Sleeping Princess

Ch.19 Two Years Older (3/6)


I journeyed down the steps to meet a certain flower already sprouting at the door. She lifted her head so she can view through the peephole. Sadly, she still couldn’t reach it, so she huffed in annoyance and opted to look out the window instead.

“Oh…it’s the Watanabe family! I need to tell Onee-san!”

She cried as she turned around, bumping into me. Like a spinning top, she twirled around before falling on the floor.

“Hana are you okay?”

I helped her up by reaching out my hand, her tiny fingers wrapped in mine as I pulled her to me.

“I didn’t know you were already down here. Onee-san, you look beautiful.”

Not expecting such an honest compliment, I shied and turned to the side away from her floodlight gaze. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she approached me now.

“Thanks, Hana-chan.”

I replied, defeated by my younger sister yet again.

“Mae-san’s here!”

“Oh, I’ll get it then.”

I opened the door. Not only Mae was here, but her father was also standing behind her. Like a tower, he cast a shadow over the two of us.


Mae cried as she rushed me. I nearly met the floor but her arms pulled me from falling.


“Happy birthday old girl!”

“I’m not old!”

She ruffled my good hair while giving me that childlike smile. Despite how disorienting it was it reminded me of the past when Mae-chan would roughhouse with me when we played together.

“Happy birthday Madoka-chan. It’s good to see you again.”

Mr.Watanabe chimed as he entered, holding a gift of some kind.

“Dear, you forgot the other bag!”

From the back I heard her, Mae-chan’s mother. Holding a bag of her own she strode to the front door. Toned, strong-willed, determined was the aura that captivated her. Her gaze was fearsome so much that she could easily give Conchi-san a run for her money. In a blue jacket with a flower pattern dress, the lord of the Watanabe household made her grand entrance. With her deep black hair that Mae-chan used to mirror, bob cut, and bright green eyes that were certainly passed down to her child she felt like a serious version of Mae-chan I grew up with.



“Oh, Mrs.Watanabe. It’s been a while.”

I greeted, pushing Mae-chan off me and bowing slightly. Instead of smiling, she nodded briefly before turning to her wacky child in annoyance.

“Mae, you forgot to bring in the plates as I asked you to.”

“Oh, sorry mom. Hehe.”

“Don’t laugh, just get the work done.”

With a sigh, Mae-chan rushed out the door.

“My…do you resemble that woman.”

“…You mean mom?”

I questioned. Instead of answering she gazed to the living room.

“Madoka, where can I place the food I brought?”

Stern and direct as always, I pointed to the kitchen.

“The kitchen is right over there. Mom is in there preparing some things.”

I called out.

“Mom, Mrs. Watanabe is coming in!”

Hurriedly, mom rushed out of the kitchen causing all of us to jolt. With her arms stretched she zeroed in and wrapped her hands all around Mae-chan's mom. With hands covered in flour, she smeared her victim's face turning her dark blue jacket into an odd design.

“Chie! Oh, how are you!”

“Get off of me, Ayumi!”



She pushed mom's face in but like a bee to a flower mom continued to approach relentlessly. She plastered Mrs.Watanabe's cheeks with white flour, making her look like a leopard. It was realized after Mae-chan and I met that Mom and Watanabe Chie were once friends in elementary. They grew far apart over the years and only by chance their children, Mae and I, met up and they reunited. Mrs.Watanabe used to be quite a coward and would cry when people scared her all the time. But mom, as gentle as she always is, would nurture her.


From behind, the burly man Mr. Watanabe entered in with a smile from one ear to the other. Unlike the two here who have a history, Mom and Mr.Watanabe only met after I went to Mae-chan’s for the first time. Despite that, those two seemed to be in more of a friendly relationship than his wife and my mom.

“Do you ever grow up, woman?!”

“Oh, don’t be that way my little Chie.”

“My god! That was ages ago! Let the past die, Ayumi!”

“It’s been a while since we saw each other. Let me have my moment with you!”

Mae nuzzled my shoulder before I turned to her. I was too busy admiring this odd sight of mom with a friend that I completely forgot about my surroundings.

“It really has been a while since those two talked…”

Mae confessed in a whisper.

“Hm, really Mae?”

“Yep. During your coma…let’s just say your mom didn’t reach out much to us...I think they had a fight...That’s kind of the reason why I didn’t know that she was dating Koda-san until you told me.”


So, mom closed herself off and latched onto Mari-san? That made me wonder, how strong does mom feel for Mari-san to willingly do that? It only added to the mental state my mom was in during my coma...

“Oh, are we having a party here?”

That’s when that black-haired troublemaker walked in. The person in question was clouding my feelings once again. She set her briefcase down on the counter and walked over to all of us.

“Welcome back, mom!”

“I’m back, Hana.”

The black-haired devil turned to me and met my gaze. For a moment, her mouth parted as she stepped my way.

“You…look great, Madoka-san.”

Mari-san complimented me as she set her soft fingers atop my head. I wasn’t expecting her open praise causing me to shy away. How I wanted to speak up…but couldn’t now. So, I pushed myself to at least say…


That’s when she tilted her head a tad cutely…

“Hey, are you borrowing something from me?”


I forgot that lately…in the bath, I've been occasionally using Mari-san’s shampoo by mistake. My nerves began to collide together like rocks in a windstorm. I thought about how unconsciously stupid I was…doing something like that. What was I thinking?


My words thrashed about and without reason, I fell back to my old habit of speaking the first thing on my mind.

“I wore it for you?”

I tried my best to make a smile but it was cracking like how an egg does when it crashes on the floor. Mari-san’s eyes widened slightly before she started giggling.

“Your face is so pink! Haha, you poor thing! So cute!”

Now it was apparent…she was fooling around with me. What a…jerk! But before I could lunge at her she turned to the guest causing me to calm my flustering feelings.

“Hello, you must be the Watanabe’s.”

Mari-san took a slight bow.

“My name is Koda Mari…and I’m Ayumi’s partner.”

Mrs. Watanabe nodded slightly. Still, with her stern look, she gazed at Ayumi and back at Mari with a seeming suspicion.

“I heard about you…in connection from Madoka-san to Mae.”

“Oh…I hope she didn’t say bad things about me.”

Mari-san rubbed her nose turning to me with a tease. I would never say horrible things about her behind her back. The thought of it made me a tad upset.

“That’s not funny, Mari-san.”

I retorted albeit annoyed.

“Well anyway, it’s a pleasure to meet you Koda Mari-san. My name is Watanabe Chie, and this is Watanabe Kojo, my big boy husband.”

Mr.Watanabe grumbled annoyed at his Introduction. That was a bit mean of his wife I had to admit.

“It’s nice to meet you two. Ah, Hana did you introduce yourself to the Watanabe’s yet?”

“Oh! Sorry, mom!”

Hana bounced over like a bunny. As I turned to the side, I caught Mae-chan bowing slightly to Mari-san.

“I met you briefly in the hospital. It’s good to see you again, Koda Mari-san.”

“You as well, Watanabe Mae-san. How are your studies going?”

“…Hehe, better now that Mado-chan is here to beat me into shape.”

Mae jumped over and held my shoulder a tad aggressively.

“S-Stop it, Mae!”

Mari just snickered. It reminded me of Hana by her mannerisms.

“Madoka-san’s something else, isn’t she Mae?”

Mari-san squealed.

“You’re right! Mado-chan is smart, cute, and adorable…”

Mae squealed in the same way...

“You hear that Madoka-san?! She says you’re smart, cute, and adorable too! Just like me!”

Mari-san parroted.

“Y-You both better stop bullying me else you’ll be sorry!”

Now they were ganging up on me. I might have overlooked how alike their joking personality is. Mari-san now that I thought about it reminds me of a more mature Mae-chan…well, maybe. She can still easily go over the top with her joking.

“Okay Ayumi, I’m cooking dinner so keep the guest entertained until it's ready!”

With that, she clapped her hands as she made her way into the kitchen.

“Oh, Mari I want to help though.”


Mari-san held her hand to mom’s face, the bridge of her nose slightly touching the fox’s palm.

“We decided that I’m cooking for Madoka-san! Remember the last time she had my meal? The poor girl couldn’t stop eating my food.”

With a wary chuckle, I could feel my face heating up like a match was being lit under my skin. Little did she know at that time I just ate quickly so I wouldn’t have to be around them teasing each other at the dinner table. But…there’s no way I’d tell them that.

“Let’s catch up, Ayumi.”

Mr.Watanabe suggested as he found a place to sit down. Despite her scowl, Mrs. Watanabe sat next to him and took hold of his hand. Just seeing those moves showed that their bond was strong enough that it wasn’t necessary to tell each other that they did love one another. Just the act of being together expressed their love. In a way…that simplicity of emotion was refreshing to me, knowing the complexity of my feelings right now…

“Mado-chan, show me your room!”

Mae leaped in the air. With a deep sigh, I point to the top of the steps.

“Right up the steps, the last door on the right. I’ll be right there in a little bit, Mae-chan.”


Before waiting for me she rushed up the steps. How I’m glad to see her in such high spirits knowing how she's struggling with her own life right now.

“Don’t break anything, Mae!”

I warned as I raced up after her. There was no way I'd let her stay in there alone! My room was decorated with posters of idols that I listen to, the tone was a bit on the cutesy side now that I think about it. It was certainly the paradise of a childish middle school girl still. Now growing self-conscious I critique it as I stepped in.

“This is so adorable!”

“S-Shut up, Mae...”

Mae pushed the mouse on my keyboard and in response, the screen woke up from its slumber. Hovering, an image of my favorite STARS cast with an input lock as a way to keep prying eyes from my computer.

“Oh, a password lock? What kind of dirty things do you look at, Mado-chan?”

“Mae, that's not funny!”

Mae looks around some more then stops. She turned to me, her bright blue hair giving a glimmer of the afternoon sun.

Mae searched around the cozy room more. Tapping on my cosmetics, leaning around my fluffy bedsheets. That’s when her bright blue hair caught hold of the sun outside, casting a fleeting glimmer of reality back on her. That’s right…Mae isn’t always feeling this happy…is she? How I wish that this was who Mae was 24/7. But the reality is…Mae has her own struggles and they slowly like to eat at my childhood friend.





Mae sat on my bed now as if she were a toy that ran out of batteries. Her priceless smile waned a bit. Although this made me sad…it also showed me that she wasn’t trying to hide her emotions. That made me slightly glad that she was openly trying to change.

“When you first went into a coma I came to your old room. The one you shared with your mom...”

She turned to me and nodded.

“It was like you died that day.”

I could see tears flowing in her eyes.

Mae didn’t speak much about her feelings during that time so maybe the reality of being in my room sparked up old memories of how it was. She then lifted her head and turned back to me with tears slowly fading away, being replaced with a bright smile.

“I’m glad you’re with me again. You’ll always be my best friend.”

Mae’s expression was soft. I couldn’t get why could just say embarrassing things like that without batting an I. My face was probably noticeably red by now, so I turned to the side.

“Thank you. You’re my best friend too, Mae.”

Mae leaped in the air and skipped her way to the door.

“C’mon, let’s see what the others are up to.”

“Right. Let’s go.”



After that brief tour, the doorbell rang, and we made our way down the steps.

“I ran into this kid on the way here.”

“She’s not a kid! Don’t you dare pick on Sora, you bully!”

“Oh, Sophia-san, Sora-san. Welcome! Please come in.”

Mom leaped up and rushed over. Catching eyes with the one named Sophia-san she smiled brightly. Already trying to kill the poor girl with kindness I see.

“This here is Conway Sophia-san. She’s an exchange student from England.”

“I have to say, Madoka-san has a beautiful mother.”

Sophia-san bowed, greeting my mom properly. Strangely Conchi-san wasn’t speaking her normal crudeness. She cleans up her act in front of adults it seems.

“Ah, so you’re the new friend she met at that arcade?”

Mom questioned as she approached. Her eyes shined as she analyzed Conchi-san now.

“O-Oh…she told you about that day?”

Mom giggled.

“She glossed over it. Told me that she met a nice friend whose cute too. You know Madoka likes cute things?”

“Stop it, mom! Why are you all bullying me today?!”

Hana pushed through and took Sora’s hand, with a tug they connected like Siamese twins.

“Sora-chan, I got that new RPG game that you wanted to play! C’mon, in here!”

Hana bounced up, pulling Sora along with her upstairs.

“What RPG game?”

Sophia-san now curious started walking up. Seemed she was doing this unconsciously. Mae put her hand behind her back and casually started walking around the home now.

“What game?”

Sophia-san, still curious asked as she took her steps towards Hana-san’s room.

“Madoka, everyone is here but your Uncle, right?”

“Hm…I’m still waiting for Mihara-san.”

“Oh, your old basketball teammate?”

I nodded. Mom closed her eyes and put her hand on her chin.

“Then how about you head upstairs with your friends and I’ll call you down once everything is ready?”

“So…in other words, you want to move things around while I’m gone, mom?”

Mom tugged on my shoulder. It reminded me of the past when she warned me to not do what I was doing. This caused a shock traumatic fear to take over through me.

“O-Okay mom…”

I wined as I made my way back up the steps. Seems Mae-chan was in a chat with her parents. She’ll catch up with me later I assumed as I walked past Hana-san’s room.

“That’s why you're dying!”

I walked past to see Conway standing up on the side away from the TV. Like a professor going through a lesson, she pointed at the screen with vigor.

“Your hero has far too much HP and not enough ATK! He’s nothing but a meat shield with low DEF. The monsters are going to annihilate him!”

“Hey, I can build my hero anyway I see fit!”

Hana retorted as she stood up and faced up to Conway.

“Apparently not if you’re dying at the third boss of the game!”


Hana and Sophia are at each other’s throats again. Hino-san seemed to be focused on the game ignoring this entire situation.

“Conway, why are you yelling at Hana?”

As a proper big sister, I step into the room and confront this situation.

“Your little sister doesn’t know how to play this game. I’m giving her a lesson on it.”

“I don’t need you to tell me how to play my game!”

Like two rulers fighting for turf, the battle of this senseless game, as if this will be the ultimate fight for dominance, was in full motion.

“Can’t you two just play nice, Conway-san, Hana-san?”

Hino-san interjects not to Conway’s liking.

“Here, let me beat this boss for you, kid!”

“No, I don’t want you to! I Want Sora-chan to show me how!”

It seemed Hana brought Sora over to beat a boss on a game. So that’s her true aim in this. Well, it’s not as if I would have said no if she told me she’d bring Sora over to play games with her. Conway-san, seemingly agitated, trumps down and sits on Hana’s bed.

“Once she loses and the boss destroys her, I’ll take over.”

Conway is seriously passionate about games. I noticed this from the arcade but she’s on a whole new level today.

“You see! You lost again. Now hand that over to me so I can show you how to do this properly!”

To Sora-san’s dismay, she handed it over to Conway. But now that I think about it...Sophia-san seemed less of a bully and more of an older sister trying to teach her little sisters something in the game. Maybe Sophia-san always wanted to be a big sister too?

“…Nakagawa-san, why are you staring at me?”

Unconsciously, I woke up from my recollection only to look away in embarrassment.

“N-Nothing, Conchi-san.”

With a puff of air, she continued playing the game.

“Now listen up, kids. When you….”

From that point on it was all jargon to me. I couldn’t make heads or tails out of it because I’m not good with these kinds of games. Luckily for me though the doorbell rang again.

“Hm, that might be Mihara-san.”

“Oh, you invited her?”

Sophia-san questioned, turning her attention to me.

“Yeah, so be nice to her, Sophia-san.”

“I don’t care about her in the slightest. She’s as scares as a flee.”

“Onee-san, let me come…I want to greet her.”

Hana toppled out of her spot and met me at the door. She held my hand as she led me down the steps. I’m not sure why she was doing this be we met at the steps and opened the door. There she was, fidgeting like a leaf. In casual wear now, a cozy-looking long-sleeved shirt and a long dress. Holding a sharp blue box in hand, our eyes meet.

“Welcome, Mihara-san.”

“W-Welcome, Mihara Yuko-san…”

“Ah…thank you for having me.”

That’s when mom jumped up from her seat and rushed over. Now that I thought about it, mom is more excited than I’d imagined at first.

“Ohh, I remember you now. You’re the girl who visited my baby when she was sleeping all that time!”

“Mom, stop!”

“Oh…You must be…Nakagawa-san’s mother. It’s…nice to meet you.”

Her lips didn’t have a place to hide under now so instead, she was exposed and had to lie her chin on her chest.

“Ah…I’m Mihara Yuko…and…ahh…”

“Mihara Yuko!”

To my surprise, the chef came from the kitchen with an apron on and hair all tied up she made her way over. Koda Mari made her spectacular entrance as the diligent housewives greeting the guest properly...

“Mihara-san. Yes, I remember her now. She was so much shorter though a few years ago. Right, Mari?”

Mari-san looked Mihara-san up and down as if taking in all of who she became. She wasn't as short as she used to be so the differences between how she was then and now were monumental. My heart was beating faster now knowing about what happened between them. I know Mihara-san doesn't like Mari-san at all...but I'm unsure how Mari-san feels for Mihara-san.

Instead of a normal greeting, the two of them just stared at one another. It was a tad awkward as neither of them said hello or tried to make small talk. Suddenly Mihara-san broke contact with Mari-san and gazed back at me.


Abruptly, she pushed a present in my hand. This took me by surprise if anything. As if the world became only a place for the two of us, we exchanged this gift. With her doing this…I couldn’t say that she was being rude by ignoring them openly…

“Oh…Thank you.”

“Ah…can I use the restroom?”

“Yeah, it’s right over there Mihara-san.”

I gave her a point and with that, she rushed away without another word. Mom chuckled as she turned to Mari-san whose shoulders slumped now.

“She’s a shy one, isn’t she Mari?”

“Yep. That girl isn’t any different. Still like a lost puppy..."

Mihara-san has a hard time being around Hana-chan already. I hope she's not too worked up with seeing Mari-san again. Probably inviting her wasn't the best idea but it's not as though I knew about the carnation incident's extent until after I asked her to come...

With a clap, Mari-san pumped her fist destroying my self-doubt in the process.

“Food will be ready soon! Has Ryuji showed up yet, Ayumi?”

“He should be on his way. Are you sure you don’t need help, Mari?”

“Be the host, Ayumi!”

“But Mari!”

“Hush now…”

Mari-san placed her finger on Mom's lips. They have this connection that’s solid…strong. And every time I see it up close…it reminds me of that two years they had to grow together. And here I am…debating these feelings when they are together...

“Madoka-san, can you go get Hana? She can help set the table.”


“Birthday girl? Why are you spacing out?”


I lifted my head. As it turned out, I was spacing out about…this again. So, I took a deep breath to gather my composure.

“C’mon, Mado-chan. Let’s go get your sis.”

“Oh…Okay…I guess…”

I couldn’t gather why we were getting Hana-chan in the first place I must have missed something so instead of thinking about it, I followed Mae-chan blindly.

“Oh, Nakagawa-san!”

Before we could make our way back upstairs, Mihara-san rushed out of the bathroom. Like a ghost haunting the halls, she cleaved next to me as if trying to possess me.

“Oh, I was just on my way upstairs. Let’s all go in my room and chat until dinner is ready.”

“Cool! We can get to know each other, Mihara-san!”


Mae-chan’s over-friendly behavior is scaring the hell out of the poor dove. So, I make a wall between them as we journey back upstairs.


Hana amazed looked at Sophia-san in a new light.



“Yep, and if you do this…you get more HP that’s permanent.”

It seems Conway-san won them over with her expert gaming skills. This was such a tender and rare moment I didn't want to break it but the mother bear downstairs would be upset if her cub didn't come at her command...

“Hana…Ah, Mari-san wants you downstairs.”

“Oh, Okay Onee-san. Sora-san, you wanna come?”


“Hey, make sure you save the game before you leave!”

“Oh right!”

Hana-chan trumped back over and exchanged the controller with Sophia-san. After some quick movements of her thumbs, a chimed flickered on the game confirming that it was indeed saved.

"...Thank you, Conway-san."

To my surprise, the flower thanked her rival as she took Sora-san's hand and raced down the steps. It would seem that Hana-chan found value out of Conchi-san's lecture. Maybe the two of them were far more alike than even I imagined.

Mihara-san watched intensely as Hana-chan passed by. With a huff, the shark pleasantly sitting on my little sister's bed looked at the group. With a shrug, she gave her crude greeting to the ghost.

“Sup Mihara-san.”


“How about we all chat in my room until dinner is done, Conchi-san?”

I suggested.

“Are we listening to that idol music junk?”

Conchi-san growned. 

“We'll listen to something else if you want Conchi-san. Now come on.”

Reluctantly, she jumped off the bed and followed the rest of us to the last room on the right. Once we entered the room I raced to my computer with the purpose of listening to a mix of music. With a click or two, my idol playlist played at an average volume to not disturb the guest downstairs.

“I thought you said…I should have known...”

Dejected, Sophia-san slumped her shoulders. She acts like she doesn't care for the music but she was dancing to STARS on the day of the Cultural Festival. Could it be that she just hasn't accepted her love for cute things yet? If that was the case then I would have to awaken her to it by force. Maybe if I had her listen to my entire playlist she'd come around and be born anew as an idol lover? These strange thoughts collided in my head until Mae-chan spoke up.

“Alright, you two…settle down and relax.”

Mae playing the medium was rare but it leveled the temperature between us. Sophia-san sat on one of my plushies. Mae-chan curled up on my bed and held my large bunny plushie in her hands. Mihara-san sat on a seat next to me in a chair. I had my computer chair as we made a box-like circle. This is probably the most friends I’ve ever had over, and it was starting to dawn on me how different my life has been since I woke up from my coma.

"So, what are we going to talk about?"

Conchi-san asked the obvious question as she snuggled deeper into my plushie. We all contemplated for a moment before my childhood friend raised that pink rabbit in her arms.



“Well…I’ve been wondering girls…”

“Oh, what is it, Mae-chan?

Mae starting laughing for a while causing all of us to tense up. I'm sure we all realized that's she was going to bring up something wild and Mae-chan like. I curled my toes as I eagerly awaited her question. After finally settling down she wrapped her arms tighter around my pink plush and asked.

“Hey girls, has anyone here been in love before?”


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