Slime Breeder

# 002

"Nng, get off, stupid slimes." I grumble and try to ignore my morning wood and the monsters playing with it like they have been trained to do, but I'm already awake by now, and it looks like the sun will be up soon. "Fuck, I wish you guys could shapeshift more."

About all the common slime can do is change the texture of their membrane, that's why I need two of them to jerk off with. Still, the ridged, knobbly texture that I've trained these two to adopt does the job nicely.

Grabbing the grapefruit-sized beasts, I smush them together around my dick and start pistoning my way towards bliss.

"Nng! Fuck, Yes! Jessa!" I cry out her name and release into the slimes just a Moment later. "One good thing about this fucking move; I can jerk off in peace now."


"Sorry, Katie, I have a lot of ground to cover today, and likely for the rest of the week too." I apologize to my middle sister when she asks to join me in exploring the forest after breakfast. "Don't give me that look; the Guild's maps aren't worth crap and I need to get a proper understanding of the woods before I can take you out."

"He's right Kaitlyn." Dad backs me up. "How about your Mom and I take all of you girls out to explore the woods around the house? Yes, that includes you too, Jen. It's a good idea for all of us to be familiar with the area."

""Yay!"" - "Nooo!" The younger girls all shout with joy while Jen moans.

"Alright, I'm off." I drop a slime onto my plate to clean it and pick up my already packed bag from the floor next to my chair. "Don't expect me back until dark at the earliest."

"Stay safe out there." Mom grabs my sleeve when I walk past her.

"Always, Mom." I bend over to kiss her on top of the head and rub her barely visible baby bump before departing.

The rest of the day was spent running; I first started going out into the field with Mom when I was younger than the twins are now. And, even back then she had trouble keeping up with me, so running through the woods all day at a speed most adventurers my age couldn't keep up for even an hour is child's play.

I need to not only get a good feel for the new environment but trace out the mana flows in order to know where slimes are more likely to spawn and congregate at. Most mages can't even do this, not so well at least, but having a magical researcher as a Dad has let me pick up more than a few tricks.


"Behind you!" I warn a lone adventurer when I see that she's too focused on the slimes in front of her to spot the one about to jump at her from behind.

"Ahh!" She screams and starts to panic when it smacks into the small of her back and instantly starts to dissolve her shirt.

"Oh, for fucks sake. Barrier!" A wave of mana emanates from her skin blowing back not only the slime that hit her, but the ones that were just about to take advantage of her clumsiness. "You're fine, quit screaming." I order when she shrieks at the slimes bouncing harmlessly off of her. "I'll be taking these, by the way. You owe me for the save."

Pulling a handful of taming wands out, I cast Dad's specially modified spell through them. This binds the monsters to the wand itself rather than me since a tamer's soul can only handle so many connections. I only have two actual bonds at the Moment, Lefty and Righty, my sex toys.

Dad's spell doesn't stop there, either. Since I was the one to cast the taming spell, I can control them even without the wand. Maybe not as well as if I had bonded them properly, but better than even someone using the wand can.

Too bad the spell and wands only work on slimes because they're so stupid. But, if I wanted to, I could have an army of them at my side. Sure, slimes might be the weakest monsters in the world, but an army is an army. Quantity has a quality all its own, after all.

"What?" The idiot girl that I just saved just blinks when the slimes quit attacking her and join the small pack behind me. I haven't been focused on catching them today, but I'm happy to grab any low-hanging fruit I come across. "What did you do?"

"I tamed them." I try not to roll my eyes at her. "Now, turn around and let me see your back." I spin her around before she can object, and crouch down the check out the damage. "You're probably going to need to sleep on your belly for a few days, but you'll be fine. I recommend you put some salve on that soon though."

"Wait!" She whirls around and grabs onto my arm when I move to leave; it's barely afternoon and I still have a lot of ground to cover. "I-I don't have any, and it hurts." A tiny tear wells up in the corner of her eye.

"Too bad, town's that way, you should be able to make it in an hour if you don't dawdle." I shake her off.

Despite, technically belonging to the Guild, I have never been a fan of adventurers. Least of all the stupid ones, even if they are kinda cute. They've been giving me shit for years for being the slime kid, and I've hated the lot ever since one killed my first tamed slime. Not enough to let one die because of their own stupidity, but enough to not go out of my way to save them either.

"Please!" She cries out and follows after me when I start away again. "I'll pay for it. I'm sorry, my brother has the salve; he was supposed to come out with me today, but was too busy chasing around some girls that he's too dense to realize can't stand him."

"Did I ask for your life story?" I turn around after deciding that she's just going to keep following me if I don't do something. "Turn around and lift your shirt." I shrug off my bag and dig out some top-quality healing salve and a premade bandage with sticky edges. "Do it or I'm leaving." I add when she turns shy all of the sudden.

"..." She gulps but follows my orders. "Ah, ah! Ohhh." Her gasps of pain turns into a soft moan of relief as the salve does its job.

"Three silver." I demand after pressing the bandage in place.

"What?!" She spins around and goes pale when I hold up the jar I used. "..."

"It's all I had on me." I say with a shrug. "You said you'd pay and a dollop of this is worth three silver, so pay up. At least you'll be able to sleep on your back tonight." The little pervert actually flushes when I say that.

"I... I don't even have half that." She ducks her head.

"Then give me what you do have." I stick my hand out. "I'm busy and you're costing me even more coin by wasting my time. Thank you. And, please... Stay the fuck out of the woods until you know what the hell you're doing, at least."


"How'd it go?" Mom asks when I get home and drop into a kitchen chair to eat the food she kept warm just for me.

"Fine, except for running into an idiot newbie that almost got herself eaten." I huff between bites. "I'm going to need some more salve too, we did stock up before the move right?"

"Yes, but what's that smile for?" She asks when my amusement for earlier shines through.

"Nothing..." I just grin until she glares at me. "Okay, I may have made her pay for the salve I used on her... at the local price. She didn't even have half and that's still more than what it's worth."

"You little shit." Mom laughs and swats me lightly on the arm. "I know why you hate adventurers, but you really need to start treating them nicer. Especially a girl who must be around your age."

"Closer to Jen's, and kinda cute too." I counter just to tease her back. "But, do you really want me dating someone stupid enough to enter a place called the Slime Forest without even any salve?"

"Mhm... fine, I'll give you that." She shakes her head with a sigh. "I made sure the bath was kept warm for you, try not to fall asleep in it. I'm going to go get changed for bed myself, Katie ran us ragged earlier."

"Thanks, Mom." I give her a one-armed hug and bend over to kiss her baby bump. "You're the best."


"Off and running again?" Dad asks when I finish scarfing down breakfast.

"Should only take me a couple more days to scout out the near woods." I reply after washing the food down with some juice. "That should be enough to let me keep up with demand while I slowly explore deeper. Are you really going to teleport the first few batches?"

"Mhm. I have to." Dad goes a little green just thinking about it; he's always had really bad teleport sickness and taking along that many slimes is only going to make it worse. "Demand spiked again right after we left, and the shop is going to run out if I don't. I know it might slow you down, but try to bring back a few extra today."

"No problem." I nod and slip the backpack onto my shoulders before heading out. "And, hey." I call back over my shoulder. "At least the slimes will be there to clean up all the barf." Mom and the girls laugh at the face he pulls when I say that.


Thanks to the need for more slimes, it took a day longer than I anticipated to map out the near woods. But, the shop in the city should be good until dad can get the first wagon load there, so I made the executive decision to take a fucking day off.

"Mind if I borrow a horse today?" I ask after taking my time to eat for once. "We've got enough slimes for now, so I'm taking a day to explore what, if anything, this town has to offer."

"You can have the wagon if you take the girls with you." Mom says, the pleading clear in her eyes.

"Fine." I relent with a sigh. "You coming too, Jen?"

"I might as well." She shrugs. "But, you have to deal with the twins when they go nuts." When, not if.

"No worries there." Sera and Esra shiver a bit when I grin at them. "You're not the only one who knows a bit of magic, and I've been slacking on my practice lately. I think I should work on my ice spells today."

""Mom!"" They cry in unison.

"No frostbite, Cole, or... no dessert for you tonight." The twins pale at the almost non-punishment that she threatens me with.

"Mhm. I'll try."


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