
Chapter 49: Forty nine




And scared.

I paced in the corridor not sure what to do. I couldn't think straight and my heart was pounding in my chest.

I felt that my throat was dry while I myself was drenched, her blood still on me.

Time and again I looked at the red emergency sign and the closed emergency door. Each second felt like an hour.

Suddenly the door opened and a nurse came running to me.

"Can you arrange blood for her?"


"She's O- and we're out of O- blood bags if you can you better hurry. She's in a critical state."

She then ran past me to the counter to ask if any more blood could be arranged.

Who? Do I know anyone with O- blood? Who do I ask? I bit my lower lip in frustration.

First I'll call my secretary and ask her to inform the whole company and further.


I gulped trying to lubricate my dry throat, someone will show up.

I called her and told her about the situation. After hanging up, I looked at the red emergency sign again. What else? Is there something else I can do?


With my head low I sat on the hospital bench. I lost my faith in God when I was young. I never believed He existed.


God, if you're there please, please save her. It's barely been a few months since I got her back. I can't lose her now, not like this.

I'll be a better person, if this is my punishment, I'll be a better person.

So please...

I'll even tell her how we met.

I'll tell her about her parents.

I'll tell her about her grandma.

I'll listen to her and I'll even talk to my family.

Just please.



Save her.

I had my hands clasped next to my head as I prayed.

"Lexus?" I heard a familiar voice and I raised my head to see Eli walking towards me, "Hey, why are you-" He noticed the blood, "Are you okay?"


I stood up.

That's right. Eli!

Eli is an O-

"Eli…" He was standing at a distance probably thinking that getting close to me isn't a good idea but I closed that distance.

I was desperate, "Eli, I need a favor."

He raised his brows in shock, "F-favor?"

"Please, just this once."


I waited on the bench while Eli finished giving blood. He stepped out and smiled at me.

"Don't worry. I've given as much blood as I possibly can and I asked a friend of mine as well." He walked towards me and hesitantly placed his hand on my shoulder, he didn't say any encouraging words, probably because he wasn't sure himself. As a doctor, he must have his doubts. But still I appreciated it, he didn't give any false hope.

I looked up at him and nodded weakly.

Eli smiled wryly and walked away and I slumped back on the bench.


Some nurses ran past me with blood bags in their hands. It was a bit reassuring to see but then one ran back out and got a defibrillator, her expressions were tense as she ran back in.

I wanted to but I was too scared to ask why she got that. I felt so powerless and empty but even more anxious after that. I wanted to do something but at the same time my mind was completely blank.

I don't know for how much time I sat in the white empty corridor, staring down at the white hospital tiles. The clicking of heels caught my attention. Someone was running towards me.

I looked up and saw my mother, she ran to my side and I turned my head in tune with her movements as she sat down next to me.

She was hesitant, with her words and movement, clearly, she didn't know what to do with me and yet she was here.

"Would it be wrong of me." I whispered and she directed all her focus on me and paused to listen. I was trying to move my lips, but no words really came out. I tried again but the same result. I didn't even know what was wrong with me. I finally noticed that I was trembling a bit. It was really light but it was there, was it because of the rain? It was really cold now too.

I closed my mouth but mother didn't move or say anything. So I tried again, "Would it be wrong of me," I managed to whisper again, a tear slipped out, it felt quite warm against my cold cheek, "If I asked you to comfort me?" My voice was barely even a whisper this time as another tear rolled down.

"No…" She shook her head lightly and spread out her arms, "No.." Her breathing was ragged as was mine.

I slowly laid my head in her embrace.

An odd sense of security and comfort started to fill in. Her frame was thin and small compared to me yet I felt like it contained the whole world's worth of warmth and comfort.

"Hush, It's going to be okay." She gently ran her fingers through my hair, "She's going to be fine." She whispered comforting words as she constantly caressed my hair, her voice felt reassuring and I didn't realize when I felt assured enough that I fell asleep.


"Lexus." I opened my eyes when my mom called my name. Upon opening my eyes, the first thing I saw was the doctor and nurses come off the emergency room.

I stood up immediately as they approached.

The doctor stepped forward.

"She- ah- She went into cardiac arrest during the surgery."

"A-and?" I looked at him desperately.

"We managed to get her back and the surgery was successful. But She hasn't woken up and frankly speaking I don't know when she will."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Let's pray." He patted my shoulder, "Hopefully, she'll wake up soon. We'll transfer her to her room now."



I sat in the meeting room while someone was presenting, I really didn't know what to do so I ended up here but my mind is still stuck there. She still hasn't woken up.

Her wound is healing, they've given her all the blood to fill up the deficiency but she still hasn't woken up.

I sighed.

Rosalie. Please. Please wake up. I have so much I'm ready to tell you.

There's something important I want to give to you and something very important I have to say. I realized I never said it. I'm sorry about that. But just once. Wake up and I'll make up for everything.

"Lexus." I heard someone call me and I finally came back to my senses. The room was empty. I didn't even realize when they all left. I looked up to my left where my mother stood. "You should leave. Take a few days off. I'll handle everything here."

I looked down in defeat, "Sorry."

She hugged me while bending a little, "It's okay. It's okay my son." I wrapped my arms around her still seated.


As I finished arranging a file I got a call. It was from the hospital. I picked it up.


"Mr. Xander, Miss Rosalie has woken up."


I entered her VIP room, she was staring out the window.

"Rosalie." I whispered her name, she perked up as she heard my voice and turned her head towards me.


I sat down on the cushion stool beside her bed.

"How do you feel?"

"A lot better. Maybe because I was actually asleep for days and the injury healed up a lot in the meantime, I don't feel any sort of pain or discomfort."

"That's good." I nodded. "I guess it was good you weren't conscious through it."

"I must have worried you a lot."

I shook my head, "It doesn't matter." I looked down at the file in my hand.


"Would you like to know about your birth parents?"

"My… Birth parents?" I handed her the file.

"Open it." She did as I told her and looked at the picture of a young woman, "You have her eyes." I looked at her and she looked back confused, I smiled, "She's your mother Camilla Garcia."

"My… Mother?"

I nodded and turned the page for her, on the next page was a picture of a man, his hair red and eyes green, "That's your father. Ray Garcia."

She kept staring at his picture as I continued.

"Ray was a half, between a purely American and Latina. That's why he looks so different." She didn't say anything.

"Rosalie." I took a few breaths, "Your parents didn't abandon. Just some unfortunate events took them away."

She finally looked at me, "When Camila was eight months pregnant with you Ray died in a bad car accident." I waited for her response but got none so I continued, "It had a lot of effect on Camila, she had always been weak and the pregnancy was having a toll on her body yet she gave birth to you."

"And died during it?" She looked back at the file and flipped back to Camilla's picture and biography.

"No. She died due to a heart attack when she was taking you back home from the hospital."

"I see…"

It's time.

"Your mother didn't abandon you. She loved you very dearly. So dearly that even when she was dying she kept you close to her body." She looked at me, "Probably to keep you warm since it was snowing."

She furrowed her brows at me, "It was difficult to take you out of her embrace. Her body had gone stiff and She held you so tightly, I was scared."

"What…?" She was having trouble understanding what I was saying.

"You were so small. So tiny. I didn't know how I was going to pick you up. I was afraid. So very afraid."

"Lexus... What are you-?"

I smiled at her.

"27th December. The day I found you."

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