So I’m a Fish, So What?

Chapter 68- Part-time Job Interview…?

Barbarian dude went out of his way to save me, but as expected, he didn’t just let me mingle with everyone unsupervised.

Far from it actually, his ink-black eyes intently gazed at my petite figure, not with amiability nor with hostility, but with a mixture of incomprehensible suspicion and unrivaled curiosity.

Which is totally understandable. He’s just doing his job.

Clearly, a child leaving town on her own is not normal. But I, a little girl, appeared next to a monster-infested forest and even led a horned bear that’s over ten times my size to his campsite.

Besides, the speed I showed was very abnormal for an adult, let alone someone of my apparent stature. A normal child would probably just freeze in fear, soil themselves, and get swallowed whole in under a minute.

Yet here I am, perfectly unharmed and still in pristine condition after getting chased around for an untold amount of time.

I could be a thief or an assassin for all he knows, so his cautious attitude is warranted– excused even, granted he doesn’t overstep his boundaries and piss me off somehow.

By the way… what was that horned bear called? I mean, I just picked a monster at random following a hint from my intuition, and it was probably the correct choice taking into account how smoothly they killed it.

…Yeah, it doesn’t matter. Honestly, I care more about what those paws would taste like after a professional chef prepares them than what species of bear they come from.

Anyways, barbarian dude (this title is a mouthful, so Imma just call him Barb from now on) might be a great guy with a noble personality or whatever, but he’s not stupid.

Seeing that the most imminent threat had been resolved, he just shifted his attention to me and directed a most logical question my way, all while discretely signaling his companions to surround me and keep their guards up.

Well, I can sense his extreme caution with my emotion sensor and I was keeping tabs on everyone in the caravan though my sphere, so his attempt at secrecy is laughable at most.

He gets an A for the effort though, he’s quite the expert in his chosen profession. It’s just that the current situation is completely out of the norm.

Adjusting my posture, I put on a cheerful expression and introduced myself to my ‘saviors’.

“Hello, Misters! My name is Letisia. I used to live in seclusion with my grandpa, but he… unfortunately passed away a few months ago.” I paused, making a show of struggling to maintain my smile. “I have lived alone since then… until I couldn’t bear the loneliness anymore.” Another pause, an embarrassed smile, and a cute head scratch. “I remembered a few of grandpa’s stories about the outside world, so I decided to venture out to find or build myself a new home somewhere else! I was really scared my dream would end before it even started, but you saved me! Thanks a lot, misters!” And to top it all off, a heart-rending smile filled with hope for the future.

Phew… I’m pretty sure this is the most words I’ve ever spoken at one time in both lifetimes.

And I gotta say, this shit fucking sucks! Interacting with anyone whom I consider irrelevant to my life is frankly just a huge pain in the ass.

However, airheads are usually the type of people to go around irritating people with an endless stream of words, spit out important information and secrets by mistake, then notice their mistakes and try to weasel their way out of it in some silly way.

If I wanna make Barb and the others let their guard down, I’ve gotta do the same… even if my secrets are all made up in the first place.

And judging by their current expressions and emotions, I can tell it was a grand success.

Everyone’s heart softened at the sight of the poor little girl struggling to make her way in life, and their severe expressions eased into… pity?

Wait, did they just… I don’t know, believe me? Just like that? How shitty can a human’s sense of danger be? What about your Danger Perception skills? Ah, right. Mischief renders that one moot.

If it was that easy to trick humans, how did all of Earth’s mythical creatures eventually get exterminated by them?

…Ahhh, maybe it’s that? Y’know, the most common trait among humans.

It’s fucking racism, isn’t it? Those fuckers only softened because they think I’m a human!

I mean, the Half-Demon child was tortured half to death and enslaved just because she supposedly has a few different genes in her little body.

What’s even more ridiculous is that after analyzing it with Sage, I discovered that the little girl’s body is basically no different from that of any human out there.

She might have more vitality, a slightly stronger soul, and a higher adaptability to magic and MA energy, but she most certainly remains a human in every way.

Rather than Demon, her race should be High Human or something like that, but I guess that’s what mass panic and despair does to people.

This information already came with Taboo, but it just felt so… foreign or unreal to me– until I confirmed it myself, anyways. Seeing is believing and all.

Back to the present. Barb’s suspicious expression remained unchanged, but I could sense even he softened a bit after hearing my story.

“Like I said before, ‘tis only natural to help a lady in need. You’re quite unlucky t’run into a rare Grizlak though, lil’ lady.” He noted, his eyes still holding contact with mine.

“So that thing is called a Grizlak, huh?” I mumbled to myself. “Well, Mister–” I continued in an inquisitive tone.


“Mister Kaslan, I only know about a few monsters from grandpa’s stories, but this one wasn’t one of them. I also know the ones that live near our dwelling, but since I’ve been wandering around in the forest for a few days now, none of them are around anymore. Grandpa described the outside world to me, but he didn’t leave behind any maps or directions, so I kinda maybe sorta got lost, tehee.” I bumped my head cutely.

“Hooh? You actually thought t’prepare supplies ‘fore setting out? What a smart lil’ lassie.” He remarked in admiration.

“Ahh? Right, that would’ve been a smart thing to do.” I mumbled, averting my eyes. “Of course, I had supplies on me, but I couldn’t hold much with my weak body. I ran out a few days ago, but I picked up edible plants and found water supplies on my own.” I clarified, puffing my chest in pride before faltering. “The sun was too hot today and I hadn’t come across any water sources for a while… I let my guard down when I stumbled upon a small hidden stream and the next thing I know, I was being chased by a huge monster that was too freaking agile for its size!” I exclaimed, outrage evident in my voice. “Just so you know, I’m already twelve years old, a proper adult! I can say bad words and even live by myself. Don’t treat me as a child, humph!” I asserted, glaring at him with an adorable threatening expression.

FUCK, this is cringy as hell! If any of the reincarnations ever saw me acting this way, I might have to consider physically silencing them… forever at that.

“Yeesh, I get it, not-little missie.” He raised his arms in surrender, his expression finally softening a bit. “Happens t’the best of us, honestly. Glad y’were able t’make it out safe though.” He smiled.

“Oh, I’m glad I made it as well!” I replied with a grin. ”It was a close call though, my magic power was almost exhausted…” I whispered, relief visible on my face.

Damn, I will say this again, I really hate acting all cutesy like that…

I’m definitely not feeling some kind of twisted pleasure from this. Definitely not! …Okay, maybe a little bit, just a teeny tiny bit.

Anyways, Barb’s has relatively high stats, so my murmurs might as well have been loud shouts in his ears.

But I specifically wanted him to hear those anyways, otherwise I’d just speak in my head like I’ve been doing for the last few months.

Frankly, getting that emotion sensor was an incredible stroke of luck on my part. Now I don’t need to speculate about people’s true intentions when dealing with them.

My trust is only reserved for my close ones, so having a way to discern the true intentions of other people makes for simpler, more relaxed interactions overall.

For example: Right now, Barb’s suspicions have all been appeased and he even developed a sense of responsibility towards me for some reason. Also, he doesn’t have a smidgen of malice towards me.

So I don’t have any problems with agreeing to whatever he asks of me.

If I had this conversation without the emotion sensor, I’d be on pins on needles, speculating his true intentions and most likely developing many misunderstandings.

I’m glad I don’t have to go through that overused troupe. It might be funny to watch in anime, but it’s nothing but awkward for the people involved.

D would’ve definitely loved to watch that though, so I guess this sucks for her.

“Hey, Mister Ba–Kaslan, can I accompany you to the nearest town? I can help with a lot of things like fighting monsters, hunting for food, or even just creating fires!” I requested with a tone bordering on pleading. “I can only use lightning and fire magic though, so I might not be that helpful until we leave this forest area. Grandpa said I shouldn’t use those in green areas or I’d risk causing a very big fire.” I timidly confessed, gazing downwards in shame.

I almost called him by his designated nickname there… Whatever, Barb fits him much more than Kaslan anyways.

Barb just chuckled, probably not taking my claim seriously, but believing in my strength nonetheless.

If I was able to survive in the forest by myself for over three months, then I must have something going on for me, right? Or that’s what he thinks.

“‘Tis fine by me, missy. Gotta speak t’my employer ‘bout it first though.” He ruffled my hair.

“Okay! I will wait for you here, Mister.” I vigorously nodded. “I don’t need any food or a tent, by the way. I can just climb any tree and sleep on its branches. I can hunt or forage for my own food as well!” I emphasized, holding my head high in pride.

“Sure thing, little missy. I’ll be right back then.” He reassured me. “A’right folks, back t’your posts. Vernan, y’stay with the little missy ‘nd protect her ‘till I return!” He shouted for one of his men.

Almost Immediately, everyone went back to setting camp except for one guy whom I felt  soundlessly moving behind me.

Making a show of looking around with confusion, I eventually turn around to look at him, getting greeted with a stoic nod.

I mean, it’s cool and all, but sheesh man. 

Don’t just go sneaking behind ladies. If I was any normal lady, your pretty face would’ve probably had an extra bright red slap mark decorating it right now.

Returning a nod of my own, I took out some berries from under my cloak and proceeded to nibble on them blissfully.

Vernon just listlessly gazed into space, but his eyes curiously drifted to me when I took out more berries.

Feeling his gaze, I looked down at my berries for a few seconds before reluctantly handing him a few.

“Grandpa called these Lightshade berries. He said they look really similar to Nightshade berries, but those ones are poisonous! I can easily differentiate between them though.” I grinned, the words praise me practically written on my face.

Vernon just silent nodded and chucked a few into his mouth, chewing on them with an approving expression.

A firm believer in silence is golden, huh? I can respect that, I guess.

We just stood there, eating in silence for a few minutes before Barb finally returned.

“‘Tis fine for you to accompany us, missy. Yer gonna have to stay away from the covered carriages though.”

“Great! When are we gonna leave?!” I beamed with sparkling eyes.

“Hold yer horses, lassie. We’re gonna rest for the night and continue along tomorrow.”

“Oh.” I looked down, visibly deflated. “Okay, I’ll be sleeping in that tree over there. I don’t know when I’m supposed to wake up, so please send someone to call for me when it’s time.”

“Sure thing!” Barb promised. “I’ll send Vernon for ya when it’s time.” He suggested, his eyes shifting to the other man.

Vernon just nodded to express his agreement and walked back towards what I presume is his tent in silence.

“See ya tomorrow then, lassie. G’night and take care.” Barb greeted me and followed after Vernon.

“Good night” Nodding at him, I make my way to my chosen resting place.

Well, this went far better than I thought it would.

It’d be great if Vernon is the one to ‘watch over me’ for the next few days. I won’t need to tire myself out coming up with conversation topics then.

This entire trying to mix in with humans thing is starting to get annoying… But I guess it’s fine, I’ll try my best to go for the lone wolf route in any job I take– if I take any at all.

Nodding to myself, I check in on the little angel, only to find her in what is basically a coma.

Her state only said she was weak though, so she should be fine for the most part.

Nonetheless, I should keep a close eye on her in the next few days. If anything goes wrong, I’ll give up all my plans and immediately take her away and vanish.

My priorities are and will always remain clear, putting the cart before the horse is the height of stupidity.

Withdrawing my eyes, I entered a state of meditative sleep, investing most of my powers into strengthening my soul.

I can’t let Sage be the only one to work on her evolution, after all.




Yo! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!

If there's anything off about it, whether it's grammar or context, please quote it in a comment.

I might've proofread and posted this while half-asleep, so I probably fucked up more things than usual.

And don't worry, I won't bore you with the details of the journey to the nearest town, next chapter's gonna skip to their arrival right away.

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