So I’m a Fish, So What?

Chapter K8- Teacher

Ugh… Ms Oka’s creepy laughter really had me on edge, so I just immersed myself in my thoughts until it’s over.

I’m a bit conflicted about how I should address her in this life…

According to Japanese customs and traditions, I’d have to call her Sensei or Ms Oka at least, but I don’t want my previous life to have too much effect on the current one.

… Filimos-san should work just fine, I guess.

Hmm? It seems that the B-rated horror movie laughter has finally come to a stop!


Apparently, Shun has also finally figured out the identity of the person standing in front of us, I’m truly proud!

“No way… Ms Oka?!”

“You really oughtn’t to give nicknames to your teacher, you knooow? But that’s corrrrect.”

But why’s her mannerisms still the same even after all those years though?

Just like Shun, I can clearly see her past life’s shadow is still there.

In fact, I feel as if she is still the same exact person who stood on the classroom’s podium the day we died… with minute differences, of course.

I don’t understand why both of them refuse to give it up already. It's simply unrealistic for Japan– Earth’s social values to be applied to this new world.

Japanese society isn’t compatible with stuff like skill, magic, and monsters. Sticking to modern morals will do nothing but lead us to an early death!

Sigh… Those two will be a constant source of headaches in the future, won’t they?

Also, I noticed that Filimos-san’s relationship with the elf chief is quite odd considering that she’s supposed to be as old as us.

Instead of treating her like a child, his actions seem as if he’s treating her like… an assistant? A secretary? I can’t put my hands on it but it’s something along the lines of a subordinate.

Wait– could she have actually revealed her previous life experience and told him about us reincarnations?!

I really really REALLY hope she didn’t, otherwise I might have to end the little observation period early and jump to treating her as an enemy right away.

Sigh… Calm down and stop being paranoid, Katia!

“And youuu over thereee. You can stooop pretending to be a pet, you knowww!”

Okay, I can’t calm down anymore.

Don’t reply. Don’t reply. Don’t reply.

C’mon, Fei! Don’t let her take the initiative, we need to narrow down the methods she could’ve used to find us!

Fei just innocently tilts her head at Filimos, walks up to Shun’s legs, bites on his pants and pretends to pull.

Ughh, you got it, girl!

Even if an Earth Wyrm acting like a dog is a bit exaggerated, this should help us narrow down the options to a minimum.

Fei was a very proud girl back on Earth and that’s pretty much the only part that remains unchanged about her.

She’d never act this way in front of any reincarnations and everyone knows it, so it’s practically impossible to guess her true identity using normal methods.

Also, she spent most of her days since our reincarnation lazing around while only using Telepathy to contact us when we’re alone.

She left no traces throughout the entire process.

Now that I think about it, it seems that Feirune has become kinda shrewd during her time in the palace, huh?

I guess it should be expected since her small body makes it possible to sneak around and maybe catch a noble or two discussing their conspiracies while staying undetected.

If Filimos still insists on making her talk, it can only mean that she has some way to accurately identify and find reincarnations.

“You don’t have tooo hide. It’s obvious that I alreeeady know about you! I did specifically caaall for you, afffter all.”

Really now… Her tone makes it hard to distinguish whether she’s just testing her luck or if she has already confirmed Fei’s identity.

I really hope it’s the former, else I may have to fully revise my plans.

Making eye contact with Fei, I signal her to keep up the act with my hidden hand.

“Fei, you don’t need to–”

“Be nervous. You don’t needa be nervous, Fei-chan. This Onee-san is just an old friend of your master and me!”

Dammit Shun! He almost wrecked the entire thing!

Phew! Fortunately, I could see this happening from a mile away, so I was right on it with the save.

“Are you perhaps mistaken, Filimos-san? Fei just hatched a couple of months ago and she’s not even human.”

You can never imagine how grateful I am for whoever transformed me into a woman at this very moment.

Those years I spent pretending to be a perfectly normal child as well as that Heretic Nullification skill raised my acting skill to max level.

Even though the way I cut off Shun was completely unnatural, the pure overflowing concern that was both visible and hidden for Fei in my eyes successfully deceived Filimos.

“Hmmm? I guess sooo. I’m sorrrry! I was just too excited abouuut finding you, sooo I didn’t confirmmm the information.”


Wait- what the hell was that? I have no way of confirming whether she’s telling the truth or not, but I somehow genuinely believe that was a lie.

Something inside me is telling me that she knows the true identity of every single person standing in this room.

I also get the feeling that she’s not malicious, but that I shouldn’t associate with or trust her under any circumstances.

… My soul mark? Its description does say that a part of someone else’ soul is inside mine.

There could be some hidden side effects to that process, right?

I mean, the instinctive disgust I felt towards Potimas was by no means natural.

All right, let’s assume it’s a warning from my soul mark for now… That would make things a whole lot more complicated.

You see, Tomoko might have an instinctive disgust for the chief of the elves since he tried to enslave one of her kin, but that doesn’t actually mean he’s a bad person overall.

Like, I definitely hate the guy, but it’s just my personal opinion at the end of the day.

I can’t make a perfect final decision since emotional bias is a thing and all.

Being overly reliant on others came back to bite me, huh? I’m pretty sure even Aiko can easily make the right choices if she were in my shoes.

The way I interact with Filimos will not only affect my relationship with Shun and Fei, but it might also cause our– their carefree lives to crumble away.

Fei’s actions clearly indicate her attitude– she’s unwilling to trust Filimos for the time being, but she’s fine with me deciding.

Shun’s reaction says the exact opposite though. Even if he temporarily holds back for my sake, this reunion has already planted a hidden ticking bomb in our relationship.

… All right, I’ll take the middle route then.

“Nah, I think it’s normal for you to make such a mistake especially since Fei’s such a clever girl. What about you? How did you find us and why are you here now?”

Placing Fei on my lap, I softly pat her head while attempting to lead the conversation in a more relaxed direction.

Neither friendly nor hostile. A balanced approach should reduce the repercussions of this meeting.

“Because I knew you’re here, obviouuusly! The Analeit Kingdom’s prodigies are nearly as popular as the Renxandt Empire’s, you knoooow?”

So, there are also reincarnations in the empire, huh? 

I did hear some rumors about their crown prince being incredibly talented… not much solid information though.

Our conversation went on for a long time and we even told her our previous life names, but I made sure to keep Fei out of the conversation at all times.

Not gonna lie, speaking to someone whom I’d considered to be an adult in my previous life did allow me to relax for the first time since I was reincarnated, but I didn’t dare to completely lower my guard.

It’s not like Filimos is a villain or anything of that sort. She genuinely cares about us, but the way she acts just isn’t right.

That’s why I decided to just treat her as a normal friend even after my previous suspicions about her relationship with the elf chief were confirmed.

However, that doesn’t mean our daily life will remain unchanged after this meeting, especially since pretty much an entire race knows our identities.

I used Parallel Thinking to secretly communicate with Fei by tracing letters with my fingers throughout the conversation.

Our final decision was to meet up tomorrow at midnight outside the castle walls and share information with each other.

I wasn’t the only one sneaking around, huh? Hehehe~

“So you’re only here for a chat, Filimos-san?”

I can tell the way I call her puts her off, but I’m sure my true intentions have already reached her.

“That’s correeect! But that’s not the only reason I’m here. I’m still a teeeacher, so I have to make sure my students are safe, riiight?”

Hooh? That’s an impressive determination if I do say so myself… It's also downright scary.

Is this okay? I definitely saw the madness and insane thirst for recognition momentarily flashing in her eyes when she said the word teacher, y’know!!

Just what did she go through…?

“Are there other reincarnations besides us, Ms Oka?”

“Of cooourse! Everyone in class came to this world! This world is a looot more dangerous than Japan though, I’d reaaally love to ensure the safety of everyoneee sooner than later.”

“You’re here to protect us, then?”

“Nooope! Your positions already grant you enough protection while preventing meeee from affecting your lives too much. I’ll gladly shelter you in the elf village if your parents allow it thooough!”

“Huh? Does that mean you’ve already found others?”

“Absloooutely! There are already ten students living in the elf village right as we speeeeak! I was also able to contact about seven mooore including you three! And I also have information about twooo more!”

I was quietly listening to Shun and Filimos’s conversation, but I lost control as soon as I heard this.

“Tomoko– What about Tomoko?! Did you find her?! Is she okay?!”

My usual ladylike demeanor was completely thrown away as I shakingly held Filimos’s hand while staring pleadingly into her eyes.

“C-Calm down, Katia! Ms Oka can’t answer you when you’re acting this way!”

Shun’s voice pulls me back from my maddened state, but not completely.

I’m sober enough to let go of Filimos-san’s hand and calmly return to my seat. 

However, my eyes are still glued to her, intently observing the changes in her facial expressions while waiting for the answer.

“Eh-ehmm. That was unexpected, but I can see why. Weeell, Itooo-san is unfortunately not on the list of people I’ve contacted. She’s actually the most elusiiive one out of everyone. I haven’t gotten any baaad news concerning her though, so she’s hopefully safeee!”

Strength leaves my body as I confirm that she’s telling the truth through her expressions, and a sense of powerlessness envelops my body.

If Filimos couldn’t find her even though she’s using the power of an entire race, then how am I gonna do any better…?

Negative thoughts and emotions envelop my heart and I get the urge to cry all of a sudden, but I do my best to hold back.

I need to hold myself together. At least she’s not dead… yeah, she can’t be dead. 

It’s Tomoko we’re talking about here! She’s the only one who’s remotely experienced in combat, after all!

Giving myself a little pep talk and a weak pinch on the thigh, I restore my usual demeanor before standing up curtseying to Filimos once more.

“I apologize for my unsightly slip. Excuse me, but I’ll be taking my leave for now. I hope you can understand.”

Nodding to Shun, I make my way out of the room while secretly signaling Fei to come tomorrow.

I hesitate a bit when I reach the door, but I decide that taking a rest is the best option right now.

Although Shun might reveal some of the stuff I wanna keep hidden, I’m actually more prone to messing things up in my current state.

Forgive me, Fei. 

I’ll leave everything in your capable hands this time!

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