Slime Breeder

# 010

"Hey, Mom, sit up." I went to find her after getting out of the bath and rewrapping my arm. "You have to try this." She looks up from her book with a sigh, but does as I ask.

"Oh! Oh, yeah." She's surprised at first when Queenie covers her whole back but soon sinks into the feeling of being massaged all over at once. "Oh, gods, why didn't I put more effort into catching on one these when I was younger? Cole, I might just be stealing Queenie from you."

"I know, right?" I laugh at the blissful look that fills her face. "I tried her on my shoulders in the bath and almost drowned." I don't think she's hearing me anymore, so I just leave the slime to do her work and go grab a book to read myself.


"What happened to Mom?" Jen asks after wandering in a while later. "I've never seen her fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon."

"Queenie happened." I point to the slime who is now massaging my feet. I stole her back after Mom started snoring a few minutes ago. "If you go get me some juice, I'll let you try out the best massage you'll ever experience."

"Get your own juice." She grumps and stalks off, but not without one last look at the smile on Mom's sleeping face.


"Took you long enough." I say with a smirk when she returns a good fifteen minutes later with my juice.

"Shut up." She snaps back. "And, have her work on my feet too, I been doing way too much walking lately. And, no tickling!" She adds with a hiss as the slime engulfs her feet and calves.

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes.

"Mmm, that's nice. Can she do the rest of my legs too?" Jen's face goes slack when Queenie swarms up to her thighs. "Wake me in time for dinner, okay." She adds in a mumble before closing her eyes and luxuriating in the massage.

"Maybe, I shouldn't have shown this skill off." I mutter to myself, foreseeing this happening a lot in the future.


"Keep it down, girls." I hush the twins when they chase Katie into the living room. "Mom's sleeping."

"No, I'm up." She says in a dreamy voice while blinking the sleep from her eye. "Oh, that slime is dangerous; I haven't fallen asleep during the day since the twins were born. I see she got Jen too." She adds with a laugh.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am." Maddie ducks her head. "They got away from me, and they're faster than they look."

"That's alright, I should probably get started on dinner soon anyway." Mom reassures her with a smile. "Cole, I'm going to make your favorite tonight just for discovering that trick. My back hasn't felt this relaxed since before that damned wagon ride."

"Ugh, don't remind me." I groan just thinking back to those days.

"Maddie." Mom turns to the girl. "We'll continue your cooking lessons later, just keep the kids out of my hair for now."

"Yes, Ma'am." She's really falling into this maid role.

"Can we play with Queenie, Cole?" Kaitlyn asks, hoping to distract the twins from tormenting her.

"Yeah!" - "Can we? Can we?" They latch onto the idea and I lose my foot massage once again.

"Go get em, Queenie." The slime hops over to them and they start having her copy their toys. "You're doing pretty well with them." I say to Madison when she sits down with a sigh of relief.

"I used to babysit for my neighbors all the time." She admits before looking over at me with a hint of pink tinting her cheeks. "You're really good with the swords."

"Eh, remnants of a phase I went through when I was younger." I shrug. "And, the sword dance is mostly just for show. For real fighting, you want to focus on simple movements like I showed you against the slime. But, I suppose you don't have to worry about that now." I smile over at our new maid.

"Thank goodness for that." She nods emphatically. "I can't thank you and your family enough for everything that you've done for me and my brother. And, I am so sorry for putting you out of your room."

"I told you not to worry about that." I wave her concern away. "And, it's just for a few days; I think I can survive my sisters for that long."

"Cole, look!" My middle sister interrupts just then.

"Oh, gods." Madison breathes. "There's three of them now."

"Good idea girls, I haven't tried that." I grin over at Katie and the twins that are now triplets thanks to Queenie's transformation abilities. "Queenie, copy." I point to Kaitlyn and give her a twin. "Better?" I ask Maddie with a smirk.

"Eww, so weird." Katie pokes her translucent copy in the face. "Make her do Jen next."

"Okay. Hah!" The bark of laughter erupts out of me when I mentally call the slime over only for her to deform Kaitlyn's features into a ball and rolls over. "I think we might need to work on those locomotion skills next."

"That was the worst thing I've ever seen." Katie says with a wide grin. "Make her do it again."

"Please don't." Maddie begs while looking more than a little pale.

"Heheh." I chuckle at her and shake my head. "Queenie, copy." The slime turns into Jen this time.

""Do Maddie, do Maddie."" The twins chant in unison.

"Nnh." The girl whimpers but I don't let that stop me. "So wrong." She shakes her head at the sight of her slime duplicate.

'Remember this form, Queenie.' I command silently. We haven't worked on reproducing her copies before, but I think now is a really good time to start.

"I'd rather deal with triplets." Maddie whines while staring at her water-like features.

"How about quads?" The slime morphs into a copy of the twins connected along one side. "Wait! Which ones are my real sisters?" I break into a giggle when the twins glare at me. "Oh, it must be these two. There's no way my real sisters would look at me like that."

"Why are you guys so noisy?" Jen grumps from her couch. She lifts her head and her eyes instantly go to Queenie. "Well, that's different. I don't think my little sisters have ever been so quiet and well behaved." The rest of us crack up laughing when the real twins start pelting her with their toys.

"What on earth is..." Mom trails off when she enters the room to see the twin sets of twins. "You know what? Never mind, I'm just gonna go back to cooking." She does an about-face and just walks away while shaking her head slowly.

"Wow, even Mom can't handle twin twins." I laugh and swat away the toys they send in my direction. "Queenie, copy Jen. You're the only one who hasn't seen yourself yet. Just don't ask her to move around, if you know what's good for yourself."

"Do you think we could teach her to move like a person?" Jen asks curiously.

"She already is a person." I counter and pull Slime Jen onto my lap to hug. "Isn't that right, Queenie?" The slime nods her head at my command.

"This is one weird house." Maddie laughs. "And, you girls had better gather those toys back up or I'm going to feed them to Queenie."


"Hey, runt, hiding from the twins again?" I ask when she joins me and Jen in her room before bed.

"Noooo..." She draws the word out. "Please? They're more of a nightmare than the ones I had after what happened."

"It's your bed, Jen." She nods. "Alright, but don't make me sic Queenie on you two again in the morning."

"Hey, I'm letting you sleep in here." Jen growls. "If anything, you should be paying me back. With... oh, another massage from Queenie?"

"You're as bad as Mom." I huff. "'Cole, could I borrow Queenie again?'" I imitate her voice from just after dinner.

"Can I have a try?" Kaitlyn pleads. "I've never seen Mom look so relaxed. The cramps have mostly settled down, but after the twins, I could really use some relaxation."

"No fair." Jen whines. "I asked first."

"Just lie down next to each other; she should be able to handle the both of you." Anything to make them shut up and let me get some sleep.

"Yay!" Katie acts her age and dives into bed, she's on the outside with Jen getting stuck in the middle this time.

"Go to work Queenie. Just..." A yawn slips out of me. "...until they fall asleep though." I order in case I fall asleep first and leave her massaging them all night. "Then you can do whatever it is slimes do at night."

"Cole." Kaitlyn says with a moan. "You have to take me out with you from now on. I'm not going to be happy until I tame a queen for myself."

"Maybe after your punishment with the twins is over." I reach across Jen to mess up her hair. "Though we should have dad look into some enchanted gloves or something when he gets back."

"Yeah. Mmm. Good idea." She and Jen both have the same dopey smiles on their faces as Mom did just a while ago.


"Mnh." I wake up with a whimper early the next morning, about to burst again. Not my bladder this time though, but my balls.

I must have gotten morning wood, and normally I'd love the fact that Queenie took the initiative to play with it. But, not when I'm in bed with two of my sisters. Especially not when Jen is wrapped around me like she is right now.

She's clinging to my arm for dear life again and her soft breasts are pressed up against me. The top of her pajamas has also ridden up revealing the pale skin of her slender waist. But, the worst part is that she has one of her legs wrapped around mine, meaning that she's mere inches away from my throbbing cock.

"...nng..." I try to hold back the noise as just the thought of that gives me the biggest and most shame-filled orgasm of my entire life.

Filled with disgust for what just happened, I carefully extricate myself before slinking off. Luckily neither she nor Kaitlyn woke up.


"You're up early." Mom comments a few minutes later when she finds me in the kitchen making some tea.

"Mhm." I grunt in response. "I need my own bed." There's a fucking understatement.

"Heh. Try sleeping with the twins." She counters with a snort and starts getting breakfast ready. "I'm sorry for just giving your room away like that. I can ask Madison to sleep on the couch if it's that much of a hassle."

"No, I'll take the couch." I wave her concern away and pour myself a mug. "But, I'm hoping I won't have to. I told the carpenter to focus on the bed first when I gave him the order, and I'm going to check later to see if they've finished it."

"Okay." She nods. "How's your arm doing?"

"Feels fine." I remove the wrappings to reveal that the skin is mostly back to normal with only the back of my hand looking a little pink in places. "Looks funny without the hair, but there's not much I can do about that. Still, it works fine, as you saw yourself yesterday."

"I'm not the only one who saw." She replies just loud enough for me to hear as a bleary-eyed Madison enters the kitchen. "Put on another coat of ointment just to be safe, and promise me you won't try anything that stupid again."

"I promise." I say while rolling my eyes. "Morning, Maddie." I pass her a steaming mug of tea; she looks like she needs it.

"Thank you." She clings to it, absorbing the warmth.

"Didn't sleep well again, dear?" Mom asks full of concern.

"I'm alright." She smiles back after taking a sip. "It's just weird not having Mason around. I never noticed it until he left, but I could always just sorta tell when he was around."

"The girls are like that." Mom nods. "They always seem to know where the other is."

"Means they can never be 'it' for hide and seek." I add with a laugh. "They always just go straight for each other."


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