
Chapter 178: The wedding


The venue for the wedding was quite big, all for the reason because we had many guests along with many business partners, the board of directors from Xander corp, a lot of clansmen wanted to participate but thank God Arius cut that down because even with a fraction of them the hall was filled.

The females of Lioness and Sows all attended the event.

We were short on time, so it was a one day planned event. Where I stood on the stage first and Nora entered the hall through the main door with a straight path that led to the stage.

My suit had a shade of dark brown, a very dark shad

Nora's dress had a light tint of golden color. It was beautiful with white patches of heavy flower embroidery after equal intervals on the bottom half of the dress. The upper half had more white embroidery, it extended from her shoulders to her stomach hugging her body nicely and from her stomach the dress spread.

Her hair were gorgeously styled with a few of her locks curled and left loose in the front and some braided that started from either side of her head and reached the back where the rest of her hair were curled and and left like that.

She wore her matching long goldenish earrings and a net head veil as she walked down the aisle with a bouquet of light yellow daffodils in her hands.

The flowers represent a new beginning, the one we both were entering in.

As she stepped forward the lights dimmed, leaving only enough light to get an idea about where people and things were.

At first, it left the people confused.

Why were the lights suddenly out?

But then Nora's dress glowed. The bottom half of her dress had led lights that glowed in the dark, giving an impression of yellow stars. With the contrast of white around it gave a beautiful warm impression, like a cozy peaceful day.

As she reached the stage, the flowers were taken by one of the females from Lioness and I helped Nora get on the stage.

The lights of the hall were turned on and the ones on Nora's dress turned off.

We exchanged our wedding Vows there, exchanged our rings and then a kiss of eternal promise.

All the people there cheered.

It was indeed a blessed day. A day where nothing was wrong, there were no worries and where soul mates were promised to each other.

Arius as my best man went ahead and gave a short speech.

As he stood on the dice he wasn't sure what to say but after pondering on it for a few moments he spoke.

"Caesar and I have known each other the longest, we've always been there for each other. When the things were at best or when they were at their worst." He looked at me while Nora and I sat on the sofa on the stage, "He's the best friend I've ever had and although it's a bit sad that you'll be leaving soon, I wish you all the happiness." He brought his champagne up and cheered.

I returned the gesture.



The arrangements for the wedding had been done nicely even though we didn't have a lot of time to prepare.

All the people I wanted to attend were there along with Lexus and his wife Rosalie. Eli, his wife and his daughter Summer. The mayor of Lorelai and his daughters were there as well but most importantly. Liliana and Zara were there as well in the front row with Athena in her blue dress sitting on Liliana's lap.

After Caesar's and Nora's Vows I gave the short speech and then walked to the stage where I had to exchange my wedding vows.

The stage where Nora and Caesar sat was separated by a few meters.

I wore a Navy blue suit while Azalea, who just entered the hall wore a dress similar to Nora's except that it was silverish blue in color with white embroidery and the top of her dress started from her chest with a U-shaped pattern with off the shoulder white embroidered sleeves.

She wore long white earrings with her hair styled in a wavy bun and some of her locks waved and left loose in the front.

She looked stunning. So much that my heart pounded.

Her bridal veil matched her dress color and she walked down the aisle with a bouquet of daisies. The flowers that symbolized a fresh start.

With all we've been through.

This was going to be the day we were making a new start after putting everything behind us. The only thing we were going to focus on was our family and clan.

The lights dimmed again when she started walking but this time the people anticipated the surprise.

Azalea's bottom half of the dress glowed bluish white. It gave out a sense of coolness and looked like an evening sky with the stars already visible.

As she reached the stage the lights were turned back on and the lights on her dress turned off. The bouquet was handed over and we exchanged our wedding vows, rings and kiss of commitment.

"Mama!" Athena called out to her mother after waiting patiently through the ceremony. Azalea looked at her and then at me.

"I'll get her." I walked over to Liliana and took Athena in my arms, then we made our way to other stage to where Caesar and Nora were and sat down with them.

After a little while Caesar stood up and went to the dice to give his speech.

Unlike me, he didn't need to think over things. He started immediately.

"I'm going to keep it short as well. I just want to say that I was blessed to have a friend like Arius in my life. He saved my life and has been a family to me for years. Now he has his own family and I wish him happiness in all the years that come to him."

He toasted his champagne for me and I returned the gesture.

Then everyone in the hall replied to the toast and drank.

It was an open buffet which was opened immediately after for anyone who wanted to eat.

We had a photo shoot because the ladies absolutely, under no condition wanted to not have it.

So we have a family photo taken with all five of us. Then with me Azalea and Athena and then Caesar and Nora.

After a few pictures we went to greet the guests.

Azalea went to meet Rosalie along with Nora and I went over to Lex and Eli.

Caesar went to talk with the members and the underworld partners, lucky for him he didn't have so many people to meet unlike me who also had to greet the board of directors and their families too.

But in the end, it was a good day.

A day marked in the history of our lives.

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