Slime Girl

Chapter 6a


- Shari -


I wake up again.
It took quite long for me to calm down enough to find sleep with that monster leaning against me and my poor condition.
To speak of, I have a bad headache and feel still extremely weak.
The worst is my stomach, which feels like it’s going to turn around.
I need to say, I’m in pain and it’s a little hard to think.
The nausea is wearing me out in a horrible way.

I look around and can’t find that slime.
It seems my captor left the cave.
So I'm alone for the first time.

Naturally, I try to break free, but my limbs aren’t even responding correctly.
This makes the restraints an obstacle I can't overcome.
That is to say, I’m sure I wouldn’t even make it out of the cave in my condition.

Like this, I‘m pondering the options I could take.
I could try to scream, in the hope someone might come to save me.
However, I should be realistic about this.
I’m deep in the forest and this creature carried me pretty far.
I don’t think that anyone would be close enough to hear me.
Especially as I’m in a cave, not much of my voice should leak out.
The only thing that could hear me might be another monster, which would gut me alive.
I’m not very sure but if I have to choose, the slime devouring me might be faster.
Also, I’m quite afraid of what might happen if the slime hears me, which has the highest odds, considering this is its lair.
I’m not too keen on getting gagged again.
So, screaming would do me no good, but wear me out.

Yet, I don’t really know what else I could do.
I don’t know how long I’ve already been here.
Probably more than one day, maybe two.
My parents must be worried, why I’m not back yet.
Well, they wouldn’t be wrong.
I should avert myself from those sad thoughts.
Doesn’t help.


"Blurgh!" (Shari)


Suddenly a wave of nausea hits me and I puke.
But all that comes out is some blue slime.

Well, that had to be expected, as I haven’t ingested anything else lately.
There is no taste, so it’s no lingering impression, yet the idea I’m filled with this is extremely unnerving.

I’m not sure if I’m lucky that this slime has not killed me already.
It might be only a question of time.
For all I know that creature just likes to play with its food.
Maybe some beast might be better.
After all, it would be over then.

Before I can think too much about this, I hear something.
It comes closer.
Like this, my captor enters the cave and promptly turns in my direction.

Yes; I’m still here, right where you bound me.

Her belly seems a little bloated and when I look closer I see why.
Inside there are some bones and a skull.
Again a direwolf as it seems.

Right after I made this detection it comes closer, one hand behind her head, the other on her stomach, and like always smiling.


"Hey there! I’m sorry that I just left you, but feeding you requires quite much and I had to replenish my resources. I hope you weren’t scared alone. Oh, I’m still at the bones, as the insides are rather rich. Speeding up would decrease the benefit, but if they scare you I'll do so." (Liqu)




Okay, there was so much that I don’t know where to start.
First: If this costs you so much, then why am I even here at all?
Like this, it does make no sense that she is keeping me as livestock.
Also, why would I be more scared if the man-eating monster is not here?
Can she be that oblivious?
And no, the bones of a dead creature are not scary for me, if anything, that which killed it is.
And last but not least: Are you really asking your livestock about your diet?
You know the only response I have to that topic is: "Don’t eat me!"

That thing is so weird I just can’t understand what it's up to.
While I’m pondering, I become aware that I was staring at my strange captor and it seems she noticed.


"You are…" (Liqu)


Yes, what?!
Confused, dizzy, in pain, freaked out!
You can choose anything!


"…Hungry?" (Liqu)




Is she for real?
At this point, I’m not sure if she is just weird or a sadistic torture master.
Of all things, she comes up with that?
On the other hand, maybe slimes simply have no other important things for them!
They are basically made to devour things.
That would make sense in a way.
That she can’t come up with something different.
Like this, I am contemplating… and freeze.
Suddenly the implication of her question dawns on me.

She is going to do it again!

Struck by pure terror tears are flowing and I begin to wail.


"No, no, no! Please not! Please not!" (Shari)

"Please, you need sustenance. It wouldn’t be good if you wouldn’t get anything." (Liqu)

"Just let me go, please! I want back home!" (Shari)

"Everything’s fine! You are okay here!" (Liqu)

"No! I want this all to end! Please!" (Shari)

"Just bear with it a little longer. It will soon be over." (Liqu)


What does that mean?
I’m scared!


"Now please. You need to eat. Just work with me a little here!" (Liqu)


No! Not that!
Anything but that!

Even if it tastes like nothing, simply the thought that it’s again going to wriggle down my throat is enough to make my stomach feel like it is going to turnover.
I know that this stuff is killing everything that gets inside.
So eating it can’t be healthy.
Also, even if I’m not hungry, the weakness I feel is the best proof that her treatment is not good for me.
So I would do anything to prevent further forced feedings like before.


"J-Just something else. Anything else! I would eat raw meat or just a plant. Any plant! Even grass! Just not this slime! Please!" (Shari)


I’m desperately pleading at her, while tears flow down my face.


"I’m sorry, but I don’t think that you could digest anything like this at the moment. So there is just one way." (Liqu)


Did the slime cause that?
I can’t eat anything normal anymore?
Is my stomach damaged?

The thoughts make me sick and she is closing in on me.
I don’t want this to happen!
My stomach is in turmoil and coils at the thought!
I mean…


"Aaarrghh!" (Shari)


It hurts! It hurts!

My stomach feels as if something just ripped.
The tears on my face are now flowing for a completely different reason.
I can’t handle this pain!

Am I supposed to die like this by this monster?
No, I don't think so.
Her face seems to show something like concern after my scream.


"Is something wrong?" (Liqu)


It doesn’t matter to withhold that!


"My stomach hurts!!!" (Shari)

"Oh!" (Liqu)


She seems to be surprised.
So it wasn't intended?


"Better let me take a look. Then I can tell if something’s wrong." (Liqu)


Before I can even answer, another wave of pain strikes me and I start to scream.


"Aaahhh-Glrrb!" (Shari)


But before I can put out much of a tone, Liqu thrusts her right arm directly down my throat.
I barely recorded it, as fast as she reaches my stomach.


"Let’s see what is going on." (Liqu)


Her arm is buried in me up to her shoulder.
The form shaped in a way that it fits.
Nonetheless, it’s needless to say how unpleasant it feels.
The slime liquid applies so much pressure that it's impossible to close my jaw.
Like this, I have a free view of her face, which looks as if she's searching for something.


"Hmm, I can’t feel anything here. There?" (Liqu)


Urrgh! I can feel how her hand is moving inside me.


"That..." (Liqu)


Abruptly she stops her movements.
She looks as if she is contemplating something.
Right after, I can basically see her mouth forming a wide "O".
Which smoothly transforms into a smile that reaches literally from ear to ear.

You know slime, duh!

Instantly she bursts out in genuine happiness.


"There it is! It’s there! You’ve got one! It works! I can feel it! Just a little longer! It’s almost done!" (Liqu)


If I see right, there is even slime which is as tears flowing down from her eyes.
I would like to ask some questions but with her arm still embedded as it is this is obviously impossible.
And before I can even try to comprehend…


"Just a bit more! The important part is already done. It needs just a little more." (Liqu)


The moment she says this, her arm inside me bulges.
I don’t need long to realize what is happening.
She is pumping her mass inside.
Before long vast amounts are already in me.
There is nothing I can do.

Please! I don’t want this!

As more is coming, gradually the pain vanishes, along with my consciousness.
It gets harder and harder to hold a thought.
As it gets darker I think:


Make this stop!

I cannot endure this anymore!

All I want is…

...that this ends!

It shall end!


… end!


And like this, my mind drifts away.


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