Slithering through dreams (Snake Isekai ?)

[Arc I] Chapter 34 – Big snake dream 4

Previously, on the Snake History channel


And remember to watch our new special! Snake aliens- did they found the Drunken Snout? Our expertsss say.. maybe!


The taker followed the branchirds, trying to find the nest colony of the flock. While following a flight, as they were, getting closer and closer to the heart of the jungle, it felt a presence it gave up on finding. Near a crevice, with opening big enough for a small tiger, but deep and big enough for 40 oxen, waiting in ambush was a near transparent white (thanks to its half mana body) female serpent.

As a fellow snake, the taker was truly impressed by the Spirited-cave snakes hiding abilities. A new moon came before it found her, and even then it was pure change the taker was passing through nearby. But even with those skills, she was having a difficult time, apparently never exiting its cave, just waiting for unfortunate prey to come by.

So it snuck upon her.. Or tried to. As it was detected! It still got close enough that it could catch her if it wanted, but once again, it was surprised, as the old snake jumped away in fright, not sure what was coming for her. It couldn’t see with its eyes, nearly completely grey, but her tongue was dancing in the air, trying to find who or what was in front of her.

“Do not fear” it said, showing its gallant figure, now reflecting only the surrounding darkness on its scales. But, the old snake (for she had not discovered skills allowing her to regain her youth and vigor) shivered, unspeaking. And that’s when the taker realised… she couldn’t speak. She forgot! After somehow surviving and living alone, never trying to communicate with anyone, in fear of being caught and killed.

If she wasn’t a snake, the taker would have laughed at her weakness. If it didn’t witness the branchird hunts, and the sorry state of the jungle, it would be angry at it’s lack of pride.

But now, it was… happy. Happy and intrigued. Oh, how long it was since it felt kinship to such a weak creature! And it managed to see through its disguise! It will not do for things to continue this way… 

And for the first time in its life, the taker decided to give something that was truly its. It caught the petrified snake… oh it tried to dodge! Even in front of it! Yes, she tried to fight even now, even against it!  Still, with a dominant look, full of mana, it ordered her to open her mouth… and it fed her a drop of its blood. While the white-gray snake was swirling, its body burning, it declared, with the authority of its soul, and it might, and its prideful name: “You shall see”, and the snakes eyes were healed “You shall speak”, and the snake could speak, and finally “You shall be born anew”. Her skin, suddenly started withering, light shinning through from within, eyes once again covered in mist, mana whirling around, strong enough to be felt by all within miles.

Before the birds outside the cave managed to take flight in fright, she shed, and was born anew. 

She looked upon the taker and said “You gave me this body, and yet, I apologise o great ancestor, for I shall now throw it away to get my revenge!”

“Upon whom?”
“Upon those damned Branchirds, and their damned invading father, creator, the invading gardener of the forest, Ulukeil

note to self: write about Spirited-cave snakes. I have a friend visiting today, but I will still try to have 200 readers celebratory post today! Also I think I will have to retcon the cave snake age a bit and add another hundred years or so.

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