
Chapter 157: Alone again


"Take your men." I told kururi, "Don't let any of them enter our perimeters."

"Yes Boss!" He left immediately after the order.

"Caesar?" I looked at him, "Stand guard on the outer checkpoint."

He nodded, "I'll go with him." Nora said. Caesar looked at her while we all stood on the flat roof of the mansion and shook his head

"I'll go alone." Caesar said but Nora didn't even look at him, she kept her eyes on me since I was the head.

Her gaze was intense. I could tell she wanted to stay with Caesar.

"Fine. You'll go with him."

"Yes sir!!" She immediately left and Caesar looked at me.


"Caesar," I sighed, "She would have gone with you even if I told her to stay put. The best you can do is to stay with her." I looked at the sky, "She's a strong woman."

Caesar sighed and left behind her.

I searched the sky for the answer I was waiting for.

They're not here yet.

I looked forward, I could see all my men ready for the attack and I could see the ones who were leaving.

The streets were going to be bloody tonight if the answer doesn't come.

Was it a mistake to send Caesar to the front?

I wondered.

But, he needs to be there for the support and morale of the men.

I took a deep breath.

It's just for a little time.

I hope…


Injured men were being replaced with other members.

I closed my eyes.

What a stupid fight.

After witnessing the scenes in front of me I was glad that I chose a way out although I was furious that they tried to kill my woman.

Just killing off people was not the answer.

But I could not get to Derulo without it and he can't get to me without crossing the sea of men.

I had my arms folded as I waited.

After a few moments the breeze caught speed and I felt some presence behind me.

Not just one.


I turned around and smiled, "You're finally here."

The twenty members of skull spiders stood in a line in front of me. All of them put their fist on the center of their palm and gave me a bow.

Then one of them stepped forward, "A deal is a deal. What is that you wish for us to do."

"It's simple. Get me the Derulo Black's son, Eren. Don't harm anyone from the Blacks, but kill any other person if you have to. Bring him back to me."

"The task can be performed by two of us."

"Good then. The rest of you assist the men in the front lines but come back as soon as I give the cue."

They all bowed and the next second, they all disappeared.


Eren was scared out of his wits when he was brought back but calmed down a bit when he saw me.

"Hey buddy!" I waved at him, "How have you been?"

"Good…" He hesitantly looked back and up at the man who swept him and brought him here.

"Hey don't worry, he won't say anything to you." I sat on the chair in my room, "Come here." I patted my lap, "Let's talk to your dad."

"Talk to dad?"

I showed him my phone, "Yes, let's video call him. So that he knows you're here with me. He'll be worried otherwise, right?"

"Yes!!" He ran up to me without any fear.

And I called Derulo.

He answered after some rings.

"May I ask for some of your precious time?" I smiled.

"Go ahead." He was a bit worried. Well, his son's life was in my hands at the moment.

"It's nothing complicated." I grinned, "Something you can do very easily." I put on a serious expression, "Call off your men."

"Give Eren back first."

"Oh no. You call them off first. I'm giving you a very good deal here Derulo. There are many members of your family I can still end." I glared at him, "I know your wife's pregnant too but what will you do? There's only me and you can't get to me."

"What makes you think you can get the rest of them?"

"Exactly how I got Eren." I ruffled the hair of the boy sitting on my lap, "Look at the man behind you." He slowly moved his head and looked at the assasin, "Show him." I ordered and the assassin took off his shirt.

Derulo shot his head back at me after seeing the symbol of skull spiders on his chest, "How?!"

"All thanks to your brother." I smirked and then turned the camera around to show him more of them, "All thanks to Ryan, I have an alliance with the skull spiders now."

I shifted the camera back to myself, "I'm giving you a deal. Call off your men and sign an agreement with me."

He was quiet for a few seconds and looked away.

"Dad?" Derulo's eyes went wide when he looked back at the screen and saw a gun to his son's head.

"I'll call them off."

I smiled, "Good" Then pressed the gun trigger.

Water bubbles came out of it and fascinated Eren.

"Wow! I have one like that too."

I handed it to him, "You can play with this one too." I looked at Derulo again, "Until the time your father comes and gets you."


We both signed the agreement in the presence of the skull spider members along with the chief of police and Army general.

An agreement of peace between the two clans that will last throughout generations.

As both of us finished signing I gestured Ben to bring Eren to the room and stood up the leave with one copy out of the five we signed.

Eren entered the room and ran straight to his father.

I saw Derulo take a breath of relief when he saw him unharmed.

Finally, that was out of the way.

I smiled and walked out. Now that there was an agreement among the two biggest clans I doubt anyone will ever think about fighting us again.

I should go to the hospital and visit Azalea.

Should I take some cake with me?

She loves chocolate too.

Chocolate cake it is!

I nodded to myself and grinned.


The bed she was supposed to be in was empty, replaced by a piece of paper with her handwriting.

'I'm sorry I'm leaving like this, but I have to go. There is something I can't lose no matter what. So perhaps, somewhere, some day, at a less miserable time. We will meet again."

The bag in my hand dropped to the floor as I read the content again.

I couldn't believe it.

Did she leave me?



It doesn't make any sense!

I crushed the paper in my hand and ran out. I ordered my men to search for her immediately and went to find Nora.

But that was when I received another shock.

Caesar stood outside the mansion in the cold waiting for me.

"Caesar! Where's Nora?!" I reached him, "I need to talk to her right now!" He lowered her gaze.

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" I shook my head, "I'll look for her myself. " I started making my way towards the mansion when he spoke again.

"You won't find her."

I paused and looked back, "What?"

"You won't find her." He shook his head lightly, "She got hurt that night and went to the hospital but disappeared from there."

I was bewildered, "Where?!"

He shook his head, "I don't know. She just left a note saying she'll be back. Saying," He gulped, "She wanted to stay by my side but there was something very important she had to tend to and as soon as she's done, she'll come back."

"Do you have any idea how much time that can be Caesar!??!"

He shook his head.


I slumped down as I felt the defeat.

Then I ended up snickering.

Why did I even think I'd end up happy?

It began to snow. Soft white flakes started covering the ground as I stood up and looked at him, "I guess it's you and me again."

All alone.

"Let's go in."

*The end*

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