So I’m a Fish, So What?

Chapter 16- An Omen of Death

The chattering voices filled the classroom before the morning period.

It’s been over a month since the school year started, and cliques have been initially formed.

Old friends gather or mix in with new ones. Lonely people try to blend in or stay transparent.

High school is the phase where one’s personality can be considered to be fully formed, it’s also the time when a teenager’s rebellious phase is at its peak.

Suddenly, the class door is pushed open, startling the students into silence.

A petite figure wearing half-frame glasses with a double ponytail hairstyle walks in and stands on the teaching podium.

Kanami Okazaki, the class’s homeroom teacher.

Her childhood dream was to become a teacher and to pursue that goal, she searched through the popular trends among teens with full dedication from anime to manga and others.

She went as far as to create a likeable character for herself and adopt a weird manner of speech based on her findings.

Unfortunately, she was blinded by her self-righteousness in the future, involving herself and her students in grave danger as a consequence of self-conceit... No, it’s not self-conceit, it’s more of self-delusion.

“Everyoneee, please quiet dowwwn. We have a neeew transfer student coming todaaay.”

Truly a weird manner of speech...

The students seem used to it though, as their only reaction was to curiously peer over at the door.

“Pleaseee come innnn!”

At that cue, a mixed-race girl who’s even more petite than the teacher comes in.

She seems to be 10 years old at most, with waist-length black hair, and sharp ocean-blue eyes.

Petite isn't an apt description anymore, as she’s pretty much a Loli at this point.

Even though her facial features are childish, she somehow radiates a sharp mature aura resulting in an incredibly contradictory yet isolated atmosphere forming around her.

She walks up to the podium and faces the class while examining them with a wise penetrating gaze similar to one who has survived the vicissitudes of life.

Her mouth opens, and a strong superior voice comes out.

“Hello, classmates, my name is Tomoko Ito Grant. I transferred here sometime late into the school year, but I wish we can get along. Please take care of me.”

Everyone held their breaths tightly, they didn’t dare to speak, waiting for any other words from her.

This is the first time they experience being spoken to in such a tone, it’s as if they are sitting in the principal’s office. No, maybe even stricter.

Well, except for one problem... Her voice still retains a great degree of childishness.



Everyone’s attention is grabbed by the sudden laughter, and turning around, the source is quickly identified.

“Hahaha, Tomoko-chan, I remember your trip abroad was for fun, not some business trip. Also, you’re really not suitable for speaking in such a tone.”

Aiko Iijima is laughing hard while speaking, and Touko Segawa can be seen struggling to control her chuckles behind her.

What’s more surprising is that even Ooshima Kanata was chuckling while smiles made their way onto Shunsuke Yamada and Mirei Shinohara’s faces.

It’s known in class that these people have some sort of friendship, yet such harmonization was unheard of even for them.

Confused by such a development, the remaining classmates (except for a certain Hiiro Wakaba) turn back to find their new classmate Tomoko choking on her laughter.

“Ahahaha, that was incredible, the look on your faces was downright comical!”

It took her a while to calm down and address her new classmates’ doubtful gazes.

“Yo, my name’s Tomoko, or Tia in foreign. I’m 15 years old this year and I’m considered long-time friends with the ones laughing now. I’ve been enrolled in school from the start—”


Continuing with my little introduction, I examine the future cast members also my current classmates. I recognize some familiar faces, but some others are unidentifiable to me.

I can spot the ones that appeared more than once in the anime though.

Yuika Hasabe, later known as Yuri. Kengo Natsume, known as Hugo. These two were humans after being reborn.

Next up is the boy sitting with Shunsuke and Ooshima, Kyouya Sasajima, who becomes an Oni in the future...? Probably some evolution, his new name is Wrath.

Then there’s the girl with a bang covering one of her eyes sporting the creepy look, Negishi Shouko the future vampire lady named Sophia.

And last but not least, the person with the most significant presence in this class: is Hiiro Wakaba.

I didn’t even need to look around to find her, her goddam presence is just like a fucking spotlight shining in the dark in my normal perception, my intuition was also screaming at me to not provoke her by any means.

What the hell...?! The only reason I could find her presence is that she doesn’t fucking have any! Even I, as a person who prefers an assassin’s style with my decent stealth, can’t help but feel hairy about her.

Something’s wrong... She isn’t the Kumoko in the anime, no fucking doubting it.

There are two possibilities, either she’s related to that evil god D, or... She is the evil god.

Noticing my stare, she looks up at me with an eerie expressionless face, even though her lips didn’t as much as even twitch I could feel the amusement practically rolling off her body.

It’s like... A cat who has found a mouse to play with.

I’m glad I can control my body and expressions, or my legs would’ve already given up on me.

Hiding my emotions in my heart, I look away and continue with my introduction.

“—But I’ve been abroad for the last two and a half months, that’s why I’m late for this year.”

Giving them a brief wave, I look back at Teacher Oka and wait for her arrangement.

“Weeell, Itooo-san, you can sit downnn behind Wakaba-saaan over theeere.”

That took me by surprise. resulting in me momentarily losing control of my facial expressions as my eyes widen involuntarily.

What the fuck?! Sigh... All right, I can do it...

Stepping down from the podium, I move towards the seat while giving Wakaba-san a friendly nod with a smile.

Well! It doesn’t matter if she’s a god or related to one! I, The Great Tomoko-sama, am a woman who is destined to become a god anyways, wahaha!


Yeah... Fuck that! I can’t handle such pressure; My brave declaration only lasted for a little more than two periods behind this lady.

Soo fucking scary... I’m gonna cry, please send help.

Fortunately, my abilities are disabled, as my intuition’s telling me this lady would instantly sense any usage.

“Tomoko-channnn! Welcome back, how was your trip? Did you get me any nice souvenirs?!”

Aiko’s voice cuts off my thoughts and the numbness in my body slowly subsides.

I look up to see Aiko, Segawa, and Ooshima surrounding my seat. Ugh, Wakaba’s presence really got on my nerves.

“Are you still tired from your trip? Did you just return??”

Aiko’s voice is filled with worry as she starts pacing around me while checking up on my state.

“No no, Aiko-chan. I’ve rested for a while before attending, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? You look kinda pale, though?”

“Ah...! Yes yes, I’m certain!”

“Hmm, I’ll believe you for now. C’mon, it’s time for physical education class!”

Standing up, we go down to the playground where I see Shunsuke and Mirei with the other members of their group seemingly waiting for us.

“Hey, Ito-san, welcome back! This is Kyouya Sasajima, he’s a friend of mine and Kanata.”

“Yahallo, Tomoko-san. This is Kumiko Toonoka, she’s with me and Aiko!”

“Hello, Sasajima-san, Kumiko-san. As I’ve introduced myself before, I’m Tomoko Ito Grant. Ah, Ito is my mother's surname while Grant is my father’s, I use both to make blending in Japan easier.”

After getting to know each other, we join in with the other classmates.

It’s hard to take my attention off Wakaba for now though, you can’t just get used to a tiger suddenly becoming your roommate, y’know?

The only saving grace’s that she appears to be peaceful for the time being, letting me relax my vigilance.



Half a year later, at one of our physical education lessons, I’m currently resting on a bench hidden out of sight.

I’ve been able to get used to Wakaba’s presence two months into the school year, I can even have a normal conversation with her now.

Despite being a complete social outcast, that trait seems to disappear when dealing with me.

In fact, I consider her a good friend even though she probably doesn’t care about me.

Due to my connection with several groups and my mature personality, I’ve quickly become popular among my classmates.

Using this convenience, I’ve blocked some troubles from coming her way, like that one time when Ooshima wanted to confess to her even though he knew he will be rejected.

Doesn’t he understand how insulting and hurtful confessing to someone as a way to use them is?!

I was very angry with him at that time, and he had to repeatedly ask for forgiveness from me and her.

Why does he care that much about fitting in with the boys? Doesn’t he have us as close friends already?? I’m so jeal—mad!!

Anyways, why am I currently hiding out of sight instead of resting normally, you ask? It’s because my heartbeat has started racing all of a sudden.

I also have an ominous premonition. I hadn’t felt like this since I got used to Wakaba.

The reason for this chilling premonition should be that, huh?

My death timer has entered its final countdown.

I’ll die before this weekend arrives; My intuition confirms it as a fact.

Despite knowing this, I can’t stop a twisted but gleeful smile from creeping across my face.

Ahhh, it’s this feeling again, the same one I felt when I sparred with Shishou.

My body’s shivering from the intense excitement and euphoria...!

Unfortunately, my giddy time is cut short by a couple of voices nearby. I can hear some cursing and stuff; It seems to be a fight or a bullying case...?

Moving closer, I hear Mirei’s loud voice. Wait, we’re in physical ed, in a place hidden from sight, and Mirei is bullying someone?

Isn’t that Wakaba’s bullying scene in the anime?!

Speeding up, I rush into a clearing surrounded by trees, only to see Wakaba laying on the ground with dirty clothes, and Mirei being held back by Aiko with Kumiko standing behind.

They all turn to face me as they hear my footsteps. Mirei’s face turns ashen at a very fast speed, while Aiko gets a wry smile on her face.

“So, is this what I think it is? Is Wakaba-san perhaps being bullied by Mirei-chan?”

Even with my childish face and stature, their bodies stiffen up after hearing my soft tone. Well, all except for Wakaba who is as expressionless as ever.

“Uhhh, Tomoko-chan, we’re not bullying her, it’s just a fight in a fit of anger. Mirei was just a bit hotheaded.”

“If it’s a one-time thing then why are you all hidden out of sight? Moreover, even if it’s a one-time thing, it’s still bullying. Lying to me is a no-no, my lovely Aiko.”

Wait... why am I calling her my lovely...? Whatever, no time to worry about this.

My presence seems to have calmed Mirei’s emotions, as she settles down and starts reflecting.

A few minutes later, she goes up to Wakaba, whom I had helped stand up earlier and bows her head down.

“I apologize, Wakaba-san. I let my jealousy get the better of me and hurt you for no reason.”

Even though, Wakaba’s ever-frozen expression doesn’t change, I can sense her bewilderment.

Mirei then faces me and explains the ins and outs of the matter while asking for forgiveness.

Receiving a nod from Wakaba and a “Talk to me later” from me, the three girls disappear into the tree line leaving me and Wakaba alone.


Shifting her eyes to meet mine, she hums for me to go on.

“You should not let anyone degrade you like this even if you think they’re not worthy, y’know? You’re a very strong person, I can tell due to my experience, so don’t insult this strength by letting yourself be pushed around. I’m not telling you to fight with them, but at least protect yourself, please do it for me if not for yourself.”

Hearing my strict but caring tone, her face shows some semblance of an expression for the first time, as I see her pupils dilate a bit.

“Go clean yourself up and wash your face, I’ll wait for you by the locker room’s door.”

Leaving behind those words, I move away from the clearing, giving her some space to think.

Ahhh, guess I’ll go feed the little spider Ms Oka stopped us from killing in the meantime, I’ve bought mealworms specifically for the cute little guy.



A few minutes later, a voice devoid of emotions echoed throughout the clearing.

“Insult my strength, huh? She’s shivering and her heart’s beating rapidly, she can feel it too. Something’s on its way here, aiming for me, but they’ll be implicated.

Tomoko Ito Grant, I’ll be using this opportunity to test you, are you worthy enough? Can you survive my malice and talk with me on equal grounds? I’m looking forward to your performance, my friend.”




And that's it for the Japan arc, folks!

I hope you enjoyed the start of this fanfiction, next chapter's is our otherworld start with only a small Japan flashback.

What do you think about this relationship with D and Tomoko calling Aiko her lovely? ;)
Also, do you want appraisal results to be in some boxes or just written like Okina Baba does them? I personally prefer boxes as they are more organized and aesthetically pleasing.

Thank your for the continued support and I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters!


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