Slime Breeder

# 017

"Mmm, Maddie. It's good to see that you're not mad about last night." I moan out without opening my eyes after being woken up in a most delightful manner.

"No, I understood that, and... I'm sorry again." I get confused when Madison's voice comes from beside me instead of over top. "But, I'm not sure how to feel about this."

Finally opening my eyes, I find Madison lying next to me while a somewhat featureless pink copy of her rides my dick.

"Oh, good morning, Rosie." I greet my pet. "Did Queenie teach you how to do this? ... Heheh, she snuck in and was watching when we did it that first time." I explain to Maddie. "I under-ah-stand that you feel good when I feel good. Mnh. But, you don't -oh fuck- need to do this. Ah, Ahn... Nng!"

"Okay." Maddie giggles. "I'm still a little jealous, but that was really fucking hot."

"Yes, it was." I chuckle as the slime milks the last drops of cum from my dick. "Thank you for that, Rosie. Your shapeshifting is getting really good too. We're you practicing all night?"

"Do you think she'll be able to learn how to talk?" Maddie sits up to examine the slime closer, mostly where my now flagging cock rests inside of her. "It's weird watching you have these one-sided conversations with her."

"Oh, I'm teaching her to understand the language." I hedge, giving myself some time to think about it. "She's picking it up pretty well so far, so that shouldn't be a problem. I suppose it all depends on whether Rose can copy a working set of vocal cords."

"Well, if this is how well she can shapeshift after just one night, then I think it's pretty likely." Maddie says and I find myself agreeing with her.

"Yes, we'll work on it in the future." I nod. "But, for now, it's time to get dressed and go get breakfast. And, Rosie, in the future, you should ask if it's alright before you copy someone's appearance, okay?" She shrinks back down to her normal shape. "Hey, it's alright, girl. Maddie doesn't mind."

"Yeah, its okay, Rosie." Madison reassures the slime. "Just make sure you copy my clothes too, unless we're alone together."

"Heh. Yes, I know humans are weird." I laugh at Rosie's comment about clothing. "You'll get used to us in time. Now, where's Righty? I need a shave."


"Morning." I greet Mom and the girls when Maddie and I sit down at the table for breakfast.

"Morning." Mom replies with a laugh. "What's up with Madison?" The girl keeps stroking my cheek.

"She's been like this ever since I shaved." I roll my eyes. "Should have seen her eyes bug out when I dropped the slime on my chin. So, how'd Queenie treat you last night?" I sent Queenie with Mom when Maddie and I retired to bed.

"She was fantastic." Mom smiles down at the slime and sets our plates in front of us. "I woke up feeling more refreshed than I have in years. And, yes, he startled us with that trick the first time too. But, you have to admit that the slimes do a good job. And, even better, they finally got Gerald to give up on that scraggly beard he kept trying to grow."

"Oh, gods. I'd almost forgotten about that." I start laughing, but only for a moment before changing the subject "So, I need to go collect slimes today, and no, I will not be taking a baby sitter. Jen wants to go see Selene, and Kaitlyn still owes the twins a couple more days."

"How are you feeling?" Mom doesn't look happy about it, but she doesn't say no either. "I know you had the mana potions this time, but a second bout of mana drain so soon after the last isn't good for you."

"I'm fine, Mom." I try not to roll my eyes at her. "Fine enough to capture a few dozen slimes, at least. And, I'll have Queenie with me just in case another dungeon pops up out of the blue."

"Not taking Rosie?" She frowns a little more but the girls all perk up.

"Maddie mentioned wanting to talk to her, so now she's obsessed with improving her shapeshifting enough to copy vocal cords." I explain while smiling down at the slime that hasn't stopped changing her shape since we got inside.

"Really?" Jennifer lights up the way only a magical researcher can when presented with a new puzzle. "Do you think she'll be able to do it?"

"Rosie, please copy Jen." I have to laugh when the slime checks to make sure it's okay first. "Jen, please say that it's alright for her to copy you; I told her earlier that she needed to ask permission first. It wasn't an order or anything, but she's taking it seriously."

"Aww." She bends over and hugs Rosie when she reverts from her latest shift. "Of course you can copy me, and thank you for asking."

""Us too. Us too."" Sera and Esra chant with Katie and Mom adding their permission right afterward.

"Wow, she got that good overnight, all on her own?" Jen stares at the copy that is clearly her even if it still lacks some definition. "You are a genius, Rosie; we'll all help you practice. I'd like very much to be able to talk to you too."

"Alright, Rosie, I'm not going to be here to translate for you, so let's work out some non-verbal signals for you to use while I'm away." Her grasp of the language still needs a lot of work, but she can understand some simple words on her own now but needs some way to 'speak' to people.

"That's a good idea." Jen nods, but I can tell by the look on her face that she's annoyed that she didn't think of it first. "Alright, Rosie, a nod like this means yes..."


"Hey, how'd the training go..." I trail off after finding Selene in the living room with my sisters and Rosie.

"You jerk!" She stalks up to me. And, even though I see the slap coming a mile away, I just stand there and let her hit me. "Ow! Why is your face so damned hard?" She cradles her hand which seems to have taken more damage than my face did.

"It's alright, Rose, she's just mad that I hurt her friend and wanted to hurt me back." I explain to the slime who did not like seeing me get attacked. "You didn't break anything, did you?" Selene just glares at me. "I'll leave you girls alone then. I'll be working on wands in my room if anyone needs me."

""No!"" The twins whine when Rosie follows me.

"Queenie, go play with the girls." Rosie wants to understand what just happened and isn't going to leave me alone until I explain. "Oh boy, how do I explain sex and relationships to a slime?" I sigh after getting safely inside my place.

"I see you met Selene." Madison peeks out from where she's hiding in the bedroom. "Oof, are you alright?" She rushes up and strokes the red handprint on my cheek.

"Her hand got the worst of it." I take Maddie's hands in mine. "She didn't go after you too, did she?"

"Nothing worse than a glare, but I ran off to hide in here right after she showed up." She admits with an embarrassed laugh.

"Well, since you're here you can help me explain this mess to Rosie." I scoop up the slime and carry her into the bedroom. "This is all complicated human stuff, but do you remember when I asked you to stay outside so I could talk to someone yesterday? Well, Maria, the girl I spoke to, she wanted to be with me, but I chose Maddie instead."

"..." I put my finger over Maddie's lips when she opens her mouth to say something stupid.

"Look, in the simplest terms." I sigh when Rose still seems confused. "She and her friend, Selene, are mad that I broke a promise. Humans take promises very seriously, especially when they're about sex. ... Yes, the good feeling thing we did earlier."

"Does she understand?" Madison asks. "And, what is she doing to your lap?" She adds that bit with a sly smile.

"She understands as best she can right now." I answer while trying to keep a straight face. "Even with me sending her the concepts directly over the bond... well, humans are just kinda alien to her. And, I think you know what she's doing. She wants to feel good again, but can't seem to figure out how my pants work."

"Mnh. I wanna feel good too." She whimpers. "Please? I don't mind sharing, but I've been craving you since that show you put on this morning."

"Rosie, do you want to help me make Madison feel good too?" The slime agree readily, though it's a little hard to say whether she did so because she's just curious, or because she can tell that it's what I want. "Thank you, now let's get these clothes out of the way."

"Is this going to be a thing from now on?" Maddie asks and then gulps after I peel her out of her dress and ask Rosie to wrap around her body, encasing her in slime except for her head and her pussy.

"Do you not want it to be?" I ask seriously, but don't call the slime back just yet. "You seemed interested this morning, and I know from personal experience that she feels just as good as Queenie's."

"Oh, why did you not tell me that Queenie could do this?" She moans out as Rosie gives her a full body massage. "No wonder your Mom is always borrowing her."

"Not funny." I lean in to nibble on her earlobe in warning. "Now, do you want her inside you, or me?"

"Oh, gods!" She gasps when I press my hardness against her opening and tell Rosie that she can finally cover that area.

"Or, maybe you want both?" The slime and I slide into her at the same time. "Oh, she likes the way you taste. What does it feel like to have her massage your deepest parts while I fuck you?"

"Good! Gods, this is so good." Her hips start moving in time with mine, lifting to meet me every time I thrust into her. "Mnh, fuck me, Cole. Fuck me hard. She squirms every time you pump into me."

"She can't help it." I groan and pick up my pace. "She's feeling everything I feel right now. And, you feel so good." Madison starts to tighten up on me, and I start pumping even harder. "Oh, fuck! I can't hold on much longer. Cum for me, Maddie. Cum for us."

"Nng, Cole, Rose." She grunts out our names. "Fuck! Yes! YES! YES!!! YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!"

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I bury myself as deep inside her as I can go and fill her with my cum, all three of us losing ourselves in the same instant.


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