Slime Girl

Chapter 20


- Shari -


After dragging Liqu away from the poor boy I'm giving her a stern scolding for acting so rashly.
Meanwhile, the other two were occupied with their friend.
That should be a given considering the circumstances.
Not only did he just gain consciousness after a serious injury, but there is also an explanation necessary regarding why he woke up submerged in a slime.
Whoever is going to give him that, I don’t envy that person.

It’s hard to judge Liqu, who is completely ignorant about where she went wrong.
What I could figure out was that she somehow tried to help me and that is not really a reason to blame her.
But this kind of rogue action can easily get us killed.
Or cause a bloodbath as much I know about her until now.


"Yes I see that you tried to help, but please stop doing so without asking me first!" (Shari)

"Have I done something wrong?" (Liqu)

"The screams and shouts and readied weapons were not enough of an indication?" (Shari)

"I don’t know! I just tried to be nice and gain favor, so that they will like you." (Liqu)

"And what the hell made you believe that containing him within your slime was the right approach?" (Shari)

"I thought it would be more comfortable. The ground is hard, so having something soft underneath should be pleasant." (Liqu)


I hold my hand at my forehead, fighting a nonexistent headache.
However, it’s more about the meaning of the gesture than the actual benefit.


"And at no point during the whole occurrence came to your mind that he might be a bit surprised waking up next to something commonly known to be dangerous to humans, without being the least bit introduced to you? Hell, even if someone knows you, you are terrifying if you kill things! And these people have ingrained that if a slime has you in its embrace like this, you are dead! Damnit, even I thought I would die when you caught me!" (Shari)


Bad memories!

Bad memories!

And no it doesn’t become funny in retrospect!


"Aren’t you a little exaggerating?" (Liqu)

"Even if it's hard for you, try to think for a moment: How fast could you have killed him when you had him like this?" (Shari)

"Safe kill or deadly injury?" (Liqu)

"Whatever." (Shari)

"Half a second, maybe less." (Liqu)



Lost my control at the last part.
But she is driving me crazy!

And now the others are looking to us.
I wave my hand and say:


"Don’t mind us, just a little misunderstanding!" (Shari)


Induced by the complete absence of common sense with a certain slime.


"Okay, I hope you are getting the gist of it. Simply try to be a bit more aware of what others may find threatening." (Shari)

"Fine." (Liqu)


The issue is not if she will try to follow my requests.
I’m sure she will give her all to do so.
The problem is simply her ability to react in the right way.
Despite her proficiency in areas regarding survival, which indicates a developed intelligence, she is very bad in common topics.
Especially interaction with people.
Not really surprising, taking into account that she normally isn’t interacting in the first place.
But is basic logic really asking too much?

I start to believe that this shortcoming could backfire if left unattended.
But it’s not like I can simply teach her everything about how a slime should behave towards humans.
To make matters worse I start to realize that my common sense regarding her is rapidly decreasing, due to her constant presence.
And well, you know, certain reasons which make me less anxious towards slimes.

So I am not really good at teaching her the right way to act and what she has to pay attention to.
However, it’s not like I can just take a random person and force her to practice communication with her.


No random person it is.
But here I have some vict- "ahem" partners to exercise the needed skills.
It shouldn’t be asked too much to spend a little bit of time.
With Liqu.

Okay, who am I trying to deceive?

I think we can forget Chris for the time being.
And it became quite apparent that Myra also has some issues.
In this regard, it was not helpful that Liqu hinted she would turn her too when the requirements are met.
I can understand her so well.

So Myra is a no too.
That leaves Jacob.
If I ask nicely maybe there is a chance.
Honestly, they owe me, so as the leader he should step in for the team.
I mean, it would be in their interest when they want that Liqu is behaving according to their wishes.
Yet, I should start by improving the prospects.
For that reason, I grab Liqu, followed by a moment of deep revulsion, because the hand sinks in.


"Linking?" (Liqu)


I throw her a glare but decide to announce my resentment to that idea as well since my facial expressions are no longer what they used to be.
And she could take advantage of a lack of response.


"No! No linking! Never! Just listen for a moment. You are now going to them and will formally apologize for your stupid actions, is that clear?" (Shari)

"But I did nothing wrong!" (Liqu)


It feels too often as if I would speak with a child.

Well, have fun, Jacob.


"We just established that you did something wrong by scaring the boy almost literally to death. You know heavily injured and so on. So you go apologizing. (Shari)

"But they were harsh too!" (Liqu)

"Now stop the whining and come on! At once! And do it properly!" (Shari)

"Yes, yes!" (Liqu)


I explain to her what she has to say, taking the things mum made me say when I again beat those stupid boys in the village, as a reference.
Like this, I drag her along to the group, which seemingly did calm down by now.
If only a bit.
Well, it would be dragging, if Liqu wouldn’t capitalize this moment and cling to my hand like a maiden in love.
Whatever she says, I don’t completely trust her that there are no romantic feelings.

It doesn’t take long before they notice our approach.
In the end, they still make their living by surviving in the wilds with monsters.
Myra instantly covers Chris with her body and I start to suspect that there is more at hand than the bond between comrades.
The upside is that Jacob is quite thoughtful as their leader, so he will surely not risk provoking us and getting on our bad side.
Under those circumstances, we can approach without problems.


"I’m sorry for your trouble. And Liqu here did want to tell you something." (Shari)


I push her forward and with a downcast stare, she begins.


"I am sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t think enough about my actions and how they will affect others. I will reflect on my mistakes and work on my faults. My deepest apologies to all of you." (Liqu)


Yes… okay… if that was not the most monotonous speech I’ve ever heard, then I don’t know.

I should have played it through with her before we were going.
As I see it Liqu thought that simply pronouncing the words would be enough.
Another flaw we need to work on.
That slime is one big working ground.

Nonetheless, it had apparently an effect that I made her apologize.
Until now they were committed to avoiding her as much as possible so that they have no real idea how she really is.
That she is at least able to actually apologize might have surpassed their expectations.
And it might be good if Chris' second impression of her proves that she can be rational, instead of pondering how close he was to die.

Being the first to recover from the sudden shock caused by an apologizing man-eating monster, Jacob replies:


"Ah, yes… it’s fine. Fortunately the issue could get solved without harm. And that Chris woke up is great." (Jacob)

"That’s wonderful! However, with this decrease in your problems I would like to agree on some terms regarding our cooperation." (Shari)


His face darkens significantly at my response.
That is to expect, as in his view we are in a position, where we can easily coerce his group to anything they can provide.
That and no one likes to talk about costs.

To his luck, I don’t want much.
Just some small deeds and throwing him in the monster pit together with Liqu.
I urge him to talk with me in private, to not let my negotiation get influenced by any third parties.


"So what is it that you want?" (Jacob)

"No need to be this vigilant. It’s just that after my judgment it is appropriate to compensate us for our services to your group. Or am I wrong?" (Shari)

"And what would such a compensation entail?" (Jacob)

"Let’s be frank! This whole venture of yours is to be considered a disaster. This way I believe that you lot are not high on money and will need any copper you can get. Am I right?" (Shari)

"You are. The costs for Chris’s treatment alone will throw us in a bad place." (Jacob)

"Then it is rather advantageous for you that I don’t want money." (Shari)

"And what instead? (Jacob)

"First I need some support when we will eventually arrive at our destination.
Just the typical help to prevent getting killed by the guards, you see?" (Shari)

"I will not endanger my group with anything illicit!" (Jacob)

"I wouldn’t demand anything like this. Only simple, lawful requests, that’s all." (Shari)

"Fine! You said "first". What’s the second request?" (Jacob)

"Well, that one is a bit tricky. You see, Liqu has difficulties regarding proper interaction with humans. And until now my unique circumstances are hindering me to properly explain to her what exactly makes me uncomfortable in her manners. So I need a second party to give her the appropriate lessons. Also, she is a pain in the neck and I would really like to have her off my back for the shortest amount of time. So please could you parent her a bit?" (Shari)


I didn’t expect an excited reaction, but the open distaste his face shows at my proposal tells quite much.


"I don’t think I demand too much for saving your lives." (Shari)

"You want me to stay close to that monster." (Jacob)

"Any of you would do, but something tells me there are some issues with the others. Liqu won’t do anything to you if I forbid it. And like this, you can keep an eye on her. Also, she won’t roam while she’s occupied." (Shari)

"You expect me to trust that this monster will stay docile?" (Jacob)

"Honestly, that’s what you are doing the whole time. It’s not like some meters less would make any difference. And rather than monster could we please just say slime? I don’t feel comfortable with that notation." (Shari)


According to my evaluation of him, Jacob is a very logical person.
So he should be open to this kind of logic.
He has seen what Liqu is capable of and I don’t assume he believes that his group can run faster than those wolves.


"Just talking it is?" (Jacob)

"I don’t force you to hug her. I know how unpleasant that is. You are just helping her get rid of some flaws. That is beneficial to you as well if you want her to behave." (Shari)

"I have my doubts about this." (Jacob)

"She can be very annoying, but as long you give her no reason to retaliate she is rather friendly." (Shari)

"Urgh, fine but you promise to bring us all unharmed back to Ekoras." (Jacob)

"I promise to escort you to the best of my capabilities, but I make never promises based on uncertain conditions. Like, for example, traversing a forest full of ferocious beasts." (Shari)

"That has to be enough." (Jacob)

"Now, she is over there. Just speak with her and explain the things she shall abstain from doing." (Shari)

"Sigh, I will regret this." (Jacob)

"Why shall I be the only one? I will go and instruct her. You can start after this." (Shari)


Leaving him like that I quickly make my way to instruct Liqu for her first real lesson in normal behavior, as I doubt my yelling and telling her to stop would count.


"Hey Liqu." (Shari)

"Yes?!" (Liqu)


She is nearly jumping at my approach so excited she is.
Though if I am right this is the first time I come to her to speak on my own and considering her behavior towards me, this might be enough.


"Now calm down. I have good news for you." (Shari)

"Good news?" (Liqu)


Like always, her two basic settings are overly affectionate and confused.


"Yes. You wanted to gain favor and build a relationship with them, right? Well, now you can! I convinced Jacob to spend some time with you. Pay attention to his words and stay friendly, then it will work out." (Shari)

"You made this happen just for me?" (Liqu)


That is sadly right, just because this slime is too much of a liability I did go out of my way to correct her.


"Yes, just for you, so please don’t disappoint me. And don’t you dare to try now to hug!" (Shari)

"Yes! Sure, sure!" (Liqu)


She salutes and nods ecstatically.
Where did she learn military gestures?
Never mind, I don’t want to know.

So it seems that I have effectively settled that project with those two.
Now it is time to tend to the rest of our group.
I want to smooth things over with Chris and Myra.
It would be better if they get used to us.
I had a good feel at my past exchanges with Myra, but now I can just hope that Liqu didn’t ruin everything.
She seems quite close to that Chris and if he would be hostile towards us, it would spread and we might be in trouble.
Being self-aware of my looks and since I want to soothe Chris, I cover my head under the hood when I approach.


"Hello, I hope you two are fine. I just wanted to inquire about your condition." (Shari)

"Ah, hello, Shari was it? Myra explained the situation to me. It seems we have to thank you for our rescue." (Chris)


Contradictory to his words I have quite a bad feeling about him.
While he isn’t openly hostile, the subtle expressions of his and his voice show clear aversion against my person.
Not really surprising after Liqu’s rogue action, but I think I felt never so much treated like a monster.
As long as you don’t count those four adventurers that didn’t even bother to talk.
But Chris is not very far away from them.


"No need to. I’m glad that you could recover from your injury. Just tell me if you can walk on your own or need to get transported." (Shari)

"Rest assured or whatever you do. I’m perfectly fine. So there is no need for you to stay here and worry." (Chris)


Is it just me or am I getting cut short by him?
Fine, as long he won’t try to use his sword to enforce this.


"What are you saying? Shari! He is still very injured and can’t walk fast like this." (Myra)

"Oh, then we should continue to take the stretcher with us, just in case. By the way, how is the wound, I noticed that Liqu applied a new… coating." (Shari)


The look on his face shows that he would like to rip it off at a moment’s notice if doing so wouldn’t rip his guts out too.
Also, I assume Myra convinced him to leave it there.


"Not that I doubt your… abilities, nevertheless I would prefer "normal" bandages." (Chris)


Sure. Good luck looking for somebody who has bandages.
When you find them fetch some for me as well, my supply starts slowly to dwindle.
As if that douche would get anything from me!

With a smile I reply:


"No worry! I can assure you that it will firmly stay where it is and perform its task. That should have been all then. I am glad that tomorrow we can move faster, with you finally on your legs, walking by yourself." (Shari)


That felt so good!

Before Chris can retort, I leave and place myself against a tree.
The night is full of stars and I use the serenity of this moment to calm down.
At the border of my vision, I notice how Jacob earnestly tries to deal with Liqu but ends up holding his head.

Poor guy! He didn’t know what he signed up for.
But the good thing is, it's not me.

I can rest in peace as long he deters Liqu.
My plan worked perfectly.
I expect tomorrow to get hard.
Especially with that difficult guy around.
But in the end, we are just moving on.
So, not too much to worry about.
Just one step after the other and it will somehow work out.
Time to rest now before I get disturbed and the chance is lost.

I wish I could really sleep.
Standby needs to be enough.

There's no other choice.


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