Sleeping Princess

Sleeping Princess Valentine’s Day Special


(This is a side story that doesn’t have any merit to the main story. SO DO NOT TAKE THIS AS CANON OR YOUR DREAMS WILL BE CRUSHED!)



With my hair up, in my bright pink shirt and skirt, the lazy afternoon passed by as I watched dramas downstairs. I won’t lie, I felt a tad like Mari-san today.

“Hm…nothing goods on the TV.”

I complained as I clicked through the one thousand channels with nothing on…

With mom out shopping with Ryuji’s girlfriend and Hana rushing over to her friend's house it left me at home alone. Usually, Mari-san would be the one lying here but she had business to attend to. Taking the opportunity, I rushed downstairs and the afternoon of the sloth began.

“Agg…nothing’s on. Maybe I should just go back upstairs and listen to music?…”

That’s when the door kicked open. This caused me to jump as I pushed my body up. Like an intruder was invading, I cowered underneath the sidearm of the couch.

“Madoka-san?! Are you home?!”

Still cowering like a mouse, I stayed crouched on the floor. Not as though I was afraid now…no I just didn’t want her to see me in this position. I’m hiding to protect my honor now…

“Oh…ah, what are you doing, Madoka-san?”


From behind the fox crept up on me. She shined down to me with a mischievous beam on her face.

“N-Nothing! I…dropped the remote and was looking for it.”

“Oh…it’s right there, silly.”

She giggled while pointing at the object sitting right on the coffee table. By this point, I’m sure she’s realized that I was lying. Hot air blew from my cheeks as I stood up, sat back on the couch, and lied down.


I couldn’t think of a witty comeback, so I just opt to play dumb.

“Well anyway…”

Mari-san ruffled through her bag and pulled out a heart-shaped candy. It was about the size of my palm so a fairly good chunk.

“Here, taste this!”


She sat in front of my legs as she pushed forwards. Holding out the candy partially unwrapped she forced it to me. Like a mother trying to give her daughter a bottle she aggressively put the candy on my lip.

“W-What are you doing?!”

“C’mon, eat!”

“What is with you and Hana always feeding people?!”

The sweet embraced my bottom lip as she closed in. My legs spread open as if inviting her hips inside them. Her round bottom stuck in the air as she stretched her body across mine. Needless to say, she was lying on top of me in an extremely compromising position. Her slender arms pushed up against my chest causing my entire body into a fever. I could feel her heartbeat…it was gentle…like her body was as I squeezed her slightly.


I suddenly became aware as I cried out…

“Ngg…what the heck are you doing?!”

“Madoka-san, say ‘awww.’”

The lioness’s legs brushed against mine. My hands had nowhere to run so instead I reactively placed one around her back…the other plopped on top of a squishier surface. No matter how one looked at it from this angle…I was grabbing her butt and this made my head…warm up to the point I was feeling woozy.


I plead…

“Oh hush…now try it!”

The sweet gently caressed my thin lips when ultimately, I caved and took a bite…


Her sweet breath coated my cheeks. I felt as though if I didn’t calm down…Mari-san would hear the persistent betting of my chest that’s reverberating in my tinder ears right now.

“So…how is it? Hehe.”


“How’s the treat? I made it at my coworker’s place. She wanted me to help her out to make treats for Valentine’s Day. So, I taught her how to make chocolate.”

“…These are handmade…by you?”

“Yep! So, what do you think?”

"It’s...delicious, Mari-san."

"Aww, thanks!"

No doubt…she’s the best cook in the house. I felt as though my heart was melting with every nibble. Not…because her slim chest was pushing against mine or anything…right?

As sudden as she forced me down, Mari-san leaped up and rushed into the kitchen.

“I’ll put some aside for Ayumi and Hana! I’m sure they’ll love it!”

There I lied on the couch…My body raised as due to the lack of a plus one that was there only moments ago. That sweet lemony scent lingered, however...As if I was assaulted by a whirlwind of bliss known as Koda Mari-san…my cheeks twisted into a warped smile mixed with confusion.


She made the candy for everyone! For her family…Of course... But…I don’t know why I was so hung up on that fact…Mari-san was being sweet...and made candy for everyone.

That’s when Mari-san skipped back into the room. With her nose held high, she smiled brightly back at me.

"Hana and Ayumi have the same kind..."

She then put her finger on her lips and gazed at me.

“But that piece was made special...only for you, Madoka-san!”


She emphasized the "you" causing my heart to leap on the cue.

Now my body jittered with...excitement. She…made this for me? B-But why would Mari-san…do something like that?


I whispered as I nibbled at the treat...made special for only me.


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