So, I got isekai’d

Vol 2 Chapter 4: Devotion and Declaration


"What? You evolved?"


"...Evolved to what?"

"Into a higher class Rui sama, Demicat species: Divine Cat"



We were sitting inside the house right after Mashiro "evolved" not only into a young adult cat woman, but also apparently, into another level of their "Demicat" species as well...

...I'm not that clueless when it comes to evolution of ranks and such since that one anime had it...what was it called again? I believe the main character in there is a slime...

...Anyways, What stumped me the most when that happened, is that Mashiro also ascended to a higher class...

I mean, what was the cause of her evolution? Was it when she said those words?

"I, Mashiro, Pledging my eternal loyalty to Rui sama. I will do anything he asks me to. I will never betray him. I will not stand for any insults against him. I acknowledge Rui sama as my master!"

...but if that was the case...



"How come you've ascended?"

She looked at me with a puzzling expression

"I mean, how come those words you said earlier made you ascended to a higher class?"

"I'm not sure how to explain it either..."


"...But remembering what dad said to me, he said that we usually ascend to a higher level depending on our master's strength"

"My strength?"

Mashiro nodded in earnest

"To be more accurate, its because that Rui sama is strong, that I was able to evolve to a higher Demicat species!"

What? I'm that strong? But don't cat species in certain isekai animes tend to be stronger because of their high physical stats?

"Are you certain about your information?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but what my Dad said is almost always right"


"Rui sama?"

She tried to get closer, I cut her abruptly

"Say, aren't your species, Demicat was it? Strong in terms of physical abilities?"

"Rui sama is so knowledgeable! Yes! We are strong in terms of physical abilities"

Is it just me or did Mashiro's personality took a 180 degree turn the moment she evolved? It seemed like she's more lively and energetic than before...

"It also seemed like your shyness faded away right after that evolution"

"Oh...about that..."

She looked away, a hint of red can be seen from her cheeks

"...Its because I was afraid of you...I didn't know what you would do to me, nor what you would say..."

"I see..."

"But right after you said those words, that feeling of uneasiness melted away, I suddenly felt being more comfortable around you...not only you saved my life once from those creatures, but you also save my life twice by healing me"


"My Dad said that someday, I'll find someone who'll take good care of me, and I think that day finally came, when you showed up...That's why I didn't hesitated anymore, and vowed to be your companion"

I felt the tension between us building up, trying to calm myself, I urged to express my opinion

" being your Master is-"

"Yes. Making me one of your companions. I vow to protect and obey anything you ask me to"

"I kinda don't like the idea of it, it feels like you're surrendering all of yourself to me..."

She tried to look at me, but I guess the tension was too much, hence why she looked down at the ground instead

"T-That...was my intention..."

"Say what now?"

"I know that I might be childish and has a little to no knowledge of the outside world, but I do hope you see me not as a kid...but rather..."

Mashiro fidgeted, unable to speak the last words she wants to say...

...Although I know where its leading...

I then changed the topic

"*Ahem* I would appreciate it if we can change the 'Master' title into something benefitting instead"

"I don't mind if that's what Rui sama wants but, what should its another title be?"


...There's a lot of titles that can work, but I want at least something neutral that isn't also something that's downgrading to them...


...Well...I do want to take care of Mashiro as well as guide her in this world...I guess that title would work?

"How about 'Leader'?"


"Someone who commands or guides a group. Since I am about to guide and take care of you, I feel like that title suits more than 'Master', what do you think?"

I'm not letting Mashiro refer me to other people she may potentially encounter in the future as "Master" like how I refer to Master Shin. I wanted it something more that's respectable and equal of standing at least. In the context of the title "Leader" I'm just leading them, or rather Mashiro. Nothing more, nothing less

"Yes! I think so too!"

"That settles it then"


Happily nodding, Mashiro sways her body from side to side, wagging her cute tail as she ate one of the leftovers...

...wait...since when did she brought in a leftover here?


By the way, ever since I've met Mashiro, I don't think I've asked her about her whereabouts...

...but I did remember on what happened that led her to this place...

"Sorry to bring this up again, but I remembered about you saying your parents and yourself fleeing from a certain place?"

Her fluffy ears started to frown the moment I bring the past up

"Oh, you don't have to force yourself if you don't want to"

"Its fine, I wanted to tell it to you sooner about myself"

After taking a deep breath, she started to tell her story

"The reason why our parents and I decided to flee from that Empire, is because that businessman is one of the scummiest businessmen that exploited my parents..."

I can sense the anger coming from Mashiro, from her tightened grip in her hands, to her twitching which she's restraining to show in front of me

"That businessman...?"

She nodded, continuing her story

"...And that the most greediest, and the most disgusting empire that has ever existed"

"That empire...?"

"Yes. The worst Empire to born and live in...the Altan Empire..."


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