Slithering through dreams (Snake Isekai ?)

[Arc I] Chapter 20 – Crazy little gecko that tried


Skill: Minds open plane

Your mind is no fortress. It’s an open plane that other minds get sucked into. Still, it is your domain. As long as there still is “You” that is.

Current record of longest time before mind disintegration? 16 days


Snacking gecko looked in front of itself, unable to believe its luck. Today is a day of no moon! Dangerous day. Many big beasts hunt. Even it could become a meal of a bigger monster! Even if it would not be considered worth the hassle of hunting, being a fast stealth type, many powerful beings, able to sustain themselves on mana alone, hunted for sport and amusement. She hunts for amusement too, of course, but she at least has the decency of eating her victim.

Victim, like the small snake in front of her. Oh, she knew of it before. Smallest and weakest of its clutch. Easy prey... Except for its mother… Yes, it had to wait. The time to molt would come soon, and then it would feast. No way it could pose any threat to her with this tiny body! She easily defeated its earlier molting sibling after all! Just one surprise snap is enough. 

And yet, here it is. Obviously not even 1 molting old. Ohhh. And it’s petrified! How she loved to see that in her victims… most of them dying immediately from her ambush attack. How nice it felt, to be strong enough to be able to play with your food without worry!

But, its mother might realise one of her snakelings is missing. Time to EAT!

She jumped forward, mouth open! 

“WAAAH!” “NO?!” “WHY?!” What is this! Where did this Greater Gecko come from?! No, it’s ten times my size, it might be Tyrant Gecko even!
Yes, what it saw in front of itself was an open mouth of a lizard many times her size! It waited for its death.

Nothing happened? She wondered if it was playing with her, as she wanted to play with the snakeling. No, it seemed actually frozen and paralysed, as if it was about to fall over. And after looking more closely, it doesn’t seem to be a greater Gecko or any of the dangerous variants, it looked nearly identical to her! It must be an overgrown kin of her, that failed to evolve! A chance! Time to attack! Bite!

OUCH! She jumped back. The lizard nowhere to be seen, instead, she now had a snakeling dangling by her neck. “KILLL! KILLL! KILL!”

Gecko was originally “It” but I have to many neutrals in the story. I want to avoid having to many “He” as well, but now the only “she” mentioned are mother, sister, murderous gecko and slutty dutches…. Do I have women problems? :(

I drank some new tea and it kept me unable to fall asleep all night, so short chapter to not leave you hanging today, and I will come and finish it when I wake up


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