
Chapter 54: fifty four

Days later, when I was leaving for school, mom came running to me, "Lexus!" She yelled and I turned around, "Did your dad do this?" Looking down at her hands I noticed she was holding the burnt shirt.

I should have thrown it away...

"Yes." I answered and she panicked, grabbing my arms she turned me around and lifted my shirt, then gasped.

"My God..." She stumbled back, "Lexus. Why didn't you tell me?"

I readjusted my shirt back, "No reason really."

"We could have gotten that treated..."

"That would cost too much, treatments are expensive mom, just leave it be."


"I'm leaving now, I'll be late otherwise." I began moving then paused and glanced back, "And- ah, I'll be spending time over at a friend's more. I'll come back home, time to time."

"Okay... You want me to tell your father?"

I nodded. She looked at me a bit weirdly, there was something in her eyes but I couldn't put my finger on it.

But I didn't bother with it much, all I needed was to get away from here and spend more time at Grandma's.

Just a few days later I came home to spend the night, to show my face to my mom. In the morning I left after bidding her farewell, I had a half day at school that day due to some staff meetings and decided to go home to get some change of clothes before I went to grandma's.

When I arrived at home, no one was there. I went to my room, put some clothes in my bag and was about to head out when I felt really hungry.

Maybe it was because I hadn't eaten anything all day I was famished. Making my way to the kitchen I spotted the stew on the stove. It was still hot.

I took a bowl and sat down to eat, it was good and I finished it pretty fast, washed the bowl, took my stuff and jogged all the way to grandma's.

Rosalie was sitting there on the stairs waiting for me, I promised I would take her to the park.

I felt a bit dizzy then, maybe because of the jogging?

"Rosalie!" I called her name and she looked up at me, excited, she jumped and stood up, I opened my arms for her and crouched down on one knee. She started running then stopped and began staring at me oddly, "What's wrong?"

"Your nose is bleeding."

"My nose?" I felt something trickle down slowly, swiping my finger across my philtrum I noticed that there really was blood there, "Oh..." I then tried standing up straight, but the world spun around me and I fell to the ground.


When I opened my eyes I saw some drip attached to my arm, I looked around the white room, the curtains were drawn on both sides so there wasn't much to see, at last my gaze landed on the little figure lying by my side.

Amongst all the pain, I smiled as I saw Rosalie asleep beside me, holding my thumb as breathed lightly in her sleep. I didn't have much energy and I too drifted into sleep.

The next time I woke up I felt a lot better. The drip that was attached to me was gone and I sat up trying to clear my head. After focusing a little I heard some voices.

"Mom...?" My throat was really dry and my voice cracked.

Footsteps came running towards me, mom pulled aside the curtains and looked at me, "Lexus!" She ran to me, "My baby." She kissed my forehead. Then she looked back at the doctor, "When can I take him home?"

"Tomorrow." He said and then looked at me, "You're lucky buddy, you were out for three days, you survived the poison and your dad's in jail for the deed." He looked at mom, "You should have reported him way before ma'am."

"Yes..." I saw the dark circles under her eyes.

The doctor didn't say anything after that and left, mom didn't look at me for a while, just held my hands in hers as I tried to process the words of the doctor.

So basically, I was poisoned. And, dad poisoned me?

No matter how I thought about it, It didn't make sense. There was only one way I could have been poisoned.

Through food.

And the only food I had was made by mom, I saw her making something when I left home and there was no sign of dad coming home at all.

That means,

"Lexus-" She started.

"You wanted to kill me?" I cut her words and pulled my hands away, "You poisoned me and blamed it on dad, Congrats mom, he's finally out of your life. Too bad I'm still here huh?"

"No Lexus!" She held my shoulders, "No! It wasn't for you!"

I didn't know what to believe, So I chose to remain quiet. And maybe it was her guilt as well, since she too didn't speak after that.


Days were peaceful after that. Things got so much better that it was sort of unbelievable. Rosalie started acting more spoilt because she thought I was going to leave her and go somewhere far away. It was very hard to go to school even.

I spent most of my days with them, but went home sometimes to show my mother I was still there.

I wasn't sure about the poison thing but well I couldn't really leave her, because in the end, she was my only mother. My only blood family.


I was working on my assignment in the lounge when Rosalie came running to me, a page in her one hand and a crayon in the other one.

"Lex~" She had been drawing something for a while now and I guess she completed it. "Look!" She showed me her drawing, a drawing of a doll?

"This is you. You're a girl." She said.

I took the drawing from her.

"I'm a girl?"

She giggled, "Yes!"

"Nooo! My whole life has been a lie!"

She laughed even more.

"It's a gift." She said after a while.

I smiled, "I'll treasure it forever."


A few days after I turned fifteen. An unexpected guest came to visit grandma.

Her one and only daughter, Lizolett and her son Alios. She had run away after her husband was killed while trying to steal and outwit a lone shark.

Lizolett wasn't a bad person, she just happened to make wrong decisions.

As Alios and Rosalie played outside, I, Lizzie and grandma talked in the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry mom, I should have listened to you when you told me not to go with him." Lizzie was utterly distressed.

Grandma hugged her, "It's okay now. What matters is that you're okay and that you're back safe and sound." She consoled her, like one would console a child. Well, I guess, a mother is a mother. It made me wonder so many things about my own mother.

I had come to know she was seeing someone. She seemed happier, a lot more livelier. And I thought maybe that was enough, maybe, we didn't need to sort things out, that maybe, with time, everything will be alright.

Grandma's house became livelier as well with the arrival of another kid. Rosalie and Alios got along great, it was good since now I could focus more on studies, high school demanded more attention and was an important part for my future.

Along the way I noticed something about the Alios. He was far smarter than any kid his age, he was gifted. Still he tried his best to act his age and I was glad he did.


Like everything else, peaceful days don't last very long. I was sixteen when I faced the worst possible scenario in my life.

It seemed like a normal day, nothing out of the ordinary, as I made my way home from school. Upon reaching the place I noticed the front door was already open, but I didn't stop to wonder why and just went in. Just as I did a vase flying from my left side and crashed on the wall on the right and broke, some of the shards cutting my skin lighting.

"You're back." I froze as I heard the voice, after all there was no way I would forget.

I turned my head and saw my biological father. A gun in his hands, with some blood on his knuckles, clearly not his.

My gaze travelled to the figure crouched on the floor, she raised her head to look at me from behind her messed up hair.

Mom's mouth was bleeding but of course why would father be satisfied with just that?

He smiled at me and pointed the gun at her.

"What will you do now?"

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