Slithering through dreams (Snake Isekai ?)

[Arc I] Chapter 42 – A dream revisited

She slithered back to the base, trying her best to heep the last wound above the ground. As a venomous snake she had seen many trying to survive poisonous bites, and so, by observing, she learned what works and what doesn’t. It’s important not to move too much.. But she had to change her location. She couldn’t block her blood flow, like some monkeys were doing, as she lacked arms. The warmth of the sun helping her fight against the assaulting cold.


She went back to the nest. It had the danger of leading the enemy closer.. But she felt too tired to think about something else. It still seemed relatively safe due to being surrounded by rocks, and water, the last one a danger to most creatures that dig tunnels. Which is why she  decided to switch to moving through low level water instead. The places on her body that were damaged burned when submerged.. But it was harder to trace, and safer… as long as she didn’t get closer to the deeper parts of the lake that is.


After a few hours, she reached her destination. Her children saw her, and seemed surprised. Most likely due to coming from an unusual direction. But she realised it was wrong when she got closer. It seems someone attacked the weird kid.


“SSSSSS!” She panicked. Could it be they knew where the nest was already? Was her leaving just playing into their plans? Snakes found it hard to communicate… but the gist of it seemed obvious- it was some kind of fish that shot at the weird kid, but he seemed fine. Did he try picking a fight with someone stronger? Reckless child. And then it.. She couldn’t understand, but something about its tail and.. Eating? Don’t tell me it tried to eat its poop.. I knew that kid was special, but I really didn’t think it was… “Special”. No? Good. 


Then it was her children's turn to panic. About midway through communicating what happened, they saw their mothers wounds. To say they did not expect it would be to make an understatement, the Jungle seeming a safe haven, with them on top of the food chain. It’s sad this is the way it had to happen, but learning that Snakes are not invincible should help them survive. She was too kind on them, she should have taught all of them this lesson on their own bodies before.


And the aggressive fish… they shall live another day, since I have no time to pick another fight. And in a way, their actions might have been a valuable lesson.


She decided to search for her wounded son. What she wanted the most right now was to just lay down and rest, but she was worried.


A weird decision. Her head was weird in general recently. Ever since this weird magic happened around her son more precisely. It changed the way she thought, about herself, about the world.. And what she wanted to do. Beforehand, it felt as if there was this commanding whisper in her head, a line that had to be followed. Find a good mate! Have children! Avoid fighting! Fight! Get stronger! Ensure survival!


But now, it was no longer a command, but a suggestion, a whisper! And she could hear other whispers as well. The call of her physicality, no longer covering the forgotten dream of light mana… Yes, she remembered her second shedding. She had a choice then, to become like her daughter did recently, a sky snake, getting closer to the warm sun. But she decided to become bigger, and hit harder instead. But what about now? She hasn’t even thought about any other options in a long time.


She could see the problematic child again.. No longer sleeping with his head inside the egg, but close to it. And she could see the wounds… fortunately small. They should heal soon. Still she wanted to come closer to inspect them…


But she was afraid. She realised something was wrong with his abilities. It happened sometimes, talented snakelings, wielding power beyond them. The sadness of a child dying, due to self inflicted wounds.. Litting itself on fire. Or freezing to death, unable to stop the ice mana it somehow got, while she tried her best to warm it up in her embrace.”It’s the way of the jungle” - seemed to explain a voice in her head “It’s the way things are”. And she had to ask “why?” Why was it this way? Another thing she didn’t ask before.


“No fear! Fear bad!” - she moved forward. At the beginning slowly, but then, embarrassed by her own behavior, she hastened, and 


And suddenly she stood in front of a huge snake. Bigger than her, bigger than any being she has ever seen before. It looked at her, and she flushed like a snakeling, during their first mating season. I mean, being stared so intently by such a great specimen… even at her age it’s bound to happen! But then It grabbed her! But she wasn’t herself? She was another snake, weakened, saddened… and it made her drink its blood. 


She felt something happening to her and she moved back in haste, until she left the illusion again. What was that?

Consumed fake artifact: Blood of a demigod, great snake ancestor “The Taker”

Increases mana affinity, small increase in regeneration, boost to mental skills, boost to magical skills, boost to physical skills. Increased rate of racial ascension.

Due to the artifact being a fake one, all effects greatly decreased.

Due to superior compatibility, all effects greatly increased.


Still what a handsome snek. Wonder where I could find a snake like this - called an instinct in her head. Damn it, no! She was a strong independent snake woman! She needs no snake! She shall become a great snake herself!


And so, unknowing, thousands of years in the future, the taker once again gave something to another. This time, a dream.


No idea if more chapters today, we will see. Guests are visiting and stuff

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