So I’m a Fish, So What?

Chapter K10- Deal

I began by giving Feirune a short summary of all the general information I currently have on this world.

No matter what subjects or sources I have, I truthfully laid everything bare unless it was something I personally deem as a critical secret.

Then, I gave her the rundown on our current unstable situation.

Starting all the way back from our Appraisal Ceremony, I slowly analyzed each and every event that occurred until yesterday’s reunion with Filimos.

Lastly, I spent an extended amount of time explaining the implications of all the above while stressing on Filimos’s ability to pinpoint us and the possibility of the kingdom being infested with spies.

Frankly, I thought that should’ve covered everything, but Fei promptly dashed the last bit of naivety I had.

Well, I only hatched after your Appraisal Ceremony, so I don’t have this much comprehensive information, but there’s one thing I’m definitely better than you at.” Though her little wyrm face was solemn, I could sense pride hidden in her voice.

“And that is?” I curiously inquire.

Reading between the lines and discovering what’s hidden deep inside people’s hearts. Being treated as a mindless beast by those typical isekai garbage nobles has its upsides, you know.” She remarked as her mouth somehow twitched into a smug smile .

“I can only imagine. Most of my time in the castle is spent hanging around with Shun and Sue, remember?” I said with an eye roll.

Ahh, I guess that’s true. Cough– Well, there’s an important piece of information you’ve missed. Let me ask you a question, how did you react when you first discovered that you were isekai’d?

“... So we’re gonna start by rubbing salt on my wounds, huh? Sigh… I was hella excited just like anyone else would be of course, but everything went to shit as soon as, you know, I found out about this.” I gestured towards my female body while staring her down with a combination of monotone voice and deadpan eyes.

My condolences.” Her eyes danced around erratically. “Assume you were isekai’d into a fantasy world in the normal manga-like manner, discovered that you have a cheat skill, and then your teacher from back on Earth popped up outta nowhere and said you should go with her so that she can protect you, what’d you do?

“Huh? What kinda stupid question is that? Refuse, of course! This is a brand new life that’s filled with magic and infinite possibilities. No one in their right mind would give up such an opportunity, no?”

Yep! Even I who was reincarnated as a monster and you who was forced to become a woman agree on this. Now can you tell me, would any of our– if what Filmos said is correct– human classmates accept her offer?

“Knowing them, they definitely wouldn’t… I still don’t see your point though.” I look at her with perplexed eyes, but only I know how violent my heartbeat is right now.

I have an ominous premonition. Whatever she’s gonna say, I just know I won’t like hearing it.

Ooshima– no, Katia, we both know that none of us reincarnation would even entertain the thought of taking her offer, so… how was she able to move nearly half of us to the elf village?

Hearing her question, I unconsciously lowered my head as my thoughts ran wild.

I couldn’t help but remember that hidden tinge of madness I saw in Filmos’s eyes when she spoke.

Adding to that the fact that elven spies might have already penetrated into the heart of the Analeit Kingdom…

Petrified, I stiffly raise my head to meet Fei’s eyes with my shocked ones, only to see a serious and grim expression on her face.

Try as I might, I could neither fault her words nor see a trace of falsehood on her face.

“... It seems that Oka of Earth is gone and only Filimos of the elves remains.” I said with a complicated expression.

Despite the chances being slim, Filimos could have actually convinced one or two students to come under her protection.

Convincing nearly half of the class though? That’s just downright impossible.

There must’ve been some… unsavory means used in order to pull off that feat. I can’t even deny the possibility of blackmail or kidnapping being involved!

I can’t lie to myself anymore, huh? The reason why I never thought of such a possibility before is because deep inside me, I still have some affection for people from the same origin as mine.

… I truly am a hopeless fool, aren’t I?

Thankfully, I’ve made the smart decision of guarding against other reincarnations from the very start, otherwise I might’ve unknowingly become a marionette for Filimos to manipulate.

You shouldn’t trust anyone, not even me… not even Tomoko.” Fei looked me dead in the eye as she firmly stated.

However, she seems to have a huge misunderstanding about me.

“Actually, I don’t mind being used if the one doing it is Tomoko. You might think me crazy, but you don’t actually understand how high Tomoko’s position in my heart is, Fei.” 

She stared at me complicatedly for a few seconds, before a long sigh came out of her mouth.

As long as you’re fine with it.” She shrugged. “What are we gonna do about our fucked up situation then?

Unbeknownst to both of us, somewhere far away, the body of a certain mermaid girl that was eavesdropping on our conversation unnoticeably stiffened upon hearing my words.

“Well, Fei. Both of our observations obviously complement each other, but we both made the same mistake due the same misconception!” I said with a relaxed smile.

And that is? Even if I’m a lot more skilled than before, I’m not really good at the brainy stuff. Just give it to me straight.” She motions me to continue.

“After thinking for a long time and with one last push from Filimos, I decided to try a different approach. Shun can’t be trusted with this as he’d just go blabbering about it to everyone, but both you and I can work together!”

Uhhh, the advice I gave you before also applies to me, you know. Why should we trust each other?” She looked at me curiously.

“That’s easy. Ever heard of the saying: There are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits? Now take that and apply it to our situation. Not only are we actually not enemies, but working together is a lot more beneficial to us than working alone.” I confidently said.

Oh? Go on, I’m listening.

“We both share the same experience of being reincarnated as something we weren’t, we’re both in the exact same fucked up situation, we’re both smart enough to avoid developing any unrealistic ambitions, and our skillsets complement each other.”

Fei doesn’t reply, seemingly lost in thought.

So, I take the chance to express my genuine thoughts.

“Ehm… I know this world is dangerous and all, but we can’t succumb to our paranoid thoughts, otherwise we’d eventually go mad.” I said while scratching the back of my head.

Those words seem to resonate with her, as she proceeds to drop her serious attitude and goes back to her normal lazy demeanor.

Fine, I’ll play along. If the prince’s pet is lured away by the duke’s eldest daughter, she’ll be the one to take the blame anyways.” She said in a leisurely manner.

… Fuck, this girl’s definitely gonna snitch on me if we get caught! I admit I’ve underestimated you, insidious little lizard!

“Tch. Fine fine, let’s move to a safer location before continuing.” 

Reaching out to touch her head, I activate a Large-Scale Teleport spell I had previously prepared.

Our figures disappear from in front of the castle walls, and reappear in one of my hidden bases shortly after.

Fei hasn’t experienced any teleportation spells before, so the sudden change of space leaves her disoriented, but I just shrug and pour her a glass of water.

Holy shit! Did you just use Spatial Magic?! THAT Spatial Magic?!” She looks at me, her eyes shimmering with excitement.

“Yupp, it’s exactly THAT Spatial Magic, the legendary magic that only a handful of mages can use.” I replied with smugness evident in my voice.

Calm down, lucifer. Sheesh, I guess it’s okay to trust you if you’re willing to reveal that much.” She shakes her head.

“Huh? It’s as if you can trust anyone other than me. Cooperation with me is the only way you achieve a breakthrough in the situation and you know it, prince’s pet.” I replied haughtily.

You dare belittle me, human?! Let it be known that this dragon will take her revenge one day in the future!” And she played along.

Phew… Thankfully, this little episode broke the tense atmosphere, as our conversation took a more relaxed turn after this.

“Well, I know just the best approach! Whaddya think about having your face known to the entire royal capital?” I eagerly said.

Hooh? And how’d you go about doing that?” She replied with obvious interest.

“Ever heard about missing pet posters?” I said with a cheshire grin.

Wait, we can do that?!” She said with wide eyes.

“Of course, we can! You’re supposed to be a wild monster for god’s sake, it’d be more weird if you keep on lazing around like some domestic animal!”

Ahhh, why the hell did I not think of that before?! Dammit, my human mentality is still affecting me.” She said, her eyes downcast.

“Hey hey, don’t you dare sink into your own world now. There was nothing wrong with what you did before, escaping without a plan would result in you either getting caught by traffickers or killed by some wild monster.”

For some reason, I just can’t stand watching this insidious lizard sinking into self-blame, it reminds me of my first few years in this world.

I guess you’re right…” She replies, her voice now cheerier.

“Just like I said before, our skill sets highly complement each other! My Spatial Magic is the golden key for your safe escape while your rapid strength increase as a monster is the key for my guaranteed safety in the future.” I chuckle.

... Now that I think about it, this is probably the best case scenario, huh? So, what’s your plan, miss wise sage.” Her ears perk up, eagerly awaiting my words.

“Hear me out, we’ll go about it like this…” I start explaining my plan with a sly smile.


This night might’ve been nothing but another cold night for most people. However, it was certainly a turning point for a certain future sage and dragon combination.


Hey there! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!

It seems that the evil mermaid has unknowingly helped some pawns to escape the chess board...

Now, what changes will they bring about in the future, I wonder? ;)

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