Slithering through dreams (Snake Isekai ?)

[Arc I] Chapter 32.2 – End of the dream

First we saw the light, shining through. It roared while passing the sulfuric fumes! I heard they were so hot they could burn mightiest shells! Yet it didn’t stop it. It’s silhouette now visible… big head, connected to multiple long tentacles. A strong, purple light, attached to an antenna. There even seemed to be some claws… 

NO! No! I don’t want to see! I have to run away! Hasn’t it plagued my nightmares enough?!

But me in my memories stayed! Foolishly believing in his immortality! In his brothers in fins! They were fighting for justice, and would win!

Then, It pushed its huge, scorched tentacle through, smashing the gigantic light jelly. As the bioluminescent cells of the dying creature started fading, it finally stepped through completely. It was at least as big as the mighty whales of the frozen seas! Some weird small appendages on its body, covered in shadow. And it’s jaws! Huge, powerful enough to swallow us whole! How can one fight against such a monster?!

“Run!” I screamed at my past self, but the past me couldn’t hear!

He wasn’t planning to use any soul arts, why would he? When he had a knightly life to look forward to! Also with those numbers we are certain to be victorious!

“Students! Let your souls ablaze! And then, on my signal, charge!” - the headmaster roared orders.

I was confused! I didn’t understand, why would we start with the suicide attack, and not even try fighting with mana! How can we become knights if we are dead! Also, this haziness of my mind.. I thought I was simply intoxicated by the fermented grape.. But it’s different! I felt this need, this need to charge! To fight! To obey! 

“For the kingdom! Fight!” - the royal guard added. I could hear similar shouts from the distance, encouraging other sects. Not only that, I could hear this.. Deep rumble coming from the heart of the atoll. Even with my stunted mana sense I could feel it was full of mana… it seemed to drill into my skull! It made me wAnt TO RAGE! AND FIGHT! AND LET’S GO! LET’S FOLLOW THE GRANDMASTER, HE SHOULD BE THE ONE LEADING THE CHARGE! FOLLOW HIM!BUT NO! THE F&*(@# OLD PRICK! CASUALLY FLOATING IN THE BACK! HE SMILED, GLOWED WITH MANA. THEN THEY STARTED DISAPPEARING! HIDING BARRIER FOR HIM AND THE FEW FAVORITE PUPILS! AND GUEROROP AMONG THEM, JUST LOOKING!

And so, my fins in arms, fellow students, even though who bullied me, made fun of me, those upon whom I wished death many times, went in! With might that no one could have expected! While I stayed, in spite of my best efforts, unable to set my soul ablaze! The same way I was failing to use mana before, barely scraping by…

All the other pupils charged in. Using their honed skills, they knew they could not defeat it from the front… so they jumped inside its mouth, trying to hurt it as much as possible before they burned out. 

Five minutes passed, and the only one remaining… was me. Still unable to control my soul and my mana.

The creature swam by, not even paying any attention to me as it moved forward… as I watched it in tears, not sure whether crying at my incompetence, inability to even die honorably, or at the friendship now lost. Now, even more deeply wounded, it continued forward. It’s tail smashed into me, and sent me flying.. And I lost consciousness.

But in that instant of being next to it, I saw. I saw what the weird appendages around it were. It was hundreds of other fish.. Still alive, half melted into its body. They only looked at me, with their pitiful eyes, no longer even able to cry.



[Brents PoV]

“And this is the story of the great sin of our sect.. And of this kingdom. To this day, I kept it a secret. As the only survivor of those that fought on the front lines, I was rewarded with the promised knighthood, money, and prestige.”

HOLY SHIT the poor fish. I thought he was an asshole but man! (“fish!”) (“Snake!”)

“Is there.. Is there any way I can help you, oh great warrior?”

“No, your song shall be enough.. Though…”


“I’ve heard old tales.. That when a great Fish dies, the light of the moon shall glow, and take him for his final swim, to the other side… and that beautiful fish would dance and sing songs of his achievements as he leaves.

Damn. I can’t refuse him now, can I? But Can I dance? (“And if I don't dance, Well, I’m no friend of his”)

So I did the second best thing I could. I started demonstrating the second art -noodle in the water.

“A weird dance.. But.. it has its charm” he said, his voice less and less energetic “Blob.. How beautiful… how graceful… Bloob...”

“It would be better if you were a beautiful fish but that will have to do.. Except.. Wait! Is that you Fishtana! My love! I was a fool to not treasure you more!”


“… what is he talking abou… I’M A FISH NOW? WHAT?” - My body transformed to fit his consciousness. It seems I’m having less and less control of the situation. And suddenly, a great beam of light appeared!


“Oh! Great light! Let me swim through you!”

His body glowed in pale light, and, even with his deep cut, he just started swimming through the light, as if ignoring the surrounding water. For the first time in his life, effortlessly manipulating mana. 


(“Sniff, don’t cry”)(“I’m not crying, you are crying”)(“But I am you and… whatever. sniff”)(“Wait.. Is he using soul power right now as well?”)




I suddenly awoke, confused. My side was hurting. I was once again on the lakeside. The sun just set, my siblings, starting to slither back.. But with this attack agitated and ready to fight.

It seems… it seems that Blopliob (“The traitor!”) shot at me! What.. why?! Doesn’t matter, I have to run before he does it again! On the edge of my vision I saw Guerorp… bleeding. In the same spot as he was cut in his dream duel.


Look at how nice this chapter's title is! So deep! Multilayered! Like a deep-sea-ogre!

Vote on the cover version if you didn’t as it is currently tied (chapter 30)! I set it on the rainbow for now as it was winning at midnight. I am slightly worried that some people might get disappointed, thinking this is a story about a gay snake, instead of a trippy snake (we are very supportive of all here, but no MC related romance planned for now in any orientation). 

Hmm the first mini arc of the next arc will be more optimistic, I don’t want to go all grimdark in here.

Also, the crying here was METAPHORICAL okay? I know fish don’t cry. Or sweat.

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