Slime Girl

Chapter 18


- Shari -


And I was right!

We have to build a quick camp before it gets too dark.
Just some sleeping bags and a fire made with some branches, flint, and fire steel to ignite it.
Sitting around the campfire, those two use the time to eat some of their provisions, while this swordsman, I think his name was Chris, is still unconscious.
Yet, in a stable state.

I sent Liqu to the other side of the camp after she got too pushy, probably inspired by the camping atmosphere.
So I sit close to the girl, while Jacob is somehow busy with their storage after he finished his meal.


"I want to thank you again! You saved our lives!" (Myra)

"No need. I was just in the area and had the means." (Shari)

"I’m sorry. I didn’t introduce myself properly. My name is Myra." (Myra)

"I noticed before, my name is Shari by the way." (Shari)


I considered giving them a fake name but decided against it, as I couldn’t see any benefit.
There is no real harm in revealing my identity and those who would trace me back, would be those that believe my story.
And a commoner's name alone is no real lead to track someone.


"But it’s an unbelievable fortune for us! I mean how high is the chance that a mage as strong as you finds us in our predicament?" (Myra)


A mage?
That was their impression of me?


"You know, my parents would have been rather bewildered if someone had called me a mage before. No, I come from a perfectly normal village." (Shari)

"But aren’t you one? I mean you can control this monster." (Myra)

"Liqu? I think you misunderstood something. I have no control over her. That would've made things so much easier." (Shari)


That statement took her by surprise.
But I don’t believe it would be a good idea if they underestimate and treat her as if she is docile.

She certainly isn't!

I don’t think that she is going to attack them.
But the only thing that keeps her from doing so, is the fact that I would dislike it.
Some might call this control, but I know that she tends to do things I don’t want when she decides that she knows better.
So they should keep some distance.


"But if you don’t control it then why… why is this monster with you and you are still unharmed?" (Myra)

"Pft-glrb" (Shari)

"Wh-What was that?" (Myra)


Whoops, that was a slip up, but it was just too hilarious!

Yet, now I ponder if I maybe should take a risk.
This is a chance to talk to a person on not biased terms.
The advantage to have someone in the city on your side could be crucial.
But if I reveal my side, she could become hostile.

On the other hand, they are absolutely dependent on my goodwill, if they want to survive.
The decision to abandon me would be far more dangerous to them, let alone turning hostile.
They would die before they even had a chance to do something.

Also, I am not really forced to go to Ekoras if this turns out badly.
Any other city, where I could start fresh would do as well.
Besides that, the fact that they owe me their lives is a unique advantage that could serve my purposes very well.
So the decision stands.

Let’s startle a girl!


"That was a good one. I’m certainly not been unharmed by her. Let’s say it like this: She destroyed my life and now has to make up for it." (Shari)

"Destroyed your life? Why would she care what happens to a human? Has it something to do with those bandages? Are you hurt? (Myra)

"Hurt? Yes, yes, I believe you could call it like this. I am deeply hurt." (Shari)


While talking I start to unwrap the bandages, making still sure that the hood hides me at least from Jacob.


"You know; there are more things than you believe someone can take from you. Not just your life, your health, your family.
Sometimes they take even your identity. Take something you thought you couldn’t lose. Turn you into someone you can’t the least bit recognize when they’re done. Sometimes they make you a monster!" (Shari)


When I am done, I take my hands with the bandages away from my head and grant her a free view of my face.
If I wouldn’t have anticipated it, her reaction might make me cry.
At first, surprise, turning into disbelief, realization, and finally into fright.
If you know what happens and keep your personal feelings out of that ordeal, just watching this reaction might even be funny, considering how predictable it was.
Her face stiffens, and her mouth hardens in preparation for a scream, while at the same time her body remains stiff, too stunned to move.


"And? Do you want to scream?" (Shari)


I'm not really sure what her specific thoughts are right now.
Maybe something along the line of "Oh my god, I will die!".
Or she believes that if she screams now, we will turn this calm and soothing camping atmosphere into a massacre.
So she stays still, despite her eyes screaming that she wants to escape.
But where could they even go?


"Would it help to tell you that I'm not going to eat you?" (Shari)


Never thought I’d have to say something like this.


"Y-Y-You-You…" (Myra)

"Gooood; we're making progress with the words. Now form them in a way that they convey a concrete message." (Shari)

"Y-You a-are a s-slime!" (Myra)


She's saying this quietly, maybe being too afraid of what would happen if she makes a scene.


"You know, it’s not your fault, but that’s more of a sore spot of mine!" (Shari)

"But I don’t understand! You talk completely normal! And you said you have parents! Do slimes have parents?" (Myra)


I let out a sneer before turning to her again.


"No; slimes don’t have parents! I have!" (Shari)

"But… But what are you then?" (Myra)

"How high is the chance, that you would believe me I am a human?" (Shari)


Yep, this look of hers says more than enough.
Thank you for the confirmation.


"I don’t understand!" (Myra)


Huh, I thought I was clear enough.


"Then let me say it like this: What if a fairly crazy slime, with too much time, resources, and the most twisted mind you would ever come across, one day decides to abduct a village girl and forcefully turns her into… Well, I guess I was explicit enough." (Shari)

"Y-you mean a slime did this to you! But how?" (Myra)


I point at Liqu.


"You want the details? Ask her! I am not delving into this trauma!" (Shari)


Shit! That was a mistake!
Liqu noticed me and now draws close!


"Yes, what can I do?" (Liqu)

"She asks how you caused my condition!" (Shari)

"Oh my; that’s a bit complicated. Sorry, I can’t repeat it so easily if you want too. Even more just my Shari matters. And I won’t divide my attention! Yet if she asks?" (Liqu)


Creepy As Fuck!


The way she speaks about this as if it would be completely normal.
The poor thing is in a state of shock.


"Ehm; don’t worry. She will not do anything to you! Right?" (Shari)

"Don’t have the intention, at the moment." (Liqu)


Talk about unnecessary quotes!

Now it seems that Jacob noticed that something is wrong and walks in our direction.


"Are there any problems?" (Jacob)


Not directly showing my face, hiding it under my hood, I tend to him.


"Not on my side! I’ve just told Myra something that seemed to put her off." (Shari)

"Is it somehow concerning?" (Jacob)

"Can’t tell for sure. If it’s about the escort, I plan to bring you three to Ekoras. How you stand to the state of affairs is your problem." (Shari)

"State of affairs? Do you want something?" (Jacob)

"Well; not trying to kill us when we don’t pay attention would be enough." (Shari)

"Myra did you say anything to our saviors that they distrust us?" (Jacob)


The poor girl is still so startled, that she barely can speak.
And probably she's still afraid, not knowing what she can tell.
Maybe I should step in for her.


"No, she's not at fault and I'm absolutely sure she will tell you everything as soon it’s just the two of you." (Shari)


It’s not like I even have the intention to stop them from talking with each other.
I only hid my face just now because I don’t want to see a repetition of the different stages of rising panic.
If she helps me out on that matter then I’m fine with it.

I take Liqu away from them, knowing that having her around will not help that poor girl to calm down.


"Did you need to say that? The poor girl is now terrified that you will transform her too." (Shari)

"Nah, to create the seed itself is a quick process, but the initial preparations I need to make to be able to do so take far longer and it's very taxing. I wouldn’t be able to do it right away. And we have no safe place to conduct the process. So I can’t do it. Aside from that, I don’t want anyone else than you!" (Liqu)

"Why the hell are you so damn fixated on me alone?" (Shari)

"Hmm; that is difficult to explain. Partly it was something when I first saw you that did mesmerize me. The other side is that I have a responsibility towards you. You are not just something I created. You are special to me." (Liqu)


So it was love at first sight and twisted maternal instincts.


"I mean you are a conscious being! Not like that core I formed before. Probably destroyed by now." (Liqu)


Very twisted maternal instincts!

Not further pondering if Liqu was a bad mother who neglected her child or not, I look at those two.
By now she should tell him, what I showed her.
I see how they're discussing something, close to the still-unconscious Chris.

Now she should be at the revealed part.
Jacob’s face does not distort as much as I thought.
Yes, there is some surprise, but he seemingly tries to maintain his composed demeanor.
I wonder if she also mentioned the "being human" part or put this off as a weird lie.
But I don’t think she would withhold this.
As capable as their assumed team leader seems to be, I would guess she trusts his judgment and is not influencing his decisions.

That leaves the question, of how he thinks about me.
It doesn’t seem as if he would run right away.
But that just means, he considers his chances with us better than certain death on his own.
While it wouldn’t make too much sense that we trick them, for example as the provisions Liqu mentioned, he surely considers the possibility.

Yet, I believe he is someone who will trust the results he sees.
So if I bring him to the town, he should believe that we are not hostile at least.
And that should ease the urge to call everyone he can gather to bring us down.
If he would be that biased, he wouldn’t have considered asking for our help, as he clearly saw Liqu.

And in the very unlikely case, that he tricked us, to exterminate the threat, which I really doubt, considering the effort it would require to play such a mind game...
Well, in that case, I believe we could in time escape back into the forest, where they would have no chance against Liqu.

So I'll try to get along with them.
As long they don’t insult my color.


Just kidding!

…Or not?


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