smiled brightly as she admitted to her wild behavior.

“You were just so cute that I couldn’t help it. Thought I give you a hard time as soon as I noticed who you were.”

“So, you were just teasing me all this time, Miss Risa-san?”

She shook her head from side to side. That sweet scent of her wafted about the room around us. It was certainly different and would likely only remind me of her if I caught wind of it outside of work.

“Of course not. I do think you’re quite beautiful and I was charmed that you were looking at me like that a while back...let's just say it stuck with me for a while...”

With her tender gaze, she stared back at me.

"You...stayed in my mind for a while after seeing you on the train that day."

I could hear my heart pump in my ears now. I bet even my earlobes were tinted read as I leaned away from her, trying my best to hide my embarrassment. 

“Hey…what was your name again, miss Risa?”

“As I said, just call me Risa.”


Trying my best to stay professional, I concluded with -sama as my safety word. Now that she was coming clean to her behavior...I needed to say this…

The reason why this entire thing started between us came on a pretty dirty foot if I had to be honest. So, to clear up any misconceptions and hopefully toss away this bad first impression, I confessed. 


“I’m…sorry for gawking at you like that. It was...inappropriate of me.

Would you please forgive me, Risa-sama?”



I sat down across from her now. Apologizing was the least I could do for using her body as a way to explore my own feelings. Well…just putting it like that felt wrong too.

“Oh, that’s fine. As I said, it was nice to know that such a gorgeous looking girl was interested in me in some way or another.”

“O-Oh, don’t get me wrong…Risa-sama...”

She lowered her gaze a tad dejectedly. With her sly tone, she teased.

“Oh, you don’t think I’m attractive or maybe even sexy?”

She mused as she leaned her hand on her cheek. The businesswoman exploded with charm as if all her movements were tailor-made to draw me into her world.

“Eh…that’s not…”

What was I supposed to say here? This stranger who clearly caught me gawking at her body was pressing me for answers? My fingers curled into a fist as if trying to hide my embarrassment. With a light chuckle, her tender eyes softened up to me.


“…Nakagawa-san, I forgive you for looking at my butt.”


I covered my face now, I was so humiliated that there was nothing else I could do. She was driving me mad with emotions, pulling me the way she felt as if she was a puppet master and I, her toy to play with. 

“Will you please stop saying that…please…”

“But it’s the truth…why lie about it? Listen, I don’t know your true reasons for looking at my butt, but I hope it burned in your mind and you don't forget it anytime soon. You know, just like I will with your butt. It’s a fair trade, Nakagawa-san.”


“I’m joking…hehe. You can relax a little around me you know?”

She was wearing me out…I couldn’t keep up with this one any longer. I don't know how long the blood in my body could rise for but she was seriously breaking its limits. So, I turned to the side hoping to cool off my racing chest.

“Well anyway…your name is Nakagawa old are you?”

“Oh…I turn 17 this weekend.”

“Oh, is that right? That’s good to know, good to know! So, why are you working at your age?”

I turned to the traffic below us out of sheer embarrassment. The nightlife danced about the world reminding me that this was the lasted I've ever been out alone. A true testament to growing up I assumed.

“I…want to buy a return gift for someone…and I just figured I could work for it.”

"A return gift? Could it be for the friend that bought you that necklace?"

I nodded softly.

“And as you said before, this is your first job and your first day, Nakagawa-san?”

I nodded shyly. Risa-sama nodded as if coming to a conclusion on something in her heart.

“It must be fate that we met today…”


Her eyes shined a bit as she chuckled.

“Let’s just say I had my fortune read this morning and it stated that I will have an unexpected meeting with fate today.”

She brushed her long hair back with her hand and tenderly smiled at me. Searching my eyes, we faded into a world only made for the two of us. With the establishment being empty and the lack of people showing up for a while now...we only had each other to focus on.

“I’ve been looking all day for that unexpected meeting with fate and I just about gave up by this point. But like the psychic she is, she was right about my fortune again. She's so good at her readings that it scares me."

Was Risa-sama another believer in that horoscope con? I wouldn't have guessed with how she looks. Her air reminded me of a stern businesswoman who'd easily lay down the law if the wrong person stood in her way. I guess looks can be deceiving. But that in no way diminished the way I felt around her so far. But, I stated my feelings on the matter as clearly as I could...

“I don’t believe in fated meetings and all of that, Risa-sama.”

Like a mature woman I aimed to be, I stated calmly.


“Oh, you don’t have to believe in it…for it to come true, Nakagawa-san.”

My mind raced back to a certain con artist whom I've recently met. The one named Saitou Saya-san. The Fine Arts club leader and seeming lover of the occult-like practices.



…Could it be or was all that a coincidence?


“Ah…is Risa-san your family name?”

She giggled almost manically now. As if she'd already come to the same conclusion I had. Maybe she wanted to keep that a secret for the time being but it's been exposed now.

“Oh, why would you want to know?”

She was being vague on purpose, wasn’t she? But after settling down she nodded slightly.

“Hm, my name is Saitou Risa…my little sister Saitou Saya goes to your school, Nakagawa-san.”

I was taken aback by this. So she was the older sister of that con artist that took my 100 yen from me during the cultural festival?! 

“Ah…how do you know I attend to Jinda High School?”

She finished her first cup. Skillfully she refilled it and turned her gaze back at me.


“Your school uniform, remember? I saw you on the train that day going to school.”


“I have a sharp memory…it’s almost criminal sometimes. A lot of people hate me for it because I can recall the smallest of details about pretty much anything. So, I can replay that day I saw you like a movie in my head."



"You were crying on the train…like you were lost, Nakagawa-san. It sat with me for a while…”

She looked out the window briefly then turned back to me.

"I asked myself...who would make a sweet-looking girl like that cry?"


“Sweet...looking girl?”

That day I had just been questioning my feelings for Mari-san. I couldn’t recall the majority of the morning as I was in my own head thinking about Mari-san and me. But this woman…was eyeing me the entire time. It…was a little strange knowing that now...

“Hm…well, you must have work to do. I shouldn’t keep you too long anymore, Nakagawa-san.”

With a sigh, she chuckled, clearing away any somber mood.

“But Nakagawa-san…you truly are a sweet girl and I would love to have a longer…more intimate chat with you soon.”

That’s when she set down the payment for her meal and in on a separate pile, a 5000-yen tip as she raised to her feet.

“S-Saitou-san…can’t take this. This is way too much for a tip!”

Shamefully, I admit.

“Oh please, I harassed you long enough. Take this as my apology gift to you, Nakagawa-san!" 

Refusing to take no for an answer, she began walking to the door. But before leaving she turned back to me with a soft grin.

“Oh, Nakagawa-san…”


“What days are you working? I would love for you to be my personal waitress from now on. I...get the feeling that Okabe Kasumi-san girl doesn't like me very much."

My face grew warm. The tone in her voice didn't feel playful or even flirty to me. No, she came off a genuine with her words. With an air of maturity, the kind I wished to become one day she continued to stir my emotions, aggressively.

“I-I don’t know yet, Saitou-san.”

I honestly admitted. I wasn't given a schedule yet and I don't believe they even wrote one out for me. I would have to come back in and figure that out.

“I guess I’ll just have to keep coming back and find out, won’t I then?”

" don't have to do that, Saitou-san."

"Of course I don't have to, but I want to."

She smiled at me as she tilted her head and gave me a wave.

"I look forward to seeing you, Nakagawa-san."

With that she walked away, swaying her slender backside as she made her way out the door. Before she left, she swung her head back at me, catching me once again…looking at her backside...


With a sharp crackle, she turned back around and left the establishment. She got it wrong though, I wasn’t looking at her butt…I was a little entranced by her hair flow…if I was being honest. It swam across her slender back like honey shining on a tree in the forest. Would it be strange to say I found that it looked...tasty? No, that wasn't the word I wanted to use. It was more like it moved flawlessly.

“So…she’s Saitou Saya-san’s older sister?”



I closed my eyes and imagined the two side by side. They lack similarities that usually stand out between family members. Saitou Saya-san's hair is darker than her older sister's. But certainly in my eyes...Saitou Risa a way more attractive...not in any way doubting Saitou Saya-san's looks. Her little sister just had more of an occultist vibe going for her. But Saitou Risa reminded me of bright light, like a princess in a suit and tie.

I lowered my shoulders.

“What a strange family…Ones a grifter and the other’s is a flirt? I can't imagine talking with the two of them at once...”

I diligently took care of the leftover cups and made my way to finish out my shift.



Now with the day over, I took the train home...well, to the stop anyway because Mari-san would be picking me up from the station. The night was in full bloom and it was a bit strange if I had to be honest. I never rode the train this late, and the feeling caused me to consider that I was in fact growing up now.

Okabe-san works later into the night…it made me wonder why she started working. But, to not pry into my classmates…no, my coworkers’ life, I shrugged it aside as my stop came.

Once I made it out, I saw Mari-san’s bright car lights waiting to pick me up. So, I rushed over and jumped inside. There she was...the woman I was working for in order to buy the gift she had no idea about yet. She patiently waited for me to get off work to drive me home safely...



“How was your first day, Madoka-san.”

“Oh, let me tell you all about it, Mari-san!”


I was excited to tell her every bit of detail…excluding a certain customer that is, Saitou Risa-san. As we drove home alone together in the night the question raised back in my heart…Is this how it would feel to be picked up by my lover after a long day at work? So many new sensations were flooding my world and it made me happy. I'll have to have my chat with Taylor-sensei once I get home...Time was moving faster now. My birthday will be soon, I’ll finally be able to see Uncle Ryuji after all this time.


Despite the craziness of feelings within me for the woman at my side…and all the questions I still have to explore about her and my mom...

I won’t lie that today was one of my favorite days since I woke up from my coma…

But why? It was simple…


Because I was becoming the person I wanted to become.

My life was slowly changing for the better...





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