
Chapter 164: Where was Caesar this whole time?


I sat on the chair in a room, my hand tied behind me with the chair's back and my legs to the front legs of the chair.

It's been more than a day since I was kidnapped and brought here but honestly it's not like I don't like the situation at all.

On the contrary I'm more than happy.

Why? Because of the person sitting on my lap with a bowl of food in her hand.

"Ahhh," Nora gestured to me to open my mouth so that she could feed me. I mimicked her action and opened my mouth and took a bite from the spoon.

I saw her yesterday, early in the morning, when I was coming back from the warehouse and she brought- no wait, she kidnapped me so that I won't be able to tell Arius anything.

"How long do you plan to keep me in your room?" I asked her after swallowing the food.

"Ah!" She gave me another spoonful, I ate it, "How long do you think it will take Arius to realize that Athena is his daughter."

I shrugged, "He might have recognized it immediately if it was a son but I'm not so sure since Athena is a girl." I opened my mouth by myself for another spoon.

"What's so special about a son?" She spooned the remaining rice for me and I ate it. She looked at me in anticipation while I chewed my food.

"Because," I swallowed the last bit and licked my lips, "In the Alucard blood lines, the males have features like Arius, blonde hair and honey colored eyes but females might or might not have those, it's pretty rare in them."

"Really?" She placed the bowl on the floor, "Come to think of it, Richard Alucard had blonde hair and golden eyes too." She leaned against my chest and my eyes quietly followed her movement, "Is that why he panicked at that time when Macy claimed she had his son."

I nodded, "Even though Macy's son's eyes weren't honey colored. She made him wear lens."

"Whhhhattt?" She got up and looked at me in horror, "Wow, doing that to your own baby. What a crazy bitch."

"That combination is pretty much specific to the Alucards, I've never seen anyone else with it."

"Well no doubt. Me neither."

"Nora?" She looked at me, "You do know that keeping me here won't be of any help."

She folded her arms, "I can't trust you, you might tell Arius everything."

"What can I even tell him when I myself barely know anything?"

"I want him to discover things himself. If you tell him you saw me here, he'll know Azalea's nearby too. I'll let you go when he figures out that Athena is his child."

"Hmmm." I hope that takes some time, "How about untying me? I won't leave the room."

She looked at me suspiciously, "Okay." She came and opened up the ropes that I myself could have opened pretty easily but I wanted to enjoy my time.

After all.

I looked at her.

I'm getting to see her after ages.

"Why are you acting as their cupid?" I asked her when she was done.

She's always watching out for Azalea. Silently rooting for her and helping her out.

She smirked, "If I don't, who will? She's my best friend and well, she's a mother now." Her expressions turned softer ,into a warm smile, "I was with her during her pregnancy, I know how hard it is. A female can't work in that state, So I had to be with her and help her." I sighed internally. I always wanted to know that answer. I looked at her as she stood next to the window, a gentle breeze made her hair flutter and she tucked them behind her ear.

"Your hair has grown." I whispered.

She smiled, "I thought you might like it." She looked at me for a split second then looked down, "I grew them-" She twirled a lock between her fingers, "Thinking that it might add to my appeal."

"I would like you in any appearance." I smiled, "But it suits you."

She looked away, "Thank you…" Her voice came out as a whisper.

I wonder if I don't have to wait anymore. She's back for good right?

I should ask her.

"Nora?" She looked at me but before I could ask her anything her phone started ringing and she picked it up.

A mischievous smirk appeared on her face by the time she ended the call.

"Mission accomplished!" She grinned, "Arius now knows about his daughter." Her smile faded, "You can now go back but you're not allowed to say anything about anything. I want him to look for Azalea. Put the effort he should."

I nodded and began to walk out while she walked and looked out the window.

I wonder.

Did her feelings for me fade?

Did she only solely 'kidnap' me for Azalea? I mean it doesn't make sense. Even if I saw her, she could have asked me to keep quiet about it and I wouldn't have spoken to Arius.

It's not like I knew about Athena.

I reached the door and placed my hand on the door knob, all the while my eyes were fixed on her.

It can't be right?

It can't only be me who's waited anxiously for this day.

Or was it only me?

I opened the door and walked out, descended the stairs and walked towards the main door.

Was I the only one who felt like all my broken pieces joined together when I saw her?

The state of delight my heart went in when I realized she was back.

Was it really only me?

I placed my hand on the door knob and opened the door.

"Caesar!" I flinched and turned around when I heard my name being called.

Just as I did Nora jumped towards me and I automatically caught her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and placed her lips next to mine.

There was a moment of shock but then there was relief.


It wasn't just me.

I kissed her back.

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